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1、托福听力超实用预测技巧分享 托福听力考试中有一项实用的技巧需要考生掌握,那就是预测。也就是在还没有听到具体的内容的情况下,就会之后可能会听到的内容有一个预估猜测。下面就和大家分享托福听力超实用预测技巧分享,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力超实用预测技巧分享托福听力预测技巧介绍预测是听力的关键,对听力内容的预测的越多你在听力中所遇到的困难就会越少。预测有两个部分:第一,在录音播放前的在浏览题目过程中,根据题干给出的信息来判断*或者是录音可能会说到的内容,并且在这一阶段形成对相应注意点的提醒(如根据MODEL来写,单复数,名字或者地名会念的很快等等);第二,是在听的过程中,来预测句子或者是句群间的意思,这点

2、比较难,但是在第一部分比较简单语速比较慢的情况可以这么做。注意:在预测中,对于填空前后或者是选项的前后的信息词语尤其要小心,在预测时还要注意这些词语的变体,以及所缺部分的变体。除了预测技巧还有什么听力绝招?除了预测技巧外,还有一些应对托福听力的绝招大家也需要掌握才行,它们是:1. 短暂记忆短暂记忆是在录音放前浏览后,以最短的速度将所看过的选项或者是关键词语在大脑中扫过一遍,目的在于听力过程中来适应快的朗读速度与仅一遍所带来的缺陷。2. 集中脱离集中而脱离,指在放音过程中,要集中听录音内容但也要不将所有的精力或者是目光盯在题目上,这样相关的内容会在走失(这点在个人的听力过程经常出现)同时听力的答

3、案有时在*一开始就出现,也有的是说话人不断重复的内容,也有的纠正错误的后的结果等等,最先听到的或者是直接听到的很有可能不是答案。答案是随时在说话中转换的。3. 跟随转换信息留意记号字或句(Marker words/phrases)的出现和语气音调突然转变,这样可以帮助注意什么时候转问题。当考生发现下一条问题已开始的时候,就算还未完成之前的一条问题,也应该转到下一条。以下是一些记号句的例子:- And now (we will) ./- Now tell me ./- Before I move on to ./- And what about .?- Next, Id like to ./-

4、Right, so the first thing ./- Id like not to move on to .- Well, thats about it, except for .- Finally, can you tell us .- To start with ./- One more thing托福听力练习对照文本Current studies show that what goes on labels is an important consideration for manufacturers, since more than seventy percent of shopp

5、ers read food labels when considering whether to buy a product.最近的研究表明,对制造商来说,印在标签上的东西是一项重要的考虑(内容),因为超过百分之七十的购物者当考虑要不要买一个产品的时候会读食品标签。A recent controversy as to whether labels on prepared foods should educate or merely inform the consumer is over, and a consumer group got its way.最近,一个关于预制食品上的标签是否教育还

6、是仅仅告知消费者的争论结束了,并且一个消费者群体最终得偿所愿。The group had maintained that product labels should do more than simply list how many grams of nutrients a food contains.这个群体主张产品标签应当比仅仅列出一种食品包含了多少克营养物做的更多。Their contention was that labels should also list the percentage of a days total nutrients that the product will

7、supply to the consumer, because this information is essential in planning a healthy diet.他们的论点是标签应当也列出该产品将会供给消费者的一天的总营养物的百分比,因为这个信息在计划一个健康饮食上是必要的。A government agency disagreed strongly, favoring a label that merely informs the consumer, in other words, a label that only lists the contents of the pro

8、ducts.一个政府机构坚决不同意/强烈反对(上述观点),(政府机构)支持标签仅仅告知消费者(这个观点),换句话说,标签只要列出该产品的内容(就够了)The agency maintained that consumers could decide for themselves if the food is nutritious and is meeting their daily needs.该机构支持消费者能够为他们自己决定是否食物是有营养的并且满足他们日常所需。The consumer group, in supporting its case, had cited a survey i

9、n which shoppers were shown a food label, and were then asked if they would need more or less of a certain nutrient after eating a serving of this product.这个消费者群体,在支持它的(这个群体)的实例中,援引了一个调查,在这个调查中购物者被展示一个食品标签,然后被问到他们是否在吃过这种产品的一份食物后需要或多或少的某种营养物。The shoppers werent able to answer the questions easily whe

10、n they were not given a specific percentage.购物者不能容易地回答该问题,当他们没有被给予一个详细的百分比的时候。This study, and others helped get the new regulation passed, and now food products must have the more detailed labels.这项以及其他的研究帮助新规则获得通过,那么现在,食物产品必须有更详尽的标签。托福听力练习对照文本Weve just seen two contemporary large birds that cannot

11、fly: the emu and the ostrich.我们刚刚看过了不能飞的两种现代的大型鸟类:鸸鹋和鸵鸟Over here is an interesting specimen from the past.在这边还有来自过去的一种有趣的标本。This stuffed animal is not the giant penguin it appears to be, but an auk.这个填充玩具动物并不是它看上去那样的巨型企鹅,而是一只海雀。This particular kind of auk is very rare, only 78 skins are known to exi

12、st and most are not preserved as well as this one.这种特殊种类的海雀非常稀有,据了解只有78具皮囊存在,而且大多数没有被保存的像这一个一样好。The great auk, as you can see, was a rather large bird, and it couldnt fly either.这个大海雀,正如你所看到的,是一只相当巨大的鸟,而且它也不能飞。However, evidence suggests that the auk was an excellent swimmer and diver.不管怎样,证据表明海雀是一个优

13、秀的游泳者和潜水者。Unfortunately, those abilities did not protect it from being easy prey for hungry sailors who years ago sailed the very cold and often icy waters of Greenland, Iceland, and Scotland.不幸的是,这些能力并没有防止它成为多年前航行在非常寒冷而且经常结冰的Greenland, Iceland, 和 Scotland的水域的饥饿的水手们容易捕获的猎物。In fact, records indicate

14、that the auk was rather tasty and that its eggs.事实上,记录指出海雀相当的美味可口并且它的蛋,Excuse me . . . that its eggs and feathers were useful as well.对不起它的蛋和羽毛也同样有用。Still, it isnt clear what other factors led to the big birds demise around 1844, the last time anyone reported seeing one.仍然,尚不清楚其他什么原因导致这种大鸟(在大约1844年)

15、消亡,最后一次有人报告见到一只(是在大约1844年)。Of course, we believe its important to take extra precautions to preserve the remaining great auk skins.当然,我们相信采取额外的措施来保护剩余的大海雀的皮囊是非常重要的。After all, these specimens should prove invaluable for future scientific research.毕竟,对未来的科学研究而言这些标本应该是无价的。Does anyone have any questions before we move on to our next bird exhibit?在我们转移到我们接下来的鸟类展览之前,任何人有任何问题吗?


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