七年级上 英语 Unit 3 Section B 2ppt课件.ppt

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《七年级上 英语 Unit 3 Section B 2ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《七年级上 英语 Unit 3 Section B 2ppt课件.ppt(35页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、A)写出下列单词的复数形式1.boy _ 2.photo _ 3.key _3.family _ 4.dictionary_ 6.watch _ 7.box _B)写出下列各词的名词所有格或名词性物主代词5.My son _ 6.sisters _7.friends _ 8.your _9.my _ 10.his _ 11.her _ 12.their _,boys,按要求写出下列单词的正确形式。,photos,keys,dictionaries,My sons,sisters,parents,yours,mine,his,hers,theirs,families,watches,boxes,

2、_,Write the things you lose easily.,2a,eraser,A set of keys,pencil,ruler,pen,money,Lost 丢失,I often lost some money in the,library,classroom,libraries,一些,If you lost your momey,what can you do?,Ask the teacher for help,Ask for 向某人要某物,Call the police at 110,Call at,Write a lost notice.(写一则寻物启示),If you

3、 find some money,what can you do?,Lost and Found Case,Email me at,Email at,Write a found notice(写招领启示),Found 找到/发现,Lin Hai,A computer game is in the school library.Is it yours?Ask the teacher for it?Mike,Read the notices on the board and circle the lost things.,2b,Found:Some keys are in Classroom 7E

4、.Are they yours?E-mail me at .,Item Lost Found_ _ _ _,2c,Read the notices again and write down the items.Then check()Lost or Found.,Item Lost Found_ _ _ _,Lets check the answers.,a computer game,a watch,some keys,school ID card,_:My notebook My _ is David.Please _ me at 679-8871.,Complete the notice

5、s with the words or phone number in the box.,name yours found 284-5486 lost call,3a,_:A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _.,本题是写寻物启事和失物招领。应通读全文,明白大意,确定是失物招领,还是寻物启示。2.弄清选项中各项的意思,根据信息中的内容,逐空对号入座。,_:A set of keysAre these _?Call Jenny at _.,_:My notebook My _ is David.Please _ me at 679-8871.,Lets

6、check the answers.,name yours found 284-5486 lost call,Lost,name,call,3a,Found,yours,284-5486,Write your own lost or found notice with your name and phone number.,写寻物启事和失物招领要紧扣主题,写清物品名称、联系人及联系方式,要求表述明确,言简意赅。,3b,Found:in the classroom/library.Is this/Are these yours?E-mail/Call at.,Lost:I lost my(I m

7、ust find it/them.)My name is E-mail/Call at,Now try your best.现在看你的了!假如你丢失了一套钥匙;假如你捡到一张学生证。写一写吧!_,Lost:I lost a set of keys this morning.I must find them.The color is white.Who found them?My name is Eric Brown.Please call me at 245-7492.Thank you.,Found:An ID card is in the school library.Is this yo

8、urs?E-mail me at.,1.ask her for the money 向她要钱 ask.for.要求;索(价)He asked 5 for the book.这本书他索价5英镑。,2.in 为介词,意为“在里”,表示方位的。My pens are in the pencil box.我的笔在铅笔盒里。,3.call 在此句中意为“打电话”,常用于以下结构:call sb.给某人打电话 Call him this afternoon.今天下午给他打电话。,“call+电话号码”拨打(号码)Please call 110.请拨打110。“call sb.at+电话号码”拨打(号码)找

9、某人 Call Mary at 236-0388.请拨打236-0388找玛丽。,2.Complete the chart with pronouns.,you,your,she,her,his,his,SELF CHECK,Look at the picture and write conversations.,Is that your schoolbag?,No,it isnt.,1,A:_B:_A:_ B:_A:_ B:_,2,3,4,No,it isnt.,Is that your baseball?,Is this your pencil box?,Yes,it is.Its min

10、e.,Is that your watch?,Yes,it is.Its mine.,A:_B:_A:_ B:_A:_ B:_,1,2,3,Yes,it is.,Is that your notebook?,Is this your computer game?,Yes,it is.Its mine.,Is that your basketball?,No,it isnt.,再来试试其他的东西吧!,我丢了一串钥匙。_2.我在图书管里找到了一些字典。_3.我必须找到我的两块手表。_4.去向老师求助。_5.请发电子邮件给我 _,完成下列句子。,I lost a set of keys.,I fou

11、nd some dictionaries in the library.,I must find my two watches.,Ask the teacher for help.,Email me at,请拨打110。_2.请拨打Mike。_3.请拨打8421121。_4.请打8421121给我。_5.请打1234567给Jenny。_,完成下列句子。,Please call 110.,Please call Mike.,Please call 8481121.,Please call me at 8481121.,Please call Jenny at 1234567.,Sonia:Ti

12、m,is this _ eraser?Tim:_,it is.This is not _ _._ this your _?Sonia:Yes,its my watch.Is this your _?Tim:No,its not my book.Its _ book.Sonia:OK.Jane,is _ your book?Jane:Yes,it is._ _.,your,Yes,my,watch,watch,book,her,this,Thank you,Is,.Fill in the blanks.,.Choose the correct answer.,()1.Is this your p

13、en?_.Its his pen.A.It is my pen B.Yes,it is C.No,it isnt()2._,Tina.Is this your book?A.Excuse me B.Sorry C.Thank()3.Whats this _?A.on Chinese B.at English C.in English,C,A,C,()4._ my book._ her book.A.Thiss;Thats B.This is;Thats C.Thiss;That is()5._?It is a watch.A.Is this a watch?B.Is it a watch?C.

14、Whats this in English?,B,C,()6._ M-A-R-Y.A.How do you call it?B.Are you Mary?C.How do you spell your name?()7.If you find my book,please call me _ 31397671.A.in B.at C.for,C,B,()8.My bag is _.A.no B.not C.lost()9.When you meet a new word,please use(用)your _.A.key B.game C.dictionary()10.Is that your

15、 ruler?_,it is.A.Yes B.Thanks C.No,C,C,A,.变为一般疑问句,1.This is my clock.2.That is your ring.3.These are her books.4.Those are his oranges.5.Those are my backpacks.,Is this your clock?,Is that your ring?,Are these her books?,Are those his oranges?,Are those your backpacks?,1.This is my pencil.(一般疑问句),2.

16、Is that her eraser?(肯定回答及否定回答),3.This is his backpack.(一般疑问句),4.That is an eraser.(根据划线部分提问),Is this your pencil?,Yes,it is.,No,it isnt.,Is this his backpack?,Whats that?,.句型转换,1.请原谅,这是你的铅笔盒吗?2.那是她的英语字典吗?3.这是他的书吗?4.它是我的钥匙。,Excuse me.Is this your pencil box?,Is that her English dictionary?,Is this hi

17、s book?,It is my key.,.Translation,5.这是Sonia的铅笔吗?不,它不是。6.那是Cindy的英汉字典吗?7.这是一本英语书吗?8.它是一块桔红色的橡皮。,Is this Sonias pencil?No,it isnt.,Is that Cindys English-Chinese dictionary?,Is this an English book?,It is an orange eraser.,3.Is this your brother?(肯定回答)4.Im Cindy.(同义句)5.Is that a soccer ball?(否定回答),1.This is her eraser.(改为一般疑问句,并作肯定回答)2.That is his pencil box.(改为一般疑问句,并作否定回答),Is this her eraser?Yes,it is.,Is that his pencil box?No,it isnt.,.句型转换,No,it isnt.,My names Cindy.,Yes,it is.,


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