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1、PersonalityType,讲解:Chris,Definition,Personality refers to those relatively stable and enduring aspects of the individual which distinguish him from other people,and at the same time,form the basis of our predictions concerning his future behavior.,特质论 始于20世纪 四十年代Trait Theory Theorists:CattellandEyse

2、nck 从人格构成的微观角度出发,分析 个体人格所包含的内容单元,即特 质论。,人格类型论 上世纪30、40年代开始Personality type 根据某种标准对人群进行划分,描 述个体差异。,Take a glance at these theories,personality,人格类型论,单一类型模式,T型人格,对立类型模式 A-B型人格理论,多元型模式,6种,多元型模式,气质类型论“四液说”多血质sanguine temperament、粘液质、phlegmatic temperament 胆汁质、choleric temperament 抑郁质melancholic temperam

3、ent 体型类型论 谢尔顿 内脏型、肌肉型、脑髓型心理类型论 荣格(8种)外倾思维型(the extroverted thinking type)内倾思维型(the introverted thinking type)外倾情感型(the extroverted feeling type)内倾情感型(the introverted feeling type)外倾感觉型(the extroverted sensation type)内倾感觉型(the introverted sensation type 外倾直觉型(the extroverted intuitive type)内倾直觉型(the

4、introverted intuitive type)生活风格论 阿德勒 统治、获取、回避三种破坏 性风格和社会利益建设型风格认知类型论 卡根 冲动沉思型 威特金 场独立场依存型价值观类型论 斯普兰格 经济型、理论型、艺术型、宗教型、权力型、社会型,Test,The three best known are:EPQ-Eysenck Personality Questionnaire,(by Eysenck in 1975);MBTIThe Five Factor Mode(by Costa and McCrae,1922),MBTI,Full Name:The Myers-Briggs Typ

5、e Indicator The MBTI is a self-report questionnaire that assesses type preferences It was developed in the 1940s by IsabelBriggsMyers and her mother,KatherineCookBriggs.They designed the questionnaire based on Jungs psychological types.,Carl Gustav Jung,(1875-1961),Swiss psychologist and analyst,the

6、 founder of analytical psychology.Carl Jung was an intellectual precocity(智力早熟),his eccentric personality(性格孤僻),rich imagination.,荣格简介,Due to different opinions,the relationship between two people finally rupture.He is famous for his analytic psychology for the collective unconscious and psychologic

7、al type theory.,荣格简介,He is Freuds most controversial disciple.,Jung 的心理类型理论最早是体现在心理类型一书中,它旨在揭示,描述和解释个体行为表现的差异。Jung 阐述了提供临床观察和心理分析得出的个体行为差异的3个维度:外倾Extraversion-内倾:Introversion感觉Sensing-直觉Intuition思考Thinking-情感Feeling判断Judgment-知觉Perception,八种人格类型,Added by M&B,Therefore,MBTI contains four separate ind

8、ices.Each indices reflect one of four basic preferences.TheMBTIpreferences indicate the differences in people based on the following:How they focus their attention or get their energy(ExtraversionorIntroversion)How they perceive or take in information(SensingoriNtuition)How they prefer to make decis

9、ions(ThinkingorFeeling)What lifestyle a person prefers(JudgmentorPerception),How they focus their attention or get their energyExtraversion(外倾)-Introversion(内倾)index measures attitudes concerning whether to direct perception judgment mainly on the outer world or on the inner world of ideas.,Jung def

10、ined introversion as an attitude-type characterized by orientation in life through subjective psychic contents(focus on ones inner psychic activity);Extraversion was defined as an attitude type characterized by concentration of interest on the external object,(the outside world).,How they perceive o

11、r take in information Sensing(感觉)-Intuition(直觉)index focuses on the process of perception as being either depending on observable facts which can be determined beyond the conscious mind,How they prefer to make decisionsThinking(思考)-Feeling(情感)index reflect a persons process of judgment as relying pr

12、imarily on thinking to decide impersonally through logical thought or as relying on feeling to decide on the basis of personal or social values.,What lifestyle a person prefersJudgment(判断)-Perception(知觉)index described a persons style of dealing with the outside world either by using a judgment proc

13、ess involving thinking or feeling or by using a perceptive process involving either sensing or intuition.,4 2=16,ESFPISFPENFJ INFJESTPISTPENFP INFP ESFJISFJ ENTPINTP ESTJISTJ ENTJ INTJ,1+1+1+14,Serious and quiet,interested in security and peaceful living.Extremely thorough,responsible,and dependable

14、.Well-developed powers of concentration.Usually interested in supporting and promoting traditions and establishments.Well-organized and hard working,they work steadily towards identified goals.They can usually accomplish any task once they have set their mind to it.,http:/,References,Myers,I.B.&McCaulley,M.H.Manual:A guide to the development and use of the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator.Palo Alto,CA:Consulting Psychologists Press,Inc,1985李小新,贺峰,“人格类型论”,宿州教育学院学报,2012,(5):33-35.伊莎贝尔.布里格斯.迈尔斯,彼得迈尔斯,天资差异(张荣建译)重庆:重庆出版社.2008.1,


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