1、,1,VisionMobile 2011|www.DeveloperE,3,11,26,43,51,2,About VisionMobileVisionMobile is a leading market analysis and strategy firm,for all things connected.We offer competitive analysis,market due diligence,industry maps,executive training andstrategy,on topics ranging from the industrys hottest tren
2、dsto under-the-radar market sectors.Our mantra:distillingmarket noise into market sense.VisionMobile Ltd.90 Long Acre,Covent Garden,London WC2E 9RZ+44 845 003 us:visionmobileAbout BlueViaBlueVia is the new global developer platform fromTelefonica that helps developers take apps,web services,and idea
3、s to market.BlueVia is built on four Foundingprinciples:Scale,Tools,Business Models,and Path toMarket.BlueVia offers ground breaking,zero risk,businessmodels for developers,along with mix&match models tocreate multiple revenue streams.LicenseLicensed under a Creative CommonsAttribution 3.0 License.A
4、ny reuse or remixing of the work should beattributed to the Developer Economics 2011report.Copyright VisionMobile 2011,ContentsKey takeawaysChapter 1:Developer Mindshare:winners and losers in the platform raceChapter 2:Taking applications to marketChapter 3:The building blocks of mobile appsChapter
5、4:Brands go mobileAlso by VisionMobileMobile Industry Atlas|4th EditionThe complete map of the mobile industrylandscape,mapping 1,350+companiesacross 85+market sectors.Available in wallchart and PDF format.,believes the statements contained in thispublication to be based upon information that we con
6、siderreliable,but we do not represent that it is accurate orcomplete and it should not be relied upon as such.Opinionsexpressed are current opinions as of the date appearing onthis publication only and the information,including theopinions contained herein,are subject to change withoutnotice.Use of
7、this publication by any third party for whateverpurpose should not and does not absolve such third partyfrom using due diligence in verifying the publicationscontents.VisionMobile disclaims all implied warranties,including,without limitation,warranties of merchantabilityor fitness for a particular p
8、urpose.VisionMobile,its affiliatesand representatives shall have no liability for any direct,incidental,special,or consequential damages or lost profits,if any,suffered by any third party as a result of decisionsmade,or not made,or actions taken,or not taken,based onthis publication.VisionMobile 201
9、1|www.DeveloperE,3,Key messages,The race for developer mindshare,Use of mobile web accelerates.The last year has seen many twists and turns in therace of mobile platforms to capture developer mindshare.Mobile web as a platform hasseen an impressive upturn in usage,and is now in third position in our
10、 DeveloperMindshare Index.Android and iOS continue to lead,with 67%of developers currentlyusing Android and 59%using iOS.,Windows is not yet the third horse in the three-horse mobile race.Use of,Windows Mobile has dropped among developers in the last year,while Windows Phoneis not yet seen by develo
11、pers as a commercially viable platform.Yet,Windows Phone 7has managed to establish itself in the number two spot after Android in our DeveloperIntentShare Index,which tracks the platforms developers plan to invest in.Microsoftsadvantage comes from the influx of PC and Xbox developers,Microsofts best
12、-in-classtools and the promise of a substantial user base with the Nokia deal.,Symbian,Java abandoned.Symbian and Java ME are the two platforms with thehighest developer abandonment rates;nearly 40%of developers currently usingSymbian and 35%of developers currently using Java ME are planning to drop
13、 theplatforms.Java ME is suffering from negative hype despite having been embedded onmore than three billion handsets.Symbian is now officially a platform with an expirydate,with the Nokia Symbian handset line-up set to be discontinued.,Experimentation on the rise.Developers are increasingly experim
14、enting with moreand more platforms and transitioning to new ones.Our sample of 850+onlinerespondents suggests that developers are using an average of 3.2 platformsconcurrently,a 15%increase compared to 2010.,Show me the money,Money cant buy you love,but users can!Large market penetration(the ability
15、 toreach users)is the most crucial factor for platform selection,important for nearly halfof the respondents across all platforms.Meanwhile,the ability to make money wasdeemed important in platform selection by just a quarter of respondents,alongside lowcost development tools and the ability to quic
16、kly code and prototype.,Losing money.In the gold rush to the applications economy,not everyone is makingmoney.About a third of respondents make less than$1,000 USD per application intotal,which is loss-making given that an application often takes months to develop.,Commissioned vs.direct monetisatio
17、n.Approximately 50%of app developers inour survey make money through a salary or commission,confirming that corporatemonetisation is becoming as important as making money directly through applications.For developers making money directly,the top revenue model is pay-per-download,followed by advertis
18、ing and freemium(free download,then pay to upgrade).,Platform revenue potential.Not all platforms are born with equal revenuepotential.Our research revealed large discrepancies across platforms in terms of therevenues applications are bringing to developers.iOS developers topped the chart,VisionMobi
19、le 2011|www.DeveloperE,4,making 3.3x more money per app than Symbian developers followed by Java ME(2.7x)and BlackBerry(2.4x).Android(1.7x),mobile web(1.6x)were the weakest performingplatforms in terms of revenue per app and only ahead of Symbian(1.0).,Role of operators.Traditionally,application dev
20、elopers have been cold anduncertain as to the role the operators can play in a software world.While the majorityof developers agree that the role of operators is to delivery data access(61%)and voice(43%),there is no consensus on the role of operators in software.Developers acrossregions disagree on
21、 whether operators should be a payment gateway,an API platform,build the best mobile services,or just leave developers alone.,App stores deliver fragmented reach,App stores are a one-way street.App stores have irreversibly changed thelandscape of mobile app distribution.Today,app stores are the prim
22、ary go-to-marketchannel for 45%of mobile app developers across the eight major platforms.Use ofother application distribution channels has consistently declined across the board.Moreover,operator portals,whose walled gardens once dominated contentdistribution,are now paling in significance compared
23、to app stores.,App stores deliver reach.Reach is by far the most important reason behinddevelopers preference for app stores as a distribution channel.More than 50%ofdevelopers distributing through Apple,Google,Nokia or BlackBerry app stores cite theability to sell to more users as the primary reaso
24、n for app store selection.,App store fragmentation is an under-hyped challenge for developers.Each of thefifty-plus app stores available has its own developer sign-up,app submission process,artwork and paperwork requirements,app certification and approval criteria,revenuemodel options,payment terms,
25、taxation and settlement terms.The marginal cost ofdistributing an application through one more app store is significant,contrary topopular perception.,One size doesnt fit all,Developer segmentation is as sophisticated as consumer segmentation.But inwhatever metric or measure is used,one needs to ack
26、nowledge that there are severaltypes of developers out there.Hobbyists and students,start-ups,self-financedprofessionals,commissioned developers,digital agencies,system integrators,anddevelopers working within established businesses developing B2B or B2C apps allhave different incentives,aspirations
27、,priorities,needs and wants.,Attracting talent.Developers who are experienced with PC/Internet softwaredevelopment are jumping into mobile.However,our research shows that aside fromApple and Microsoft,platform vendors are not attracting enough developers withexperience in mobile or PC/Internet devel
28、opment.,Developer-market balance.Android is the one and only platform that is tri-laterally adopted by developers across all three major continents active in applicationdevelopment-Europe,North America and Asia.On all other platforms,there is animbalance of developer supply and market demand across
29、the globe.iOS is lagging indeveloper mindshare in Asia while BlackBerry developers are almost completely lacking,VisionMobile 2011|www.DeveloperE,5,in Europe.The traditional sweet spot for Java developers has moved out of Europe toemerging markets,with 42%more respondents coming from Asia,Africa and
30、 SouthAmerica.Flash Lite has weak supply in South East Asia where the platform can deliverbest-in-class experiences on mass-market phones.,Building mobile apps,Learning curve.Contrary to popular perception,mobile web isnt such an easyplatform to learn,ranking sixth in terms of learning curve.This is
31、 due to the need forweb developers to learn a complex stack of languages and technology frameworksacross client and server environments,in addition to having to battle with thechallenges of cross-browser portability.,Fragmentation.Despite the bad press,Google is managing to contain Androidfragmentat
32、ion relatively well.On the contrary,its BlackBerry and Java ME that exhibitthe greatest amount of fragmentation,with BB and Java developers needing to producealmost twice the number of app versions compared to Android developers.,Localisation.Localisation is poised to become a fundamental issue for
33、mobiledevelopers,as it becomes easier for them to distribute apps globally,and to developregionally sensitive apps and content like news,music and social networks.Mostdevelopers who are already accustomed to creating apps for global distribution(forexample Java ME developers)report challenges around
34、 localisation.,Cloud APIs.Cloud connectivity is not just a fad among developers;its also where a lotof the innovation is taking place.We found that iOS,Android and mobile webdevelopers are the most active users of cloud APIs,while BlackBerry and Javadevelopers were the late adopters of the cloud.,Mu
35、lti-screen future.The developer ecosystem is gearing up for a multi-screenfuture.In our research,almost 50%of respondents who develop for smartphones alsodevelop for mid-range(messaging and Internet capable)phones.Nearly 25%ofAndroid,iOS,Java,mobile web and Qt respondents are planning to target TV a
36、nd set-top boxes in the future.Moreover,our research confirmed that mobile web is the mostversatile platform,with mobile web developers currently targeting on average 2.5different screen types.,Brands drive mobile,Brands go mobile.Where there is a company website or a corporate intranet today,there
37、will be a mobile app tomorrow.Whether its a B2C app for enhancing the corebusiness,or B2B for mobilising the corporate intranet,apps are becoming requisite,notonly for consumer brands,but for virtually every self-respecting company out there.While app stores kick-started the mobile app economy,it is
38、 brands and commercialcompanies that are now fuelling it.,Brands journey through mobile.Despite the diversity across verticals andregions,we found that all companies go through a three-stage journey as they extendtheir digital strategies into mobile.In their first steps in going mobile,Newbie brands
39、think of an app as a way to advertise whatever product or service they are providing.Asthey get Street Smart,brands ask,“How can we use apps to drive our core business?”,VisionMobile 2011|www.DeveloperE,6,And finally,as Connoisseurs,the question becomes“Can we turn apps into a new,revenue generating
40、 business?”,The platform conundrum.For brands,extending their presence to mobile is a verydifferent beast,compared to any other digital medium.On the Web,one needscompatibility with only two or three mainstream browsers in order to reach 80%ofusers.In mobile,compatibility with the top three or four
41、mainstream native platforms(iOS,Android,Symbian and BlackBerry)brings your app to barely more than 20%of alldevices sold.,Platform priorities.For companies going mobile,platform priorities are mixed,butthe core challenge is common market penetration and reach across the customerbase.Organisations de
42、veloping B2C apps(targeted at consumers)are extending theiroffering first to Apple,and then to Android,to mobile web,to BlackBerry and finally toWindows Phone 7.For B2B apps(applications paid for by the corporate IT manager orCIO),HTML is already the platform of choice-not just for deployment on mob
43、ile webbrowsers,but also by converting HTML is already the platform of choice not just fordeployment on mobile web browsers,but also for conversion into native iPhone andAndroid apps,using HTML/Javascript conversion tools from companies such asPhoneGap,RhoMobile and Sencha.,VisionMobile 2011|www.Dev
44、eloperE,7,About Developer Economics,Welcome to Developer Economics 2011,the quintessential mobile developer researchreport.In this second annual report,we explore both what drives developer mindshare,and how brands are fast-forwarding into the world of mobile.,Developer Economics 2011 takes the read
45、er across the entire developer journey,fromthe shift of mindshare and why“users can buy you love”,to how money is made inmobile.It covers the hottest issues,from app design and promotion to monetisationand user support.,In this years research,we have delved into the world of brands that are going mo
46、bile,to understand what makes them tick,and how they are planning to conquer the mobileworld.While app stores initially kick-started the mobile app economy,it is brands thatare now fuelling it.,We spent the last few months quizzing developers and industry executives about thefuture of mobile.Our res
47、earch included 20+industry executives,along with 900+developers from 75+countries working on 8+major platforms.,We believe our work has yielded important insights about the future of mobiledevelopment and hope you enjoy reading this report as much we enjoyed writing it!,Matos,Elizabetta,Andreas,Mich
48、ael,Anne and Vanessa at VisionMobile.visionmobile,Thank you!,Wed like to thank the executives and developers who helped make this report a reality those who spent the time on the phone or online to offer a glimpse of the worldthrough their eyes,with its ups and downs.You know who you are.,Wed also l
49、ike to thank the many companies who helped us reach out to developers Distimo,Enough Software,Flurry,Funambol,GetJar,LiMo Foundation,MEX,Microsoft,Mobile Monday London,Nokia,Oracle,Qualcomm,RIM,WAC,WIP without which we would not have been able to reach such a diverse spectrum ofdevelopers.,And of co
50、urse a huge thank you to James Parton and the team at Telefonica,withoutwhose financial support this research would simply not have been possible.,VisionMobile 2011|www.DeveloperE,8,Welcome to Developer Economics 2011,How quickly time flies!,Last year we,like VisionMobile,felt there was a real gap i