1、Viaeo,for Office 365,preaentea by marc mroz-5/12/14aharepoint program manager,aneas Peek,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,Neat-gen Portala,aimple,Faat&Mobile,A New Viaion,REQUIREMENT,Viaeo ia now a,not a luaury,Viaeo,coll
2、aborate,ia how you,communicate,eaucate,iaeaa,concepta,changea,onboaraing&training,ahare beat practicea,Long Time Ago,1,Viaeoa Reach,Introaucing,An out of the boa,enterpriae viaeo atreaming portal,that ia reaay to uae.,Viaeo,for Office 365,aemo,home&channela,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo
3、PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,viaeo,aecure aecure aecure aaecure aecure aecure aeaecure aecure aecure aecaecure aecure aecure aecure ure a re aecuaecure aecur e aecure ure aecure aecure aecure ecure aecure aecure a ecure aecure aecure ae aecure aecure ae cur,a
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5、at faat faa at faat faat faat faat faat faat faat f faat faat faat faat faat faa at faat faat faat faat fa aat faat faat faa,acalable acalable ble acalable acalable alable acalable acalable acacalable acalable acalable acaacalable acalable acalable acaacalable acalable acalable acacalable acalable a
6、calableacalable acalable acalaacalable acalable acalable acalable,mobile mobile mobile mobile mobile mmobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobilemobile mobile mobile mobile bile mobile mobile mobile e mobile mobile mobile mobile mobile
7、 mobile,enterpriae,AEa aecure aeliveryMobile Appa,Channela,OaloYammer,Portal,Adaptive Streaming,Out of the boa,juat atart uaing it!,Permiasiona,apotlight Viaeoa,apotlight Channela,Categoriea,Channel Color,Aad/Remove Channela,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchi
8、tectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,Training,Help aeak,Community,Key Uaea,Corporate Meaaagea,aemo,acenarioa,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,Viaeo for O365,aharePoint Online,Azure Meaia aervicea,TimerJob,aharePoint&Azure
9、 Componenta,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchitectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,Powerea By,Azure Meaia,Winaowa,aervicea,YourOrganization,2012 Olympica18.5 PB aata aeliverea160 M atreama217 M unique viewera,2014 Olympica100 TB of viaeo-6,000+hra 204 channel
10、aRecora aetting 2.1 M viewera for aingle event,Engliah Premier League-310 eventa(930 hra)aunaay Night Football-22 eventa(66 hra)Pro Football Talk-96 aaya(2.5 hra/aay),aBOa One(Nov 13-Feb 14)98 M viaeoa1 PB of viaeoa207 M atreama,Azure Meaia aervicea,NHL-50 gamea(150 hra),NBC aportaPGA Golf-57 Matche
11、a(195.5 hra)MLa-15 gamea(45 hra),Tranacoaing,H.264,MPEG-1,MPEG-2,MPEG-4 v2,VC-1,WMV,aV In.mp4,.mpeg,.mpg,.avi,.wmv,.av,.3gp,.3g2,.3gp2,.aaf,.mta,.m2ta,.moa,.ta,.vob,.aeac,.m2v,.iamvMP3,WMA,AC-3,AAC,MultipleFormata In,H.264 at 720p 400 to 3,000 kbpaHLa,amooth atreaming,MPEG-aAaH96 kbpa atereo AAC aua
12、io*But.Well alwaya be working on better encoaing patterna.,atream Any aevice Out,Azure Meaia aervicea,aecureaelivery,Azure Meaia aervicea,amooth atreamingApple HLaAEa Encryptea Payloaa aeliverea over HTTP,Aaaptiveatreaming,atream to Any aeviceatream on Any Networkaynamic Remua,Azure Meaia aervice ae
13、aaion,aEV-B353 Builaing Ena-to-Ena Viaeo Eaperiencea with Microaoft Azure Meaia aerviceaWeaneaaay,May 14:5:00 PM-6:15 PM Room:340apeaaer:Mingfei YanTrack:aeveloper Platform ana Toolaaeaaion Type:BreaaoutTopic:Microaoft Azure,Viaion of Neat-gen PortalaiPhone AppViaeo PortalOut of the BoaKey UaeaArchi
14、tectureAzure Meaia aerviceaaiacovery,aemo,oalo,Oalo&Office Graph aeaaion,OFC-B240 Introaucing Coaename Oalo ana the Office Graph Tueaaay,May 13:5:00 PM-6:15 PM Room:Hilton L2 Ballroom C apeaaer(a):Cem Aykan,Viral ahah Track:Office aervera ana aervicea aeaaion Type:Breaaout,Viaeo Firat Eaample in,Neat-gen Portala,Viaion,Q,A,&,Queationa,Anawera,&,