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1、What is Workplace Organization?什么是工作场地有序安排?,Video-WPO,1.工具一:5S-工作场地有序安排(Workplace Organization),5S 背景 Background,跨国企业全球制造(精益生产)系统的策略之一是精益办公/工作环境,它的基础是全面杜绝浪费。你们将学习如何认清浪费,并用一种称为”5S”的工具来消除浪费。术语”5S”(或称为用于工作场地有序安排的5个步骤)源于日本Toyota,为获取干净、有序且安全的工作环境所采用的5个词。A strategy of the multinational Global Manufacturin

2、g System is a Lean Workplace Organization and Office Environment.The foundation of this strategy is the total elimination of waste.The class you are enrolled in will teach you how to identify waste and how to use a tool called“5S”to eliminate waste and get your workplace well organized.The term“5S”(

3、or the 5 steps to workplace organization)originally came from 5 words used by Toyota to achieve a clean,well organized,and safe workplace.,5S-工作场地有序安排,创建并保持安排有序、清洁干净、高效性能的工作场地一种流程和方法A Process and method for creating and maintaining an organized,clean,high-Performance workplace改善所需条件-记律A conditioning

4、 discipline for Kaizen,1 S整理 分离及丢弃(筛选)Segregate&Discard(“Seiri”)2 S整顿排序及识别(分类)Arrange&Identify(“Seiton”)3 S清扫 清扫及日检(清扫)Clean&Inspect Daily(“Seiso”)4 S清洁 经常重访(保持)Revisit Frequently(“Seiketsu”)5 S素养 主动保持(自律)Motivate To Sustain(“Shitsuke”),如何做5S How 5S?,5S-工作场地有序安排,定义:工作场地的安全、清洁和有序的安排,它为每件物品提供一个特定的位置,并

5、去除任何不必要的东西。DEFINITION:The safe,clean and orderly arrangement of the workplace that provides a specific location for everything and eliminates anything that is not required.目的:工作场地的有序安排使工作场地有序化,使“偏离标准”的情况显而易见。它能消除浪费,使日常工作更舒适、精确、方便并降低成本。PURPOSE:Workplace organization puts order to the workplace,allowi

6、ng out-of-standard conditions to be visible.It eliminates waste and makes our daily tasks more comfortable,accurate,easier and less costly.,格言:一个萝卜一个坑Motto:A Place for Everything and Everything in its Place,5S-工作场地有序安排,第一步:整理(筛选)First S=Seiri(SIFT),说明本区域的目的。分清主次。对于那些不再需要,不再适用于本区域的目的、或数量过多者应予清除。应特别关注

7、所剩物品的使用频率。需检查的区域包括办公设备、材料供应、信息、家具、标志等,在办公室中和生产区域内进行筛选时使用红色标签作为工具。Define the purpose of the area.Distinguish the necessary from the unnecessary.Discard any items that are no longer needed,do not fit the purpose of the area,or have quantities that are too high.Special emphasis should be placed on how

8、often the remaining material will be used.Areas to examine include office equipment,supplies,information,furniture,signs,etc.and red label is the tool to sift in the workplace and office.,5S-工作场地有序安排,整理 Sift,要点1Main Point 1:把工作场地内需要的物品与不需要的物品分开,迅速清除不需要的物品。Divide the needed and unneeded items at the

9、job site,and quickly remove the unneeded.,5S-工作场地有序安排,红色标签运动红色标签运动是一种目视管理工具,其有助于识别不必要的物品。在红色标签运动中,重要的是:,始终牢记现有的各项标准;为那些目前尚无标准的场 所 制 定标准;应保证2个班次都应知道什么物品贴上了红色标签且都同意将它们清除掉;在将贴上红色标签的箱子或柜子清除之前,应确保它们全部都是空的;在该运动结束时,模拟操作。,整理 Sift,5S-工作场地有序安排,设施-工具/工作台/桌子/椅子等Facilities Tools,work tables,desks,chairs,etc.地点-地

10、板/书架/房间等Location Floors,shelves,rooms,etc.文档-通知/通报/备忘录/公告牌等Documents Notices,circulars,memos,bulletins etc.机器-复印机/计算机/传真机等Machines Copiers,computers,FAX machines,etc.用具-折叠机/装订机/夹纸板等Fittings Folders,binders,files,etc.文具-铅笔/钢笔/橡皮/夹子/备忘活页簿等Stationery-Pencils,pens,erasers,clips,memo pads,etc.其它-书/杂志/宣传册

11、等Others Books,magazines,pamphlets,etc.,红色标签活动 Red Label Campaign,什么东西可以贴红色标签?What will be Red Labeled?,人/消防用品不可以贴红色标签!No Red Labeled on people/fire pipes!,整理 Sift,5S-工作场地有序安排,到达指定区域Go to assigned area.对指定区域全面拍照Photograph assigned area completely.标明“以前”的照片及日期Mark photos“before”and date.在各区域对各件物品进行讨论,

12、确定是否应贴“红色标签”In each area,discuss each item and decide whether the item should be“red labeled”采用红色标签张贴标准-Use red label standards在有疑问的物品上亦贴上红标签Place a red label on questionable items as well.在搬动红色标签物品前,应由经理批准Before an item is disassembled,manager needs to approve将贴有红色标签的物品送到汇集处Take red labeled item to

13、 marshaling area经理对所有行为有最终审批权 Manager has final approval of all actions,贴红色标签的过程The Red Labeling Process,整理 Sift,5S-工作场地有序安排,第二步:整顿(分类)Second S=Seiton(SORT),将所有不需要的物品清除出局之后,接下来应使环境有序化。各种物品应归其位一亇萝卜一亇坑。物品摆放应按其安全性、质量进行分类,且在配置所需物品时应杜绝搬运浪费。并采用”3易”标准:易见、易取、易归还Now that all unnecessary material has beenremo

14、ved from the area,it is time to get it organized.A place for everything and everything in its place.Everything should be functionally placed for safety,quality,and to eliminate the waste of motion in locating needed items.The“3 Es”should be used:Easy to See,Easy to Get,Easy to Return.,5S-工作场地有序安排,整顿

15、 Sort,.每件物品都有自己的位置.Everything in its Place.,为每件物品准备一个地方.A Place for Everything.,5S-工作场地有序安排,整顿 SORT-1)Categorize for Frequency of Use.Put the number for each item within the appropriate category.1)根据使用频率分类 把每件物品的编号填入适当的分类中。1.Tools used by operator for the operation 1.操作人员用于操作的工具2.Replacement parts f

16、or 2.设备或工具的备件3.Safety goggles 3.安全眼镜4.Quality check sheets 4.质量检测表5.Parts for vehicles with low frequency options 5.使用频率低的汽车选购件零件6.Cleaning materials 6.清洁材料7.Special cleaning tools for machine maintenance 7.机器维护用的特殊清洁工具8.Tools required for an operation 8.操作需要的工具,整顿 Sort,5S-工作场地有序安排,第三步:清扫Third S=Sei

17、so(SWEEP),清扫所有的地板、设备、工具、家具、墙壁、桌面、办公桌、工作台等,从而清除垃圾及尘埃。员工将对其工作环境更为满意,且任何现存问题在此步骤后将更为醒目。通过清扫工作场地,可以将因垃圾及尘埃而引起的故障降低到最小程度,提高安全性;而且清扫是一种检查,能够及时地辨别设备问题,予以纠正。Get rid of trash and grime.Clean all floors,machines,equipment,furniture,walls,desktop,workplace etc.Cleaning is a form of checking.People will feel be

18、tter about their work area and problems will be more visible after this step is performed.,5S-工作场地有序安排,必须做到:清扫自己的工作环境:桌子、柜子及书架清扫公用办公设备:传真机、复印机、打印机等清扫办公室:地面、墙壁等清扫地板、墙壁、房梁、天花板,以及 灯 罩清扫机器、设备、箱子、料 架和锁 柜修理泄漏设备重新涂刷路线重新涂刷地板和设备用废料箱装载切削、磨削、钻孔,或者开孔设备 废 碎 料,清扫 Sweep,5S-工作场地有序安排,清扫 Sweep,5S-工作场地有序安排,第四步:清洁(保持)F

19、ourth S=Seiketsu(SUSTAIN),在放置物品处使用标签、地址标志、彩色编码,及其它视觉工具,使物品一目了然。应遵从视觉控制管理标准,以确保工作环境清楚明了。将本区域布局图(Layout)及所有应采用的步骤张贴出来,以使工作场地保持清洁有序。使系统能随时确定异常环境。Use labels,floor markings,color coding,and other visuals to indicate where items should be located.Abide by visual control standard to make sure a visual at g

20、lance workplace/office environment.Post a layout of the area and all required steps needed to be performed to ensure the workplace remains clean and organized.Put systems in place to readily identify abnormal conditions.,5S-工作场地有序安排,清洁 Sustain,确定任务 Identify Tasks分派责任 Assign Responsibility建立目标 Set Ta

21、rgets推广5S Promote 5S,Responsibility Chart 责任表,JonLaryPeterDaveGreg,12345,Target:Major 5s 1/qtr.目标:主要针对 5S 1/季度,Who人员,Task任务,5S-工作场地有序安排,第五步:素养(自律)Fifth S=Shitsuke(SELF DISCIPLINE),指派维持各区域精益环境的负责人员。领导者应确认工作有序进行且保持区域清洁。他们亦可通过此次机会进行指导。5S措施要求组织中的每一个人均参与。它能正确反映公司的组织状况及员工的参与程度。为获得成功,5S措施应得到公司最高领导者的支持Assig

22、n individuals who will be responsible for maintaining each area.Leaders will verify that the work is being performed and the area is kept clean.They will also use this opportunity to teach.5S requires that everyone in the organization is involved.It is a barometer telling how well a company is manag

23、ed and how much employee participation is present.To be successful,5S must be embraced by top management/leadership at your company.,5S-工作场地有序安排,素养举例:,安时上班,有事请假Be on time,ask for leave if necessary休息和午餐后及时返回工位Return to workstation on time after lunch/break遵守各项操作标准Follow standardized operations遵循公司的规

24、章制度和方针政策Follow companys riles®ulations待人客气,可能时给人以帮助Be polite,be ready to help使用、穿戴规定的劳防用品Ware necessary PPE 只在指定的区域抽烟Smoke only in allowed place检查所有的工具和材料Check tools&materials at work,素养 Self-Discipline,5S-工作场地有序安排,工作场地的有序安排有利达成我们公司的各项目标!Workplace Organization contributes to all our company goals

25、!安全舒适地操作。Operations are performed safely and comfortably.准确无误地操作,减少浪费。(制造质量)Operations are performed without error,resulting in fewer defects.(Built-In-Quality)机械设备得到精心地维修,故障相应减少。Machinery and equipment are carefully maintained,reducing the number of breakdowns.操作有效地进行,消除了浪费。Operations proceed effic

26、iently,eliminating waste.每个人觉得工作环境非常舒适!The environment is pleasant for everyone.,总结 WRAP-UP,5S-工作场地有序安排,总结 WRAP-UP,从今以后,你的精益工作环境的标准要么改善,要么恶化,不太可能一成不变。那么,什么能帮助你改善工作环境?又有什么会阻碍工作环境的改善呢?Your lean work environment will either improve from todays standard or deteriorate.It probably wont stay just the same

27、.What will help you improve your work environment?What will keep it from improving?贵在实践,心动不如行动!坚持不懈!!Practice,Just Do It!Always Do It!5S的威力只有通过坚持不懈的实施才能体现出来The power of 5S is in the implementation and the Follow-Through,5S-工作场地有序安排,A,B,Visual Controls 目视控制目视控制是指与工作相关的视觉与听觉信号,明白易懂。这类信息可以用于识别、指示、或指出正常

28、或异常状况的存在以及可能需要采取的措施。Visual controls are job related visual and audio signals that are readily apparent and can be easily understood.This information can be used to identify,instruct,or indicate that normal or abnormal conditions exist and that action may be required.,2.工具二:目视化管理(Visual Management),目

29、视管理用于Visual Management is used to:使标准目视化 Make standards visual显示异常情况 Show abnormalities显示实际与目标之间的差距Show actual to target指导与解释Instruct and explain信息交流Communicate information,目视管理Visual Management,在执行目视管理时必须采取以下步骤:The following steps are necessary for implementing visual management:1)定义需求 Define the n

30、eed2)决定目视的类型Decide type of visualization制定标准Set standards便于理解Easy to understand显而易见Easy to see提供重要的信息Provides important information3)执行与跟踪Implement and follow-up,目视管理Visual Management,3.工具三:问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),如果你不解决问题,你就是问题。If you dont solve the problem,you become a problem.,问题是改进的种子!Pr

31、oblems are the seeds for improvement!问题就是积极的机会!Problems are positive opportunities!没有问题,就是大问题!If there are no problems,than something is wrong!,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),问题并不意味着指责!Problems are not about blaming people!出现问题是由于系统中存在缺陷。Problems occur because of failures in the system对于问题,员工负责15%,

32、系统和管理者负责85%。People are responsible for 15%,system&managers 85%,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),什么是问题?What is a problem?实际情况与现有标准或期望之间的差距。A problem is defined as a discrepancy between an existing standard or expectation and the actual situation,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),问题解决(Practical Problem S

33、olving),描述问题Problem Description-陈述出现的问题state the problem that is occurring,1,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),定义问题-针对具体情况对问题进行定义Problem Definition-Specifically define the situation标准The Standard偏差The Deviation持续时间The Time Period,2,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),确定原因所在Locate the Point of Cause找出(车辆/部

34、件上)出现问题的位置Locate Position of Occurrence(on the vehicle/part)确定原因所在Locate Point of Cause,3,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),4,运用5个为什么的调查方法来找出根本原因5 Why Investigation to find the Root Cause,调查原因CauseInvestigation,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),5个为什么5 Whys,1.为什么机器人停了Why did the robot stop?保险丝烧断了A fuse i

35、n the robot has blown.2.为什么保险丝烧断了Why is the fuse blown?线路过载Circuits overloaded.3.为什么线路过载Why did the circuit overload?轴承损坏且卡住了The bearings have damaged one another and locked up.4.为什么轴承会损坏Why have the bearings damaged on another??轴承润滑不够There was insufficient lubrication in the bearings.5.为什么轴承润滑不够Why

36、 was there insufficient lubrication in the bearings?机器人的油泵送油不足The oil pump on the robot is not circulating sufficient oil.6.为什么机器人的油泵送油不足Why is the pump not circulating sufficient oil?油泵的进油口被金属屑堵塞了Pump intake is clogged with metal shavings.7.为什么油泵的进油口被金属屑堵塞Why is the intake clogged with metal shavin

37、gs?油泵的进油口未安装过滤器No filter on the pump intake.,CauseInvestigation调查原因,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),5,实施补救和对策Implementing a Band-Aid&Countermeasure补救是一种临时解决办法,遏制问题的进一步恶化A Band-Aid is a temporary solution,to contain a problem对策则必须根本解决问题!A Countermeasure must address the root cause!,问题解决(Practical Pro

38、blem Solving),6,跟踪及检查Follow Up and Check,MARCH 2009,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),PPS的优点Benefits of PPS提供了一个企业中每个成员都能理解并遵循的标准化问题解决程序A standardized problem solving process that everyone in the organization understands and can followPPS使成员间易于交流,迅速了解人员在进程中所处的位置PPS allows easier communication and allows for a quick understanding of where people are in the processPPS针对了问题的根本原因,而不是仅仅停留在问题的表征上PPS attacks the root cause,not just the symptomsPPS具有逻辑性,易于遵循PPS is logical and easy to follow,问题解决(Practical Problem Solving),


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