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1、GRAMMAR,Pronoun prunaun 代词,代词:是代替名词的一种词类。大多数代词 具有名词和形容词的功能。代词分类:,那什么是代词呢?,人称代词:物主代词:反身代词:不定代词:指示代词:疑问代词:关系代词连接代词,人称代词,I you she I am your teacher.You are my student.She is your classmate.I am your father.You are my son.She is your mother.,我爱你我很想爱他他一定很爱你爱我还是她,I love youI want to love himHe loves youY

2、ou love me or herLet us remmeber them,词法大全代词,I weyouhesheittheyme usyouhimheritthem,主格,宾格,人称代词,人称代词表格,I和me 都是“我”的意思。I 主格 me 宾格造句:1.我是一名老师。am a teacher.2.Shirley 喜欢我。Shirley likes _.3.把它给我。Give it to,人称代词的I和me,I只能放在主语的位置上,I,me只能放在宾语的位置上,me,me,me只能放在宾语的位置上,人称代词we和us,We和us 都是“我们”的意思,we用于主格,us用于宾格。举例:我们

3、是中国人。_ are Chinese.父母爱我们。Parents love _.,We,We 只能用于主语的位置,us,us 只能用于宾语的位置,人称代词最容易记的you,You在人称代词中应该是最容易记的了:造句:你是一名学生:我喜欢你:你们是学生:我爱你们:,“你”的主格,“你”的宾格,“你们”的主格,“你们”的宾格,you,You are a student.,I like you,You are students,I love you,你能推出she 和 her的位置吗?,she 用于主格,her用于宾格练习:她是一名护士:_ is a nurse.妈妈很爱她:Mother loves

4、 _ very much.她很漂亮:_ is very beautiful.你能帮助她:You can help _ 总结一下:,She,her,She,her,她,主格,宾格,she,her,人称代词的he和him,造句:他是我的朋友。He is my friend 我的狗喜欢他。My dog likes him,为什么用he?为什么不用him?,为什么不用he呢?,人称代词 it,It 的通常用法:通常:it表示人以外的动物和东西,是单数名词的代词。译为“它”。举例:,Where is my car?,It is over there?,美羊羊是用it代替了上一句沸羊羊说的car。It=c

5、ar,人称代词 it,It用来指小动物:翻译成“它”,What is it?,It is a lovely rabbit,人称代词 it,It的特殊用法:1.指天气 It was raining this morning 今天上午一直在下雨来着2.指时间,What time is it?,Its six thirty.,人称代词they 和them,主格,练习:1.他们是学生:_2._(她们)are listening to the radio 3.There are some cats here,I like _(它们),宾格,they,them,他们,她们,它们,They are stud

6、ents,They,them,做题小技巧,主格做主语(放句首的一般都可以使主格)宾格做宾语 吕氏三兄弟 吕动宾 动词后面人称用宾格 吕介宾 介词后面用 宾格 to for from 吕不宾 Not me,1分钟热身小练,1._(我)am a teacher.2.My father is talking with _(我)3._ are Chinese.(我们)4.Her sister is helping _(我们)5._ are a beautiful girl(你)6._(他们)are listening to the radio 真题再现 Miss Wang teaches_ this

7、term.A.us B our C.ourselves D.we,I,me,We,us,You,You,A,Give me some water.Tell him the news.This pretty dog is for me.I often write to him.,形容词性物主代词和名词性物主代词,物主:物体的主人表示:谁的我的,你的,他的,my ouryour his heritstheirmine oursyours hishersitstheirs,Its my card.,Its.,mine,Its his card.,his,s,Its.,Its her card.,It

8、s.,her,s,Its their classroom.,Its.,their,s,Theyre our books.,Theyre.,our,s,Theyre your desks.,your,s,Theyre.,形容词性+名词=名词性,有名则形无名则名后面有名词一定用形容词性,1,3,4,5,2,This is watch.(A.my B.mine),my,1,3,4,5,2,yours,Is this comb?(A.your B.yours),The skateboards are.(A.their B.theirs),1,3,4,5,2,theirs,My hairdryer is

9、 red.is yellow.(A.Her B.Hers),1,3,4,5,2,Hers,1,3,4,5,2,They are books.Yours are over there.(A.our B.ours),our,1 Wow!What a nice computer!My parents bought it for my sister and me.Its _A.ours B.hers C.mine D theirs2.Where is my pen?Have you seen_?(09烟台市)Oh,sorry.I have taken_by mistake.A.it;yours B.t

10、hem;his C.it;mine D.them;hers,反身代词,表示XX自己myselfourselvesyourselfyourselveshimselfherselfthemselvesitself,Help yourself to some fish.Make yourself at home.He teaches himself Japanese.,some anysome 用于肯定句,any用于否定句和疑问句中,但若希望别人做肯定回答时,疑问句常常用some。Would you like to have some coke?What about some fish?,修饰不可数

11、名词,修饰可数名词,三.不定代词,第三组:few,a few,little,a little,口诀:有a就有一点,没有a就一点都没有(否定),1.I have _ money.2.Its very difficult,and _ people can understand it.,+可数名词,+不可数名词,两者都,两者都不,三者及三者以上都,三者及三者以上都不,Both of my parents are doctors.Both my father and my mother are doctors.Neither of us likes Jay Chou.Neither Lily nor

12、Lucy likes Jay Chou.All of us are here.All of us like to play football.None of us is Japanese.None of us likes to watch TV.,第五组:表示两者或三者以上的不定代词,both,all,none,neither,Either(2选1),any(任何),each,Every/each,选择正确的答案。1.The rich man has _ money but _ friends.A.much,fewB.many,a fewC.many,fewD.much,a few2.Do y

13、ou like talking with your friends on the telephone or mobile phone?_.I enjoy using QQ.A.Either B.BothC.None D.Neither,3._ my father _ mother is able to use a computer.However,I can.A.Both,and B.Neither,norC.Either,orD.Not only,but also4.There is _ on Channel 6.Please try to find it.A.important somet

14、hingB.something importantC.important anythingD.anything important,1.两个答案都对 Both of the answers are right.2.你们都错了。All of you are wrong./you are all wrong.3.which do you prefer,tea of coffee?Either is ok.4.我们都没有钱。(三人以上)None of us has money.5.这对双胞胎都不是医生。Neither of the twins is doctor.,P2(4)考查表示两者与三者的不定

15、代词的区别1.Weve got two TV sets,but _of them is funny.neither,B.either C.none D.all真题演练Which film do you prefer,Harry Potter or The Lord of the Rings?(09佛山,21).They are really wonderful.A.Neither B.Both C.Either,Do you want tea or coffee?(09苏州),I really dont mindANone BEither CNeither DAllHe has several books on the desk,but _of them is on history.(09漳州)A.none B.neither C.all D.both,人有了知识,就会具备各种分析能力,明辨是非的能力。所以我们要勤恳读书,广泛阅读,古人说“书中自有黄金屋。”通过阅读科技书籍,我们能丰富知识,培养逻辑思维能力;通过阅读文学作品,我们能提高文学鉴赏水平,培养文学情趣;通过阅读报刊,我们能增长见识,扩大自己的知识面。有许多书籍还能培养我们的道德情操,给我们巨大的精神力量,鼓舞我们前进。,


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