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1、module1 people and placesunit1 people around us,Feb.19,New words of unit1,1.cheerful adj.高兴的,快乐的 cheer n.欢呼 v.欢呼,使高兴,加油 Eg:Do you know why he is always so cheerful?你知道他为什么总是如此快乐吗?My father is cheerful when he heart the good news.近义词happy,glad,2.hard-working adj.工作努力的,勤勉的 反义词:lazy adj.懒惰的 Eg:I think

2、Ben is one of the hard-working students in our class.我觉得本是我们班学习勤奋的学生之一。,hard-working 形容词性合成词 work hard 动副结构短语 eg:He works hard,3.patient:(1)adj.耐心的,能容忍的 Be patient!耐心点 be patient with sb.对某人有耐心(2)n.病人(3)反义词:impatient adj.没耐心的Eg:Dont worry!Be patient,please.不要担心,请耐心点。The nurse is very patient with he

3、r patients.,4.smart adj.聪明的,机敏的,时髦的 近义词:clever adj.机智的 反义词:foolish adj.愚蠢的 Eg:You are so smart.You can finish that difficult Maths problem in only five minutes.你真聪明,可以在5分钟之内就解出那道数学难题。,2023/1/20,5.probably可能的,大概【拓展】probably=most likely(maybe=possibly=perhaps)【用法】possible:psbl 可能的 词形变化:副词:possibly 例句:

4、1.Ill do everything possible to help you.我会尽一切可能帮助你。2.Everything is possible/Nothing is impossible 一切皆有可能。,2023/1/20,probably:prbb()li ad.大概,或许 eg:1.Were going on holiday soon,probably next month.我们很快就要去度假了,多半是下个月。2.Can he hear us?Probably not.他听得见我们的话吗?大概听不见.maybe:meibi ad.大概,也许 eg:1.Maybe he is st

5、ill at home.可能他还在家里。2.Maybe hell come,maybe he wont.他也许来,也许不来.perhaps也许;是也许如此、也许不如此的意思,大体和possibly同义,2023/1/20,【区别】perhaps也许;是也许如此、也许不如此的意思,大体和possibly同义 possibly或者;常和can,may must等情态动词连用,比probably语气弱得多 possible是形容词,故此处用其副词形式与其它表“也许”的副词相比。probably大概;肯定的成分较大,是most likely的意思maybe或许;比perhaps普通,但不够庄重,例句:

6、Perhaps the letter will come today.或许那封信今天能到。It will probably rain.天很可能要下雨了。Ill do all I possibly can.我会做我可能做到的事。Its clouding up.Maybe itll rain this afternoon.天阴上来了,今天下午也许有雨。在表示“也许”、“大概”的副词中,还有一个,即likely:likely或许;通常与most,very连用,如:Most likely she is over thirty.她也许已经过了30了。may be是“可能是”,后接表语。My answer

7、 may be correct.我的回答可能是正确的。,6.forget-forgot-forgotten v.忘记 反义词:remember v.记住,记得(1)forget 后接人或事、物,表示忘记某人、某事、某物 Eg:He forgot the name of his teacher.他忘记了他老师的名字。(2)forget后接to do sth.表示忘记做某事。Eg:Dont forget to reply to Jane in the morning.上午别忘了给简回复。(3)forget后接doing sth.表示忘记做过某事。Eg:He forgot buying that s

8、carf in Paris.他忘记在巴黎买过这条围巾。,7.smell n.气味 v.闻,嗅(1)作行为动词,后面直接跟宾语。Eg:Smell the perfume.Do you like it?闻闻这香水的味道。你喜欢吗?(2)做系动词,后接形容词修饰主语。Eg:The meat smells nice,but tastes terrible.这肉闻起来不错,但味道很糟糕。8.care n.照顾,照料 v.关心,关注,在乎 Eg:Baby dogs and cats need a lot of care.小狗和小猫需要很多照顾。The only thing he cares about i

9、s money.他只在乎钱。,9.miss v.想念,怀念,错过,错失Eg:He missed the ball.他没有接到球。10.joke n.玩笑 v.说笑话,开玩笑Eg:I didnt get the joke.我不明白这个笑话有什么好笑的。11.laugh v.笑;laughter n.笑声Eg:Why are you laughing so happily?为什么你笑得这么开心?,12.remain v.仍然是,保持不变remain常用作系动词,后接名词或形容词做表语。Eg:We will remain friends forever.我们将永远做朋友。13.strict adj.

10、严格的,严厉的 be strict about sthEg:Shes very strict about things like homework.她对作业之类的事要求非常严格。14.encourage v.鼓励 encourage sb.to do sth.Eg:Our PE teacher often encourages us to do more sport.我们的体育老师经常鼓励我们多做运动。,15.support n.支持 v.支持 Eg:Everybody said I was wrong but Paul supported me.大家都说我错了,只有保罗支持我。16.succ

11、essful adj.获得成功的 success n.成功 succeed v.Eg:Johnsons a _ person because he _ in making the program?约翰逊是一个成功的人因为他成功地完成这个项目。,17.as well意为“也”。通常放句末,相当tooeg:I can speak Chinese and I can speak English as well.,辨析:as well,also,too和eitheras well副词短语,多用于口语中,用于句末,前面通常不用逗号隔开also较正式,位置通常接近动词,不用于句末,常用于肯定句中too多用

12、于口语中,位置常在句末,前面常有逗号隔开either用于否定句中,常用于句末。在肯定句变成否定句时,其中的also,too,as well都要变成either。Eg:.He can swim _.He _ wants to go there.Im a boy,_.He does not want to go,_.,18 take care of 意为“照顾,照料”,相当于look after,其中care做名词。take good care of 相当于look after.well,表示“照顾好.”例:Can you take care of the baby?,二、课文重点句子的讲解。,1

13、.She takes time to help her child.她花时间帮助她的孩子。(1)take time意为“花时间”,后接动词不定式take time to do sth Eg:Take time to check your answers before you hand in your test paper,please.交卷之前请花点时间检查你的答案。四花费(spend,pay,cost,take)的用法:人+spend(spent)+时间/金钱+on sth./(in)doing sth.人+pay(paid)+钱+for+物 物+cost(cost)+sb.+金钱It ta

14、kes(took)sb.some time to do sth.eg:I spent 200 yuan on the bag.=I paid 200 yuan for the bag.=I bought the bag for 200 yuan,(2)help sb.(to)do sth.帮助某人做某事=help sb.with sth.在某方面帮助某人Li Ping helps me learn English.=Li Ping helps me with my English.help oneself(to)请自便;请随便吃 with the help of=with ones help在

15、某人的帮助下cant/couldnt help doing sth.忍不住,禁不住请同学们完成下面的句子。1.在警察的帮助下,他找到了丢失的钱。_ _ _ _the policeman,he found his losing money.2.上课时,我忍不住要睡觉。I _ _ _when having class.3.莉莉请顺便吃些水果。Lily please _ _ _some fruits.,2.my grandma was a short woman with hair.with 介词“带有”表伴随状态、特征。后面跟名词、动名词(动词-ing)反义词:without“没有”3.She w

16、as always cheerful.形容词的用法:形容词修饰名词,放在名词的前面;修饰be动词、系动词(get,become,appear等)构成系表结构 放在be动词的后面;修饰感官动词(look,smell,taste,sound,feel)放在感官动词的后面 a good cook look beautiful,4、I will never forget the taste,and the smell as well.我将永远不会忘记那种味道和气味。(1)as well意为“除之外,也,还”。和too的意思相近。Eg:He knows English,and he knows Fren

17、ch as well.他懂英语,还懂法语。(2)辨析:as well,also,either as well常用于口语,多置于肯定句句末。Eg:I can swim too.also,置于动词之前,助动词、be动词之后,常用于句中。Eg:He also wants to go.either,常用于否定句句尾。Eg:He doesnt want to go either.他也不想去。,练习(用 as well,too,either,also 填空)1.If you dont go,I wont go _.2.He is interesting in gardening _.3.He know C

18、hinese,and he knows English _.4.His father is a teacher,and his mother is _a teacher.5、Grandma took care of my family.(1)take care of=look after=care for(此外,care for还有喜欢的意思)照顾、爱护 Eg:Nurses take care of patients in hospital.=Nurses look after patients in hospital.护士在医院照顾病人。(2)care about 意为“关心,介意”care

19、 for 意为“喜欢,为操心”Eg:Einstein who cared little for money never cared about his salary.爱恩斯坦对金钱不感兴趣,他从不在乎薪水多少。,6、She often tells jokes to make me laugh,but she never makes fun of others.她常常讲笑话,让我哈哈大笑,但她从不取笑人。(1)tell jokes意为“讲笑话”tell sb(not)to do sth 告诉某人做(不要做)某事 Eg:Dont tell jokes in class.上课时不要讲笑话。(2)ma

20、ke sb.do sth.意为“使某人做某事”。make后直接跟动词的原形(let/have也是此用法)。make sth+adj.“使处于某种状态”(此用法还有 leave/keep)Eg:The teacher made the students do a lot of homework.这个老师让学生做很多的作业。(3)make fun of意为“嘲弄,取笑”与laugh at 意思相近。Eg:The older children always make fun of him because of his accent.=The older children always laugh a

21、t him because of his accent.大一些的孩子常常取笑他的口音。(4)other,the other,others,another的区别,拓展:1、be made of 由什么制成(看得出原材料)eg:The house is made of wood.2、be made from 由什么制成(看不出原材料)eg:Wine is made from grapes.3、be made into 把制成。Eg:Grapes are made into wine.4、be made in+地方“产于某地”,7、I hope we will always remain frien

22、ds.我希望我们将永远朋友。(1)hope v.希望(希望自己)hope to do sth.希望做某事。不能说:hope sb to do sth eg.I hope to be a teacher when I grow up.长大后我想成为一名演员。hope+that 从句 I hope(that)youll deal with the problem as soon as possible.我希望你尽快解决这个问题wish sb to do sth 希望某人做某事(希望别人)I wish you to write a letter soon.我希望你尽快写封信。(2)remain fr

23、iends 意为“还是朋友,保持朋友联系”Eg:You must tell me the truth,if we are to remain friends.如果我们还是朋友的话,你必须告诉我实情。,8、she is good at Maths be good at sth/doing sth=do well in sth/doing sth 擅长某事/做某事9、His classes are always full of fun.他的课总是充满了欢乐。(1)be full of=be filled with意为“充满”Eg:The bottle is full of milk.这个瓶子里装满

24、了牛奶。(2)fun n.乐趣,欢乐;funny adj.好玩的,有趣的,滑稽的,古怪的 Eg:His classes are always funny.他的课总是很有趣。have fun doing sth 做某事玩得愉快,10、He uses lots of games in his teaching.他在教学中运用许多游戏。(1)teaching n.教学 teach v.教 teacher n.教师 Eg:Linda wants to go into teaching.琳达想从事教学工作。(2)lots of=a lot of 许多 后既接可数名词复数=many 也接不可数名词=muc

25、h(3)in 在此表示“在方面”,11、Mr Li is strict about our studies,but he always encourages us and gives us support.李老师对我们的学习要求严格,但他总是鼓励我们,给我们支持。(1)be strict about/in 对某事要求严格,后面只能接sth.Eg:Our teachers are always strict about our homework.我们老师对我们的作业要求很严格。(2)be strict with 对某人要求严格,后面只能接人 Eg:He is very strict with h

26、is students.他对学生非常严格。My father is always strict in behavior with me.我爸爸对我的行为举止要求很严格。(3)encourage sb to do sth 鼓励某人做某事(4)support n.支持 support v.支持 support sb to do sth 支持某人做某事,12、He often says,“Never give up and youll be successful.”他常常说:“永不放弃,你就会成功(1)give up 意为“放弃,投降,认输”,可作不及物动词用。Eg:I give up,tell m

27、e what the answer is.我认输,告诉我答案吧。(2)give up sth 放弃某事/某物 give up doing sth 放弃做某事 Eg:In fact Ive given up this idea.事实上我已经放弃了这个想法。He told me to give up smoking.他建议我戒烟。(3)Never give up!是祈使句。相当于Dont give up forever.永不放弃。(4)引号中的整个句子是并列句。And 前的分句用祈使句表达条件,and后的分句表达结果。常常引用if引导的条件句进行改写。本句可改写为:If you never give up,you will be successful.练习:快一点,你就可以赶得上早班车。Be quick,and you can get the early bus.=If you are quick,you can get the early bus.,


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