人教精通版小学六年级英语下册Unit1IwenttoSanyaformyholidaysLesson2 及全册ppt课件.ppt

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《人教精通版小学六年级英语下册Unit1IwenttoSanyaformyholidaysLesson2 及全册ppt课件.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《人教精通版小学六年级英语下册Unit1IwenttoSanyaformyholidaysLesson2 及全册ppt课件.ppt(303页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 2,Warm-up,Lets sing,(单击图片可播放动画),Warm-up,Review,What did you do during your holidays?,I went to.,I went there by.,I stayed in,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I went to the beach.,go to the beach,Look and say,What

2、did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed sunbathing.,enjoy sunbathing,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed the moon and stars.,enjoy the moon and stars,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I stayed at home.,stay at home,L

3、ook and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I had a party.,have a party,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed Spring Festival.,enjoy Spring Festival,Practice,Game 1,朗读对抗赛,go to the beach,enjoy sunbathing,enjoy the moon and stars,stay at home,hav

4、e a party,enjoy Spring Festival,Practice,Game 2,Which is missing?,Lets interview,Presentation,What did you do on your holidays?,I went to Shanghai.,Practice,活动1,Sanya,by plane,go to the beach,City,How,What,Do a survey,What did you do during the holidays?,Practice,活动2,Interview Show,Lets chant,(单击图片可

5、播放动画),Presentation,Summary,What did you do during the holidays?,I,小学英语最新三起人教精通版六年级下册PPT课件,Unit 1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.Unit 3 We are going to travel.Unit 2 There is a park near my homeFun Time 1Unit 4 General Revision 1Unit 5 General Revision 2Unit 6 General Revision 3,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I we

6、nt to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 1,Warm-up,(单击图片可播放动画),Sing a Song,Lead-in,Free Talk,Talk about your holiday.,Did you have a good time?,Where did you go?,How did you get there?,What did you do?,Presentation,I go to Beijing.,Look and say,I go there by train.,I stay with my friends in Beijing Hotel

7、.,I have a good time.,Every summer,go,have,go,stay,Presentation,I went to Hainan.,I went there by plane.,I stayed with my friends in Hainan Hotel.,I had a good time.,But last summer,went,had,went,stayed,Look and say,by plane,Presentation,Lets read,did,had,went,stayed,do,have,go,stay,Presentation,Loo

8、k and say,(单击图片可播放动画),Who are in the dialogue?What are they talking about?,Presentation,Where did Kate go during the holidays?,She went to Sanya with her parents.,Look and say,How did she get there?,She went there by plane.,Presentation,Look and say,She stayed in a hotel by the sea.,What did she do

9、during the holidays?,Did she have a good time?,Sure!,Presentation,Look and say,She enjoyed sunbathing during the day.,What else did she do during the holidays?,She enjoyed the moon and stars at night.,Presentation,Listen and fill,He _ at home and _ Spring Festival with his family.He also _ a party w

10、ith Yang Ming,Peter,Li Yan and Lisa.,What did Gao Wei do during the holidays?,enjoyed,stayed,had,at home,Gao Wei:Hi,Kate.What did you do during the holidays?Kate:I went to Sanya with my parents.Gao Wei:How did you get there?Kate:We went there by plane.Gao Wei:Did you have a good time?Kate:Sure!We st

11、ayed in a hotel by the sea.We enjoyed sunbathing during the day,and we enjoyed the moon and stars at night.,Presentation,Gao Wei:That sounds wonderful!Kate:What did you do during your holidays,Gao Wei?Gao Wei:I stayed at home and enjoyed Spring Festival with my family.I also had a big party with Yan

12、g Ming,Peter,Li Yan and Lisa.Kate:Thats great!,Presentation,两人一组练习Just read and talk部分对话,随后表演出来吧!,Role play,Practice,Work in groups,活动1,Practice,During the summer holiday,I,超级演说家,活动2,Practice,Summary,1.What did you do during the holidays?,I,2.How did you get there?,3.Did you have a good time?,I,Sure

13、!,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 2,Warm-up,Lets sing,(单击图片可播放动画),Warm-up,Review,What did you do during your holidays?,I went to.,I went there by.,I stayed in,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I went to the beach.,go to the beach,Look and say,Wha

14、t did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed sunbathing.,enjoy sunbathing,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed the moon and stars.,enjoy the moon and stars,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I stayed at home.,stay at home

15、,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I had a party.,have a party,Look and say,What did you do during your holidays?,Presentation,I enjoyed Spring Festival.,enjoy Spring Festival,Practice,Game 1,朗读对抗赛,go to the beach,enjoy sunbathing,enjoy the moon and stars,stay at home,h

16、ave a party,enjoy Spring Festival,Practice,Game 2,Which is missing?,Lets interview,Presentation,What did you do on your holidays?,I went to Shanghai.,Practice,活动1,Sanya,by plane,go to the beach,City,How,What,Do a survey,What did you do during the holidays?,Practice,活动2,Interview Show,Lets chant,(单击图

17、片可播放动画),Presentation,Summary,What did you do during the holidays?,I,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 3,Warm-up,Lets review,(单击图片可播放动画),Warm-up,Lets review,Which is missing?,Lead-in,Talk about your English learning.,Free talk,Play a game,Presentation,blackboard,a lot of,word,le

18、arn,抢读单词,Presentation,(单击图片可播放动画),Lets watch,Whats the topic of this passage?,Its about our English learning.,Listen and answer,Presentation,When did they begin to learn English?,They began to learn English three years ago.,What have they learned?,They have learned a lot of words and sentences.,They

19、 began to learn English three years ago.,They have learned a lot of words and sentences.,Read and answer,Presentation,1.What topics are they interested in?,They are very interested in topics like school life,daily life,family,sports,holidays and animals.,They are very interested in topics like schoo

20、l life,daily life,family,sports,holidays and animals.,Read and answer,Presentation,2.What did your English teacher often ask you?,Our English teacher often asked us to practice listening,speaking,reading and writing.,3.What can they do in English now?,Now they can play games and do tasks in English.

21、,Our English teacher often asked us to practice listening,speaking,reading and writing.,Look and find,Presentation,We began to learn English three years ago.,We have learned a lot of words and sentences.,Our English teacher often asked us to practice listening,speaking,reading and writing.,Presentat

22、ion,Lets read,begin,learn,ask,began,asked,learned,Practice,配音表演,活动1,Practice,活动2,我是小记者,S1:When did you begin to learn English?S1:What are you interested in?S1:What did you often do in your English classes?S1:What can you do in English now?S2:,Summary,We are very interested in English.We have learned

23、,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 4,She was an ugly duckling.,Warm-up,Enjoy a story,She began to learn to swim.,She learned to fly.,She learned to lay eggs.,Warm-up,Enjoy a story,She learned a lot.,She was interested in learning.,At last,she became a beautiful swan.,She said I

24、 had never dreamt that I could be so happy when I was an ugly duckling.,Learning made her perfect.,Lead-in,Brainstorm,What can you do in English?,Presentation,Look and say,变化形式,动词原形,动词过去式,部分读音说明,规则变化,listen,play,learn,talk,ask,listened,played,learned,talked,asked,ed/d/,ed/t/,Presentation,Look and sa

25、y,变化形式,动词原形,动词过去式,部分读音说明,不规则变化,begin,sing,speak,write,read,began,sang,spoke,wrote,read,原形ea/i/过去式ea/e/,Presentation,Look and say,We are very interested in English.,Wow,you have learned a lot of words.,learned,We are very interested in English.,Presentation,Look and say,What is she interested in?,She

26、 is interested in listening to English.,listen to English,Presentation,Look and say,What is he interested in?,He is interested in speaking to English.,speak English,Presentation,Look and say,What is she interested in?,She is interested in reading English.,read English,Presentation,Look and say,What

27、is he interested in?,He is interested in writing English.,write English,Presentation,Look and say,What are they interested in?,Theyre interested in talking in English.,talk in English,Presentation,Look and say,What are they interested in?,Theyre interested in playing in English.,play in English,Prac

28、tice,Game 1,我说你做,Simon says,Listen to English,Practice,Game 2,Game 3,I can say,Practice,Lets talk,Practice,Time:the first yearTopics:school things,animals,colours,toys,Words:pen,pencil,book,Sentences:This is/That isTasks:group works,Lets chant,(单击图片可播放动画),Presentation,Summary,What are you interested

29、 in?,Im interested in,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 5,Lets review,(单击图片可播放动画),Warm-up,Warm-up,Lets review,What are you interested in?,Im interested in,Lead-in,Lets enjoy,Our school students won the first prize in the competition of HOPE STAR.,Do you want to know how they le

30、arned English?,Presentation,Look and say,do role play,do word cards by themselves,use word cards to learn English,do word cards by themselves,use word cards to learn English,Presentation,Look and say,I learned English by doing role play.,How did you learn English?,What about you?,Presentation,Listen

31、 and say,When did Li Yan begin to learn English?Were they very interested in English lessons?Did the teacher usually let them do things by themselves?,Three years ago.,Yes,she did.,Yes,they were.,Presentation,Read and draw,Presentation,learn-learned begin-began teach-taughtsing-sang dance-danced cha

32、nt-chanted play-played let-let use-usedwork-workedhelp-helpeddo-did,Presentation,Read and Think,Why were they very interested in English lessons?,What do you think of Li Yans English learning?Why?,Practice,ed/d/d/d/Listen,listen,listened,Learn,learn,learned,In our English lessons,We listened and lea

33、rned.Stories,chants and songs,We were happy and gay.,Make up a song,活动1,Practice,Names,Ways of English learning,Li Yan,You,Good Ways of English learning,sing and dance,tell stories,do role plays,play games,do tasks,chant,Discussion,活动2,Practice,我是小小演讲家,活动3,Good morning,everyone!,Summary,How did you

34、learn English?,I learned English by,人教新版六年级下册,Unit1 I went to Sanya for my holidays.,Lesson 6,Warm-up,Free talk,Where do you learn English?,When did you learn English?,When do you have English classes?,Lets chant,(单击图片可播放动画),Lead-in,How are we learning English now?,We are learning English by chantin

35、g.,Presentation,Think and say,We are learning English by chanting.,How did they learn English?,Presentation,Look and say,They learned English by doing things.,Presentation,Look and say,How did they learn English?,They learned English by doing tasks.,do tasks,Presentation,Look and say,How did they le

36、arn English?,They learned English by having an English party.,have an English party,Presentation,Look and say,How did they learn English?,They learned English by acting in drama.,act in drama,Presentation,Look and say,How did they learn English?,They learned English by learning from each other.,lear

37、n from each other,Lets talk,Practice,How did your classmates learn English?,How did you learn English?,快乐转盘,活动1,Practice,do tasks,have an English party,act in drama,learn from each other,chant,Practice,成语接龙,活动2,Summary,How did you learn English?,I learned English by,Homework,1.根据本单元学过的内容,以“My Englis

38、h learning”为题,写一篇小短文。2.复习这一单元所有的知识点。,人教新版六年级下册,Unit2 There is a park near my home.,Lesson 7,Warm-up,Sing a song,Lead-in,What can you see?,Play a game,Presentation,bank,hospital,supermarket,hotel,bookshop,Look and say,New words,Presentation,Susans community,Look and point,Presentation,Look at the com

39、munity.Whats near Susans home?,Look and say,Presentation,Whats behind the park?,Look and say,Presentation,Whats in the park?,Look and say,Presentation,Whats beside the bank?,Look and say,(在旁边),Presentation,Whats across the road?,Look and say,(在对面),My name is Susan.Look at this picture of my communit

40、y._ many tall buildings in it.I live in one of the buildings._ a park _ my home and _ a river _ the park._ a lot of trees and flowers in the park.Its beautiful.,Presentation,Read,write and say,Words there is there are behindnear,There are,There is,near,there is,behind,There are,Presentation,Read,wri

41、te and say,Words betweenis bankacrossbeside,On the main street is a _._ the bank is a hospital._ the road,there _ a big supermarket _ a hotel and a bookshop.My mum and I often buy fruit,vegetables and other healthy food there.,bank,Beside,Across,is,between,Presentation,Read,write and say,Words,Look!

42、Whats in the centre of the community?_ a school!It is my school.I can see everything on my way to school.I like my community.Its a busy,clean and nice place!,there isthere are,There is,My name is Susan.Look at this picture of my community.There are many tall buildings in it.I live in one of the buil

43、dings.There is a park near my home and there is a river behind the park.There are a lot of trees and flowers in the park.Its beautiful.On the main street is a bank.Beside the bank is a hospital.Across the road,there is a big supermarket between a hotel and a bookshop.My mum and I often buy fruit,veg

44、etables and other healthy food there.Look!Whats in the centre of the community?There is a school!It is my school.I can see everything on my way to school.I like my community.Its a busy,clean and nice place!,Presentation,Listen and read,Practice,This is Candys bedroom.What can you see?,Practice,There

45、 is a/an,Look and say,Practice,There are some,Look and say,Practice,What Can You See?1.Therere some books on the bookshelf.2.There is _ _3._ _4._ _5._ _,Look,write and say,Summary,There is/are near/behind/beside/across,人教新版六年级下册,Unit2 There is a park near my home.,Lesson 8,Review,Look and say,Review

46、,Look and say,There is/are,Whats in Susans community,do you remember?,Lead-in,Free talk,Whats in your community?,There is/are,Presentation,Look and say,There is a bank _ my home.,My home,in front of,Bank,Presentation,Look and say,Bookshop,Bank,There is a bookshop _ my bank.,behind,Presentation,Look

47、and say,There is a hotel _ the bookshop.,beside,hotel,Bookshop,Presentation,Look and say,There is a clothes shop _ the bookshop and hotel.,between,hotel,Clothes shop,Bookshop,Presentation,Look and say,hotel,Supermarket,There is a supermarket _ the road.,across,Presentation,Look and say,There is a ho

48、spital _ the supermarket.,near,Supermarket,hospital,Lets talk,beside between in front ofnear across behind,Practice,Hotel,Bookshop,Flower shop,Supermarket,Clothes shop,Toy shop,School,Cake shop,Practice,司机找乘客,活动1,Practice,我是“路路通”,活动2,Practice,Lets chant,Summary,There is.in front of/behind/beside/bet

49、ween/across/near,人教新版六年级下册,Unit2 There is a park near my home.,Lesson 9,Review,Lets chant,Review,Look and say,There is/are,Lead-in,Play a game,Show me your right hand.,Show me your left foot.,Turn right.,Turn left.,Go to the teachers desk.,Go back to your seat.,Presentation,Look and say,go down this

50、 street,turn right,turn left,Presentation,Look and say,Look at the picture.Whats in it?,There is a community and two girls in it.,Presentation,Who are the girls?,What are they talking about?,Look and say,Presentation,Who is new in the community?,When did Lisa move here?,Look,listen and say,Where is


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