1、A Great educator&Thinker,Confucius,A portrait of Confucius,by Tang Dynasty artist Wu Daozi(680740).,Anthem,The ancient state Lu,Thats where Confucius was born&spent most of his life.,Confucius(Chinese:孔子),EducatorThinkerA symbol of Chinese culture,Education,He established first private school in Chi
2、na and accepted the students from everywhere.,Subjects:Manners,Music,Literature,Riding,Archery and Mathematics(礼,乐,射,御,书,数)He have 3000 students.Among them,72 became famous scholars.,Education,Confucius Quotes,To study but not think,you will be confused.Just to think but not study,you will be lazy.(
3、学而不思则罔,思而不学则殆)You a disciple,have you make sense of my teaching?Remember what you have leant,ask your confusion,you will be sensible.(由、誨女知之乎、知之為知之、不知為不知、是知也。)Reviewing what you have learned and learning new ones,you can be my teacher.(溫故而知新,可以為師矣。),A symbol of Chinese culture,Winston Sun,Thank you!,