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1、专业好文档中央电大英语教学法试题 闭卷Achievement Test for “ Teaching English in the Primary School”I. Choose the best answer (30%)Directions: In this part, you are given fifteen questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the one which can best answer the ques

2、tions. (30 points, 2 points each)1. What type of learners can benefit most from acting activities?A. Kinesthetic learners.B. Auditory learners.C. Individual learners.D. Visual learners.2. What learning strategy does the following activity to train?Put the words in the relevant columns.Bananas, dogs,

3、 sheep, oranges.FoodFruitAnimalsA. Grouping B. CollocationC. Association D. Imagery3. Which of the following can train listening?A. Sequencing the pictures.B. Writing captions for pictures.C. TPRD. Matching titles with different paragraphs.4. Which of the following activities involves writing?A. Lab

4、eling pictures.B. Matching pictures with labels.C. Dramatization.D. Role play.5. How do children learn their first language?A. By imitations.B. By being corrected by parents.C. By learning language rules.D. By acting and performing.6. Whats the teacher doing by saying “Now you are going to do this i

5、n pairs.”A. Checking understanding.B. Giving prompt.C. Setting tasks.D. Getting feedback.7. Which of the following activities can be best done with pair work?A. Information gap.B. Guessing games.C. Watching videos.D. Role-play.8. Which of the following helps assess language performances?A. Asking st

6、udents to reflect on what activities attract them most.B. Asking students about their attitudes towards a certain game.C. Asking students to draw pictures according to description.D. Asking the students to do a quiz at the end of the lesson.9. Which of the following is suitable for speaking?A. TPR a

7、ctions.B. Recognizing picturesC. Information gapD. Matching pictures with descriptions.10. In which of the following activities does the teacher play the role of prompter?A. Give suggestions during an activity.B. Read out the new words to the students.C. Take part in the pupils conversation.D. Encou

8、rage students to go on with their talk.11. Which of the following belongs to projects?A. Guessing what someone is eating.B. Creating a poster.C. Listening and identifyingD. Information gap.12. What kind of classroom arrangement is most suitable for the following activities?The teacher asks the pupil

9、s to discuss what they are going to do at the weekend. A. Pair work.B. Group workC. Whole-class workD. Individual work13. What is the teaching doing in the following part of instruction?T: All right, I think it is the time.A: Introducing the activity.B. Giving a start.C. Checking understanding.D. Co

10、ncluding an activity.14. What is the teacher doing in terms of error correction?S: I seed a very good film on TV yesterday.T: You SAW a very good film yesterday?A. Helping correct the mistake.B. Giving a hint that the student has used the wrong tense.C. Asking the student to correct the mistake hims

11、elf.D. Asking the student whether he really saw the film.15. What does childrens short attention span imply for classroom instruction?A. We should not make any activity too long.B. We should not waste time explaining complicated language rules.C. We should provide good models for children to imitate

12、.D. We should select those topics relevant to students experience. II: Matching (20%)1. Match the learning styles on the left which the type of activities on the right. (4%)1) Group learners A. Discussion2) Reflective learners B. Making judgments3) Individual learners C. Copying4) Tactile learners D

13、. Doing handcrafts2. Match the type of intelligence on the left with the suitable activities on the right. (4%)1) Interpersonal intelligence A. Active imagination2) Musical intelligence B. Rhythmic patterns3) Naturalistic intelligence C. Sensing others motives4) Spatial intelligence D. Photographing

14、3. Match the items of phonetics on the left with the realizations on the right. (4 %) 1) Articulation A. Not at all 2) Intonation B. She sells seashells by the seashore. 3) Liaison C. I want to do a good deed. 4) Loss of explosion D. Do you speak English?4. Match the type of vocabulary learning stra

15、tegies on the left with the activities that help to train them on the right. ( 4 %)1) Collocation A. Ask the students to find the words from the dialogue and guess their meanings.2) Context B. Ask the students to listen to a record and read after it.3) Grouping C. Ask the students to put the words i

16、n the right category.4) Imitation D. Ask the students to match the prepositions with the nouns. 5. Match the type of activities on the left with the focus on the right. (4%) 1) Simon says A. Reading 2) Look and say B. Writing 3) Sentence completion C. Speaking 4) Drawing according to instruction D.

17、ListeningIII. Multiple choice questions (10%) Directions: In this part, you are given five questions which are followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Read the choices carefully and choose the suitable answer to the question. You may have more than one answer to each question. ( 10%, 2 points ea

18、ch)1. If the class is too passive and lifeless, what will you do?A. Ask the students to read out the text together.B. Ask the students to copy the text.C. Ask students to act out the dialogue.D. Ask the students to do guessing games.2. What is practiced in the following activity? “Now, work in pairs

19、 and ask your partner what he or she has in his or her schoolbag.” A. Vocabulary B. Speaking C. Listening D. Grammar3. Which two of the following should be the focus of oral instruction? A. Language B. Function C. Fluency D. Accuracy4. Which of the following are true of second language learning? A.

20、Structured input B. Selected exposure C. Natural context D. Focus on communication.5. Which of the following can provide data for formative assessment?A. Final-term examinationB. Classroom observation.C. Peer evaluation of students.D. Students learning diary.IV: Short Answer Questions (20%) Directio

21、ns: In this part there are four questions about English Teaching Methodology. Write down your answers in brief. You will be assessed in the points you present and the way you present them. (20 points, 5 points each)1. Is there any point in explaining complicated grammar rules to children?2. What can

22、 you use songs to do in an English lesson? What advantages do songs have?3. How can you suit different learners with stories in an English lesson?4. What benefits and problems do games have?V: Activity designing (20%)Directions: In this part, you are to design 1 10-minute communicative speaking acti

23、vity according to the material given. The activity should be based on the material, practicing possessive pronouns. Make sure you include all the items of an activity according to the table given (objective, organization type, procedure, assumed time, predicted problems and solutions). Make sure you

24、 give the assumed time for each step. (试卷上是四幅卡通画,无法打上去)ObjectiveClassroom organizationPredicted problem(s) Solution(s)Procedure1)2)3)4)5)Winger Tuivasa-Sheck, who scored two tries in the Kiwis 20-18 semi-final win over England, has been passed fit after a lower-leg injury, while Slater has been name

25、d at full-back but is still recovering from a knee injury aggravated against USA.Both sides boast 100% records heading into the encounter but Australia have not conceded a try since Josh Charnleys effort in their first pool match against England on the opening day.Aussie winger Jarryd Hayne is the c

26、ompetitions top try scorer with nine, closely followed by Tuivasa-Sheck with eight.But it is recently named Rugby League International Federation player of the year Sonny Bill Williams who has attracted the most interest in the tournament so far.The Kiwi - with a tournament high 17 offloads - has th

27、e chance of becoming the first player to win the World Cup in both rugby league and rugby union after triumphing with the All Blacks in 2011.Id give every award back in a heartbeat just to get across the line this weekend, said Williams.The (lack of) air up there Watch mCayman Islands-based Webb, th

28、e head of Fifas anti-racism taskforce, is in London for the Football Associations 150th anniversary celebrations and will attend Citys Premier League match at Chelsea on Sunday.I am going to be at the match tomorrow and I have asked to meet Yaya Toure, he told BBC Sport.For me its about how he felt

29、and I would like to speak to him first to find out what his experience was.Uefa hasopened disciplinary proceedings against CSKAfor the racist behaviour of their fans duringCitys 2-1 win.Michel Platini, president of European footballs governing body, has also ordered an immediate investigation into t

30、he referees actions.CSKA said they were surprised and disappointed by Toures complaint. In a statement the Russian side added: We found no racist insults from fans of CSKA. Baumgartner the disappointing news: Mission aborted.The supersonic descent could happen as early as Sunda.The weather plays an

31、important role in this mission. Starting at the ground, conditions have to be very calm - winds less than 2 mph, with no precipitation or humidity and limited cloud cover. The balloon, with capsule attached, will move through the lower level of the atmosphere (the troposphere) where our day-to-day w

32、eather lives. It will climb higher than the tip of Mount Everest (5.5 miles/8.85 kilometers), drifting even higher than the cruising altitude of commercial airliners (5.6 miles/9.17 kilometers) and into the stratosphere. As he crosses the boundary layer (called the tropopause),e can expect a lot of

33、turbulence.The balloon will slowly drift to the edge of space at 120,000 feet ( Then, I would assume, he will slowly step out onto something resembling an Olympic diving platform.They blew it in 2008 when they got caught cold in the final and they will not make the same mistake against the Kiwis in

34、Manchester.Five years ago they cruised through to the final and so far history has repeated itself here - the last try they conceded was scored by Englands Josh Charnley in the opening game of the tournament.That could be classed as a weakness, a team under-cooked - but I have been impressed by the

35、Kangaroos focus in their games since then.They have been concentrating on the sort of stuff that wins you tough, even contests - strong defence, especially on their own goal-line, completing sets and a good kick-chase. Theyve been great at all the unglamorous stuff that often goes unnoticed in the s

36、tands but not by your team-mates.It is as though their entire tournament has been preparation for the final.In Johnathan Thurston, Cooper Cronk, Cameron Smith and either Billy Slater or Greg Inglis at full-back they have a spine that is unmatched in rugby league. They have played in so many high-pre

37、ssure games - a priceless asset going into Saturday.The Kiwis are a lot less experienced but winning a dramatic match like their semi-final against England will do wonders for their confidence.They defeated Australia in the Four Nations final in 2010 and the last World Cup, and know they can rise to the big occasion.


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