人教版英语六年级上册Unit1Part C story time课件.pptx

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1、Unit 1 How can I get there?Part C story time,umbrella,London Eye,Big Ben,double-decker,English soldiers,Tower Bridge,Q:Whats the main content(内容)of this story?,They want to find a restaurant to eat some delicious food.,Q:What does Zoom want to do?,About London Eye,Thames is the mother river of the U

2、K.,Tower Bridge,Big Ben,Palace of Westminster,London Eye,Famous buildings near the Thames,City Hall,Q:hats name of the restaurant?,Q:How much food does Zoom eat?,Fish and chips is the most famous food in the UK,it contains fried codfish and French fries.,codfish(鳕鱼),potatoes,Famous food in the UK an

3、d China,Welsh Rabbit,Beef Wellington,Haggis,Beijing Roast Duck,Dumplings,Hot pot,Q:How much food does Zoom eat?,One portion,Three large portions,Q1:Why does Zoom want to eat tanghulu?,Q2:If you were Zip,can you give some advice to Zoom?,Group work:read in your group and choose your favourite part to act.,Group work:Four students in a group and choose a place they want to go,try to draw the route map(路线图)and describe(描述)it.,Big Ben,Tower Bridge,British Museum,City Hall,Buckingham Palace,bus station,cinema,post office,King street,Queen street,Jack street,Tom street,


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