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1、托福独立写作二选一话题如何构思作文思路 托福独立写作二选一话题如何构思作文思路?实例分析高分稳妥写法。下面就和大家分享托福独立写作二选一话题如何构思作文思路,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福独立写作二选一话题如何选边站队首先,面对托福独立写作中这种要求大家选边站队的题目,建议大家选择disagree,即否定掉题目中的观点,特别是那些带有最高级绝对意义词汇的题目,一定要选择不同意。因为绝对化的用词本来就有很严重的错误倾向,想要证明观点难度是很高的。这点大家在做一些涉及到逻辑的托福题目时应该都知道,那就是选项里出现绝对化用词肯定是错误的。这一点在托福独立写作中也是一样,举例来说:Do you

2、 agree or disagree: only movies that can teach us something about real life are worth watching.这道题目,如果考生选择同意观点,也就是同意只有有教育意义的电影才值得一看,那么之后想要展开论述就会变得很难。如何定义有教育意义,那些能够让人放松享受的喜剧片动作片动画片难道就不值得看了吗?总之想要正面论述这观点难度是很高的。而反过来如果选择不同意观点,那么考生完全可以从票房,观众口碑,不同种类电影的意义等多个方面进行展开。这两种论点的展开难度是完全不一样的。托福独立写作二选一话题高分写法思路介绍在知道了面对


4、值也能得到体现。再之后大家就可以举出一些证明自己观点的例子来,比如历史票房较高的电影像是阿凡达、泰坦尼克等等,都是观赏价值大于教育意义的。还有很多喜剧片广受好评也并非是因为教育意义而是能够给大家带来欢乐等等。通过这些具体事例来反驳only教育意义的观点。这样的让步加辩证式的写法就很有逻辑性也具有较高的说服力了。总结一下,面对托福独立写作二选一,合理的写法思路是:1. 开头先明确自己的反对disagree观点,然后稍稍让步承认对立观点具有一定合理性。2. 中间段论述开始反驳对立观点,指出其存在的漏洞。有绝对词的话可以主要攻击绝对词。3. 通过给出实际论据素材进一步反驳并证明自己的观点。托福考试作

5、文范例:企业的目标是赚取利润托福考试作文题目:Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Businesses should do anything they can to make a profit. Use specific reasons and examples to support your position.托福考试作文参考:任何企业团体作为社会的组成部分,有责任考虑到整个社会的利益,所以不能为所欲为,强调法制的必要性。托福考试作文范文:Nowadays, merchants tend to strive for r

6、emaining in existence by all means due to the extensive competition and burdensome pressures. However, I am always amazed when I hear that it is necessary for businessman to do anything possible to make a profit. It may be as highly laudable and exemplary a thing as it is held to be by those who are

7、 addicted to money.Apparently, I strongly object to it due to various factors that weigh heavily against the notion. The foremost reason is that merchants would be rewarded by nothing but distrust and even hatred from the customers if they hardly care about anything but money. It is widely known tha

8、t nothing can be compared with the good reputation of a company, which attracts more upright and loyal customers. Suppose we are facing the dilemma of which brand of shampoo to purchase. It is of no surprise if you decide to take the one produced by PG or other reputable large companies. As a result

9、, what assures the buyers most is the credit of the service suppliers?Another subtle explanation for my point of view rests on the fact that various appalling results would in some cases, be caused by the immoral and even illegal businesses. It is decent to make profits and receive the repayment of

10、diligent work and continuous efforts. Nevertheless, producing unqualified or even deleterious commodities, which possibly lead to detriments of peoples health or security, is never the sensible method to operate a company. What impressed me most is the tragedy happened several months ago in some par

11、t of China. Hundreds of infants died because of the nonnutritive milk powders produced by some merchantmen without ethics. Therefore, it is never too rigid to denounce the immoral and irresponsible behavior. The third point I would like to mention is that the merchants themselves would not be reassu

12、red to enjoy the property acquired in improper ways.In most cases, it is the essential satisfaction of benefiting the public, rather than the material items, which inspires people profoundly. What a pleasant thing it would be to receive repayment of your diligent work and continuous efforts! On the

13、contrary, few people would go into rapture even if they possess a mass of wealth earned through indecent ways. Thus, only by obeying commercial disciplines could a businessman obtain supreme success and maximum pleasure.Taking into all the reasons above into account, it is barely too arbitrary to co

14、nclude that only by descent and good Intentioned business activities could a company achieve respectable and decent success托福考试作文范例:穿校服的弊端托福考试作文题目:Some high schools require all students to wear school uniforms. Other high schools permit students to decide what to wear to school. Which of these two s

15、chool policies do you think is better? Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.托福考试作文参考析:(1)阐述了穿校服的弊端(2)*观点为同意穿校服,理由是可以保证学生的平等,对塑造学生品质有好处;可以保证学生可以更加关注于学习;还能够维护学校的形象。托福考试作文范文:I hate uniforms! It makes all the students look the same. When I am trying to find my friend from a group of

16、 student, I always make mistake because I cannot tell the difference among the girls who are all wearing the same clothes. Moreover, I am always nervous about my uniforms since I may not have another one to change into. The other one is still waiting to be washed or is still wet. After P. E., you ca

17、nnot identify which coat is mine, so I just take one that looks like it. I am sure the coat I am wearing now is not the one I had first. That is my life with uniforms.Because everyone is against it, my school revoked this rule. Then, we could wear everything we want to. But new problems came up. Eve

18、ryone began to buy new, brand name, expensive clothes and the campus because a big stage in no time. At last, the uniforms came back to our lives.Undoubtedly, everyone has the freedom to choose what to wear and, of course, everyone wants to make himself/ herself good-looking. But when we are just st

19、udents, study is our first important thing to do. Paying too much attention to attire can influence our study. Furthermore, we may spend too much money that is not earned by ourselves but come from our parents hard working.The reasons above cause more and more schools make a rule to forbid trendy dr

20、esses or make students wear uniforms. It is not a good way but an effective way to solve these problems.If we want to get rid of uniforms forever, we must solve these problems by ourselves instead of the schools rule. We should earn schools trust by our behavior, then we can thoroughly say goodbye to uniforms!


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