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1、托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理 托福阅读*题材广泛,涉及各类学科领域,需要考生掌握比较多的学科专业词汇才能更有效备考,而地理学是托福阅读考察比较多的学科领域之一。下面就和大家分享托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理,希望能够帮助到大家,来欣赏一下吧。托福阅读地理学核心词汇梳理托福阅读核心词汇(地理学专业词汇)1.geography地理26.coastland沿海地区2.geographer地理学家27.island岛屿3.hemisphere半球28.continentalisland大陆岛4.meridian子午线,经线29.volcanicisland火山岛5.parallel平行圈,纬线30.cora



4、穴48.sediment沉淀物,沉积物24.terrain地域49.tropical热带的25.subterranean(underground)地底下50.temperate温带的托福阅读长难句:植物体These include conducting vessels that transport water and minerals upward from the roots and that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body and the stiffening su

5、bstance lignin, which support the plant body, helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight. (TPO25, 47)vessel /ves(?)l/ n. 船(尤指大船),舰;容器, 器皿;管状结构,血管,导管photosynthetic /?f?ut?sinetik/ adj. 光合作用的stiffen /st?fn/vt. (使某物)变得(更加)坚硬僵硬lignin /l?gn?n/n. 化学木质素These include conducting vessels (that transpo

6、rt water and minerals upward from the roots) and (that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body) and the stiffening substance lignin, (which support the plant body), (helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight.) (TPO25, 47)修饰一:(that transport water and m

7、inerals upward from the roots) ,从句,修饰conducting vessels中文:从根部向上运输水与矿物质修饰二:(that move the photosynthetic products from the leaves to the rest of the plant body) ,从句,修饰conducting vessels,注意其中有个from to的介词短语,从叶子到植物体的其余部分中文:从叶子向植物体内其余各部分运输光合作用产物修饰三:(which support the plant body) ,从句,修饰substance lignin中文:

8、维持植物体的生命修饰四:(helping it expose maximum surface area to sunlight.) ,非谓语动词中文:有助于植物体大部分表面暴露于阳光之下参考翻译:这些包括导管(用来从根部向上运输水与矿物质以及从叶子向植物体其余各部分运输光合作用产物)和坚硬的物质木质素(用来维持植物体的生命,有助于植物体大部分表面暴露于阳光之下)。托福阅读长难句:古老遗址上的岩石艺术The frequency with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites has led rock-art resear

9、chers to adopt a descriptive termthe Panaramitee stylea label which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North indesert South Australia, which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.(TPO23, 51)motif /m?ti?f/ n. 装饰的图案或式样;(音乐的)乐旨,(文学的)主题.term n. 术语peck /pek/ v. 鸟以喙啄

10、The frequency (with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites) has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive termthe Panaramitee stylealabel (which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Panaramitee North in desertSouth Australia),(which are covered with motifs peck

11、ed into the surface.) (TPO23, 51)分析:这个句子的主干:The frequency has led rock-art researchers to adopt a descriptive term注意这里的lead.to短语修饰一:(with which certain simple motifs appear in these oldest sites) ,从句,修饰the frequency中文:一些简单图案出现在这些最古老遗址上修饰二:(which takes its name from the extensive rock pavements at Pa

12、naramitee North in desert South Australia) ,从句修饰a label,注意这个从句里面还有两个介词短语:which takes its name (from the extensive rock pavements)(at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia)(from the extensive rock pavements) ,来自宽广的岩石路面(at Panaramitee North in desert South Australia),在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North中文

13、:取名于在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North宽广的岩石路面修饰三:(which are covered with motifs pecked into the surface.) ,从句,修饰rock pavements,注意这个从句里面还有个非谓语动词:which are covered with motifs (pecked into the surface.)(pecked into the surface.),刻进路面中文:这些路面被刻进表面的图案所覆盖参考翻译:一些简单图案出现在这些最古老遗址上的频率使得岩石艺术研究人员采用了一个描述性的术语Panaramitee风格这个称号取名于在澳大利亚南部沙漠Panaramitee North宽广的岩石路面,这些路面被刻进表面的图案所覆盖。


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