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3、究,教学环节(2个案例),教学建议,ONTENTS,C,内容大纲,国外完形填空试题研究 理论依据为“格式塔”心理学:主张研究直接经验(即意识)和行为,强调经验和行为的整体性,认为整体不等于并且大于部分之和,主张以整体的动力结构观来研究心理现象。一篇文章或其中的几个段落也是一个整体,有完整的内容结构和中心思想。如果从中抽掉一些词汇,完全可以通过对上下文的分析、推理和归纳做出判断,并将被抽去的词补上,使其恢复原样。这个分析、推理、归纳、判断和修复的过程能考查对各种语言现象综合运用的能力。,完形填空试题研究,国内完形填空试题研究李建仓(2003)认为完形填空是在语篇层次上考察学生综合运用语言的能力,


5、的探究活动逐步从基于语篇的学习走向深入语篇和超越语篇的解决问题的技能,实现从知识向能力、能力向素养的转化,把英语学科核心素养的育人目标落到实处。,主题意义引领,主题意义,英语学习活动观,1,2,3,4,5,语篇,主题意义,中外完形填空试题研究,教学环节(2个案例),教学建议,ONTENTS,C,内容大纲,关注文本首段和尾段,明确文章主题,教学环节,Step 1,Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company.They were young and _1_learn.The management decided to teach them

6、 about finding real solutions to problems.(首段)The manager_14_this was the real solution to the problem.Many times in our life,sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.(尾段),分段了解大意,再次明确文章主题,教学环节(2),Step 2,Read paragraph 1 and answer:,Questions:What is a team?What should everyone d

7、o in a team?What do you think of the young?Guess what the company will do?,Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company.They were young and eager learn.The management decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems.,Read paragraph 2 and answer:,One day,the team was called for

8、a 13 _in a hall.They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various 14_.As they entered,they found a box placed in the center,full of flat balloons.,Questions:Why were they surprised?Guess what they will use the flat balloons for?,Read paragraph 3 and answer:,The manager asked everyon

9、e to pick a balloon and blow it up.Then they were asked to write their names on their respective(各自的)balloons_15_so that the balloons wouldnt blow out.All tried,but not everyone was_16_.Five balloons blew out due to pressure(压力).,Questions:How do they write their names to make the balloons not blow

10、out?What will the company do next to make them find the real solutions?,Read paragraph 4 and answer:,Those who failed mark their names on the balloons were _17_out of the game.As a result,25 engineers came to the next level.All the balloons carrying their names were _18_ and then put into a room,her

11、e and there.,Questions:What happened to the people who didnt find their names?Why do they put the balloons here and there?,Read paragraph 5 and answer:,The engineers were told to pick the balloon with his or her name on,All the 25 engineers began to search for the respective balloons in a rush.It wa

12、s almost 15 minutes but no one was able to _19_ the right one.The second level of the game was over.,Questions:Is it easy to find the balloons with their names?How should they do to find it easily?,Read paragraph 6 and answer:,Then came the final level.the engineers were asked to pick any balloon an

13、d give it to the person named on the balloon.Within a couple of minutes,all balloons _20_ the hands of the respective engineers.,Questions:Is it easy to find the balloons with their names?So all the balloons _the hands of the respective engineers.,Read paragraph 7 and answer:,The manager announced t

14、his was the real solution to the problem.Many times in our life,sharing and helping others give us real solutions to problems.,Questions:Whats the real solution to the problem?,回读全文,初选答案,关注文章衔接,教学环节,Step 3,Thirty engineers were working as a team in a company.They were young and eager learn.The manag

15、ement decided to teach them about finding real solutions to problems.,One day,the team was called for a 13 _in a hall.They were quite surprised and all reached the hall holding various 14_.As they entered,they found a box placed in the center,full of flat balloons.,()13.A.game B.show C.concert D.par

16、ty()14.A.purposes B.suggestions C.thoughts D.plans,复读全文,验证选项,教学环节,Step 4,2010中考,To be sure of yourself no matter what happens.,What does the writer want to tell us?,Find the main things that the president and Ricky did and the feelings they had meanwhile.,Step 1,Step 2,It was yearbook day and we wer

17、e given an hour to sign each others yearbooks in the cafeteria.I was president of the class and I played sports.When I sat down at a table,people started to come over to get their yearbooks signed and to sign _16_.,Among them,a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking.I had seen him a

18、round,and I knew he was always laughed at.He seemed _17_ of himself,and was so pale that it _18_us to look at him.,He came up and asked me nervously,“Can you sign this?”I took his yearbook but I didnt know _19_to write.I saw that there was the name“Ricky Sanders”written on the front of it.So I wrote

19、:,Ricky,I think youre a really nice kid,and l hope you have lots of fun in your summer vacation.Signnature:Will,I put down the yearbook and turned around to get some signatures from some of my friends when I _20_ my yearbook was gone.I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook.“What are you doing

20、?”I asked him.He looked up calmly(平静地)and _21_said,“Sign!”My friends broke into a loud laugh,and I saw that he was carefully trying to put a signature in my yearbook.He hadnt even finished the“R”yet.I thought for a while and _22_to let him sign.,It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got

21、 my yearbook back,there was a very shaky“RICKY”.He hugged(紧抱)his yearbook and _23_.I couldnt help but smile back at him.In that moment,my _24_ changed completely.I gave him a high five and suddenly everyone at my table wanted his signature.He was asked politely to write in their yearbooks and the si

22、gnature _25_ of his yearbook were filled up.He was smiling so big that it lit up the whole room.,I changed school the next year,and I never saw Ricky again.However,I will never forget the day that he became the most _26_guy in school.Whenever Im _27_,I still look back at that yearbook.,Compare the w

23、ords in brackets and tell which word express the theme better,Step 3,It was yearbook day and we were given an hour to sign each others yearbooks in the cafeteria.I was president of the class and I played sports.When I sat down at a table,people started to come over to get their yearbooks signed and

24、to sign _16_.Among them,a weak boy with ugly teeth and thick glasses kept shaking.I had seen him around,and I knew he was always laughed at.He seemed_17_(unsure,unafraid)of himself,and was so pale that it _18_(worried,surprised,hurt)us to look at him.,He came up and asked me(patiently,nervously,slow

25、ly)“Can you sign this?”I took his yearbook but I didnt know_19_ to write.I saw that there was the name“Ricky Sanders”written on the front of it.So I wrote:Ricky,I think youre a really nice kid,and l hope you have lots of fun in your summer vacation.Signnature:Will,I put down the yearbook and turned

26、around to get some signatures from some of my friends when I _20_ my yearbook was gone.I saw that Ricky had sat down with my yearbook.“What are you doing?”I asked him.He looked up calmly(平静地)and _21_(even,still,just)said,“Sign!”My friends broke into a loud laugh,and I saw that he was(carelessly,hurr

27、iedly,carefully)trying to put a signature in my yearbook.He hadnt even finished the“R”yet.I thought for a while and _22_to let him sign.,It took him nearly five minutes to sign and when I got my yearbook back,there was a very shaky“RICKY”.He hugged(紧抱)his yearbook and _23_(cried,waited,smiled).I cou

28、ldnt help but smile back at him.In that moment,my _24_(idea,value,attitude)changed completely.I gave him a high five and suddenly everyone at my table wanted his signature.He was asked(impolitely,directly,politely)to write in their yearbooks and the signature _25_ of his yearbook were filled up.He w

29、as smiling so big that it lit up the whole room.,I changed school the next year,and I never saw Ricky again.However,I will never forget the day that he became the most(important,popular)guy in school.Whenever Im(behind,down),I still look back at that yearbook.,1,2,3,4,5,语篇,主题意义,中外完形填空试题研究,教学环节(2个案例),教学建议,ONTENTS,C,内容大纲,教学建议,1.根据主题意义进行归类,有利于学生巩固词 汇和短语。2.把首尾段有明显主题意义的文段归类,有利 于帮助学生进一步夯实此类题的做题方法。3.在做题过程中通过分析、推理、归纳、判断 和修复来不断验证自己的推断。4.没有明显主题意义的文本可以通过抓明暗线 来帮助学生确立主题。,


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