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1、Lesson 88,Trapped in a mine,If you are trapped in a mine,what will you do?,Listen to the tape,New words and expressions,words,trap surface explosive vibration collapse drill capsule layer beneath lower progress smoothly,v.陷入,使陷于困境n.地面,表面n.炸药n.震动v.坍塌v.钻孔n.容器n.层prep.在.之下v.放下,降低v.进展,进行adv.顺利地,trap 1)v.

2、陷入,使陷于困境他被困在禁猎区。He was trapped in the game preserve.2)v.将(某人)诱入圈套 trap sb into doing 诱使某人做某事他们骗她卖了房子。They trapped her into selling her house.3)n.(捕鸟、兽等用的)圈套、陷阱 它掉进了陷阱.It fell into a trap.,Oh,My God!陷入困境啦!,vibration n.震动我们能够感觉到外面卡车路过的震动。We could feel the vibrations from the trucks passing outside.vib

3、rate 1)v.震动、摇动他气到双肩颤动。His shoulders vibrated with anger.2)v.受而感动那张画感动了我的心灵。My heart vibrated to the painting.,美国50号公路被称为“全美最孤独的公路”,drill 1)v.钻孔我忙着在墙上钻洞。I am busy in drilling a hole in the wall.2)v.训练 练习英语发音drill in English pronunciation3)n.锥子、钻孔机用钻打洞make a hole with a drill,capsule n.容器(=container)、

4、胶囊他们一下吃了许多粒胶囊。They swallowed many capsules at a time.medicine:pill 药丸 powder 药粉 tablet 药片 capsule 胶囊,layer 1)n.层、一层两层蛋糕a cake with two layers2)蛋鸡a good layer 常下蛋的鸡 a bad layer 不常下蛋的鸡lie lay lain lying 躺;位于 lie lied lied lying 说谎lay laid laid 放置;产卵,beneath prep.在.之下 让我们在树下休息。Lets take a rest beneath

5、the tree.我脚下的土地松软。The ground beneath my feet was soft.,lower 1)v.放低(高度、位置),降低她垂下眼睛。She lowered her eyes.2)adj.更低的;较低的;下层的He belongs to the lower middle class.他来自中产阶级下层。,progress 1)v.进展,进行我们现在工作进展顺利。We are now progressing steadily with our work 2)v.进步、上进progress in sth.在某方面进步迅速你在数学上进步迅速。You have prog

6、ressed quickly in mathematics.3)n.进步 make progress取得进步 医药的进步the progress of medicine,smoothly adv.顺利地、平滑地我们的工作进展顺利。Our work goes smoothly.自动扶梯没有顺利运作。The escalator didnt operate smoothly.smooth 1)adj.平滑的、顺利的The water was as smooth as glass.水面光滑如玻璃一样。2)adj.温和的They are smooth in their manners.他们举止彬彬有礼。

7、,Language points in the text,Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours.If they are not brought to the surface soon they may lose their lives.1.lose ones life 丧生 lose ones way 迷路 lose oneself in 沉迷于之中,完成时中,for+时间段,表示动作持续了一段时间,并持续到了现在。It has been raining for the whole night,which makes m

8、e feel so blue.,maybe they will,However,rescue operations are proving difficult.If explosives are used,vibrations will cause theroof of the mine to collapse.Rescue workers are therefore drilling a hole onthe north side of the mine.,prove证明 2.prove(to be)=(turn out to be)结果是,被证实是 事实证明,想学会英语并不难。It pro

9、ves(to be)not difficult to learn English well.,therefore adv.因此,所以可独立使用,也可位于动词前The new flat is larger and therefore more expensive.so conj.所以,因此(不能放在动词前)我们到的早,因此座位很不错。We arrived early,so we got good seats.,They intend to bring the men up in aspecial capsule.If there had not been a hard layer ofrock

10、beneath the soil,they would havecompleted the job in a few hours.As it is,they have been drilling forsixteen hours and they still have a longway to go.,intend to do 打算做某事=mean/plan to do他打算明年到国外留学He intends to study abroad next year.,3.实际上=in fact,Meanwhile,a microphone,which waslowered into the min

11、e two hours ago,hasenabled the men to keep in touch withtheir closest relatives.4.enable sb to do 使某人做他那丰厚的收入使他可以过舒服的生活His large income enabled him to live in comfort.5.keep in touch with 与保持联系他依然与他的老朋友保持联系。He still keeps in touch with his old friends.out of touch失去联系,which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a micropho

12、ne,Though they are running out of food anddrink,the men are cheerful and confidentthat they will get out soon.6.run out of 耗尽,用完(=use up)run after 追赶一群男孩追赶着乞丐。A crowed of boys ran after the beggar.run over 撞倒、碾过小男孩差一点儿被汽车轧了。That boy was nearly run over by a car.run in试车,试转(发动机等)run into 偶然碰见我在瑞典时偶遇了

13、Helen。I ran into Helga while I was in Sweden.,They have been told that rescueoperations are progressing smoothly.If they knew how difficult it was to drill through the hard rock,they would lose heart.drill through 钻透7.lose heart失望,失去勇气=let sb.down令某人失望看到敌人比他们强壮的多,战士们立刻就失去勇气了。Seeing that the enemy wa

14、s much stronger than themselves,the soldiers lost heart at once.,Key structure,if 条件句,if 条件句,a.真实条件句 所表达的假设是可能发生和实现的,是与事实相符的。eg.If it is fine tomorrow,I will go to visit my grandpa.b.非真实条件句 所表达的假设则不可能或不大可能发生或实现的,与事实相反的情况。eg.If I were a bird,I would fly to America.,If引导的非真实条件句,与现在事实相反If+were/过去时,woul

15、d/could/should/might+do 与过去事实相反If+过去完成时,would/could/should/might+have done,如果明天下雨,我们就不去公园了If it rains tomorrow,we will not go to the park.如果他系了安全带,他就不会受伤了。If he had fitted safety belts,he would not have been injured.如果他给了我正确的地址,那我会更容易的找到那个房子。I would have found the house easily if he had given me the

16、 correct address.,Summmary Writing,Six men who have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours may lose their lives because rescue operations are proving difficult.Since explosives might cause the roof of the mine to collapse,rescue workers are drilling a hole through hard rock,but progress is slow.

17、Two hours ago,a microphone was lowered into the mine and the men have been in touch with their relatives.They are running short of food and drink but they are in good spirits.(80 words)Six men have been trapped in a mine for seventeen hours and may lose their lives.Rescue operations are proving diff

18、icult as explosives might cause the mol of the mine to collapse.Because of this,rescue workers are drilling a hole through hard rock,yet progress is slow.Now that a microphone has been lowered into the mine,the men are in touch with their relatives.Though they are running short of food and drink,they are in good spirits.(80 words),Good bye!,


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