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1、新概念英语第四册多项选择题精选5篇 学习新概念英语并不难啊。你还在为英语成绩低拖后腿而烦恼吗?下面就和大家分享新概念英语第四册多项选择题,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。新概念英语第四册多项选择题篇一Multiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension 理解1,The two classes of flight depend on _.a.occasional movement and progressb.wing span and glidingc

2、.gliding and muscle-powerd.wind currents and machinery2,The albatross can keep flying for very long periods because it _.a.actively uses air movement to stay in the skyb.it is a very great birdc.recognizes ships at sead.it can glide in any direction, regardless of air currents3,Ducks can fly in any

3、direction _.a.and stay in the air indefinitelyb.but are too heavy to fly for longc.and uses engine powerd.but can run out of energy4,The swallow _.a.is often greeted by superstitious villagersb.is good for peoplecbines both forms of flightd.is an omen of good luckStructure 句型1,The albatross _to yiel

4、d to the opposition ofthe wind.(1.6)a.mustb.couldc.hasd.should2,The duck comes nearer to the engines _manhasconqueredthe air with.(11.7-8)a.whereb.whoc.whomd.-3,Partridges _a like power of strong propulsion.(1.11)a.containb.providec.possessd.display4,It _, not does it boast of its power.(1.13)a.does

5、 not tireb.not tirec.not tiresd.do not tireVocabulary 词汇1,There is no _to the variety of flight practised by birds.(1.1)a.opportunityb.endc.pointd.goal2,The great bird has_ wings.(1.5)a.broadb.longc.huged.wide3,Duck, like pigeons, are _with steel-like muscles.(1.8)a.providedb.giftedc.talentedd.inher

6、ited4,We no longer look for _in the way they fly.(11.15-16)a.guidesb.noticesc.signsd.signals新概念英语第四册多项选择题篇二Multiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension 理解1,One of these statements is true.Which one?a.Snakes need poison to digest their food.b.Snak

7、es can feed on other animals without the use of poison.c.Non-poisonous snakes find survival more difficult than poisonous ones.d.All snakes are capable of manufacturing poison.2,The possession of poison in the saliva makes hunting _.a.easy for all carnivoresb.a two-edged weapon when carnivores fight

8、 each otherc.almost effortless for snakesd.unpredictable, as Nature intended3,The poison that acts on the blood _.a.acts less rapidly than nerve poisonb.doesnt affect the victim as badly as nervepoisonc.is made by snakes like mambas and cobrasd.was probably the first of the two kinds of poisonto be

9、developed4,Human beings _.a.cant compare with prey such as rats and miceb.respond to all snake poisons in the same wayc.are likely to survive nerve poison but not blood poisond.are not the intended victims of snake poisonStructure 句型1,They _ have been able to catch and live on prey without using poi

10、son.(1.3)a.mightb.shouldc.wouldd.must2,They could have caught and lived on prey without _ poison.(1.3)a.to useb.usec.the use ofd.have used3,For _ snakes, poison is merely a luxury.(1.4)a.theseb.ac.-d.an4,Blood poison is the more unpleasant _.(1.15)a.of them allb.of the twoc.in the worldd.among them

11、bothVocabulary 词汇1,Saliva is a natural _.(11.1-2)a.oil in the bodyb.snake-poisonc.digestive processd.body fluid2,Poison would be _ to all carnivores.(1.7)a.an assetb.a helpc.a necessityd.a disadvantage3,Arsenic and strychnine _ us in different ways.(1.11.11-12)a.effectb.resultc.affectd.cause4,The ne

12、rve poison is thought to be _(11.15-16)a.less highly developedb.more potentc.more recentd.less complicated新概念英语第四册多项选择题篇三Multiple choice questions 多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension 理解1,Giving the body a rest _.a.seems to be the main function of sleepb.doesnt se

13、em to be the main function of sleepc.means that sleep must have some functiond.prevents muscle inactivity2,Electrical activity _.a.is a good indication of the way the body rests during sleepb.doesnt seem to diminish during sleepc.is a plausible explanation for the function of sleepd.must always be r

14、ecorded during sleep3,Rapid eye movements are an indication thata.a person is having a disturbed sleepb.sleep is very deepc.that a sleeper is dreamingd.that a person is drifting into sleep4,One of these statements is true.Which one?a.The most important function of sleep is dreaming.b.Rapid eye-movem

15、ent is associated with deep sleep.c.People who experience rapid eye-movements show personality disorders.d.When people are woken, they dont report any dreams.Structure 句型1,_ have speculations gone on? _ Forthousands of years.(11.2-3)a.How manyb.How oftenc.How muchd.How long2,The bodies tissues can r

16、epair _ .a.themselvesb.their selfc.itselfd.them3,Peculiar bursts of eye-movements _ an individuals sleep.(1.14)a.punctuateb.is punctuatingc.are punctuatingd.have punctuated4,People woken during these periods of eye-movements generally reported that they had beendreaming _.(11.15-16)a.for a whileb.du

17、ring sleepc.before they went to sleepd.just this momentVocabulary 词汇1,Speculations have been going on for thousands of years _.(11.2-3)a.so to speakb.in historyc.and recordedd.in fact2,This might be a plausible _.(11.8-9)a.conclusionb.deductionc.philosophyd.theory3,The second factor is more interest

18、ing and more _.(1.13)a.obviousb.basicc.apparentd.acceptable4,Some eye-movements were slow, others _ and rapid.(1.15)a.smooth, quickb.interruptedc.sudden, irregulard.painful, repeated新概念英语第四册多项选择题篇四Multiple choice questions多项选择题Choose the correct answers to the following questions.Comprehension理解1,Th

19、e writer of this piece probably _.a.doubts whether porpoises have a special relationship with humansb.believes that porpoises have a special interest in humansc.thinks that porpoises cant tell the difference between a human and a mattressd.thinks that porpoises are attracted by humans as a possible

20、meal2,The stories we hear about porpoises suggest that porpoises _.a.take a special interest in usb.are as intelligent as we arec.always save humans who are drowningd.always protect humans from sharks3,Porpoises often give turtles a bad time because _.a.they are natural enemiesb.they like to playc.t

21、urtles enjoy being badly treatedd.they often share an oceanarium4,One of these statements is true.Which one?a.Porpoises try to kill turtles by lifting their shells.b.Porpoises never allow turtles to stand up.c.Turtles seem to take part in this game played by porpoises.d.Turtles dont feel any pain wh

22、en theyre ill-treated by porpoises.Structure 句型1,The superstition among mariners _.(1.1)a.was very commonb.has been very longc.existed long agod.has lasted a long time2,_ intelligent they may be, it is a mistake to.(1.3)a.Regardless thatb.Whateverc.No matter howd.Whether3,Whether it _bird, fish or b

23、east, the porpoise is intrigued .(1.10)a.wereb.has beenc.wasd.is4,Hardly has the turtle recovered his equilibrium _he is knocked down.(11.16-17)a.butb.thoughc.whend.thanVocabulary 词汇1,The of a possible meal attracted sharks.(1.8)a.odourb.perfumec.smelld.aroma2,The porpoise is _with anything that is

24、alive.(1.10)a.repelledb.attractedc.fascinatedd.puzzled3,One young calf especially enjoyed _a turtle to the surface.(11.11-12)a.risingb.liftingc.arousingd.elevating4,The first porpoise _down from above.(1.15)a.divesb.fliesc.jumpsd.falls新概念英语第四册多项选择题篇五Multiple choice questions多项选择题Choose the correct a

25、nswers to the following questions.Comprehension理解1,One of the reasons rabbits multiplied so rapidly in Australia is that they _.a.were unwisely introduced by enterprising settlersb.breed rapidlyc.overran the continentd.overcame their natural enemies in the Antipodes2,Scientists found _ of spreading

26、myxomatosis.a.one wayb.two waysc.three waysd.a large number of ways3,The disease was spread right across the continent of Australia largely because _.a.of the mosquitob.of the rabbitc.scientists let infected animals loose in burrowsd.Australia encouraged diseased rabbits to migrate to other places4,

27、Myxomatosis, that was a blessing in Australia, proved to be _in Europe.a.domesticatedb.a diseasec.profitabled.a curseStructure 句型1,This rabbit had no natural enemies in theAntipodes _.(1.2)a.and as a result it multipliedb.in order to multiplyc.so that it might multiplyd.because it multiplied2,It_ an

28、d caused devastation.(1.3)a.burrowingb.burrowedc.was burrowingd.has burrowed3,_ were local epidemics created? By infecting animals.(1.6)a.Whyb.Howc.Whered.When4,It was _ to create local epidemics of this disease.(11.6-7)a.potentb.ablec.enabledd.possibleVocabulary 词汇1,It caused devastation by _ the h

29、erbage.(11.3-4)a.burrowing intob.infectingc.consumingd.digging2,By infecting animals and _them loose in burrows .(1.6)a.allowingb.leavingc.introducingd.turning3,The rabbits were able to _this disease to a certain extent.(1.10)a.react tob.preventc.withstandd.oppose4,Australia _the rabbit as a pest from Europe.(1.13)a.inheritedb.obtainedc.assumedd.claimed新概念英语第四册多项选择题精选5篇


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