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1、,议论文重点题材教育环保国际援助政府职能广告国际旅游,辩论型文章重点准备题材环保问题Development in science and technology have causedenvironmental problems.Some people say that asimpler way of life will protect the environment,whileothers believe that science and technology can solveenvironmental problems.Discuss both views and giveyour opi

2、nion200902-12简单生活污染物少:household waste;sewage;atmosphericpollutant;non-biodegradable trash packing materials资源消耗小:energy-savino;avoid deforestation现代技术:复杂环境问题的解决:global warming;sewage purification,常见环境问题Issues1.气候变亿,全球变暖1.Climate change,global warming2.空气污,垃圾增多2.Air pollution,increase of rubbish/garb

3、age3.能源危机,水責源缺乏,森林减少3.Energy crisis,water shortage,deforestation4.自然灾害、酸雨、沙尘暴、干旱、水灾4.Natural disasters,acid rain,sand storms,drought所有这些问题的根本原因是;Causes人口增长,工业发展,长期的人类活动 Population growth,industrial developmentlong-term human activities,正确的解决方法Solutions1.世界方面:全球合作,达成共识,制定1.Global cooperation,reach th

4、e agreement.,set环境保护的国际标准intemational standards for environmental protection2.政府方面:制定环保政策,鼓励低破经2.Make laws,encourage low carbon economy济发展3.科技方面:大力开发可再生的、清洁的3.Exploit renewable,green energy,mvest in新能源,授资研发节能科技energy-saving technologies4.公司方面:应推出环保产品,引领大众4.Promote environmental-friendly products,lea

5、d绿色消费习惯green consuming habits5.个人方面:提升环保意识,倡导低碳生5.raise publics green awareness,encourage low活方式carbon lifestyle,Some industrialized countries have serious environmental problems.The damage tothe emvironment is an inevitable result when a country tends to improve the standardof living,To what extent

6、 do you agree or disagree?工业发展和生活水平的提升不可避免地要以牺牲环境为代价。同意否?Environmental problems are serious in many countries.It means that the onlypossible way to protect the environment is at an international level.To what extentdo you agree or disagree on this hypothesis?只有国际合作才是解决环境问题的唯一途径。同意否?The best way to s

7、olve the world,s environmental problems is to increase the price offuel.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Use your own experience and give anexample to support your idea解决环境问题的最佳方法为燃泊提价。同意否?ong distance flights use more fuel than cars and pollute the environment.Weshould discourage nort-essent

8、ial fights instead of limiting the use of the car.Tothat extent do you agree or disagree?减少非必要的航班比限制用车更能保护环境。同意否?,Many people belleve that the human society has developed into a throw-awaysociety,which is filled with plastic bags and rubbish.What are the causes andsalmons一次性商品充斥的社会,原因和解决之道?Water res

9、ources around the world are falling deficient.Analyze the possible reasonsand provide your suggestions水资源缺乏的原因和解决之道?,ow carbon低碳grengrinod.环保的environmental-friendly ad.环保的eco-friendly adj.环保的ccosystern i:ka sistann.生态系统environmental protection环境保护preserve pr Za:vvt.保护stainable development可持续发展deplet

10、e natural resources耗尽自然资源eave a carbon footprint留下一个碳化足迹discharge./release pollutants into the environment向环境排放污染物greenhouse effect温室效应global warming全球变暖discharge dis t/o:dv.排放oxic taksinad.有毒的contaminate kan aminetv.污染degrade di greidv.恶化,降级deteriorate di tiariereitv.恶化,shortageS:tidkn.缺乏lackekw.缺少

11、deficiency di fifersn.缺乏,不足fight climate change抵制气候变化improve air quality改善空气质量节约能源renewable energies such as wind,hydro and solar powers可再生能源,例如风能、水能和太阳能fuel-efficient vehicles燃油高效汽车take public transit,carpool or ride a bicycle乘坐公共交通工具,拼车,或骑自行车avoid using throw-away products避免使用一次性产品environmental-fr

12、iendly products环保产品eco-friendly altematives/substitutions./replacements生态友好的替代品sort the daily garbage生活垃圾分类consume less and recycle more少消耗多回收,WRITING TASK 2You should spend about 40 minutes on this taskWrite about the following topicIndividuals can do nothing to improue the environment;only govenme

13、nts and largecompanies can make a diference.To what extent do you agree or disagree?Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge orWrite at least 250 words写作提纲观点:每个人都能起作用。原因1:环境问题是长期人类活动导致的。原因2:个人能影响政府和公司的决定。举例:如果人人不用一次性纸杯,就没有公司,Environmental protection is o

14、ne of the most important challenges almost every country is facingHowever,whether only govemments and big firms have resources and powers to preserve ourenvironment is a controversial issue,My view is that every single citizen could also make a hugedifferenceFirst,it is clear that it is human activi

15、ties that have the greatest impact on environment throughout thehistory,Both environment contamination and conservation are the long-term process,and no singlegovemment or big company can meet this challenge alone.So,whoever created the problem shouldsolve it;environment protection needs every one o

16、f us to continuously participate inMoreover,the publics wills and behaviors have a critical influence on govermments polices andcompanys strategies,For example,if everyone saysnoto plastic shopping bags and paper cupshe companies that manufacture such products will switch to environmental-friendly substitutes inorder to survive in the market.,


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