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1、托福口语机经怎么用更高效 大部分托福考生在考试前都会选择使用托福机经备考,而使用机经备考最高效的部分应该是口语和写作两个板块。下面就和大家分享托福口语机经怎么用更高效,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福口语机经怎么用更高效?一.托福口语机经的使用技巧1.备考时选择相应机经先来测试自己的口语水平,然后再根据自己的水平,制定口语备考计划。关注最新机经预测的发布,托福考试前一般会出大范围和小范围的机经,根据自己的时间和计划选用合适的机经备考。托福口语出题是有一定的规律的,比如新题之间一般间隔2-6次考试;如果大陆周六周日都有托福考试,周六的考试有可能为新题;如果北美和大陆在同一天有考试的,大陆几

2、乎必为新题,北美转播当天大陆新题并且新题不会连续两次考试出现。2.高效利用口语机经托福口语考试主要分为独立口语和综合口语两部分,口语机经也需要从这两个方面来学习。a. 独立口语部分托福独立口语机经会针对每个时期的考题给出题目及答案。使用独立口语机经的时,应该认真读题,找到题眼,模拟答题。答题完成,将自己的答案和机经中的答案对比,修改以后反复朗读,然后卡时间复述直到流利复述。b. 托福综合口语部分此时重点要放在熟悉答题的结构和关键词汇中。因为托福综合口语机经部分包含听力,题目准确性可能不那么高。使用综合口语部分的机经时,着重练习记笔记的技能,熟悉每个题目中记笔记的流程,然后自己整理出答题模板。但

3、是答题模板一定要灵活应用。二.不能完全依赖口语机经有个老师打了一个很经典的比喻,将机经比作“情报”,将自己的实力比作“战斗力”。所以情报的准确与否是有很大帮助的,但是如果自身“战斗力”太差,即便情报非常准确,那也只能是败亡的结果。所以,同学们一定不能过分依赖口语机经预测,提高自身实力才是最为基础和关键的。口语机经预测充其量只是提供了辅助作用。托福口语话题科技素材Some people believe that modern technology has made our lives simpler. Others believethat modern technology has made o

4、ur lives more complicated. What is your opinion?让我们首先一起来阅读这篇On science and good life.既可以积累素材,也可以激发灵感:There is probably no limit to what science can do in the way of increasing positive excellence. Health has already been greatly improved; in spite of the lamentations of those who idealize the past,

5、we live longer and have fewer illnesses than any class or nation in the eighteenth century. With a little more application of the knowledge we already possess, we might be much healthier than we are. And future discoveries are likely to accelerate this process enormously.科学在增加美好的积极因素方面所能做的事情,很可能是没有止

6、境的。卫生条件已经得到极大的改善;不管那些怀旧者如何哀叹,与十八世纪任何阶级和民族相比,我们毕竟延长了寿命并减少了疾病。只要把我们已有的知识稍加广泛地应用,我们就会比现在更加健康。未来的发现很可能会极大地加快这方面的进程。So far, it has been physical science that has had most effect upon our lives, but in the future physiology and psychology are likely to be far more potent. When we have discovered how chara

7、cter depends upon physiological conditions, we shall be able, if we choose, to produce far more of the type of human beings that we admire. Intelligence, artistic capacity, benevolenceall these things no doubt could be increased by science. There seems scarcely any limit to what could be done in the

8、 way of producing a good world, if only men would use science wisely.迄今为止,对我们生活影响最大的当数自然科学,但是在将来,生理学和心理学的影响很可能远在它之上。当我们发现了性格如何依赖于生理条件时,只要我们愿意,我们就能产生出大量我们所称羡的那种人。智力,艺术能力,仁慈-所有这些东西无疑可因科学而增加。只要人们明智地利用科学,在创造美好世界方面所能做的事情,几乎是没有止境的。There is a certain attitude about the application of science to human life

9、with which I have some sympathy, though I do not, in the last analysis, agree with it. It is the attitude of those who dread what is unnatural. Rousseau is, of course, the great protagonist of the view in Europe. In Asia, Lao-Tze has set it forth even more persuasively, and 2400 years sooner. I thin

10、k there is a mixture of truth and falsehood in the admiration of nature, which it is important to disentangle. To begin with, what is natural? Roughly speaking, anything to which the speaker was accustomed in childhood. Lao-Tze objects to roads and carriages and boats, all of which were probably unk

11、nown in the village where he was born关于科学应用到人生这个问题,存在着一种观点,对这种观点,我有些同感,但是最后分析起来,我是不能同意的。 它是那些害怕不自然的东西的人所持有的观点。当然,卢梭是欧洲这一观点的伟大创始人。在亚洲,老子对这一观点的阐述,更是动人心弦,而且要早两千四百年。我认为,他们对于自然的赞美,不过是真理与谬误的混合物,而理清这一问题是很重要的。首先要问,什么东西是自然的?泛泛说来,是说话者幼年时所习惯的东西。老子反对车道和舟车,这恐怕是他所出生的那个村子不知车道和舟车为何物的缘故。Rousseau has got used to thes

12、e things, and does not regard them as against nature. But he would no doubt have thundered against railways if he had lived to see them. Clothes and cooking are too ancient to be denounced by most of the apostles of nature, though they all object to new fashions in either. Birth control is thought w

13、icked by people who tolerate celibacy, because the former is a new violation of nature and the latter an ancient one. In these ways those who preach nature are inconsistent, and one is tempted to regard them as mere conservatives.卢梭对这些东西习以为常,所以并不认为它们是违反自然的。但是,假如他在有生之年看见铁路,他无疑会大加指责。服装和烹饪由来已久,大多数提倡自然的

14、人都不提出异议,虽然它们一致反对花样翻新。节育被当成犯罪,而独身则被宽容,因为前者是违反自然的新事物,而后者则古已有之。在所有这些方面,那些提倡自然的人都是自相矛盾的,这只能使人把它们看成是守旧之士。Nevertheless, there is something to be said in their favor. Take for instance vitamins, the discovery of which has produced a revulsion in favor of natural foods. It seems, however, that vitamins can

15、be supplied by cod-liver oil and electric light, which are certainly not part of the natural diet of a human being. This case illustrates that, in the absence of knowledge, unexpected harm may be done by a new departure from nature, but when the harm has come to be understood it can usually be remed

16、ied by some new artificiality. As regards our physical environment and our physical means of gratifying our desires, I do not think the doctrine of nature justifies anything beyond a certain experimental caution in the adoption of new expedients. Clothes, for instance, are contrary to nature, and ne

17、ed to be supplemented by another unnatural practice, namely washing, if they are not to bring disease. But the two practices together make a man healthier than the savage who eschews both.然而,他们并非一无是处。例如,维生素的发现使人们复而赞成自然的食物。不过,维生素似乎也可由鱼肝油和电光提供,此二者无疑不是人类自然的食物。这个例子表明,如果缺少知识,一种违反自然的新做法也许会带来意想不到的危害,但是当那危害

18、被认识到时,往往可以用某种新的人造物去补救。就我们的自然环境和满足我们欲望的物质手段而言,我认为,有关自然的这套理论,除了证明在采取某种新的做法时应谨慎外,并不能证明别的什么。例如,衣服是违反自然的,如果不想让衣服引起疾病,就需要增加另一种不自然的行为,即洗涤。但是,穿衣与洗涤加在一起却可使人比与此二者无缘的野蛮人要健康。托福口语话题电影素材及范文思路展开电影类型Types of movies:惊悚片:thriller悬疑片:suspense喜剧: comedy动作片: action纪录片: documentary科幻片: science fiction爱情片: romance动画片:anim

19、ation恐怖片:horror启发性的:enlightening; 有教育意义: educational;学到很多:learn lots of important lessons:跟恶势力斗争:fight against the evil弘扬正义: uphold justice珍惜友情:cherish friendship,朋友是生活的一部分:friends are big part of our lives;段子:Ive always felt that true friendship is very important. The old saying, A friend in need i

20、s a friend indeed, goes a long way. True friends will always be there for you, and you can always count on them.同情别人:should be compassionate about others;遇到挫折:had many setback and faced a lot of barriers in our life永不放弃:never give up, be motivated to achieve our goals;hold fast to our dreamsDescribe

21、 your favorite movie.Personally, I would like to talk about the movie Harry Potter. It is based on the international best seller Harry Potter, and it is authored by J.K. Rollin, a British novelist. The storyline is very interesting. The main character Harry Potter was determined to learn the magic and he had many setback and faced a lot of barriers in this process. However, he never gave up and was motivated to spread justice and at the same time fight against the evil. Another important lesson that I learned is that we should value friendship, cherish our loved ones.


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