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1、,读后续写真题,2021新高考浙江卷-万圣节南瓜趣事,1,分析原文,2,构思布局,3,语言润色,4,范文赏析,目录,CONTENTS,2021原文分析,历年高考英语读后续写真题分析,01,Pumpkin(南瓜)carving at Halloween is a family tradition.We visit a local farm every October.In the pumpkin field,I compete with my three brothers and sister to seek out the biggest pumpkin.My dad has a rule t

2、hat we have to carry our pumpkins back home,and as the eldest child I have an advantage I carried an 85-pounder back last year.,介绍万圣节的传统:带最大的南瓜回家。,由compete with,the biggest判断人物情感:excited,This year,it was hard to tell whether my prize or the one chosen by my 14-year-old brother,Jason,was the winner.U

3、nfortunately,we forgot to weigh them before taking out their insides,but I was determined to prove my point.All of us were hard at work at the kitchen table,with my mom filming the annual event.Im unsure now why I thought forcing my head inside the pumpkin would settle the matter,but it seemed to ma

4、ke perfect sense at the time.,讲述了比赛的过程。,通过这些细节词可以得知我当时的情感是competitive,With the pumpkin resting on the table,hole uppermost,I bent over and pressed my head against the opening.At first I got jammed just above my eyes and then,as I went on with my task,unwilling to quit,my nose briefly prevented entry

5、.Finally I managed to put my whole head into it,like a cork(软木塞)forced into a bottle.I was able to straighten up with the huge pumpkin resting on my shoulders.,讲述了我为了证明我的南瓜大把头伸进南瓜里面的过程。,捕捉细节词,可以得知我的情感是excited,My excitement was short-lived.The pumpkin was heavy.“Im going to set it down,now,”I said,an

6、d with Jason helping to support its weight,I bent back over the table to give it somewhere to rest.It was only when I tried to remove my head that I realized getting out was going to be less straightforward than getting in.When I pulled hard,my nose got in the way.I got into a panic as I pressed fir

7、mly against the table and moved my head around trying to find the right angle,but it was no use.“I cant get it out!”I shouted,my voice sounding unnaturally loud in the enclosed space.,故事的转折,捕捉细节词,可以得知我的情感是panicked。,Paragraph 1:I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer._Paragraph

8、 2:That video was posted the day before Halloween._,根据下面的推断,本段应该是我的头被拔出来的过程。,表明上一段落我的头被卡在南瓜中的的过程被拍下了视频。侧面反映上一段我的头应该是从南瓜里弄出来了。,最后一句的主旨升华。,22,2021构思布局,历年高考英语读后续写真题分析,02,Paragraph 1:I was stuck for five or six minutes though it felt much longer.,I can not breath.,My mother came to help me.,She undo my

9、rubber band to make more room for breath.,Eventually I was rescued.,Paragraph 2:That video was posted the day before Halloween.,The post gain too much shares and likes.,I was embarrassed.,He learn a lesson.,look before you leap,22,2021语言润色,历年高考英语读后续写真题分析,03,1.我还记得我是怎么获救的。,I still remembered how I go

10、t rescued.,Be/get rescued,2.我在南瓜里面焦急的快不能呼吸了。,I cant breath in the pumpkin with anxiousness.,The air inside the hollow vegetable was full of my anxious breath.,The hollow vegetable,句式升级,3.当看到发生了什么,焦急又害怕,妈妈放下手机,向我走来。,When my mother see what happened,she laied down her phone,and walked towards me,anxio

11、usly and fearfully.,Upon seeing what had happened,overwhelmed with anxiety and fear,mom laid down her phone and approached towards me in a flash.,Upon seeing what had happened,laid down her phone,动词的替换,4.“不要用尽你的氧气!“她喊道,把我的头进一步推进南瓜里,这样她就可以伸进去解开我头上的橡皮筋。,“Dont use up all your oxygen!”she shouted,and pu

12、sh my head farther into the pumpkin so that she could reach in and undo my rubber band.,“Dont use up all your oxygen!”she cried,pushing my head farther into the pumpkin so that she could reach in and undo my rubber band.,Push ones head farther into,undo my rubber band,非谓语动词结构替换,5.只有当妈妈给我留出足够的空间时,我才成

13、功地走出困境,尽管我的下巴和鼻子都很痛。,When mom spared enough space for me,I manage to get out of it successfully,though my chin and nose were full of pain.,Only when mom spared enough space for me did I manage to get out of it successfully,though my chin and nose were full of pain.,my chin and nose were full of pain

14、,manage to get out of,倒装句替换,6.“我成功了!”我松了一口气。我14岁的弟弟杰森站在我面前,我才意识到他一直在拍视频。,“I made it!”I let out a cry of relief.My 14-year-old brother,Jason,standing in front of me,then I realized hed been filming the whole time.,“I made it!”I let out a cry of relief.My 14-year-old brother,Jason,standing in front of

15、 me,it was only then that I realized hed been filming the whole time.,I made it,let out a cry of relief,强调句升级,7.令人惊讶的是,这段视频获得了数十万次的浏览量。,Surprisingly,the video gained hundreds of thousands of views.,Surprisingly,it became a hit that the video started racking up hundreds of thousands of views.,To ones

16、 surprise surprisely,hundreds of thousands of views,started racking up,8.一开始,当我被认出是视频中的那个人时,我几乎无法控制自己的尴尬。,At the very beginning,I could hardly contain my embarrassment when I was recognized as the one in the video.,At the very beginning,hardly could I contain my embarrassment when I was recognized a

17、s the one in the video.,At the very beginning,contain my embarrassment,倒装句的升级,Hardlywhen;no sooner than,9.然而,随着时间的流逝,我的生活又回到了正轨。,However,with time trickling by,my life was back on track.,with time trickling by,Be back on track,10.尽管万圣节南瓜雕刻是一个家庭传统,但是第二年则是一个更加庄重的节日。,Though pumpkin carving at Halloween

18、 was a family tradition,the following year was a more sedate affair.,A family tradition as pumpkin carving at Halloween was,the following year was a more sedate affair.,pumpkin carving at Halloween,more sedate affair,状语从句的倒装,11.每当我想起头被南瓜卡住的那一天,我都忍不住大笑起来。,Whenever I thought about the day when I got m

19、y head stuck in a pumpkin,I couldnt help but laugh out loud.,Whenever I thought about the day on which I got my head stuck in a pumpkin,I couldnt help but laugh out loud.,couldnt help but laugh out loud,非限制性定语从句替换,12.我想说我吸取了教训-三思而后行!,I would say I learned my lesson look before you leap!,look before

20、you leap,22,2021范文赏析,历年高考英语读后续写真题分析,04,It was five or six minutes though it felt much longer.I still remembered how I got rescued.The air inside the hollow vegetable was full of my anxious breath.Upon seeing what had happened,overwhelmed with anxiety and fear,mom laid down her phone and approached t

21、owards me in a flash.,注意介词短语的使用。,“Dont use up all your oxygen!”she cried,pushing my head farther into the pumpkin so that she could reach in and undo my rubber band.Only when mom spared enough space for me did I manage to get out of it successfully,though my chin and nose were full of pain.“I made i

22、t!”I let out a cry of relief.My 14-year-old brother,Jason,standing in front of me,it was only then that I realized hed been filming the whole time.,注意非谓语动词的使用。,学会使用常用的倒装句。,The video was posted the Monday before Halloween.Surprisingly,it became a hit that the video started racking up hundreds of thou

23、sands of views.At the very beginning,hardly could I contain my embarrassment when I was recognized as the one in the video.However,with time trickling by,my life was back on track.A family tradition as pumpkin carving at Halloween was,the following year was a more sedate affair.Whenever I thought ab

24、out the day on which I got my head stuck in a pumpkin,I couldnt help but laugh out loud.I would say I learned my lesson look before you leap!,写作中常用的高分句型。,THANK YOU,专题01 2021新高考浙江卷-南瓜卡头趣事,课前小组任务分配,Reading Circle,Continuation writing,Guess:what happened during the camp,Narration6 elements,Who is the m

25、ain character?When did the story happen?Where did the story happen?What happened in the story?Why was the story caused?How,Jane,Tom,one weekend in July,in the forest,Jane was lost,an unpleasant subject came up,was the story ended?,One weekend in July,Jane and her husband,Tom,had driven three hours t

26、o camp overnight by a lake in the forest.Unfortunately,on the way an unpleasant subject came up and they started to quarrel.Jane was so angry that she said to Tom,“Im going to find a better spot for us to camp”and walked away.With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time.After she

27、 had climbed to a high place,she turned around,hoping to see the lake.To her surprise,she saw nothing but forest and,far beyond,a snowcapped mountain top.“Tom!”she cried.“Help!”No reply.If only she had not left her mobile phone in that bag with Tom.but the farther she walked,the more confused she be

28、came.As night was beginning to fall,Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.Lying awake in the dark,Jane wanted very much to be with Tom and her family.She wanted to hold him and tell him how much she loved him.Jane rose at the break of day,hungry and thirsty.She could hear water trickl

29、ing(滴落)somewhere at a distance.Quickly she followed the sound to a stream.To her great joy,she also saw some berry bushes.She drank and ate a few berries.Never in her life had she tasted anything better.Feeling stronger now,Jane began to walk along the stream and hope it would lead her to the lake.A

30、s she picked her way carefully along the stream,Jane heard a helicopter.Is that for me?A few minutes later,another helicopter flew overhead.Jane took off her yellow blouse,thinking that she should go to an open area and flag them if they came back again.para1Butnomorehelicopterscameanditwasdark._ pa

31、ra2ItwasdaybreakwhenJanewokeup._,In what order is the story developed?,According to the timeline fill in the blank),But getting dark again,It was daybreak,in the forestby a lake,Jane Tom,quarreled,walked away,angry,What(v),How(adj),high place,Jane,was lostcriedkept moving had to stop wanted,frighten

32、ed regretfulconfused,joyful hopeful,sawhearddrank atetook off,stream,Jane,classify the underlined words,streamlakeat a distance,TomJane,climbedwalkedyellow blousehelicopter,to her great joy,Jane,Tom,lake,walked,climbed,at a distance,stream,to her great joy,helicopter,yellow blouse,Analyze the given

33、information&predict the development,Para1But no more helicopters came and it was getting dark again,Para2 It was daybreak when Jane woke up,sleep in the forest,feelings:regretful,disappointed,What did Jane do that night?,Would Jane be rescued?,think about Tom,YES,Jane,Tom,lake,walked,climbed,at a di

34、stance,stream,to her great joy,helicopter,yellow blouse,to her great joy,Discuss,What Jane did for survival?,How would she react when seeing Tom?,How was Jane rescued?,Beginning,Climax,Ending,quarrelled,got lost,cried,wanted,saw,drank,ate,heard,took off,thinking that.,angry,frightened,regretful,joyf

35、ul,hopeful,no more helicopters,woke up,feelings?,Design a mind mapping(outline)to show your discussion result,actions?,rescued,adj作伴随状语Jane rose at the break of day,hungry and thirsty.the more.the more.the farther she walked,the more confused she was so angry that she said to Tom

36、,Jane was so tired that she had to stop for the night.,The usage of adjectives,Use rich languages in your story,v-ing 作状语she turned around,hoping to see the lake.Lying awake in the dark,Jane wanted very much to be with Tom Feeling stronger now,Jane began to walk along the stream Jane took off her ye

37、llow blouse,thinking that she should go to an with 的复合结构With no path to follow,Jane just walked on for quite a long time被动语态She suddenly realized that she was lost.hear的复合结构She could hear water trickling(滴落)somewhere 倒装Never in her life had she tasted anything better.,The usage of verbs,New groups(r

38、ecombine)课上生成新组,Continuation writing,读后续写要求:根据所给情节进行续写,使之构成一个完整的故事。1.所续写短文的词数应为150左右;2.应使用5个以上短文中标有下划线的关键词语;3.续写部分分为两段,每段的开头语已为你写好;4.续写完成后,请用下划线标出你所使用的关键词语。,Write your story,Focus on:well connectedwell organizedwell logicalwell reasonablewell rich languages,Summary:1.What the best continuation artic

39、les are like content;language 2.Suggested procedure for writing;,Tips for writing:1.Thorough reading:2.Creative plotting 3.Swift drafting 4.Careful polishing 5.Neat copying,Homework,Please write your story in your homework book and think out the reasonable endings as many as possible,读后续写情绪表达五种高级方法,

40、授课目标:通过复习五种情绪表达的高级写法,帮助学生在写作中通过高级情绪写法,迅速提高写作成绩。,Part.01 形容词作状语,形容词作状语通常用来说明主语的情况,具有副词的功能。形容词作状语时,可位于句首、句末或句中,一般用逗号将其与句子的其它部分隔开。,结构:Adj,SVO,结构:Adj,SVO,Eg.Modest and easy-going,Mr.Johnson soon put everyone at ease.约翰逊先生谦虚随和,很快就使大家放松下来。,结构:Adj,SVO,Eg.Thrilled and enraptured,Jane quickened pace and spri

41、nted to the helicopter,knowing that she would be rescued eventually.简欣喜若狂,加快了步伐,向直升机冲去,她知道自己终于获救了。,结构:Adj,SVO,Eg.Thrilled and enraptured,Jane quickened pace and sprinted to the helicopter,knowing that she would be rescued eventually.简欣喜若狂,加快了步伐,向直升机冲去,她知道自己终于获救了。,结构:Adj,SVO,翻译:心满意足的,姐姐看了看这些花,认为它们是世界

42、上最奇妙的作品。Satisfied,my sister stared at the flowers,regarding them as the most marvelous work in the world,结构:Adj,SVO,翻译:兴奋喜悦的,Puppy摇了摇尾巴,在地毯上跳来跳去。Enraptured and elated,Puppy wagged her tail,bouncing around the carpet.,Part.02 so that倒装,结构:So+adj+be/V+主词+that,当“so/such.that.”结构中的so,such连同它所直接修饰的成分共同位于

43、句首表示强调时,主句要进行倒装(that后面的结果状语从句不倒装).,结构:So+adj+be/V+主词+that,Eg.Recalling these hurtful words,so furious was Paul that he stormed out and slammed the door heavily,striding away without looking back.保罗回想起这些伤人的字眼(hurtful words),气得暴跳如雷,重重地摔门而去,头也不回地大步走开(大步走 stride away)。,结构:So+adj+be/V+主词+that,Eg.Spotting

44、 this,so frightened was the deer that she shivered and trembled all over like a leaf.看到这儿,小鹿吓得像一片叶子一样浑身颤抖。,结构:So+adj+be/V+主词+that,翻译练习:回想起那一幕,简非常后悔,忍不住哭了起来,泪水夺眶而出。Recalling the scene,so regretful was Jane that she couldt stop crying,tears sparking out her eyes.,结构:So+adj+be/V+主词+that,翻译练习:杰克激动得走上舞台,

45、给了妻子一个温暖的拥抱。So thrilled was Jack that he stepped into the stage,giving his wife a warm hug.,Part.03 非谓语动词,结构:Feeling deeply/profoundly+adj,SVO,非谓语动词用于情绪描写主要以Feeling+adj的形式展开,或者理解为形容词作状语的一种简单变形,在形容词之前加上Feeling即可。,结构:Feeling deeply/profoundly+adj,SVO,Eg.Feeling deeply satisfied,my sister stared at the

46、 flowers,regarding them as the most marvelous work in the world.感到非常满意,姐姐看了看这些花,认为它们是世界上最奇妙的作品。,结构:Feeling deeply/profoundly+adj,SVO,Eg.Feeling deeply touched,Grandpa patted his shoulder and stroked his hair tenderly.爷爷深受感动,轻轻地拍着他的肩膀,抚摩着他的头发。,结构:Feeling deeply/profoundly+adj,SVO,翻译练习:杰克感到又羞愧又尴尬,他低下头

47、,一言不发地回到座位上Feeling ashamed and embarrassed,Jack lowered his head,stepping back to his seat without saying a word.,结构:Feeling deeply/profoundly+adj,SVO,翻译练习:简感到精疲力竭,毫无希望,吃力地穿过茂密的森林,希望直升飞机能再飞回来Feeling exhausted and hopeless,Jane dragged herself through the dense forest,hoping the helicopter to come ba

48、ck again.,Part.04 独立主格,“独立主格结构”在句中的功能就相当于一个带有自己主语的状语从句。前面也可加上with.,结构:SVO,A gush of/A ripple of+情绪名词+flooding into ones heart/sweeping over ones face.,Sadness悲伤,sorrow 悲伤,remorse 悔恨,anxiety着急,fear害怕,excitement兴奋,sympathy 同情,joy愉快 pleasure快乐,happiness 幸福,puzzlement,blankness 茫然,relief 释然,guilt 愧 疚,di

49、sappointment 失望,Eg.Jane realized that,a gush of sadness flooding into her heart.简意识到了这一点,顿时一阵悲伤涌上心头。,Eg.Staring at his receding figure,I suddenly understood the real meaning of the tin heart,a gush of relief flooding into my heart.望着他渐渐远去的身影,我忽然明白了那颗锡心的真正含义,一种如释重负的感觉涌上心头。,翻译练习:他兴奋地拥抱着爷爷,脸上掠过一丝喜悦He h

50、ugged Grandpa excitedly,a ripple of joy sweeping over his face.,翻译练习:他砰的一声把门关上,像一阵风似地冲了出去,一股焦虑的情绪涌上心头。He slapped the door and stormed out like a wind,a gush of anxiety flooding into his heart.,Part.05 特定句型,.almost drowned sb Eg.Blankness and puzzlement almost drown her when Jane realized that she ha


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