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1、雅思口语得高分这些小错误不要再犯 雅思口语需要考生面对面与考生进行交流,很多考生都会很紧张,要想取得高分就要注意避免一些错误。下面就和大家分享雅思口语得高分这些小错误不要再犯,希望能够帮助到大家,一起来学习吧!雅思口语得高分这些小错误不要再犯如:There have many wild animals in my country. 而正确的说法为There are many wild animals in my country.或My country has many wild animals.形容词ing与ed的区别你可能可以熟练的背出ing是形容一件事或一种东西,ed是形容人这一口诀,但是

2、你敢肯定自己在作答中不会犯这种错误码?看以下几组形容词:interesting与interested; exciting与excited; surprising与surprised。什么叫形容人?基本上来讲,可能出现的情况无非以下两种:a. somebody + be动词 + 以ed结尾的形容词 + 介词 + something 如:Im surprised about this piece of news.b. something make(s) somebody + 以ed结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news makes me surprised.什么叫形容一件事或一种东

3、西?也就是:a. something + be动词 + 以ing结尾的形容词 如:This piece of news is surprising.b. 以ing结尾的形容词 + 名词 如This is a surprising piece of news.时态时态错误可以算语法错误中最低级而又最不易发现的两种了。它的低级是因为时态是所有考生在笔头上都已掌握的很好;但一转到口头上,就很难保持了。请看以下的例子:Part I问题:Why did you choose to study that subject? 针对这个问题,可能你的口语老师会教你用the reason why Iis that

4、这个句型来回答。但所有考生在第一次作答时,基本上都会忽略所提出问题的时态,而在作答时用一般现在时来回答:The reason why I choose to study this subject is that I am interested in learning it at that time。很显然,正确的回答应该把句中的choose变为chose,is变为was,am也要相应的变成was: 如:The reason why I chose to study this subject was that I was interested in learning it at that tim

5、e.情态动词后不加动词原形有的考生会因为过度重视时态问题,如一味的想着整个作答都要基于某种时态而忽略情态动词后要加动词原形这一原则。如I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could got a better job after learning that。而正确的说法则是I thought the reason why I chose to study that subject was I could get a better job after learning that.动词短语忽略成分有些动词短语的搭配

6、是固定的,只有把短语完整的说全的情况下才可以接之后的名词,但许多考生很容易忽视这一点。如:listen to, go to, look forward to, pay attention to等等。所以我们要在练习中尽可能的回忆当时学校课堂上所交的那些口诀,来确保每一个说出的动词短语不会遗忘任何成分。雅思口语part2范文:需要改进的公共场所Describe a public place that needs improvements.You should say:Where it isWhat it is likeWhy you think it needs improvementsAnd

7、explain how to make it betterP3Are there many public places in China?Do you like to exercise in public places, such as parks?What measures should governments and individuals take to keep public places clean?How to keep a balance between public places and private houses?雅思口语part2话题范文:潮流美食雅思口语part2话题范

8、文参考:There are a lot of foods I like. It is quite difficult to think of one. So, let me talk about a popular menu in my country which is one of my favoritefoods also. It is steamed/plain rice and chicken adobo. “Adobo” is the local name. Adobo can bebeef, pork, chicken, fish or even vegetablesbut I l

9、ike the chicken adobo particularly.I will talk about how I cook my very own chicken adobo. A small amount of oil is placed in a heated pan. Then, saut (fried quickly in a little hot fat) garlic until it turns golden brown. Add in onions. Add the chicken and saut until it turns a little brown. Pour i

10、n about 2 cups of water andlet it boil. After about 30 minutes, add about 2 spoonful of sugar, whole peppercorns and let it simmer. Then add about one fourth cup of so sauce and let it boil for about 5 minutes. Then it is done and ready to be served. You may also add some vegetables like potatoes or

11、 fruits like banana or pineapple.I like it because it is easy to prepare and it is verydelicious. I am not quite sure about itsnutritional benefits but I am sure that we can get some nutrients in it too, especially if vegetables are added.This recipe is common in my country and I eat it about three to four times a week. I like it because it does not require much effort to prepare and it is also not expensive.


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