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1、托福听力怎样应对复杂的句子 要说托福听力听起来哪里比较难,那就要数长难句了,下面就和大家分享托福听力怎样应对复杂的句子,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力怎样应对复杂的句子第一阶段:听抄至少5篇托福听力材料。一句一句地听,把句子完整地写下来。不会拼写的写下大致的拼法就行。一句话最多放音不超过三遍,即使没有写下来,也不要再回头去听。这个阶段练的是对细节的把握。之所以说3遍之后不要再听,是因为:1、有些句子可能从句多,比较长,难以一次记录2、3遍以后对细节应该了解了,目的也就达到了3、这种情况一般只出现在头两三篇练习,进行到后面会慢慢好转的第二阶段:听大意至少五篇。以两至三句句子为一个单位

2、,一个单位一听。然后写下这两、三句话的大意。不需要再像第一阶段一样写下每个单词。这个阶段托福听力学习的是概括能力。托福长段子的长度决定了它的题目数量,一般来说45题配上这点长度(200个词左右),每23句话必出一道题才能出够题目数量。第三阶段:托福听力听全文至少5篇。听好之后总结下*的key point。然后看自己听到的与问题所涉及到的句子是否一致。一致就说明你听到点子上了。那么其他的话就算有没听懂的也无所谓了。这个阶段练习你对主旨题的把握,以及对重要句子的敏感度。说明:1、这个过程是循序渐进的,而且每个阶段的重点不同。所以不要跳掉任何一个阶段或者颠倒阶段次序。2、每个阶段5篇是个基数,大家觉

3、得不够可以酌情增加。3、合理安排、认真练习的话,两周就可以把托福听力段子题的错误控制在两个左右通过上面的介绍相信大家对于托福听力学习如何应对长难句有一定想法了吧!托福听力材料中这些虽然有障碍,但并不是不可跨越,相信大家的托福听力一定能取得进步。托福听力练习对照文本To us, the environment in which fish dwell often seems cold, dark, and mysterious.对我们来说,鱼类居住的环境通常显得冰冷,黑暗,而且神秘。But there are advantages to living in water, and they have

4、 played an important role in making fish what they are.但是生活在水中是有些优势的,并且他们(这些优势)扮演了一个重要的角色,使鱼之所以是鱼。One is that water isnt subject to sudden temperature changes.其一是水不会受制于温度的突变。Therefore it makes an excellent habitat for a cold-blooded animal.因此对于冷血动物来说它制造了一个优秀的生活环境。Another advantage is the waters abil

5、ity to easily support body weight.另一个优势是水有轻易的支撑身体重量的能力Protoplasm has approximately the same density as water, so a fish in water is almost weightless.细胞质同水有着大致相同的密度,因此一条鱼在水中几乎是无重量的。This weightlessness in turn means two things: One, a fish can get along with a light weight and simple bone structure,

6、and two, limitations to a fishs size are practically removed.这个“没有重量”依次意味着两件事:一,一条鱼可以同一个轻的体重以及简单的骨骼结构相处的很好,还有二,对一条鱼的大小限制几乎移除了。Yet there is one basic difficulty to living in waterthe fact that its incompressible.但是在水中生活还有一个基本的困难它不能压缩的事实。For a fish to move through water, it must actually shove it asid

7、e. Most can do this by wiggling back and forth in snakelike motion.对于要穿过水中的一条鱼,实际上它必须从它的侧面推动。大多数做到这点是通过蛇一样的动作来回摆动。The fish pushes water aside by the forward motion of its head, and with the curve of its body and its flexible tail.鱼类通过它们头部向前的动作,身体的弯曲以及它的有弹性的尾巴把水推到一边。Next, the water flows back along t

8、he fishs narrowing sides, closing in at the tail, and helping the fish propel itself forward.接下来,水顺着鱼类变窄的两侧流回,在尾巴处合流,然后帮助鱼推行它们自己向前。The fact that water is incompressible has literally shaped the development of fish.水是不可压缩的事实,正确地塑造了鱼类的发展。A flat and angular shape can be moved through water only with di

9、fficulty.一个平直的和有角度的形状能穿过水中被移动,只是会很吃力。And for this reason, fish have a basic shape that is beautifully adapted to deal with this peculiarity.由于这个原因,鱼类有一个基本的能漂亮适应的外形去对付这种特性。托福听力练习对照文本It seems like only yesterday that I was sitting where you are, just finishing my first year of medical school and wonde

10、ring if Id ever get a chance to use all my new knowledge on a real live patient!似乎就在昨天,我还坐在你们坐的地方,刚刚完成我医学院的第一年,然后琢磨着我究竟能否得到一个机会在一个现实生活中的病人身上去应用我所有的新知识。Well, I have good news for you!好吧,我有好消息给你们。You dont have to wait until your third or fourth year of medical school to get some hands-on experience!你们

11、不用非得等到你们医学院的第三或者第四年才得到一些实际动手经验。The dean has invited me here to tell you about the universitys rural opportunity program.系主任邀请我到这儿来告诉你们关于大学的农村项目的机会。If you enroll in this program, you can have the opportunity this summer, after your first year of medical school, to spend from four to six weeks observi

12、ng and assisting a real physician like me in a small rural community.如果你参加这个项目,您能够在这个夏天有机会,在你医学院的第一年之后,在一个小型的农村社区花四到六周观察和协助一个像我一样的真正的医师。You wont have to compete with other students for time and attention, and you can see what life as a country doctor is really like.你将不用同其他学生竞争时间和关注,并且你能看到作为一个乡村医生的真正

13、生活是像什么样子的。The program was designed to encourage medical students like yourselves to consider careers in rural communities that are still understaffed.这个项目是被设计用作鼓励像你们本人一样的学医的学生,去考虑在依旧人手不足的农村社区发展事业。It seems that medical students are afraid to go into rural family practice for two reasons.看来好像学医的学生害怕进入

14、农村家庭诊所有两个原因。First, they dont know much about it.第一,他们了解的不多。And second, specialists in the cities usually make more money.第二,城里的专科医生通常挣钱多些。But, on the up-side, in rural practice, doctors can really get to know their patients and be respected members of the community.但是,在另一方面,在农村诊所,医生能真正了解他们的病人,并且成为社区

15、中受人尊敬的成员。I participated in the program when it first started and spent six weeks in a small rural town.我参与了这个项目,当它首次开始的时候,并且在一个小乡镇上度过了6周Let me tell you, it was really great!让我告诉你,真的很棒。I got to work with real patients.我工作是同真正的病人在一起的I watched the birth of a child, assisted an accident victim, and had

16、lots of really practical hands-on experienceall in one summer.我观察到了一个孩子的出生,辅助(处理或抢救)了一个事故受害人,并且有了很多非常实际的动手实践经验都在一个夏天。And to my surprise, I found that country life has a lot to offer that city life doesntno pollution or traffic jams, for instance!而令我惊讶的是,我发现乡村神火能提供很多城市生活没有的,例如,没有污染或堵车My experience made me want to work where Im needed and appreciated.我的经历让我想去我被需要和受欢迎的地方工作I dont miss the city at all!我一点儿都不想念城市。


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