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1、Unit 3,1,可编辑,proverb,Rome is not built in a day.,冰冻三尺,非一日之寒,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A,Section B,Section C,Section D,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Warm up,Listening,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:New words in the short movie,spell definitely current trendalbum powerhousetuneexecutive,招致,流行趋势,肯定,音乐专辑,强大的集团,曲调、曲子,

2、经理;主管领导;管理人员,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:short movie,go straight to your computer and start downloadingthat doesnt mean buying CDs is yesterdays newsiTunesPeople are very eager to announce the death of the CDthe trend of downloading music has forced the closure of tow of the biggest music stores in Los

3、 Angelesthe CDs still carry the day,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:short movie,could you tell me some services,which support downloading?,BT、Sogou、emule、eastbox、kugoo。,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:DialogueSurgical procedure,Objective:master how to communicate with clients,who will have operation.Thats include

4、 doing some special nursing operation、telling clients what should they do or pay attention to,ect.,He huijuan,可编辑,Words to know,suture-sitenasal gastric tubedeviationmembranesalivaaspiratesyringe,缝合处,鼻胃管,离题,偏差,膜,口水,唾液,吸出,注射器,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Dialogue,Background:Mr.Charles Bush,72,has been ha

5、ving abdominal pains for about 1 year.He didt go see a doctor until he began to feel throes.The doctor admitted him to the hospital for diagnostic tests.On ultrasonic a stone was found in his gallbladder.He has been scheduled for gallbladder surgery in two days.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Dialogue-ene

6、ma,Nurse:As you know,you will have an operation tomorrow,so the doctor ordered an enema for you.Id like to give it to you now.Is that OK?Mr.Charles:Sure.How do you want me to lie down?N:Could you please lie on your left side?Now just open your mouth and breathe slowly.Thats right.After Ive given you

7、 the enema you may feel like you have to go to the toilet immediately,but try to postpone it as long as you can.Dont go to the toilet until you really cant bear it any longer.After youre finished on the toilet,please dont flush it,because I have to see your stools.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Dialogue

8、N.G tube,Nurse:Have you emptied your bladder?Mr.Charles:Yes,I have.N:Then I would like you to swallow a nasal gastric tube that I have prepare for you.Mr.Charles:What is that?N:This N.G.tube goes from the nasal cavity to the stomach and is attached to a suction motor for sucking gastric juice after

9、the operation.Since the digestive system is so affected by the operation and the anesthesia,it will not be functioning well enough and will need a tube to assist draining the juice.You have to wait until the digestive system returns to normal functioning.Mr.Charles:I see.It seems to be very importan

10、t,doesnt it?N:Oh,yes,it is.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Dialogue N.G tube,Nurse:I will give you an N.G.tube right now.Will you sit facing me?And(try to)relax.Mr.Charles:All right.N:Do you have any problems with your nasal cavity like deviation or infections?M:The membrane of the left nostril seems to b

11、e sore sometimes.Will you insert it through the right side?N:All right.And please try to relax.I am going to insert the tube now.When the tube passes to the entrance of the throat you may feel obstructed,but try to swallow the tube with your saliva.Here it is.Please swallow.Slowly swallow.O.K.stop y

12、our swallowing.I have aspirated juice which looks like gastric juice in the syringe.I will check with the test tape now.Everything is fine.Thank you for your cooperation.Im sorry I gave you such a hard time.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section A:Dialogue N.G tube,Nurse:I will fix the tube with adhesive tape,on t

13、he top of the nose and cheek.It will be uncomfortable,but please do not try to remove it.Otherwise you may have problems.This is an important part of the post surgery.Please call a nurse if you have any problems.Mr.Charles:How long do I have to keep it?N:You may have to wait until the bowels start f

14、unctioning.M:I see.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section B:review Section A,listening:Will downloading music spell the death of the CD?,dialogue:Preoperation Care,He huijuan,可编辑,Section B:Text A,words to know:optimal terminology dynamics interaction hone eliminate initiate colleague contradiction,最好的,产生影响的力量,训练,开

15、始,发起,同事,同僚,反驳、矛盾,专门用语,互相作用,除去、排除,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building&Exercises,word-building hemodialysis:血液透析,hem(o)/hemat(o):blood,hemato-logy,-logy,the study ofhence the study of blood,hemo-globin,-globin,proteinhence protein of blood,dialyis,透析,渗析,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building&Exerci

16、ses,-logy,socio-logy,soci/o,societyhence the study of societies,urino-logy,urin/o,urinehence the study of urinary systerm,cyto-logy,cyt/o,cellhence the study of cells,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building&Exercises,word-building arteriovenous,vein-/phleb(o),phlebitis:inflammation of the vein,phlebo

17、thromboiss,thrombo-phleb-itis:inflammation of the vein,caused by thrombus,arteri/o-,arteri-al:,-al,pertaining topertaining to artery,arter-itis,-itis,inflammationinflammation of the artery,arterio-logy,the study of artery,artery,动脉,vein,静脉,thromb/o,clot(血栓)thrombosis,血栓形成thrombosis of the vein,He hu

18、ijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building,tuberculosistubercul/o tubercul-osis-osis,tubercul/o:small swelling(轻度肿胀),-osis:abnormal condition,hence tuberculosis means the abnormal small swelling of the lungs,tubercul-ous:-ous,pertaining topertaining to tuberculosis,tubercul-oma:-oma,tumortumor of tuberculosi

19、s,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building,coronary heart disease,coron/o:crown,coronary pertaining to crown;crownlike,coronavirusthe appearance of the virus,looks like a crown,coron-oid:oid,resembing(样的)like a crown,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building,elctroconvulsive therapy,electr/o:electricity,

20、electro-cardio-gram:record of electric wave of the heart.,electro-cardio-graph:cardi/o,heart;-graph,an instrument of recording.hence the machine which records the heart electric waves,electro-myo-gram:my/o,muscle;-gram,record;x-ray record.hence the record of muscle electric waves.,electro-encephalo-

21、gram:encephal/o,brain;hence the record of electric wave of the brain,He huijuan,可编辑,Section C:word-building,aneurysm,aneurysm/o,a sac formed by the dilatation of the wall of an artery,aneurysmo-tomy:tomy,process of cuttinghence operation of incising the sac of an aneurysm.,aneurism,anatomy:ana-,apar

22、thence cutting apart the human body as a branch of medical sciences.,aneurysmorrhaphy:the operation of suturing an aneurysm.,aneurysm-ectomy:-ectomy,surgical excision or removal ofextirpation of an aneurysm by removal of the sac.,He huijuan,可编辑,Section D:,versus 对,相对 apron围裙pedestrian行人,步行的 gonad睾丸,

23、性腺approximately 大概 hole 洞,孔trauma 外伤 DOA dead on arrivallateral 侧面的 hemopneumothorax血气胸grab 抓起 rupture 破裂folk 家属 diaphragm横膈膜epi 位置电子指示器 unavailable不能采用,He huijuan,可编辑,Section D:,band 一伙 resuscitate(使)苏醒debate 辩论 severe 严重的nerd 讨厌的人 adviser 导师hernia 疝,突出 cardiac 心脏的respiratory 呼吸的arrest 阻止,妨碍,He huijuan,可编辑,He huijuan,


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