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1、牛津深圳版,Unit 9 Great cities of the world,Section B,Words review,palace,building,tourist,sushi,most,游客,大多数,王宫,建筑,寿司,Learning aims,1.了解课文Great cities.2.掌握重点单词:a lot of与many的区别。3.字母er,ir,ur,or,a在单词中的发音。,Warm-up,迪拜Dubai现代化的国际大都市,阿联酋人口最多的城市,中东第二富裕的城市,中东地区的经济和金融中心,被称为中东北非地区的“贸易之都”。迪拜是全球性国际金融中心之一,成为了东、西方各资本市

2、场之间的桥梁,同时也成为了重要的物流、贸易、交通运输、旅游和购物中心。拥有世界上第一家七星级酒店(帆船酒店)、世界最高的摩天大楼(哈利法塔)、全球最大的购物中心、世界最大的室内滑雪场等,以活跃的房地产、赛事、会谈等近乎世界纪录的特色吸引了全世界的目光。2020年世界博览会将在此举办。迪拜凭借优越的地理位置,实行自由和稳定的经济政策,大力发展转口贸易业、房地产业、旅游业等非石油产业,还着重发展现代高科技产业,建成了一系列现代化配套基础设施。迪拜正以他高速的发展速度让世界惊叹,超前规划、务实奋发成为迪拜缔造发展奇迹的重要因素。,简介,Free talk,1.Do you know the famo

3、us cities in the world?,2.How much do you know them?,Presentation,Do you like these cities?,Useful expression,a lot of,a lot of,许多,大量(既可以修饰不可数名词又可以修饰可数名词的复数。),例如:(1)桌子上有很多苹果。There are a lot of apples on the table.(2)地板上有很多水。There is a lot of water on the floor.,many,many,很多,大量(修饰可数名词复数,不修饰不可数名词。),例如

4、:(1)我有很多橘子。I have many oranges.(2)在桌子上有很多香蕉。There are many bananas on the table.,课堂练习,(3)Therell be _ hot water.A.a lot B.many C.a lot of D.lot of,按要求完成下列各题。,(1)地板上有很多书。(翻译成英语),(2)杯子里有很多水。(翻译成英语),There are many books on the floor.,There are a lot of water in the bottle.,(4)You look very tired this m

5、orning.What did you do yesterday afternoon?I did _chrismas shopping.A.a lot of B.many C.a lot D.a lots,根据课文内容,完成下题。,Beijing is the_of China.You can find_ _and_there.They like visiting_and love eating_._is the capital of Japan.You can see a lot of_.People in Tokyo love eating_._is the capital of the

6、UK.You can find many_.They love eating_.,capital,museums,palaces,parks,the Great Wall,dumplings,Tokyo,tall buildings,sushi,London,museums,fish and chips,Ask and answer the question on the quiz cards.Then make a card about London.,People in Beijing love eating dumplings.,1.Where is Beijing?,Beijng is

7、 the capital of China,it is in the north of China.,2.What can tourists find in Beijng?,Tourists can find museums,palaces and parks in Beijng.,3.What do people in Beijing like eating?,1.Where is Tokyo?,2.What do tourists enjoy doing in Tokyo?,3.What do people love eating in Tokyo?,Tokyo is the capita

8、l of Japan,it is in the south of Japan.,A lot of tourists enjoy shopping in Tokyo.,People in Tokyo love eating sushi.,1.Where is London?,2.What can tourists find in London?,3.What do people like in England?,London is the capital of the UK,it is in the southeast of England,Tourists can find many muse

9、ums there.,People in London love eating fish and chips.,Pronounce,Her hair is very long.,her,她的,The new term begins.,We can go back to school.,term,学期,There are some birds in the tree.,bird,鸟,He is three years old.,Today is his third birthday.,third,第三,What does she do?,She is a nurse.,nurse,护士,What

10、 does it mean?,It means that you should turn right.,turn,转动,旋转,How do you usually go to work?,I usually go to work by car.,work,工作,word,单词,er,ir,ur,or,bird,term,her,third,word,work,nurse,She is a teacher.,She teaches us English.,teacher,老师,What colour is the paper?,It is white.,paper,纸张,He is a driv

11、er.,He often drives a bus.,driver,司机,You can ask the waiter when you need something in a restaurant.,waiter,服务员,She is sitting on the sofa.,sofa,沙发,Alice is an Umbrella Corporation employee.,umbrella,雨伞,This is difficult for me.,Please try again.,again,又,再次,How can I get to the post office?,Go along

12、 the street to the end.It is on your left,you cant miss it.,along,沿着,er,a,driver,teacher,paper,waiter,sofa,umbrella,again,along,找害虫,巩固提升,Listen and circle.,1.work worker,3.purple paper,2.bird banana,4.word waiter,5.third salad,6.girl again,7.term teacher,选出最佳答案,5.找出划线部分发音不同的一项。A.sofa B.work C.bird D

13、.term,1.I have_cola.A.a lot B.a lot of C.many D.lot of,2.There is_water on the floor.A.lot of B.a lot of C.many D.a lot,3.There are_students on the playground.A.a lot B.many C.lot of D.many lot,4.找出与划线部分发音相同的一项.word A.work B.driver C.paper,Summary,1.了解课文Great cities.,2.掌握重点单词:a lot of与many的区别。,3.字母er,ir,ur,or,a在单词中的发音。,Homework,Think and write about one city.,Have a good time!,


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