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1、托福口语时间把握很重要 考过托福的同学可能都有体会,托福口语把握时间非常重要,也是决定是否能在口语考试能拿高分的关键因素。下面就和大家分享托福口语时间把握很重要,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。高分攻略 托福口语时间把握很重要一. 备考充分,临考不慌准备充分,口语练习到位,打好基础。这样才能在考前不会那么慌张,建议大家在考前多做练习,卡着时间点,练习自己的反应能力和逻辑思维能力。二. 反应迅速,沉着应对大家知道,口语考试中给考生准备和构思的时间非常短,所以一定要反应快,快速理解题意,快速构思出答案逻辑和框架,然后再准备时间结束后,不要慌张抢答,保持平稳语速,保证发音清晰流畅。三. 时间分配一

2、般情况下,第1、2中的题目属于日常话题,题目难度不大,所以特别需要注意时间的把握,45秒里,用56秒完成topic sentence, 然后剩余40秒以每一个detail或example不超34句话的规律完成。如果考生能在考前进行充分的准备,锻炼自己的口语思维,积累常用的details或examples,考试时就会从容许多。5、6道以听力材料为基础,考生要回答相关问题。需要注意的是,前两道题的准备时间为15秒,回答时间是45秒;3、4题的准备时间是30秒,回答时间则是60秒;最后两道题目的准备时间是20秒,回答时间为60秒。所以托福口语中一定要把握好时间。托福口语话题素材整理:Place1.

3、Places of Interest/Attractions= Description:If Id had a chance to visit a place Ive never been to, I would like to go to Imperial Palace, which is also called Forbidden City in Beijing, the capital of China.In the heart of Beijing, it is the largest and most complete imperial palace and ancient buil

4、ding complex in China, and the world at large. Its construction began in 1406 and was completed 14 years later, having a history so far of some 580 years. Twenty-fouremperors from the Ming and Qing (1644-1911) dynasties lived and ruled China from there. Most of the buildings in the Forbidden City we

5、re rebuilt many times, although they maintained the original architectural style.The reasons why I love there so much are based on the following aspects.First of all, the ancient buildings record the history path to tell us the legends of our ancestors, especially good for our young people to get fa

6、miliar with our past. Furthermore, they are the symbols of Chinese traditional and rich culture.Last, they are standing there to make us understand our past; When we are facing the past, what we must do is to absorb the essence and discard the dregs.2. Restaurants and Caf:If I had to say what featur

7、es of restaurant and caf I cared most, I would consider them from the following three angles.First of all, the food there must be very delicious and nutritious. I like something pretty from appearance and tasty from inside. It is better to taste it like my moms cuisine because it makes me feel I am

8、the happiest in the world. Like hotpot. I feel good when I 6am having it.Second, the service there must be very considerate, which means, the waiters and waitresses there must be very nice and patient.Last, the atmosphere there must be very comfortable. Like the sofa there makes me feel at home and

9、I can sit there for a whole day without tiredness. There better has some light music and quiet surroundings because I usually want to have a nice conversation with my friends.Those aspects Ive mentioned above are the standards I care when I choose to go to a restaurant.3. Favorite Room=description:M

10、y favorite room is my living room. Its rectangular with the door on the left side of the south wall. In the wall opposite the door is a picture window. Below the window is a sofa. A rectangular coffee table is in front of sofa. Facing the sofa are two armchairs. Anabstract painting is on the west wa

11、ll. This bright and uncluttered room is my best place to hide from outside world to make me relax, think freely, and live comfortably.托福口语T4的诀窍在哪里?已经出分的宝宝肯定已经准备好了自己的旅行计划和观赛时间表。那还没有出分的童鞋就要加倍努力,才能攻克托福难关咯。今天,留学君就请到托福口语老师孙侃,来为大家解答口语独立题的那些困惑。对于考过多次托福的你,每每瞄到成绩单上口语独立题limited, 学术题limited,心情依然是百味杂陈。要拿到更好的分数,

12、还是要重新收拾心情,提升基本功,梳理做题的要点和技巧。针对独立题和校园题,口语组的其他老师已经给出了不少的独到的见解了。今天由我来给大家讲讲学术题不能不谈的一些东西。以T4为例,要答好T4, 以下这几方面是基本的做题步骤。首先阅读要精准的定位到含义句,并能够在规定时间内把含义句记录在稿纸上,听力要在听懂的基础上把一些重要的关键词记录下来,同时要关注到听力lecture的时态,准备时要尽量快的在30秒内把阅读和听力的关键点在脑子里过一遍,接着是60秒的表达时间。好,那今天我们要讲解的重点就是T4听力步骤时要注意的一些细节。一般我们在做T4听力时要带着三个问题:一、几个例子;二、什么时态;三、什么


14、,意思可能就相差十万八千里。所以我们在做T4(以及T6)的听力时,也要对时态给出更多的关注。过去时是非常容易被我们忽略的一种时态,这里介绍一个三步走的方法。我们在做T4(T6)听力时,首先要敏感的听懂过去时,其次要把动词的过去时时态写对,如gruaded(graduated), felt, did, went, thought(thought), thkd(thanked)等, 你在稿纸上记下来动词的过去时形态,第三步才能在60秒钟说对过去时!在准备时间30秒内,我们尽量可以凭着记忆的余温把一些先前做听力时未记的一些动词(及过去时用词ed)补充完整,然后在脑子里(或口中念念有词的)把稿纸上的内容用英文尽量多的过一遍,这样60秒表达时可以做到游刃有余!


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