1、托福听力资料听1遍还不够 在托福听力备考做练习时,很多同学对于听力素材基本上都只会听一遍,然后做完对应的题目就结束了。其实这种做法对于听力素材来说是比较浪费的。下面就和大家分享托福听力资料听1遍还不够,希望能帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福听力资料听1遍还不够托福听力备考第一遍听写大意第一遍听的时候中间不要停下来,要把全文听完,并试着在本上做笔记,劲量把*的大意听出来。即听完后问自己*说了什么,至少要知道是哪个场景的。如果连这个问题都答不上来,就再听一遍,劲量听出来。有些同学会觉得开始就这样做很难,但是要知道新托福听力就是只放一边就做题,在这中间也是要一边听一边记笔记。这种方法就是逼着自己适应这
3、词表达了比较复杂的意思,课一分成几次听写完,但是注意在分不同几次时,每一次都要在表达完一个意思后再停,即要以意群来听写,不要再没有弄清楚讲什么的情况下就很不知所以然的把听到的内容写下来。这样有助于把握句型,分析句式。一些听了很多遍也没有听出来的,暂时放一放,先把全文听出来,然后再对全文整理一篇,看主要内容,意思是不是出来了。再对难点重复听几遍,看是不是有所改善。整个过程就是新托福听力备考能力提高的关键,因为,前面的听抄是你真实水平的体现,这样就能真正的发现新托福听力问题,然后再针对性的练习,提高。托福听力练习对照文本Before we adjourn, Id like to remind ev
4、erybody about the upcoming fundraising eventthe ten kilometer run.在我们休会之前,我想提醒大家关于即将到来的筹款活动十公里跑。The run is being organized to help raise money for the renovation of the old gym.组织这次跑步是为了帮助旧的体育馆翻修筹款。Our gym is in desperate need of repair, and the university must rely entirely on private donations to
5、pay for its renovation.我们的体育馆迫切需要维修,而大学必须完全地依靠私人捐款来支付它的翻修。This event will be the students contribution to the effort. The procedure for participating is quite simple.本次活动将会是学生对慈善运动的贡献,参与的程序非常简单。No entrance fees, no advance registration, and you dont have to be the best athlete on campus.没有入场费,没有预约登记
6、,而且你不必是校园里最好的运动员。You only need to find sponsors willing to contribute one or more dollars for every kilometer of the race that you complete.你只需要去寻找愿意为你完成的赛跑的每一公里贡献一美金或者更多钱的赞助者。So, for example, if you run all ten kilometers, youll collect ten dollars from someone who has pledged to give you one dolla
7、r per kilometer.所以,举例来说,如果你跑了全部的十公里,你将从承诺每公里给你一美金的人那里募集十美金。After the run, a race official will record the number of kilometers youve completed.跑完步,比赛工作人员将记录你已经完成的公里数。You can then show the record to your sponsors when you collect the money.那时你就能在募集钱的时候给你的赞助者出示该记录。You might encourage your friends to r
8、un in the race by telling them that there will be awards for everyone who gets five sponsors or more.你可以鼓励你的朋友们参加跑步比赛,通过告诉他们所有得到五个或者更多的赞助者的人将会得到奖励。But above all, itll just be a lot of fun.但首先,这将会很好玩。So, please spread the word and get everyone involved either as runners or sponsors.所以,请散播一下消息,并且每个人都参
9、与进来,不论是作为跑步者或者是赞助者。托福听力练习对照文本Today were going to continue our discussion of modern art and talk about Charles Csuri.今天我们将继续进行我们现代艺术的讨论,并且谈谈Charles Csuri。Charles Csuri has been a part of many modern art movements.Charles Csuri一直是许多当代艺术运动的一部分。Hes worked in Pop Art, Cubism, and Conceptual Art, but he m
10、ade his mark as a pioneer in computer art.他从事过流行艺术,立体主义,和概念艺术, 但是他作为一名先驱者在电脑艺术上留下了他自己的痕迹。Even long before computers became popular, he was punching cards and feeding them into the big mainframe computer at Ohio State University.甚至在电脑普及前很久,他在Ohio州立大学打卡并把它们插入大型主机计算机。In the beginning, he had to work wi
11、thout a monitor, so he was virtually creating art in the dark.在开始,他不得不在没有显示屏(的条件下)工作,所以他几乎是在黑暗中创作艺术。He even learned computer programming so he could experiment with this new tool.他甚至学会了计算机编程,因此他能够试用这个新工具。Through the computer, Csuri has been able to explore a new world of possibilities.通过计算机,Csuri能够去
12、探索一个(充满无限)可能性的新世界。For example, the computer enables him to sculpt in three dimensions.举例来说,计算机使他能够在三维(空间)雕刻。Also, he can look at a sculpture from any angle, and move it around, change the location of the light source, or he can copy it in different colors.另外,他能从任意角度观察雕塑,并且四处移动它,改变光源的位置,或者他能够用不同的颜色复制
13、它。Over the years, Csuri received numerous grants for various projects.多年以来,Csuri在各种各样的项目上收到了无数的补助金。This money allowed him to train students in computer graphics and animation techniques, and to advance the computer as a medium for artists.这些钱使他能够在电脑绘图和动画技巧方面训练学生,并且促进计算机成为艺术家的媒介。Even though he uses modern technology, Csuri still insists he is creating art.虽然他使用现代科技,Csuri仍然坚持他是在创造艺术。Hes always told his students to keep the issues of art in focus, and not get so caught up in the technology that you forget about the image.他总是告诉他的学生,要保持在艺术的问题上聚焦,不要如此的卷入科技以至于忘记了图像。托福听力资料听1遍还不够