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1、冀教版三年级下册英 语全册优质课件,Lesson 1,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,Lesson 1:The Farm,What is it?这是什么?,Its a cat.这是一只猫。,pig,What is it?这是什么?,Its a pig.这是一头猪。,chicken,What is it?这是什么?,Its a chicken.这是一只公鸡。,What is it?这是什么?,Its a duck.这是一只鸭子。,duck,What is it?这是什么?,Its a cow.这是一头奶牛。,cow,farmer 农民,farm 农场,Lets play:A

2、ct and guess.,Lets sing a song.,Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.On his farm he had a cow,E-I-E-I-O.With a“moo,moo”here,and a“moo,moo”three.Here a“moo”,there a“moo”.Everywhere a“moo,moo”.Old MacDonald had a farm,E-I-E-I-O.,Thank You,Lesson 2,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,What is it?Its a farm.,What i

3、s it?Its a farmer.,What is it?Its a cow.,What is it?Its a duck.,What is it?Its a chicken.,What is it?Its a pig.,cat,cats,cat,dog,dogs,dog,goat,goat,goats,sheep,sheep,sheep,Lets play:Guess!,Whats this?,Its a sheep.,Is this a sheep?,No,Its a goat.They are different.,句 型,Is this a?这是吗?,No,Its a.不,这是。,Y

4、es,Its a.是的,这是。,Is this a cat?,Yes,Its a cat.,Is this a cat?,No,Its a dog.,Lets sing a song.,There was a farmer who had a dog,and Bingo was his name-O!B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O,B-I-N-G-O!And Bingo was his name-O.,Thank You,Lesson 3,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,Fish and Birds,猜一猜,摇头摆尾不离水,有翅吐泡不能飞。(打一动物),fish,

5、Whats this?,swim,Fish can swim.,可以,游泳,bird,fly,Birds can fly.,可以,飞,dance,sing,So easy,Can you read?,I can _.,dance,sing,swim,fly,Can you_?,Yes,I can.,No,I cant.,小调查,Can(你同学),Sing?Swim?Dance?Fly?,Thank You,Lesson 4,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,Lets sing a song!Bingo!,。,Fish can swim!,Birds can fly!,The

6、 girl can dance!,The boy can sing!,What can you do?,I can,horse,Horses can run!,rabbit,Rabbits can jump!,Can a duck swim?,Yes,it can!,Can a fish fly?,No,it cant!,What animal can fly?,What animal can swim?,What animal can run?,What animal can jump?,Do a research!,Thank You,Lesson 5,Unit 1 Animals on

7、the Farm,在上面,在下面,在里面,on,in,under,意思是在哪里,通常放在句首构成疑问句,用来询问地点。,Where is the,Wheres the cat?,on,in,Wheres the cat?,under,Lets learn.方位介词in/on/under 的基本用法:in 表示“在里面”。on 表示“在上”。under表示“在下面”。,Where is the cat?,It is in the box.,在里面,Where is the cat?,It is under the cat.,在下面,Where is the cat?,It is on the c

8、at.,在上面,Where is the cat?It is _the box.,Where is the cat?It is _ the box.,Where is the cat?It is_the box.,on,in,under,1,2,3,1,2,3,A:Wheres the?B:Its in/on/under theA:Isin/on/under the?B:Yes,it is./No,it isnt.,Summary,Enjoy the song“on in under”.,Thank You,Lesson 6,Unit 1 Animals on the Farm,Can I h

9、elp you?Oh,thank you.,Customer(顾客),Saleswoman(售货员),Salesman(售货员),Lets sing.,toy plane,toy train,toy ship,toy boat,motorbike,Jeep,coach,A:What can I do for you?我能为你做些什么?,B:I want to buy,a pear,an orange,an apple,Lets learn.,A:I want to buy a pencil.How much is it?,B:Its one yuan.,¥1,¥40,¥14,¥2,B:I wa

10、nt to buy.How much is it?,A:Its.yuan.,¥1,¥14,¥40,¥2,Lets practice.,数字大比拼,当你看到你会说的数字标价时,请迅速起立,并大声说出来!,69,11,25,19,48,20,88,65,1.What does Yang Ming want to buy?,2.How much is it?,Listen and answer.听录音、回答问题。,A motorbike.,Its eightyfive yuan.,A:What can I do for you?B:I want to buy.How much is it?A:Its

11、yuan.B:Ill take it.A:Here you are.Thanks.Bye!,¥14,¥40,Sum-up:,主要的购物用语:,Can I help you?=What can I do for you?Yes,please.I want to buy./I want.How much is it?Ill take it.,1.Practise how to buy toys in pairs。同桌练习买玩具对话。2.Search for more clothes and shopping sentences from the internet.(选做)利用网络查找一些买衣服等购

12、物的句式。,Thank You,Lesson 7,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,zoo,panda,Whats this?,Its a panda.,What colour is it?,Its white and black.,Is it happy?,Yes,it is.,请你说一段话来描述熊猫,Its a panda.,Its white and black.,Its happy.,I like pandas.,monkey,Whats this?,Its a monkey.,Its very cute(可爱的).,Its small.,elephant,Whats

13、 this?,Its an elephant.,Its big.,big,small,The elephant is big.,The bird is small.,The pig is big.,The cat is small.,The cow is big.,The chicken is small.,The horse is big.,The duck is small.,找一找你身边的物品来进行比较,The _ is big.The _ is small.,fat,thin,The panda is fat.,The monkey is thin.,The pig is fat an

14、d big.,The chicken is thin and small.,The cow is fat and big.,The duck is thin and small.,Thank You,Lesson 8,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,Zoo,panda,monkey,elephant,tiger,wolf,bear,snake,动物儿歌:rabbit,rabbit蹦蹦跳,pig,pig 爱睡觉,cow,cow 哞哞叫,sheep,sheep 咩咩叫,bird,bird 飞呀飞,duck 走路摇一摇,monkey,monkey 真调皮,panda,panda

15、黑眼圈,elephant,elephant 鼻子长,tiger,tiger 真威武,bear,bear 凶巴巴,wolf,wolf 很凶猛,snake,snake地上爬。,long,short,Part 3:Long or short.,长的,短的,Its tail is _.,Its tail is _.,Look at their tails(尾巴).,Long or short?,Its ear is _.,Its ear is _.,long,short,Fill in the blanks with“long”or“short”.,The pencil is _.,The penci

16、l is_.,The ruler is_.,The ruler is_.,long,long,short,short,Lets chant.,Long,long,long,The pencil is long.Short,short,short,The pen is short.,Lets sing!,Homework,Draw a picture about your favourite animal.,Learn the new words by heart.,Thank You,Lesson 9,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,duckfishbirdpandamon

17、keycat,bearwolfsnaketigerelephantsheep,试试看你能写出下列词的复数形式吗?,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,How many tigers are there?,There are eight tigers.,How many eggs are there?,There are ten eggs.,How many dogs are there?,There are six dogs.,How many apples are there?,There are ten apples.,How

18、many pandas are there?,There are nine pandas.,How many rabbits are there?,There are nine rabbits.,rabbit,How many cats are there?,There are eight cats.,How many pigs are there?,There are seven pigs.,six,How many?,eight,How many?,seven,How many?,How many kites are there?,There are _.,How many dogs ar

19、e there?,How many hot dogs can you see?,nine,There are six.,How many pencils are there?,How many crayons are there?,There are nine.,Homework,用“How manyare there?There are”与好朋友之间进行对话。抄写句型,并造句。,Thank You,Lesson 10,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,Free talk,What animals do you like?,In a river.,Where does a f

20、ish live?,forest,Where does a.live?In a forest.,Where does a.live?In a tree.,What else can you see?,grass,Where is the dog?,On the grass.,Words.,tree,forest,river,grass,Whats missing?,Where does a.live?On a farm.,Lets talk.,Where does a _ live?In a _.,tree,river,farm,forest,tree,帮动物找到家,farm,forest,t

21、ree,tree,Animals home动物的家园,Protect our environment 保护环境,Thank You,Lesson 11,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,monkey,tiger,cat,cow,fish,grass,monkey cat fish tiger cow grassthey(live),banana,meat,Whats missing?meat eat banana,Whats missing?meat banana,Whats missing?eat banana,Whats missing?eat meat,monkey t

22、iger cow cat,banana meat grass fish,What do they eat?,Monkeys eat bananas.,Tigers eat meat.,What do they eat?,Cats eat fish.,What do they eat?,Cows eat grass.,What do they eat?,Look at the pictures and say sth in English with your partner.,Cows eat grass.,Monkeys eat bananas.,Cats eat fish.,Tigers e

23、at meat.,Can you read these words?,S snake schoolyes bus sad,Can you read these words?,z zoo zero,Can you read these words?,x x-ray box six,Can you read these words?,o hello old cold nose,Homework,Describe your favourite animals to your parents.,Learn the new words by heart.,Lets chant.,Tigers,tiger

24、s,What do they eat?Tigers eat meat.Cows,cows,What do they eat?Cows eat grass.grass.,Thank You,Lesson 12,Unit 2 Animals at the Zoo,Where does a _live?,What do_eat?,words,clever 聪明的(clever monkey)Mr.先生(Mr.Sheep 羊先生)me 我(help me)will 将要,会(I will=Ill)nice 好的,和蔼的(nice sheep)bad 坏的(bad wolf)want to 想要(He

25、wants to eat me.),The wolf fall into the trap.狼掉入了陷阱。Q:Who helped the wolf?Who helped the sheep?,story time 故事时间,故事开始了,Help!Help!,Oh!Its a wolf!,Mr.Sheep!Please help me!Pull me out.,No!You will eat me.,I will not eat you.You are a nice sheep.,Pull me out,please.,Okay!,Ha!Ha!Im out.Now Ill eat you.,N

26、o,please.Help!Help!,Hey!What happened?,I helped the wolf.But now he wants to eat me,Do it again!,Ok!,Ok!,Pull me out,please.,No!He is a bad wolf.,Oh,I see.Thank you,Mr.Monkey.,HELP!,nice,bad,clever,Read and number()The clever monkey helps the sheep.()the sheep pulls the wolf out.()the wolf wants to

27、eat the sheep.,Read and number(3)The clever monkey helps the sheep.(1)The sheep pulls the wolf out.(2)the wolf wants to eat the sheep.,Listen to the tape and repeat.听磁带跟读。,Read in your group.在小组内分角色朗读。,Discuss:,1.Which character do you like the most?你最喜欢故事中哪个角色?2.What did you learn from this story?,

28、生活中,我们应该学习猴子的机智勇敢,绵羊的善良,同时做事要三思而后行,要善于运用自己的智慧来取胜。同时做人要言而有信。,Thank You,Lesson 13,Unit 3 Food and Meals,tea,meat,juice,ice,r,foo,t,d,table,Chant,Tea,tea,tea.This is tea.Meat,meat,meat.This is meat.Juice,juice,juice.This is juice.Rice,rice,rice.This is rice.Food,food,food.This is food.Table,table,table

29、.This is a table.,hungry,eat,I am hungry.I want to eat.,thirsty,drink,I am thirsty.I want to drink.,Chant,Hungry,hungry,hungry.I am hungry.Eat,eat,eat.I want to eat.Thirsty,thirsty,thirsty.I am thirsty.Drink,drink,drink.I want to drink.Lets eat.Lets drink.Yummy,yummy,good.,Lets do it!,1,4,3,“Eat and

30、 drink”,Lets sing a song.,Thank You,Lesson 14,Unit 3 Food and Meals,Dinner Time,noodles,soup,rice,dumplings,Are you hungry?Yes,I am.Dumplings and noodles,Yum!Yum!Yum!Are you thirsty?Yes,I am.Tea and juice,Please!Please!Please!,Would you like some dumplings?,Yes,please.,Would you like some soup?,No,t

31、hanks.,Would you like some noodles?,Yes,please.,No,thanks.,dumplings,soup,noodles,rice,珍惜粮食,杜绝浪费!,All food is precious,we shouldnt waste!,Homework,1.Read Lesson 14 fluently.2.Talk about the food you would like to have when you need with your friends.,Thank You,Lesson 15,Unit 3 Food and Meals,like,ch

32、icken,vegetables,fruit,Does Jenny like chicken?Does she like fish?Does she like fruit?What about vegetables?,Listen and Answer:,I like.I dont like.,Make sentences:,Fill in the Blanks,1.I _(喜欢)rice.2.I _(不喜欢)meat.3 Li Ming _(喜欢水果).4.I _(不喜欢蔬菜).5.My favourite food is _(鸡肉).,like,dont like,likes fruit,

33、dont like vegetables,chicken,Whats your favourite food?,My favourite food is.,Listen and Answer:What does Li Ming like?Whats his favourite food?,Work in Groups to Make Dialogues.,A:Whats your favourite food?B:My favourite food is.Whats your favourite food?C:My favourite food is.,Fill in the From:,Wo

34、rk in Pairs and Act.,A:I likeB:I dont like.W:Whats your favourite food?C:My favourite food is.,Ask and Fill in the Form(Use the Words about Food):,Thank You,Lesson 16,Unit 3 Food and Meals,Good morning!早上好!Good afternoon!下午好!Good evening!晚上好!Good night!晚安!,知识链接,morning afternoon evening 上午 下午 傍晚 Bre

35、akfast lunch dinner 早饭 午饭 晚饭 night夜晚,new words,have,知识链接,有 I have a book.我有一本书。,吃,喝 I have breakfast.我吃了早餐。,早上,我吃了早饭。然后,我去上学。,句型练习,In the morning,I have breakfast.,Then,I go to school.,下午,我吃了午饭。然后,我去学校。,句型练习,In the afternoon,I have lunch.,Then,I go to school.,晚上,我 吃了晚饭.然后,我 读一本书。,句型练习,In the evening

36、,I have dinner.,Then,I read a book.,知识链接,Thank You,Lesson 17,Unit 3 Food and Meals,milk,egg,bread,Whats this?,I like noodles for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like milk and bread for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like chicken for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like soup for breakfast.,Wha

37、ts for breakfast?,I like _ and _ for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like _ and _ for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like _ for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like _ and _ for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,I like _ and _ for breakfast.,Whats for breakfast?,Thank You,Lesson 18,Unit 3 Food a

38、nd Meals,Lets sing.,May I use?,Whats this?,magic stone,(不可思议、有奇异魔力的),The Magic Stone,Questions:,1.How many people(人)in the story?,2.Who has the magic stone?,Read by yourself,please.If you have any questions,you can ask your partner or the teacher for help.(请你自己读故事,有不明白的地方可以问你的同桌或老师。),1.How do the ol

39、d man and old woman feel?,3.What do they have?,2.What is a magic stone?,Please circle the answers.(请把下面问题的答案在书上圈出来。),Sad.,It makes soup.,Match.What do they have?,Look and say.,I have _.,I have _.,I have _.,If you are their friend,what do you have to make the soup(你有什么可以用来帮助他们做汤?),The soup is ready.,

40、Lets watch the story again.,Pay attention to the pronunciation and the tone.(注意人物的语音语调。),Question:,The little boy says,“You are the magic”.Whats the meaning?,Lets help each other.(让我们互相帮助。),Good to know.,Lets watch the story again.This time,you can read with it.,Please read the story in small groups

41、.Then,you can show.请小组内分角色朗读故事,之后进行展示。,Homework,Listen to the story again and tell this story to your parents.(再听一遍故事,给你的爸爸妈妈讲一讲这个故事!),Thank You,Lesson 19,Unit 4 Food and Restaurants,教学目标:能正确说出水果名称,并能就What do you like?作出回答。能听懂、会说并认读单词:eleven,twelve,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,并能与名词复数搭配在一起。在“Whats miss

42、ing”,“What do you see”,“agic eyes”等丰富多彩的游戏活动中,激发学习兴趣,提高学习积极性。能在老师的帮助下唱本课歌曲Delicious Food。,fruit,an apple,apples,an orange,what colour is it?,Its orange.,a pear,pears,a banana,bananas,a watermelon,watermelons,What do you like?I like.,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,eleven,twelve,thir

43、teen,fourteen,fifteen,seven,two,three,four,five,How many pencils?,Twelve pencils.,How many apples?,Fifteen apples.,How many pens?,Eleven pens.,How many watermelons?,Thirteen watermelons.,How many bananas?,Twelve bananas.,Thank You,Lesson 20,Unit 4 Food and Restaurants,ice cream donut冰淇淋 甜甜圈,mangoes,

44、fruits,hamburger,milk,rice,sandwich,tea,bread,A:What would you like?B:Id like,插入第八课的C部分图片,以及所用句型。,May I have one?我可以吃一个吗?Sure.当然可以。Thanks!谢谢!Youre welcome!不客气。,Lets practice!,请同学们看下图来练一练:超市中都卖哪些食物?请大家用英语来说一说。,Chant!,What,what,what would you like?Id,Id,Id like a cake.Here,here,here you are.Thank you,

45、thank you,thank you very much.,Thank You,Lesson 21,Unit 4 Food and Restaurants,How many?,16,sixteentables,17,seventeenchairs,18,eighteen hot dogs,19,nineteen hamburgers,20,twenty donuts,water,tea,What would you like?I would like some noodles,please.Would you like some tea,Jenny?No,thanks.Id like som

46、e water.,Thank You,Lesson 22,Unit 4 Food and Restaurants,one,two,three,four,five,six,seven,eight,nine,ten,thirteen,fourteen,fifteen,sixteen,seventeen,eighteen,nineteen,eleven,twelve,twenty,_ pens,four,_ books,ten,_ donuts,eleven,_ hot dogs,thirteen,a donut,a hamburger,an ice cream,a hot dog,milk,sou

47、p,noodles,fish,chicken,rice,How much.?,(多少钱?),A:How much.?B:_ yuan.A:Ill take _,please.B:OK.Here.A:Thanks.B:Youre welcome.,Lets act!,Part 1Listen and Repeat,Lets sing a song!,Homework:1.Read lesson 25 by yourself five times.独立朗读第25课五遍。2.Do the exercise books.完成第25课练习册习题。,donut,hamburger,ice cream,ho

48、t dog,fish,soup,noodles,Thank You,Lesson 23,Unit 4 Food and Restaurants,教学目标,重点词汇:expensive,on sale 重点句型:How much is/are the_?,说一说,大家都自己去shopping过吗?说一说你是怎样shopping的。,说一说,shopping的步骤:1.准备好money(钱)2.寻找supermarket(超市)3.询问price(价格)4.付款拿货,想一想,Now,you are in a supermarket,how can you inquire(询问)the price

49、in English?How many money or How much money,New sentences,How much is/are?多少钱?想一想:为什么会有is和are两个用法呢?,Is和are,Is 用于不可数名词或者可数名词单数的时候;Eg.How much is the milk?牛奶多少钱?Are 用于可数名词的复数形式;Eg.How much are the books?,practice,翻译下列句子1.这些苹果多少钱?2.这根铅笔多少钱?3.你的橘子多少钱啊?,How much are these apples?,How much are your orange

50、s?,How much is this pencil?,Talk time,Shopping的时候通常我们都会遇到价格太高的情况,那这时候我们该怎么说呢?我们可以说:“its expensive”。,New word,Expensive 贵的The apple is expensive.注:千万不要说价格很 expensive 哦。,New word,售货员通常会说一句话:is on sale.意思就是“有卖的”。A:are there some apples?B:yes,they are on sale.,Make a Dialogue,假设:你要到一家超市去买一些铅笔和苹果,你询问售货员是


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