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1、应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀 如何取得雅思口语考官的认同是拿到雅思口语高分的要点。下面就和大家分享应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀答雅思考官问窍门一:凡事尽量说好的一面在回答问题时应表现正面的态度。考生通常都应该诚实地回答所有问题,但有一些问题,回答的时候还是应该保持比较正面,尽量说好的一面。例如问你对自己家乡的印象,就算你真的认为非常不堪,也不应说出口。一句话,不要complain。答雅思考官问窍门二:答案须清晰而详细千万不要刻意用一些深奥或复杂的字来解释事情。不要以为这样可以加深考官的印象,一个简洁明了的答案绝对比一个复杂难懂的答案好。但


3、像在边想边说,同时也可以询问一两句考官的想法。另外,在交谈过程中,考生也会被问到自己不熟悉的话题。有些考生过于紧张,会出现冷场现象,这时千万不要沉默,没反应,或苦思冥想。这样不仅没有解决问题,反而给考官留下一种不会表达自己的印象。考生应尽量控制谈话,试着改变题目;对比较难回答的问题,尽量偏离它。答雅思考官问窍门四:熟用下列表达方式Good morning. Good afternoon. Im very well. Thank you. Pleased to meet you. I beg your pardon. What exactly would you like to know? Pe

4、rhaps I can begin by telling you about Recently, Ive been studying at Recently, Ive been working at Ive been studying English for (1 year). The reason Im taking the test is because Would you like to know about ? Before that I studied at Before that I worded at At the moment Im studying at At the mom

5、ent Im working at Have I answered your question? Is there anything else you wish to know?雅思口语part2范文:旅行伴侣主题:蜜月旅行雅思口语part 2范文内容:我和我老婆一同蜜月旅行的经历,她是这种类型的人,要么不做,要么做大。这10天的假期对我来说是超现实的,但对她来说,这就像一条鱼回到水里的旅程。Well, I am going to talk about my wife, who i look forward to beginning a new adventure with.Her name

6、is X.X.X and we got married one year ago. She works in a hospital specialised for foreigners and, thus she can speak English with ease to those folks without feeling awkwardness or cringiness.She loves foreign films and literature to the extent that I sometimes call her a name-dropper of some top fi

7、gures that I never heard of. And then she will call me an illiterate in return.Life is busy and usually we dont have a mutual slot of time off to travel and also essentially we are not some travel buffs we would like to be. So that is why our honeymoon travel to Morocco is so special and an eye-open

8、ing experience. Thats our first real travel together and then its North Africa 5000 miles away. So guess she is this type of person who either wont do it or do it big. That 10 days vacation is surreal for me but for her it is just like a fish-return-to-the-water journey.As you maybe know, ordinary M

9、orocco people speak Arabic and French, but she really enjoy herself there, bargaining with the hawkers for some beautiful handworks with limited words and bountiful body languages. Usually I am a pious observer of the war of tug and enjoy every bit of my wifes languages, expressions, and gestures. S

10、o if you ask me why I want to travel with my wife, especially the international one, I can tell you because she can blend fast into the unfamiliar world turning herself into a semi-local with curiosity and open-mindedness. Many Chinese travel reviews say the Moroccan food is boring ,untidy and taste

11、less, and it is Tajin, Tajin and Tajin everywhere. but following my wife, I ate Tajin food nearly every day, most importantly with delight, since it really soared beyond our expectations. She talked to people from USA, Europe, Austrialia, and east Africa, danced with them, and had dinner with them.

12、Oh gush, how I hope I can open myself as she does.雅思口语考试状况应对之换一种方式重述换一种方式重述有时候你把能说的观点都阐述完了但发现还没到时间,这时可以换一种方式进行重述:1. In other words, I am换一种方法来说,我.2. And that means这说明.3. Let me put it another way,让我用另一种方法来说吧.4. What Im suggesting is我想说明的是.5. All Im trying to say is我在试着说明的是.6. What Im getting at is我想

13、要讲的观点是.7. If I can rephrase that如果我可以换一种说法的话.8. Perhaps I should make that clearer by saying也许我可以通过说明.来使(我的观点)更清楚9. Perhaps it would be more accurate to say也许这样说会更准确.10. The point Im making is that我想要阐述的观点是.补充内容回答完毕,询问考官是否还需补充其它信息:1. Have I given you enough information?我给你足够的信息了吗?2. Would you like m

14、e to tell you more about?你想要我告诉你更多关于.吗?3. Is that all youd like to know?这些是你想要知道的全部吗?回答完毕,考生认为已经无话可说了:1. Im afraid thats about as much as I know.我恐怕这些就是我知道的全部了。2. I think thats all.我觉得我说完了。3. I cant think of anything else right now我想不出新的东西了。4. Is there anything else you wish to know?你还想知道什么吗。应对雅思口语考官有什么秘诀


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