1、BALCO EXPANSION PROJECT 4300 MW THERMAL POWER PLANT Energizing Scheme of Switchyard and Station Transformer印度BALCO扩建4300 MW燃煤电站工程升压站及启备变受电调试方案 Oct. 2010 2010年10月Complied by:编写:周小兵 zhouxiaobingChecked by:初审:赵东升 zhaodongshengRevised by:审核:陈登升 chendengshengApproved by:批准:于心水 yuxinshui目 录CONTENTS1. 受电目的
2、 Purpose2. 受电范围 Scope of energizing 3. 受电前应该具备条件 Prerequisites of energizing4. 受电步骤 Energizing procedure5. 注意事项 Notice6. 附录 :Appendix 电气受电一次系统示意图 Sketch map of energized system1. 目的Purpose1.1检查受电系统的一、二次电气设备绝缘,并确认其合格。检查其系统的控制、保护联锁和信号装置,确认其动作可靠。检查设备的运行情况和系统的性能,发现并消除可能存在的缺陷。保证系统和设备能够安全正常地投入运行。Check and
3、 confirm the insulation of equipments of energized system. Check the control, protective interlock and signal devices, and confirm the action must be reliable. Discover and then eliminate the defect might exist. Ensure the system and equipments can be put into operation safely.2. 受电范围:Scope of energ
4、izing 2.1 220kV、母线以及与母线相连的所有元件,包括所有隔离开关、CVT、CT、避雷器。220kV 、main bus and transformer bus and all components connected to bus-bar, including all disconnecting switches, CVT, CT and lightning arresters.2.2 母联断路器、隔离开关Bus coupler, bus disconnecting switches 2.3 #1启动/备用变压器、隔离开关,#1启/备变CT和断路器。Standby transfo
5、rmer #1, disconnecting switches, CT of Standby transformer, circuit breakers 3.受电前应该具备的条件:Prerequisites of energizing3.1电气应具备的条件:Electrical prerequisites 3.1.1 升压站范围内所有220kV断路器、隔离开关、避雷器、接地刀闸安装和单体试验工作完成。The installation and individual test of all 220kV CB, disconnecting switches, lightning arresters,
6、 earthing switches must be completed.3.1.2 220 kV线路设备、220kV、母及相连的元件安装结束,母联断路器及相连元件安装结束。The installation of 220kV line equipments, 220kV main bus I, II , transfer-bus and relevant components must be completed. The installation of bus coupler and relevant components must be completed.3.1.3 升压站范围内所有CT和
7、CVT安装和单体试验工作完成。The installation and individual test of all CT and CVT within switchyard must be completed.3.1.4 升压站蓄电池组安装和试验工作完成。The installation and test of switchyard battery unit must be completed.3.1.5 升压站继电器保护装置的安装和单体静态校验工作完成,相关继电保护的整定已按有关通知单整定完毕,试验记录完整,数据准确。The installation and individual test
8、 of switchyard relay protections must be completed. Value-set of relevant protections must be completed as per requisition. The testing record must be complete and accurate.3.1.6 升压站内故障录波装置安装和单体试验完毕。The installation and individual test of switchyard fault recorder must be completed.3.1.7 升压站内相关电度表、测
9、量仪表、变送器校验合格,具备投运条件。Calibration of relevant energy meters, measuring meters, transmitters must be completed and qualified for operation.3.1.8 220kV 升压站测量控制系统装置安装和单体试验完成。The installation and individual test of switchyard measure control system must be completed.3.1.9 升压站二次回路电缆敷设和接线工作结束。Cable laying an
10、d wiring of switchyard secondary circuit must be completed.3.1.10 受电区域应做好安全隔离措施。 Isolation measures should be executed in energizing area.3.1.11 受电一次设备的相序、相色标识明确,命名编号齐全。受电区及受电设备应有明显的警戒标志。The phase sequence and color marks of primary equipments energized must be clear, the nameplates and serial numbe
11、r must be completed. There should be obvious nameplates for energizing area and equipments.3.1.12 全厂接地系统已施工完毕,接地电阻符合要求。各受电一、二次设备的绝缘电阻经测试,符合规程的要求,并做好记录备查。The construction of grounding system must be finished, and the grounding resistors should fulfill the requirement. The insulating resistance of pri
12、mary and secondary equipments energized must be tested and meet the requirement of regulation. It must be recorded for future reference.3.1.13 直流屏、UPS盘柜、升压站MCC柜等具备投运条件。DC cabinets, UPS cabinets, switchyard MCC cabinets etc. should fulfill the requirement of operation.3.1.14 受电区域内的二次回路接线校核工作完成。Check
13、of secondary wiring within energizing area must be completed.3.1.15 受电范围内电气二次回路的调试工作应完成,测量控制系统、继电保护系统以及报警信号等经传动试验均正确可靠。The inspection and confirmation of electric secondary circuit within energizing area must be completed. The measure, relay protections and alarm signals should be correct and reliab
14、le after transmission test.3.1.16 测量系统调试工作结束。The inspection and confirmation of measuring system must be completed.3.1.17 升压站各隔离开关和接地刀闸的五防闭锁回路调试工作完成。The anti-misoperation circuit test of disconnecting switches and earthing switches within switchyard must be completed.3.1.18 启/备变安装和单体试验工作结束,瓦斯继电器已经过校
15、验。The installation and individual test of Standby transformer must be completed. The gas relay should be calibrated.3.1.19 启/备变风冷系统正常,有关调压装置经过调试,具备投运条件。The cooling system of Standby transformer should be completed. Related voltage-regulating devices should fulfill the requirement of operation after
16、test.3.1.20 启/备变保护装置、测量屏、变送器屏等安装结束,二次电缆敷设完成并按照设计图纸接线完毕。The installation of Standby transformer protections, measuring panels, transmitter panels etc. should be completed. Secondary cable laying must be completed, and wiring should be finished as per design.3.1.21 启/备变保护装置单体调试工作结束。继电保护的整定已按有关通知单整定完毕。
17、The individual test of Standby transformer protection devices should be completed. The value-set of relay protections should be set as per requisition.3.2 土建应具备的条件:Civil prerequisites3.2.1 各受电区道路通畅,无闲杂堆积物。消防设施完备,具备使用条件。The road in energizing area must be smooth without useless deposit. The fire-figh
18、ting equipments must be complete and ready to operation.3.2.2 各受电区照明充足,事故照明可靠。The illumination for energizing area must be sufficient, and the emergent illumination must be reliable. 3.2.3 启/备变事故排油池及消防设施符合设计和运行要求,具备投运条件。The emergency oil-discharging pool of Standby transformer and fire-fighting equi
19、pments should fulfill the requirement of design and ready to operation.3.3其它应具备条件:Other prerequisites3.3.1 升压站内继电保护设备的有关定值已正式下达,并有书面资料备案。The value-set of switchyard relay protection devices should be issued, and formal documents are needed for future reference.3.3.2 调度单位批准下发的有关220kV升压站受电的程序文件,明确受电相关
20、程序。The dispatching unit should approve and issue the procedure of 220kV switchyard energizing and clarify relevant energizing steps.3.3.3 外部输出线路安装工作结束,对侧变电站内继电保护装置及系统调试工作完成,具备投运条件。The installation of outgoing line must be completed. The test of relay protection devices and system of corresponding su
21、bstation must be completed and ready to operation.3.3.4 运行人员已经过相关培训,并做好上岗准备。相关的运行图纸和运行规程应备妥。Operating personnel must fulfill the requirement of duty after training and ready for operation. Relevant drawings and operating regulations must be available.3.3.5 升压站内运行人员与调度单位的通讯系统已投入使用,就地通讯设备方便可用。Communic
22、ation facilities between operating personnel in switchyard and dispatching unit must be put into operation. Local communication facilities must be convenient for use.3.3.6 相关单位应准备好必要的检修工具和材料。Sufficient maintaining tools and materials must be prepared by relevant unit.3.3.7 相关单位应作好受电范围内的保安工作。Security
23、 of energizing area must be ensured by relevant unit.4.受电步骤Energizing procedure4.1 220kV升压站受电操作Energizing of the 220kV switchyard4.1.1 220kV母母线冲击合闸试验Energizing of 220kV main bus I4.1.2 投入220kV母和#1线路的相关保护,检查相关定值无误。Put related protections of 220kV main bus I and #1 outgoing line into operation and con
24、firm the set-value must be correct.4.1.3 合上220kV母CVT隔离开关、#1线路侧隔离开关。Close the CVT disconnecting switch of 220kV main bus I and disconnecting switch of #1 outgoing line .4.1.4 合上#1线路侧断路器向220kV母母线进行充电,进行设备外观检查,检查220kV 母母线PT二次电压相序及幅值的正确性。Close #1 outgoing line CB to energize 220kV main bus I. Check the
25、appearance of equipments. Check the secondary voltage phase sequence and value of 220kV main bus I PT.4.1.5 检查一切正常后,220kV母带电运行。After the inspection of 220kV main bus I is correctly, the bus should be put into operation. 4.1.6 220kV 母母线冲击合闸试验Energizing of 220kV main bus II4.1.7 投入220kV母和母联断路器的相关保护,并检
26、查相应定值无误。Put related protections of 220kV main bus II and bus coupler into operation and confirm the set-value must be correct.4.1.8 合上母联断路器、母隔离开关,送上母联断路器的操作电源。Close the 、bus disconnecting switches Turn on the control power of bus coupler 4.1.9 合上母联断路器向220kV母母线进行充电,进行设备外观检查,检查220kV 母母线CVT二次电压相序及幅值的正确
27、性。Close bus coupler to energize the 220kV main bus II. Check the appearance of equipments. Check the secondary voltage phase sequence and value of 220kV main bus II CVT. 4.1.10 对220kV、母线CVT进行二次定相,检查同名及异名相电压值的正确性。Compare the secondary voltage between 220kV main bus I and II. Check and confirm the vol
28、tage value between same and different phases. 4.1.11 检查一切正常后,220kV母带电运行。After the inspection of 220kV mains is correctly, the bus should be put into operation.4.2 #1启动/备用变冲击试验Energizing of #1 standby transformer4.2.1 将220kV母线作为#1启/备变冲击电源。220kV main bus II would be served as the source of #1 standby
29、transformers energizing.4.2.2 投入#1启/备变相关保护,确认启/备变低压侧备用电源进线开关均在“检修”位置。Put the related protections of #1 standby transformer into operation. Confirm the standby incoming switch at LV side of station transformer must be pulled out. 4.2.3 对#1启/备变空载冲击合闸过程中,有专人在就地监视启/备变的运行情况。During the energizing of #1 st
30、andby transformer, special person should be arranged for supervising the station transformers operation locally. 4.2.4 申请调度令,对#1启/备变进行首次空载冲击合闸试验,当调度指令下达后,进行如下操作:Apply for the instruction from dispatching unit to execute the energizing of #1 standby transformer as follows:4.2.5 投入#1启/备变低压侧进线PT。Put th
31、e incoming PT of #1 standby transformer into operation.4.2.6 合上起备变断路器隔离开关,送上起备变断路器的操作电源。Close the disconnecting switches.Turn on the control power of CB 4.2.7 合上起备变断路器,对#1启/备变进行首次空载冲击合闸试验,并测量低压侧PT二次电压值。Close the CB to energize the #1 standby transformer and measure the secondary voltage of LV side P
32、T.4.2.8 #1启/备变首次带电运行10分钟,进行设备外观检查。正常后断开高压侧断路器,间隔5分钟后,可进行第2、3、4、5次冲击,每次运行5分钟间隔5分钟。The first energizing of #1 standby transformer will last for 10 minutes. During this time, check the appearance of equipments. After confirmation, open the CB. 5 minutes later, start next energizing. Every energizing te
33、st will last 5 minutes, and the interval to next test is 5 minutes. 4.2.9 #1启/备变带电运行。After last energizing, put the #7 station transformer into operation.4.3 6.6kV公用A段和B段带电Energizing of 6.6kV unit board A and B4.3.1确认6.6kV公用A段所有开关均在“检修”位置。Ensure all CB of 6.6kV unit board A are pulled out.4.3.2检查6.6
34、kV公用A段母线PT一次保险完好,将母线PT置于工作位置,合上其二次空开和控制电源。Check and confirm the primary fuses of 6.6kV unit board A busbar PT should be qualified. Push the busbar PT in “Service” position. Close the secondary switches and control supply switch.4.3.3将6.6kV公用A段进线开关推至“工作”位置,切换开关置“远方”位置,合上操作电源。Rack in the CB of 6.6kV u
35、nit board A to “Service” position, set the control switch to “Remote”, and close the control supply switch.4.3.4在 ECS合上6.6kV公用A段备用进线开关,6.6kV工作A段母线带电,检查6.6kV工作A段母线PT二次电压幅值和相序。Close the CB of 6.6kV unit board A, and 6.6kV unit board A energized, measure secondary voltage and phase sequence of busbar P
36、T. 4.3.5确认6.6kV公用B段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all CB of 6.6kV unit board B are pulled out. 4.3.6检查6.6kV公用B段母线PT一次保险完好,将母线PT推至工作位置,合上PT二次空开和控制电源。Check and confirm the primary fuses of 6.6kV unit board B busbar PT should be qualified. Push the busbar PT in “Service” position. Close the secondary switches and
37、control supply switch.4.3.7将6.6kV公用B段备用进线开关推至“工作”位置,切换开关置于“远方”位置,送上其操作电源。Rack in the standby CB of 6.6kV unit board B to “Service” position, set the control switch to “Remote”, and close the control supply switch.4.3.8在ECS合上6.6kV工作B段备用进线开关,6.6kV工作B段母线带电。检查6.6kV工作B段母线PT二次电压幅值和相序。Close the CB of 6.6kV
38、 unit board B, and 6.6kV unit board B energized, measure secondary voltage and phase sequence of busbar PT. 5.1公用变A带电Energizing of station service transformer A1.确认415V公用A段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of 415V station service PCA are pulled out.2.投入公用变A变压器温控器。Put the temperature controller of stat
39、ion service transformer Ainto operation.3.将6.6kV公用A段(公用变A)开关推至“工作”位置,送上操作电源,在ECS上合开关,对公用变A进行冲击合闸试验。Rack in CB(for station service transformer) to “service” position, and turn on switch of control supply. Close the CB in CCR, station service transformer A energizing.4.检查公用变A低压侧电压幅值及相序的正确性。Measure vol
40、tage value and phase sequence at low-voltage side of station service transformer A5.公用变A保持带电运行。Keep the station service transformer A in operation.5.2公用变B带电Energizing of station service transformer B1.确认415V公用B段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of 415V station service PCB is pulled out “maintenance” p
41、osition.2.投入公用变B变压器温控器。Put the temperature controller of station service transformer B into operation.3.将6.6kV公用B段(公用变B高压侧开关)推至“工作”位置,送上操作电源,在ECS上合开关,对公用变B进行冲击合闸试验。Rack in CB(for station service transformer B)to “service” position, and turn on switch of control supply. Close the CB in CCR, station s
42、ervice transformer B energizing.4.检查公用变B低压侧电压幅值及相序的正确性。Measure voltage value and phase sequence at low-voltage side of station service transformer B5.公用变B保持带电运行。Keep the station service transformer in operation.5.3照明变带电Energizing of lighting transformer 1.确认415V照明段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of
43、415V lighting PCA are pulled out.2.投入照明变变压器温控器。Put the temperature controller of lighting transformer into operation.3.将6.6kV公用A段(照明变)开关推至“工作”位置,送上操作电源,在ECS上合开关,对照明变进行冲击合闸试验。Rack in CB(for lighting transformer) to “service” position, and turn on switch of control supply. Close the CB in CCR, lightin
44、g transformer energizing.4.检查照明变低压侧电压幅值及相序的正确性。Measure voltage value and phase sequence at low-voltage side of lighting transformer 5.照明变保持带电运行。Keep the lighting transformer in operation.5.4检修变带电Energizing of maintenance transformer 1.确认415V检修段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of 415V maintenance PCA
45、are pulled out.2.投入检修变变压器温控器。Put the temperature controller of maintenance transformer into operation.3.将6.6kV公用A段(检修变)开关推至“工作”位置,送上操作电源,在ECS上合开关,对检修变进行冲击合闸试验。Rack in CB(for maintenance transformer) to “service” position, and turn on switch of control supply. Close the CB in CCR, maintenance transfo
46、rmer energizing.4.检查检修变低压侧电压幅值及相序的正确性。Measure voltage value and phase sequence at low-voltage side of maintenance transformer 5.检修变保持带电运行。Keep the maintenance transformer in operation.5.5工作变A带电Energizing of working transformer A1.确认415V工作A段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of 415V working PCA are pull
47、ed out.2.投入工作变A变压器温控器。Put the temperature controller of working transformer Ainto operation.3.将6.6kV公用A段(工作变A)开关推至“工作”位置,送上操作电源,在ECS上合开关,对工作变A进行冲击合闸试验。Rack in CB(for working transformer) to “service” position, and turn on switch of control supply. Close the CB in CCR, working transformer A energizin
48、g.4.检查工作变A低压侧电压幅值及相序的正确性。Measure voltage value and phase sequence at low-voltage side of working transformer A5.工作变A保持带电运行。Keep the working transformer A in operation.5.6工作变B带电Energizing of working transformer B1.确认415V工作B段所有开关在“检修”位置。Ensure all switches of 415V working PCB are pulled out.2.投入工作变B变压