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1、形容词.副词,高三语法复习课,1,They have just bought a new car.The tomato soup is delicious.I thought him honest.She came back home,cold and hungry.,(定语),(表语),(宾补),(状语),形容词的句法功用,形容词是用来修饰名词和代词,表示人和事物的特征和性质,在句中作定语、表语、宾补、状语,2,His efforts proved useless.。Our monitor is handsome and strong.The cloth feels soft.,形容词的句法

2、功用,作表语,(在系动词后),be;look,seem,sound,smell,taste,feel,become,get,go,grow,turn,remain/keep,prove,I smelt the fish carefully and the fish smelt terrible.The rice is growing nice.We are growing old.Milk _ bad easily in summer.He _ _ at the meeting.(保持沉默)Something has _ _ with my watch.(出故障),goes,kept sile

3、nt,remained,gone wrong,3,有些词只能作表语,称为表语形容词.alive;alone;awake;asleep;ashamed;afraid The boy is still asleep.The fish is still alive.但 alive,asleep 可以放在名词后作后置定语。The child is the only person alive in the small village after the earthquake.,形容词的句法功用,作表语,Which is right?a sleeping boy an asleep boythe boy

4、alive,4,Please keep the door open.We found him dead on the floor.Who has made him angry?,形容词的句法功用,作宾语补足语,没有什么能使他伤心.Nothing can _ _ _.他尽量使他的课有趣.He tried to _ his lessons _.请睁大眼睛.Please _ your eyes _.,make him sad,make interesting,keep open,5,He is lying on the ground,dead.They got home,tired and hung

5、ry.,形容词的句法功用,作状语,6,形容词的名词化,the rich 富人 the poor 穷人the young 年轻人 the old 老年人the wounded 伤员 the dead 死者,the+某些形容词,表示“某一类人”,The wounded are being looked after in the hospital.,7,副词,Adverb,8,1.副词的基本功能:作状语,修饰动词:He drives carefully.He plays tennis very badly.修饰全句的副词一般放在句首:Fortunately,he was not injured.Su

6、rprisingly,he got home so early.,2.频度副词:often,always,usually,seldom,never,sometimes,hardly 等的位置 She always goes to her aunts by train.He had hardly got up when the telephone rang.We usually have a discussion after class.,一般在实义动词前,助动词、系动词、情态动词后,9,形容词、副词比较的表达方式,10,一.形容词、副词的比较级、最高级(规则变化),11,一.形容词、副词的比较

7、级、最高级(不规则变化),*形容词最高级前面必须加 the 副词最高级前面可以不加 the,12,二.形容词、副词比较级最高级的几种常用句型,比较级+than:He is taller than I.This one is more difficult than that one.,2.as+原级+as:He is as tall as his brother.I have as many books as you have.,3.不如 not as/so+原级+as:less+形容词/副词+than This dress is not so/as expensive as that one.

8、This dress is less expensive than that one.Today is not so cold as yesterday.He doesnt earn as much money as his sister does.=He earns less money than his sister does.,13,5.“越来越”比较级+and+比较级:Winter is coming.The weather is getting colder and colder.The trees grow taller and taller year by year.,6.“越,

9、就越”the+比较级,the+比较级:The harder you work at it,the better youll do in it.The more you talk,the less patient he gets.,7.the+比较级(+of the two)指“两者中较样的一个”I want to talk with the taller of the twins.Of the two books,I will take the thinner.,二.形容词、副词比较级最高级的几种常用句型,4.the+最高级+of/in+比较范围:He is the tallest of th

10、e boys in his class.Our country has the largest population in the world.,14,1)倍数as+原级+as This room is twice as big as that one They produced three times as many TV sets as they did last year.2)倍数+比较级+than The iron box is three times heavier than the wooden one They produced twice more grain than we

11、did.,三.形容词、副词倍数的表达法,15,四.形容词、副词比较级最高级其它要点,much;even;rather;a little;a bit;a lot;far/by far;any等词可用来修饰比较级 This book is much/a little/far better than that one.Are you feeling any better?No,even worse.There are now a lot more trees on the hill around the village.2.名词词组如 five years,ten metres 可用来修饰比较级 I

12、 am five years older than you.He is a head taller than I.This bridge is two hundred metres longer than that one.,16,四.形容词、副词比较级最高级其它要点*,3.区别两种句型:not+比较级+than(不超过)no+比较级+than(并不比更)试比较:He is not taller than I.Tom is no taller than Jack.I am no richer than you.,(他不比我高),我并不比你有钱。(=I am as poor as you.),(

13、=Tom is as short as Jack.),*no more than=only He has no more than five dollars in his pocket.,17,需要注意的一些形容词和副词用法,18,1.enough 的用法(位置)Its _ _ today.今天够热的。He studied _ _ to pass the exam.他学习很努力,通过了考试。Has he got _ _?他有足够的钱吗?,修饰形容词、副词,放在其修饰词后 修饰名词,放在其修饰词前。,hot enough,hard enough,enough money,2.以-ly结尾的词性辨

14、析:大部分的副词都是 形容词+ly 构成,但少数以-ly 结尾的词是形容词:,lively,lonely,lovely,deadly(致命的),friendly,ugly,silly,likely,19,alive/live/lively/living-adj.alive 表语,后置定语“活的”living 表语、定语“活的”lively“活跃的、充满生机的”live laiv 1)“活的=living”2)“实况转播的”,见3+证书P.73-74,ill/sick sick:有病的-,定语,表语 ill:有病的-只作表语;恶意的,坏的 作定语5.present(后置定语)出席的,在场的 th

15、e students present(前置定语)目前的,现在的 the present situation,20,见3+证书P.74/P.75hard/hardly 努力/几乎不 late/lately 迟到/最近 alone/lonely 单独/孤独 already/still/yet 已经/仍然,还 also/either/too 也 quite/quiet 相当/安静,其它:12.high/highly 高/greatly13.wide/widely 宽/广泛地14.deep/deeply 深/深深地15.bad/badly 坏/坏,非常,21,16.so/such so+adj./ad

16、v.The book is so interesting.He ran so quickly that no one could catch him.such+adj.+n.He is such a nice boy that we all want to be his friends.*so+many/much/little/few There were so many books here that I couldnt decide which to choose.*so+adj.+a+n.It is so lovely a day that everyone wants to go ou

17、t for an outing.,22,17.no longer/no more 不再 no longer(指时间上不再延续)=notany longer no more(指动作的次数不再反复)=notany more He _ works here.I see him _.=I _ see him _.,no longer,no more,dont any more,18.close/closed;open close v.关闭 adj.靠近的,亲密的 closed adj.关闭的 open:v.打开 adj.打开的 The door is open.The door is closed.K

18、eep the door _(关)and the window _(开).,closed,open,23,19.形容词排序,It is a _ _ _ _brooch.(oval,gold,beautiful,small),beautiful small oval gold,24,Exercises,25,形容词、副词的基本句型练习:,Dont go out when _(天太晚).他太小走不动了。_any further.3.他早起为了赶上头班车.He got up _ _ to catch the first bus.4.他太生气以至于说不出话来。He was so angry _.He

19、was _ to say a word.5.Jack is _(和你一样高).6.I have got _(和你一样多的书).7.He runs _(和你一样快).8.This new building is _(是那座旧楼的四倍高)9.Asian is _(比欧洲大四倍),it is too late,He was too young to go,early enough,that he couldnt say a word,too angry,as tall as you,as many books as you,as fast/quickly as you,four times as h

20、igh as that old one,four times larger than Europe,26,形容词、副词的基本句型练习:,10.John is _ as his brother(不如强壮).John is _ than his brother.11.I _ as you.(不如有钱).I _ than you.12.My brother is _(比我小2岁).13.This box is _(比那个重好多).14.Lesson 3 is _(比第2课难多了).15.Mary is _(双胞胎中高的那个).16.Our life is becoming _(越来越好).17.Hi

21、s health is getting _(越来越糟).18.His voice is becoming _(越来越弱).19.Your daughter is becoming _(越来越漂亮).,not so strong,less strong,dont have as/so much money,have less money,two years younger than I,much/a lot/even heavier than that one,much/a lot/even/far more difficult than Lesson 2,the taller of the t

22、wins,better and better,worse and worse,weaker and weaker,more and more beautiful,27,形容词,副词的基本句型练习(the 比较级.,the 比较级),你工作越努力,你就会得到越好结果。你英语听得越多,英语就会越容易。你越爬得高,就看得越远。你越吃得多,就会越胖。你开车越快,对你就越危险,The harder you work,the better result you will get.,The more you listen to English,the easier it becomes.,The highe

23、r you climb,the farther you will see.,The more you eat,the fatter you will be.,The faster you drive,the more dangerous it is for you.,28,最高级句型练习:,The Yangzhi River is _.(中国最长的河)2.The Yangzhi River is also _ _(世界上最长的河之一).3.这是我一生中看过的最棒的球赛.This is _ that _ in my life.4._(这三本字典中),mine is the thickest.5.

24、He is _(三人中最高的).6.She dances _(我班里跳舞最漂亮的).7.Tuesday and Wednesday are _(我最忙的天),the longest river in China,one of the longest rivers,in China,the most wonderful football game,I have ever seen,Of the three dictionaries,the tallest of the three,(the)most beautifully in my class,my busiest days,29,any 在

25、比较级句中,She is _(比任何其他人细心)in our class.John has _(比其他人更多的邮票)in our class.Susan sings _(比任何其他女孩唱得好)in our class.Canada is _(比任何一个南美洲的国家要大),more careful than anyone else,more stamps than the others,=the other students,better than any other girl,larger than any country in South America,30,The moon was _

26、in the sky.lowB.lowlyHe bowed _ before the Queen.lowB.lowlyWhat _weather were having!badB.badlyWe _ need rain now.badB.badly,bad 坏的 a.badly迫切地 adv.low 低 a.adv.lowly 低 adv.,形容词 与 副词的区别使用:,31,sad-sadlyHe looked _ that day.He looked _ at us when he got the _news.,soft-softlyThis kind of cloth feels _.H

27、e spoke _ to his child,that is,spoke to the child in a _ voice.,形容词 与 副词的区别使用:,careful-carefullyHe is such a _ man that he does everything very _.,32,perfect-perfectlyThe shop owner said that the design was _ and the color fitted me _.,形容词 与 副词的区别使用:,calm-calmlyHe looked_ and looked _ at the policem

28、an.,silent-silentlyHe kept _ at the meeting,sitting _ in the corner all the time.,33,1.The high-jumper can really jump very _.A.highB.highly2.They all speak _ of him.A.high B.highly3.He usually works _ into the night.A.deepB.deeply4.We are _ moved by what he said.A.deepB.deeply,副词:表原意无-ly,表引申意义有-ly,

29、high 高 a.adv.highly高度地 adv.deep 深 a.adv.deeply深入地 adv.,34,5.Dont sit _.A.close B.closely6.Watch _.A.close B.closely7.He arrived _.A.late B.lately8.I havent seen him _.A.lately B.late,close 近a.adv.closely 密切的adv.late 晚、迟 a.adv.lately 最近 adv.,副词:表原意无-ly,表引申意义有-ly,35,9.Keep your mouth _ open.A.wideB.wi

30、dely10.English is a _ used language.A.wideB.widely,wide 宽广 a.adv.widely广泛地 adv.,表原意(无-ly)和引申(有-ly)的副词,36,1.She is _ out on Sundays.A.mostB.mostly2._ people enjoy exciting games.A.MostB.Mostly3.We spent _ of March ploughing.A.mostB.mostly4.Rose works _ and she _ wastes any time.A.hardly,hard B.hard,h

31、ardly C.hard,hard D.hard,harder,most a.adv.n.大多数、大部分mostly adv.多半、通常(mainly),有-ly 或无-ly词意不同的副词,hard adv.努力地hardly adv.几乎不,37,fall ill/be ill ill news jump high speak highly of work hard hardly work the students present the present situation,翻译下列短语,注意比较其区别:,病倒.生病坏消息跳高高度评价努力工作几乎不工作在场/座的学生目前的形势,38,live

32、 alone feel lonely come late How are you lately?deep into the night be deeply moved be wide open be widely used,翻译下列短语,注意比较其区别:,独自一个人住感到孤独/寂寞来迟了你最近好吗?直到深夜深(深地)受感动敞开广泛地运用,39,the taller of the two the tallest of the three the longest in China the second longest my eldest brother my second eldest brother twice as big as.twice bigger than,翻译下列短语,注意比较其区别:,两个中较高的那个三个中最高的中国最长的第二长的我的大哥我的二哥是的两倍大比大两倍,40,


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