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1、Unit 2Ill help to clean up the city parks.,第一课时Section A(1a2d),一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分)1I hope _(travel)to Suzhou someday.2The boy sang a song _(cheer)the sick girl up.3We cant put off _(finish)the job because there is no time.4Last week our class went to the old _(people)home as volunteers.5James

2、 used to _(be)a shy boy.,be,to travel,to cheer,finishing,peoples,二、根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。(53分15分),6They _ signs around the school.7Many teenagers are learning _ the old and they often give their seats to the old on buses.8Tell your sister to _ the living room.9Not only Tom but also I _ a plan for the pr

3、ogram last night.10When you arrive,please _ me _,call up,put up,to care for,clean up,came up with,三、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53分15分)11What do you know about the s_?Oh,its about the APEC Summit(亚太经济合作组织峰会)held in Beijing.12That girl could v_ in an afterschool study program to teach kids.13They beat drums to c_

4、 up the players.14Could you help me put on the n_ after school?Of course.15A lot of old people are l_ because their children hardly ever come home to visit them.,onely,ign,olunteer,heer,otice,四、单项选择。(53分15分)16(2015,贵阳)When Bob is upset or tired,he prefers comedies that can_.Alook it upBclean them up

5、Ccheer him up 17(2015,黔东南)There _ quite a lot of trees on the hill.Awere used to being Bhad Cused to have Dused to be18(2015,黑河)She lived _ in a small village,but she didnt feel _.Alonely;lonely Balone;lonely Clonely;alone 19(2015,鄂州)I hope to be a volunteer on weekends.You could help to _the city p

6、arks.Acheer upBmake upCtake upDclean up20(2015,东营)Could you please teach me how to _“Red envelope”(红 包)on WeChat?Sure.Let me show you.Agive outBgive upCgive inDgive down,A,C,D,B,D,五、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(54分20分)21那个女孩自愿在一所乡村学校教孩子们英语。The girl _ _ _ kids English in a village school.22我希望你们能想出一个比这个更好的计划。I

7、 hope you can _ _ _ a better plan than this.23圣诞节离现在只有一周了。Christmas Day is only a week _ _24本在每学期开始时都会制定一些计划。Ben _ _ _ at the beginning of every term.25她曾是个护士。She _ _ _ a nurse.,used to be,volunteered to teach,come up with,from now,makes some plans,六、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,其中有两项多余。(54分20分)A:Would yo

8、u like to have dinner with me this evening,Bob?B:26._ Maybe another time.A:What are you doing?B:Im making a plan.27._ A:What plan?Is it very important?B:Yes.I always do volunteer work on the first Saturday of every month.A:28._ B:I help out at the childrens hospital.I help to plan some activities.A:

9、29._ B:Of course.You could help to make the sick children happy.A:30._ I can tell them some interesting stories.,B,D,C,F,E,第二课时Section A(3a3c),一、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分)1She could read by _(she)when she was only three.2I dont know how _(learn)English.3They decided _(volunteer)at the old peoples home

10、.4Today more and more people are book _(love)5The song Just the Way You Are by Bruno Mars gives me a _(feel)of joy.,feeling,herself,to learn,to volunteer,lovers,二、根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。(53分15分),6After they rested for minutes,they _ working.7My brother could ride a bike _ four.8Work hard,and your dream w

11、ill _ someday.9Diaoyu Islands are ours forever and we never _ it _10What _ it is!Let me help you.,hard work,went on,at the age of,come true,give up,三、根据句意及汉语提示写单词。(53分15分)11I have _(几个)good friends in my class and they like me very much.12After a long _(行程),they felt very tired.13I saw the _(愉快)in h

12、er smiling face.14When I finished the project,I got a feeling of _(满足)15I would like to be a _(志愿者)after I retire(退休),volunteer,several,journey,joy,satisfaction,四、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53分15分)16Exercise every day and you can have a s_ body.17To my j_,I won the English competition yesterday.18Whos the o_ of

13、 the car?I think he may be very rich.Sorry,I dont know.19After taking the medicine,you will get b_20Helping o_ can make ourselves happy too.,trong,oy,wner,etter,thers,五、单项选择。(54分20分)21Could you tell me how _ the baby?Of course.Acare for Bto care for Ccan I care for Ddo I care for22(2016,黔南州)Im new h

14、ere.Dont worry.Ill do what I can _ you.Ato help Bhelp Chelping Dhelped 23(2016,山西)Song Joongki is a movie star in Asia now.Thats true.He was once an excellent skater but had to _ skating because of an accident.Agive up Bgo on Ctake up 24(2016,达州)Could you tell me _ Zhang Aipings hometown?The day aft

15、er tomorrow,I think.Awhen will you visit Bwhen you will visit Cwhy you will visit Dhow you will visit25(2015,随州)Qian Xuesen passed away on October 31,2009 _ the age of 98,but he is a man _ still encourages Chinese youth.Aat;who Bon;who Con;which Dat;which,A,B_,A,A,B,六、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(54分20分)26她正在

16、参加学校足球队的选拔。She is _ _ _ the school soccer team.27他九岁时学习骑马。He learned to ride a horse _ _ _ _nine.28她独自住在一个大房子里。She lives _ _ in a big house.29最终他们同时到达了山顶。At last,they got to the top of the mountain _ _ _ _.30我相信总有一天我的梦想会实现。I believe my dream can _ _one day.,come true,trying out for,at the age of,by

17、herself,at the same time,第三课时Section A(Grammar Focus4c),一、根据句意用方框中单词的适当形式填空。(53分15分),1They hope _ their free time in Hong Kong.2Every day,he runs back home after school _ his grandpa.3When my father was young,he did many jobs _ money.4Id like _ money for the sick kid.5Many teenagers volunteered thei

18、r time _ for the old people on March 15th.,to care,to spend,to help,to make,to raise,二、根据句意用所给词的适当形式填空。(53分15分)6The Browns decided _(travel)to Penang in Malaysia.7Lets _(go)to the movies this weekend.8I want _(be)a volunteer in an afterschool reading program.9The teacher asked me _(answer)the questi

19、on in English.10We often hear the girl _(sing)in the next room.,sing,to travel,go,to be,to answer,三、根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。(53分15分)11What volunteer work would you like to do?Id like to cheer up s_ people in the hospital.12We are r_ money for charity(慈善)13Do you know the o_ of the apartment?Yes.It is Alan

20、Miller.14Look at the _(标志)It says that the highway is closed because of snow.15She lived _(独自)in this house for almost five years.,alone,ick,aising,wner,sign,四、单项选择。(53分15分)16(2016,广东)Leonardo Dicaprio,a famous American actor,was always expecting _ an Oscar and finally he made it.Ato win Bwill win C

21、not to win Dnot winning17(2016,永州)The school sports meeting will be _ because of the heavy rain.Aput up Bput on Cput off18(2016,厦门)Ive made much progress in grammar.The ideas you _ worked out fine.Glad I could help.Acame up with Bran out of Clooked up to19(2016,云南)As long as all the Chinese people p

22、ull together,our China Dream will _ Acome true Bcome out Ccome up Dcome down 20(2015,上海)Over$30,000 _ for a childrens hospital by a British girl several months ago.Ais raised Bwas raised Cwill be raised Dhas been raised,B,A,C,A,A,五、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(54分20分)21为了能在这里野餐,我们需要把这个地方打扫干净。We need to _ _thi

23、s place _ _a picnic here.22他们贴了一张通知以便让每个人都知道这个决定。They _ _a notice_ _ everyone know the decision.23杰克想出了一个度过这个周末的好计划。Jack _ _ _a good plan _ _ this weekend.24我觉得你可以去度假使自己振奋起来。I think you can take a holiday _ _ _ _.25在课堂上,汤姆站起来问了老师一个问题。Tom _ _ _ _ his teacher a question in class.,stood up to ask,clean

24、 up to have,put up to let,came up with to spend,to cheer yourself up,六、根据对话内容,从方框中选择恰当的选项补全对话,有两项多余。(54 分20分)A:Hello,Li Ming.Whats your plan for this summer holiday?B:I have no idea.26._ A:Ill take part in a social activity with my sister.B:It sounds exciting.27._ A:No.I volunteered in a poor villag

25、e last summer.The children there dont have money to buy books.B:28._ A:Yes.I bought them 30 books with my pocket money.B:What else did you do there?A:29._ And now we are good friends.B:Wow!30._ Id like to join you.A:Great!Im sure well have a meaningful holiday.,F,G,E,B,C,Section A 单元话题阅读,一、完形填空。When

26、 you hear the word“volunteering”,what do you _1_ it?You may think volunteering is to help others,give them money or things.It is true that volunteering can help others,_2_ it can also help you.If youre sad about something that has happened,doing some volunteering can be a great way to _3_ your bad f

27、eelings.Volunteering also lets you see your own life in new ways.Sometimes its easy to _4_ some things like grades and health and get angry because you dont have the newest computer games.Volunteering lets you _5_ some time doing other things for a while.,Lots of people and kids find that they reall

28、y enjoy volunteering.Volunteer _6_ often put you in a different environment.For example,you might know that just on the other side of your town there are some kids who really need winter _7_ It feels good to be _8_ to meet a need like that.Youll know that,thanks to you,some kids have _9_ coats,hats

29、and shoes.So whether its winter clothes,food for the hungry,or homes for some homeless pets,doing volunteer work means one very _10_ thing:You make a difference in the world.,1A.think upBlike Clike of Dthink of2A.though Bbut Cand Dso3A.do with Bplay with Cmake with Dwork with4A.worry about Bcare abo

30、ut Cthink about Dlearn about5A.pay Bcost Cspend Dtake6A.experience Bexperiences Cexpression Dexpressions7A.food Bwater Chouse Dclothes8A.able Babout Cmay Dcan9A.cold Bwarm Cthin Dcool10.A.impossible Beasy Cimportant Ddifficult,C,D,B,A,A,C,B,D,A,B,二、阅读理解。(2015,广州)This is a tale of two friendsone is b

31、lind,the other has no arms.On their own,the two are“disabled”But together,they are a powerful team that has changed part of their village in North Chinas Hebei Province into a rich,green forest.Meet 53-year-old Jia Haixia and Jia Wenqi!Their story began in 2000,when Haixia,who was already blind in h

32、is right eye,lost his left one after an illness.Wenqi lost his arms in an accident when he was just three.Neither could find a job,so the two decided to team up.They rented some poor land and began to plant trees.In return,the local officials paid them a small fee.Haixia and Wenqi never imagined tha

33、t they would end up creating an environmental paradise.Their forest now has over 10,000 trees,hundreds of birds and many other wild animals.In addition,it saves the village from river flooding during the rainy season.,When the friends work together,they focus on their strengths not their disabilitie

34、s.Their day begins at 7 am.when the sightless Haixia carries Wenqi across the river to get to their worksite.Since they cannot afford to buy young trees to plant,the two use branches from existing trees.Haixia climbs to the treetop and with Wenqis direction,selects the perfect branch.He then digs a

35、hole and carefully plants it.Finally Wenqi waters the area.Though hardworking,the men dont make much money.But as Wenqi puts it,“We stand on our own feet,so the fruits of our work taste sweeter.”Neither Haixia nor Wenqi cares about money.Together,they already have everything they needa perfect pair

36、of eyes,two strong hands,and the best friendship in the world!,根据短文内容,选择正确答案。11Why did Haixia and Wenqi start working together?AHaixia needed someone to help him.BThey both needed a way to make money.CThey wanted to improve the environment.DThey were required to do so by local officials.12Haixia and

37、 Wenqis forest has helped the village by_.Astopping floods in the rainy season Bincreasing the number of tourists Cmaking the villagers richer Dproviding more farmland 13.Why do Haixia and Wenqi plant tree branches?AThey are easy to get.BThey do not cost money.CThey can grow very quickly.DThey are p

38、referred by animals.,B,B,A,14.In Paragraph 5,when Wenqi says“We stand on our own feet,so the fruits of our work taste sweeter”,he means that“_”Athey hope to make the forest even better Bthe fruits from their trees are very sweet Cthey are proud not to depend on others Dthey are able to do any diffic

39、ult work 15What can we learn from this story?ANever give up and you will succeed.BWe should help the disabled to work.CTry your best when facing difficulties.DWe can achieve more with teamwork.,D,C,第四课时Section B(1a1e),一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53分15分)1My father can r_ the broken car.2Theres something wrong w

40、ith the front w_ of my bike.3Could you please help me f_ up my clock?4Lucy is s_ to Lily in look because they are twins.5What happened?The window is b_ because of the wind.,roken,epair,heel,ix,imilar,二、根据句意用合适的介词或副词填空。(53分15分)6He ran out _ his water and food.7The old man gave _ a lot of money to the

41、 school.8I came up _ an idea to help others.9We should listen to our parents and care _ them.10Sandy is upset now.We need to do something to cheer her _,up,of,away,with,for,三、单项选择。(53分15分)11(2016,湖北)Oh,my god.I _ 2kg this month.Dont worry.Its normal for a growing teenage girl.Aput up Bput off Cput o

42、n Dput down12(2016,济宁)Huang Xiaoming and Angelababy _ over 10,000,000 yuan to help the poor in 2015.Agave up Bgave off Cgave out Dgave away 13We must act now because time is _ Yes.Lets start.Acoming out Bgiving out Ccutting out Drunning out14Mary takes _ her mother.Yes.She is similar _ her mother in

43、 look.Afor;as Bto;with Cafter;to Daway;from15I have _ red ink.Can you lend me some?Sure.Here you are.Apaid for Bcome up with Ccleaned up Drun out of,D,C,D,D,C,四、将下列句子改为同义句。(53分15分)16My grandmother no more lives in the country.My grandmother _ live in the country _ _17Id like to help people who have

44、no homes.Id like to help _ _18The girl looks like her mother very much.The girl _ _ her mother very much.19His problem is almost the same as yours.His problem is _ _ yours.20Lucy is repairing her computer now.Lucy is _ _ her computer now.,fixing up,doesnt any more,homeless people,takes after,similar

45、 to,五、根据汉语意思完成英语句子,每空一词。(54分20分)21吉姆和他哥哥在某些方面相似。Jim is _ _ his brother in some ways.22他父亲现在正忙着修理他的自行车。His father is busy _ _ his bike now.23如果这台机器用光了它的能量,它就不工作了。If the machine _ _ _ its energy,it wont work.24彼得把他的旧书捐出去了。Peter _ _ his old books.25他正在学校门口发放通告。Hes _ _ notices at the school gate.,giving

46、 out/handing out,similar to,fixing up,runs out of,gave away,六、补全对话,每空一词。(102分20分)A:Hello,Mrs.Tan!Id like to 26._ a volunteer.Can you help me?B:Sure.What 27._ of volunteer work would you like to do?A:Well,I like working 28._ kids.B:Do you know 29._ to play basketball?We need someone to help to teach

47、kids basketball.A:No,I dont really like basketball.Is there anything 30._?B:There is a jobcleaning 31._ the parks.Its on Sunday.A:Thats not good.I have to take 32._ of my grandmother on Sundays.B:Oh,I see.Here is another 33._Do you know how to repair a bicycle?A:Sorry.I cant even repair my own 34._B

48、:OK.Maybe this is a good one.We need someone to read to people in the hospital.You can do it any day you like.A:That sounds good.35._ shall I start?B:How about today?A:OK.Thank you.,When,be,kind,with,how,else,up,care,job,bicycle,第五课时Section B(2a2b),一、根据句意及首字母提示写单词。(53分15分)1Mr.Zhang did it all out of

49、 k_2Please o_ the door and let the fresh air in.3The man is c_ a heavy box on his back.4I hope parents and their children can u_ each other.5After six months of t_,the children got stronger than before.,raining,indness,pen,arrying,nderstand,二、根据句意用方框中词组的适当形式填空。(53分15分),6Lets sing a song to _ him _7D

50、avid Barts dream in China is to go into the west and _ an early childhood school there.8What Mr.Zhang said _ to me and I changed a lot.9I called you many times last night but nobody _.10May Day is coming.They _ where to go.,are thinking about,cheer up,set up,made a difference,answered the phone,三、根据


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