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1、,人教精通版四年级英语上册优质课件,教育部审定教材,RJ精通英语,Unit 1This is my new friend.,Lesson 1,Lesson 2,Lesson 3,Lesson 4,Lesson 5,Lesson 6,使用说明:点击对应课时,就会跳转到相应章节内容,方便使用。,目 录,Unit 1 This is my new friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 1,Lead-in,Greet to others.,Hi!,Hello!,Good morning!,Good morning!,New words,China,中国,America,美国,England,

2、英国,Just talk,Hi,Gao Wei!,Hi,Peter!,Nice to see you again!,Nice to see you,too!,This is my new friend.,Hello!Im Jim.Im from America.,Glad to meet you.,Language points,1.This is my new friend.这是我的新朋友。“This is.”的意思是“这是”,用来介绍离说话人较近的人或物。例句:这是一个英国男孩。This is an English boy.,2.Im Jim.我是吉姆。Im 介绍自己的名字。例:我是迈克.

3、Im Mike.,3.Im from America.我来自美国。这个句子用来介绍某人来自某个国家,其句型结构为:主语+be动词+from+国家名称.”,意为“某人来自”。例句:他来自美国。He is from America.,New friend,England,Mike,This is my new friend.,Hello!Im Mike.Im from England.,America,Marry,This is my new friend.,Hello!Im Marry.Im from America.,Just read and write,China,中国,America,美

4、国,England,英国,Hi!Im Mimi.Im from China.,Lets play,Im Andy.Im from America.,Nice to meet you.,Lets play,Im Betty.Im from England.,Nice to meet you.,Im Candy.Im from China.,Nice to meet you.,Unit 1 This is my new friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 2,Lead-in,Welcome to Singapore.,New words,good,好的,friend,朋友,Singap

5、ore,新加坡,Canada,加拿大,Just talk,Hi!Im Jim.Im from America.,Im Rani.Im from Singapore.,Where are you from?,Im from Beijing,China.,Im from Canada.,Were good friends!Yeah!,Language points,Where are you from?你来自哪里?此句是询问某人来自哪里的句型回答:Im from例句:你来自哪里?我来自中国。Where are you from?Im from China.,Play roles,Where are

6、 you from?,Im from Shanghai,China.,Where are you from?,Im from America.,Just read and write,Singapore,新加坡,Canada,加拿大,friends,朋友,Lets sing,Where are you from?Where are you from?Where are you from?Im from China.Im from China.Where are you from?Where are you from?Im from China.Im from China.,Unit 1 Thi

7、s is my new friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 3,Lead-in,Where are you from?,Im from Shanghai,China.,Where are you from?,Im from America.,New words,brother,兄弟,sister,姐妹,boy,男孩,girl,女孩,Just talk,Mum!This is my new friend,Jim.,Welcome to our home,Jim!,Whos this boy?,Hes my brother.,Whos this girl?,Shes my sister

8、.,Language points,1.Welcome to our home,Jim.欢迎来我们家,吉姆。Welcome to+地点,表示欢迎来到地方。例句:欢迎来到中国。Welcome to China.,2.Whos this boy?这个男孩是谁?Hes my brother.他是我的弟弟。这是who引导的特殊疑问句,用来询问某人的身份。句型结构为:Whos+某人?答语是:He/She is+身份。,Just read and write,boy,男孩,girl,女孩,Whos this boy?Hes my brother.,Whos this girl?Shes my sister

9、.,Play roles,Whos this girl?,Shes Xiao wanzi.,Whos this boy?,Hes Da xiong.,Lets play,Lets play a game!,OK!,Guess!Whos this boy?,Gao Wei?,Lets play,Guess!Whos this boy/girl?,Unit 1 This is my new friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 4,Lead-in,What does he/she do?He/She is a.,What does he/she do?He/She is a.,What

10、does he/she do?He/She is a.,teacher,教师,New words,farmer,农民;农场主,postman,邮递员,Just talk,Look,Gao Wei!This is my father.,Wow!Hes cool!,What does your father do?,Guess!,Is he a driver?,No,hes a teacher.,Language points,1.What does your father do?你爸爸是做什么的?这是询问某人的职业的句型,句型结构是:What do/does+某人+do?答语为:He/She i

11、s a/an+职业名词.,2.Is he a driver?他是一名司机吗?No,hes a teacher.不,他是一名教师。本句是询问某人是否从事某职业的句型,句型结构为“Be动词+主语+a/an+职业名词?”.肯定回答是:Yes,主语+be动词 否定回答是:No,主语+be动词+not.,Just read and write,teacher,教师,farmer,农民;农场主,postman,邮递员,What does your father do?Hes a teacher.,Play roles,What does your father do?,He is a teacher.,W

12、hat does your father do?,He is a postman.,Lets act,Guess!What does he do?,A teacher!,Hes a teacher!,Right!,Lets act,Guess!What does he do?,A farmer!,Hes a farmer!,Right!,Guess!What does he do?,A doctor!,Hes a doctor!,Right!,Guess!What does he do?,A driver!,Hes a driver!,Right!,Unit 1 This is my new

13、friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 5,Lead-in,What does your father do?,He is a teacher.,What does your father do?,He is a postman.,doctor,医生,New words,nurse,护士,driver,司机;驾驶员,Just talk,Look!This is my mother.,Oh,shes beautiful!,What does your mother do?,Shes a doctor.,Oh,great!,Language points,Oh,shes beautiful

14、!哦,她很漂亮!这是一个描述某人性格特点的句子,句型结构为“主语+be动词+形容词.”描述性格特点的词有:kind(体贴的),active(活跃的),shy(腼腆的),pretty(漂亮的),polite(有礼貌的)等。,Just read and write,doctor,医生,nurse,护士,driver,司机;驾驶员,What does your mother do?Shes a doctor.,Play roles,What does your mother do?,She is a nurse.,What does your mother do?,She is a doctor.,

15、Lets chant,My father is a doctor.My mother is a nurse.My uncle is a postman.My aunt is a driver.,Unit 1 This is my new friend.,精通版四年级上册,Lesson 6,Fun story,My mum is a TV reporter.,Oh,cool!,What does your father do?,Guess!,Is he a teacher?,No!,A doctor?,No!,Oh!,Be careful.,Thank you.,Look,Jim!Thats m

16、y father.,Oh,your father is a policeman.,Language points,Thats my father.那是我爸爸。本句用来介绍人或物,“That is.”的意思是“那是”,that是指示代词,通常指空间上距离说话者较远的人或物,表示“那;那个”。例句 那是我的新书包。That is my new schoolbag.,Lets check,5,4,1,6,3,2,England,Mike,This is my new friend.,Hello!Im Mike.Im from England.,I can say,Where are you from

17、?,Im from Shanghai,China.,询问某人来自哪里,Where are you from?,Im from America.,Whos this girl?,Shes Xiao wanzi.,询问这个女孩/男孩是谁?,Whos this boy?,Hes Da Xiong.,What does your father do?,He is a teacher.,询问父亲的职业,What does your father do?,He is a postman.,What does your mother do?,She is a nurse.,询问母亲的职业,What does your mother do?,She is a doctor.,同学们,这一课学习的单词你们都掌握了吗?现在大家来检验一下,点击下面的视频开始听写吧!,


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