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1、简化雅思长难句技巧 雅思语法在雅思考试中的重点不是做对单选题,而是为了读懂长难句,写出高级句型,说出正确句子。下面就和大家分享简化雅思长难句技巧,来欣赏一下吧。几个小技巧教你拆分简化雅思长难句我们做题的技巧是先找出谓语,然后确定主语,再通过关联词(and,but等)从后向前找出并列的核心单词。将句子从并列连词处断开,将并列句变成两个或若干个相对短的句子,然后再用处理简单句的方法抓句子主干,来依次处理每个相对短的句子。比如下列两句:Everyone should know where the nearest fire alarm box is located and where exits, f

2、ire escapes,and fire doors are.I wanted her to know that my heart was with her, and that I thought England owed her a great debt and was going to miss her.解析如下:1. Everyone should know where the nearest fire alarm box is located and where exits, fire escapes, and fire doors are.结构:本句有三个谓语动词,其中主句的谓语动词

3、为should know,其余两个都是由where引导的并列宾语从句。拆分:1) Everyone should know2) Where the nearest fire alarm box is located3) Where exits, fire escapes, and fire doors are翻译:每个人都应该知道最近的火灾报警箱的位置,以及安全出口、安全梯及防火门位于何处。2. I wanted her to know that my heart was with her, and that I thought England owed her a great debt an

4、d was going to miss her.结构:本句有5个谓语动词,其中主句的谓语动词为wanted。was和thought分别属于两个由that引导的并列宾语从句。而owed和was going为两个并列的谓语动词,共同主语为England。England这句话前面为了避免重复而省略了宾语从句的引导词that,实际上是thought的宾语从句。拆分:I wanted her to knowThat my heart was withherThat I thought(That) England owed her agreat debt and was going to miss her

5、.翻译:我想让她知道我的心陪伴着她,而且我认为英国欠了她一大笔债,很快就会想念她。小结:1和2两句都是从句并列,找到连词,再找从句中的主干成分,便可以理解句意。除了从句并列,还有不定式引导的并列句,比如下面两个句子:The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy, to build homes or to design cities is culturally influenced.It seems simple enoughto distinguish between the organism and the

6、 surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental.解析如下:3. The way space is used to enable the individual to achieve privacy, to build homes or to design citiesis culturally influenced.结构:本句中

7、有两个谓语动词,主句谓语为 is culturally influenced, 定语从句谓语为 isused to. 主语the way 有一个很长的定语从句修饰,定语从句中有三个并列的不定式短语作动词“isused”的目的状语即to achieve privacy, to build homes,和to design cities.拆分:The way is culturally influenced.space is usedto enable the individual to achieve privacyto build homesto design cities翻译:怎样利用空间实

8、现个人隐私,修建住宅及规划城市都受到文化上的影响。4. It seems simple enough to distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environment and to separate forces acting on an organism into those that are internal and biological and those that are external and environmental.结构:本句话关键是通过and抓住并列的成分,句子的主干是It seems simple en

9、ough to distinguish andto separate,其中,理解的难点在separate后面的部分。Separate的宾语forces后面被“acting on an organism”这个现在分词短语限定,into后面两个those告诉我们forces被分成哪些部分了。拆分:It seems simple enoughto distinguish between the organism and the surrounding environmentand to separate forces(acting on an organism) intothose that are

10、 internal and biologicaland those that are external and environmental.翻译:区分有机体和周围环境似乎很简单;把作用于有机体的力量分为内部生物的力量和外部环境的力量似乎也很简单。小结:从上两句可以看出,并列的不定式后面还包含定语从句或名词性从句,这增加了找出并列成分的难度,但记得,第一步还是找出连词,然后分析每个从句的主干结构,从而透彻地理解整个句子。除了不定式可以引导并列结构,从句也可以,而且难度更大,因为从句会误导考生找不到主句的主干,请看下句:Children in low-income families and poo

11、r communities are less likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often lack the resources needed to pay for participation fees, equipment, and transportation to practices and games and their communities do not have resources to build and maintain sports fields and facilities.解析:

12、5. Children in low-income families and poor communities are less likely to take organized youth sports for granted because they often lack the resources needed to pay for participation fees, equipment,and transportation to practices and games and their communities do not have resources to build and

13、maintain sports fields and facilities .结构:本句中有三个谓语动词,are less likely to do为主句谓语 ,lack和 do not have 为并列原因状语从句的谓语,主语分为they 和 their communities.拆分:Children (in low-income families and poor communities )are less likely (totake organized youth sports for granted)takeforgranted把认为是理所应当because they often l

14、ack the resources (needed)(to pay for participation fees, equipment, and transportation to practices andgames)and (because)their communities do not have resources (to build and maintain sports fields and facilities ).翻译:来自低收入家庭和贫穷社区的孩子就很少将社区运动视作理所应当,因为他们经常缺少必须的金钱来支付门票、设备和来回车费,而且他们的社区也没有能力来建设和维持运动场和运

15、动设备。小结: 这句话只有虽然有三个谓语,但主句只有一个,所以第一个才是真正的谓语,其他两个是原因状语从句引导的并列从句的谓语,所以理解这句话需要找出主句的谓语。总结:长难句中的平行结构可以用不同的方式构成,可能并列成分内部仍然有并列成分,但是最重要的还是先找到主干结构,再分析并列句的结构,最后整合起来,一点点解剖整个句子的意思。雅思阅读材料:英国公交司机叫乘客“亲”面临被开A bus company is warning drivers to not call passengers babe in a bid to avoid lawsuits from offended women.英国一

16、家公交公司提醒司机,不要称呼乘客“亲”,以防认为受辱的女性起诉。Brighton Hove Buses posted warnings to drivers in its head offices after a complaint from a woman who said she felt insulted by being called babe when she boarded a bus。布赖顿和霍夫公交公司总部近日贴出了这则警告通知。事情的起因是公司接到一名女乘客投诉,称某次上车时,司机称呼她“亲”,她当时感觉受到了侮辱。The company also warned driver

17、s they could face the sack if they call passengers love or darling。该公司还警告司机,如果对女乘客使用“亲”这类词汇,司机将面临被炒鱿鱼的风险。One employee, who did not want to be named, said: Its just the height of political correctness. The drivers know how to best speak to customers。一名不愿意透露姓名的司机说:“这样做实在是过头了。司机们知道该怎么称呼乘客。”People dont

18、want their drivers to be robots. What is the world coming to when you cant have a bit of friendly banter with passengers?“人们不会希望司机都像机器人一样。如果和乘客之间不能说笑,世界将会变得多么冷冰冰啊。”The sign reads: Please can drivers be aware that some of our customers may take offence at having terms such as love, darling and babe d

19、irected towards them。通知写道:“请司机注意,有些乘客认为被直呼亲爱的、宝贝、亲是受到了侮辱。”This can be seen by some as being a sexist comment, as a recent complaint has highlighted.“这对有些人来说有性意味,就像最近的一起投诉提到的那样。”Managing director Roger French said: A lady complained to us that she thought the language used by a driver was demeaning t

20、o her。总经理罗杰弗兰齐说:“有位女士向我们投诉,她认为司机使用这样的语言对她是种侮辱。”We take a lot of customer feedback so we thought we would pass this on. The drivers will understand and take it in good spirit.“我们接到了很多顾客反馈,所以我们觉得应该这样做。司机们会理解,并且愉快地接受。”雅思阅读材料:技术宅发明奥利奥饼干分离器A cookie-favoring physicist has created what appears to be the wo

21、rlds first Oreo separator.一个不喜欢夹心的物理学家制造出了世界上台奥利奥夹心分离机。David Neevel, an artist and inventor based in Portland, Ore., was commissioned by the popular cookie brand to produce the machine as part of its Cookies vs. Creme campaign.David Neevel是俄勒冈州波特兰市的一名发明家,也是一位艺术家。他受到这个著名饼干品牌的委托,为该公司的“饼干VS奶油”广告制造出了这台机

22、器。My Oreo machine is based entirely on my dislike for creme and my preference for cookie, Neevel said in a short video.“我制造夹心分离机完全是因为我讨厌夹心、喜欢饼干,”Neevel在短片这样提到。The OSM, as Neevel calls it, was constructed of scrap aluminum, wood, a hatchet and floss in a Portland garage.Neevel 把发明简称为OSM (奥利奥分离器),这是他在

23、波特兰的一个车库里用一些铝的废料、废木材、一把小斧头和一些金属丝制成的。After the hatchet blade is lowered to split the Oreo, a pair of mechanical arms are dispatched to collect the cookie halves, which are transferred to a router table where the creme is removed.斧头把奥利奥一劈为二,然后一对机械臂会捡起两半奥利奥,接着饼干会被送到铣削台,把饼干上的奶油铣掉。The electric-powered co

24、ntraption took about two weeks to build. It was a big time commitment, Neevel said. I had to work some long hoursI didnt see my girlfriend or my dog for hours at a time.这个神奇的电动机械装置造了两个星期的时间。“这是个非常非常重要的委托,”Neevel说。“我得连续工作很久,有时候我好几个小时都见不了我的女朋友和我的狗。”Outstanding. I applaud your efforts, one YouTube comm

25、enter wrote. For your next design, how about an automatic sock pair singlifier?“赞一个。为你的发明鼓掌,” 一个YouTube用户这样评论道。“下次造一个袜子配对机怎么样?”Three other inventors were commissioned by Oreo to come up with concepts, with the next one slated to be unveiled later this week.另外还有三名发明家受到奥利奥委托想一些新点子,下一个发明预计在这周晚些时候发布。简化雅思长难句技巧


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