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1、Author:John Clarke,bc,Presentation Delivery Skills,April 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain&Company,Inc.,Reviewer:Susan CaravielloSteven Tallman,2,preezdelivery,Agenda,Presenter audience dialogue:OverviewWord choiceVocal deliveryPhysical deliveryPersonal styleKey takeaways,3,preezdelivery,Agenda,Presenter aud

2、ience dialogue:OverviewWord choiceVocal deliveryPhysical deliveryPersonal styleKey takeaways,4,preezdelivery,Overview,An effective presentation is an organized,audience-centered communication of key insights derived from highly-focused analysis.It engages the audience in a dialogue created by a logi

3、cal structure,and supported by word choice,the voice and body,and personal style.,Presenter audience dialogue,Presentation structure,Word choice,Voice,Body,Personal style,Answer-First/Pyramid Principle,Word choiceDirective languageActive speechBad habits,Vocal deliveryVocal“tics”,Physical deliveryPr

4、esenting slides,Self-communicationCredibilityOvercoming fearHandling questionsClosing,5,preezdelivery,Dialogue Through Pyramid Structure,The pyramid structure creates an engaging rhythm of idea audience question answer(idea)question answer(idea).,Situation:Mayflower has$800MM in cash,no debt,and str

5、ong earnings(“Yes.So what?”)Complication:These attributes often attract unwanted suitorsQuestion:Is Mayflower vulnerable to a hostile takeover?Answer:It is unlikely that Mayflower will become a target at todays market price,(“Why?”),Mayflower does not fit acquisition profile,Post-acquisition financi

6、als look unappealing,Key voting shareholders remain loyal,MF is largest non-oil,MF has highest P/E,Post-acquisition cashflows negative,Negative earnings through 1999,Ames family(28%),Omnibank(15%),(“In what way?”),(“What do they look like?”),(“Who?”),(“Why?”),(“Why?”),Requires steady capex,Synergies

7、 will be minimal,Combined cost structure is high,Market will remain flat,6,preezdelivery,Preparation,Ensure that delivery preparation reflects the same robust attention to objectives,storyline,and detail you have given to organizing your slides.,Master the presentation context and flowknow your audi

8、encecrystallize your objectiveinternalize the road mapConsider off-slide elementscraft your opening statement-“know”it without memorizing itprepare supporting examples and back-updevelop the closing,including next stepsBe absolutely clear on the“why”and the“how”of each slidekey insight(s):“So what?”

9、slide orientation:how information is organized on data slidesdata supporting your insightsAdopt a“transitioning from insight-to-insight”mindset-as opposed to,“slide-to-slide”habit,7,preezdelivery,Agenda,Presenter audience dialogue:OverviewWord choiceVocal deliveryPhysical deliveryPersonal styleKey t

10、akeaways,8,preezdelivery,Word Choice,Supported by Answer-First graphics,use words to indicate that you are pursuing a strategy of accumulating support for a particular and informed interpretation of the data.,Choose words that will meet audience expectationssome revelation of your“self”and point-of-

11、viewvalue added by you that would not be gained from reading a slide deck or reportan appearance of spontaneity,but within an overall design/structureinformation packaged in small,discrete unitsclear language,well-crafted phrases,and an economy of expression“Bracket”your insightscommunicate a defini

12、te beginning and an end for each insightuse bracketing to create pauses for your audience to process/respond to your insightAvoid“insider”jargon unless each member of the audience is fluent in Bain SpeakStrictly avoid profanity,ethnic humor,racial stereotyping,homophobic references,and sexist langua

13、geUse“directive”language(explanation follows)Use the active voice and lean grammar(explanation follows),9,preezdelivery,“Directive”Language,Source:Adapted from Thomas Leech,How to Prepare,Stage&Deliver Winning Presentations(New York:AMACOM,1993),When used in combination with vocal stress and timing,

14、“directive”language engages listeners by helping them focus on your key points.,Enumerate:,“We identified four sources of capital hemorrhaging:A,B,C and D.The first source,A,created deficits totaling over”,Emphasize:,“Downtime in the Elk Run facility-the most critical driver of cost overruns-account

15、s for over 17%”,Repeat:,“Over 37%of survey respondents targeted incorrect billing as their primary reason for switching vendors.Over 37%.”,Restate:,“Lets look at the competitor picture another way.”,Focus:,While indicating a specific point on graph“Note the spike in fourth quarter earnings.We attrib

16、ute that to”,Bridge:,“So far,weve examined the nature of the problem and isolated the root causes of.Now lets turn to possible solutions.”,Question:,“What,then,is the best option?”,Invite:,“Put yourselves in your customers position.”,10,preezdelivery,Active Speech,Source:Adapted from D.David Bourlan

17、d,Jr.and Paul Dennithorne Johnston,To Be or Not:An E-Prime Anthology(San Francisco:International Society for General Semantics,1991),Eliminate barriers to audience engagement by using the active voice,direct speech,and lean grammatical construction.,Recommendations,Avoid,Use,Change verbs from the pa

18、ssive to the active voice,“The sample was taken from”,“A team of four assemblers from the Saginaw plant took samples from”,Replace“is”with an action verb,“We found 3 out of 5 lid assembly lines were inefficient.”,“Poor maintenance contributed to 43%of downtime in 3 out of 5 lid assembly lines.”,Make

19、 an“is”statement more concrete,“We believe the decision is a good one.”,“The decision will save you$214K per month in purchasing costs.”,Get to the point by saying what you mean,“At this point in time,it is our opinion that you proceed to trim your portfolio of businesses that siphon off valuable re

20、sources from your core business.”,“Divest.Now.”,Link assertions to your experience by eliminating“seem.”,“The data would seem to indicate that”,“Our experience in similar situations leads us to suggest that”,11,preezdelivery,Source:Adapted from Thomas Leech,How to Prepare,Stage Introduction to Bain

21、Presenting(training presentation),Some frequently-used words and grammatical constructions undermine the power of the presenter audience dialogue.,Weak,Comments,Better,“one criteria”“a rare phenomena”,Avoid singular/plural confusion.“Criteria”and“phenomena”are plurals of“criterion”and“phenomenon,”re

22、spectively,“one criterion”“a rare phenomenon”,“at this point in time”,Replace verbose phrase with a simple,direct word,“now”,“Obviously,the revenue picture is bleak”,The observation may not be obvious to everyone,“As the data here indicate,revenues will drop off sharply”,“the consensus of opinion”,I

23、s there any other form of consensus?,“the consensus”,Word Choice:Bad Habits(1 of 3),12,preezdelivery,Source:Adapted from Thomas Leech,How to Prepare,Stage Introduction to Bain Presenting(training presentation),Some frequently-used words and grammatical constructions undermine the power of the presen

24、ter audience dialogue.,Weak,Comments,Better,“a somewhat unique proposal”“the most unique proposal”,Either the proposal is unique or it isnt.If it is unique,its singularity is implied by its uniqueness.That is,it cant be“most”unique,as if it were one among many other“unique”proposals.,“a proposal whi

25、ch may be unique”“the unique proposal”,“We sort of did a study”“The situation is kind of serious”“Hopefully,the recommendations will”,Avoid verbal filler and empty qualifiers.Get to the point without clutter or ambiguity.,“We studied x,y and z”“The situation is serious”“We estimate that the recommen

26、dations,if implemented,will”,Word Choice:Bad Habits(2 of 3),13,preezdelivery,Source:Adapted from Thomas Leech,How to Prepare,Stage Introduction to Bain Presenting(training presentation),Some frequently-used words and grammatical constructions undermine the power of the presenter audience dialogue.,W

27、eak,Comments,Better,“conduct an analysis of”“take into consideration”“exhibits a tendency to”,Use verbs in their simplest form.,“analyze”“consider”“tends to”,“To tell the truth,layoffs are inevitable.”,“To tell the truth”implies that you havent been totally candid up to that point.Just answer the qu

28、estion.,“Are layoffs inevitable?Yes.”,“This slide/bar/data says”“What this slide means is”,The slide/bar/data/isnt“saying”a thing.Position yourself as the medium of insights.,“From our analysis,we concluded that”,Word Choice:Bad Habits(3 of 3),14,preezdelivery,Agenda,Presenter audience dialogue:Over

29、viewWord choiceVocal deliveryPhysical deliveryPersonal styleKey takeaways,15,preezdelivery,Vocal Delivery:Pace,Use your voice to support the presenter audience dialogue.Make it easy for the audience to hear and understand your presentation by using appropriate pace,pitch,and volume to communicate th

30、e relative importance of elements in your presentation.,Vary pace(rate of speech)to sustain audience interest and to indicate your point of viewin general,slow down for more important,complex,or controversial pointsspeed up for supporting detailsTell a story-choose a conversational rate of deliveryU

31、se pausesto set ideas apartto allow audience time to respond to your insights and formulate questionsto indicate transitions to new elementsAvoid extremes“motormouth”:speaking so fast the audience cant absorb informationdisinvites audience to participate in the dialogueleaves audience breathless at

32、best,disengaged at worst“drawling pedant”:speaking so slowly that audience begins to fidgetencourages audiences collective mind to wanderpromotes fantasizing about cattle prods,16,preezdelivery,Use your voice to support the presenter audience dialogue.Make it easy for the audience to hear and unders

33、tand your presentation by using appropriate pitch to communicate the relative importance of elements in your presentation.,Explore varieties of inflection within your“normative pitch band”avoid extremes of high or low pitches that strain your voiceAvoid speaking in a monotonemonotony precedes hypnos

34、isyou cant sustain dialogue with a comatose partnerAvoid sing-song patternscomes across as talking down to your audiencepromotes instant eye-glazingDelete“upspeak”from your vocal repertoire(see next page for explanation),Vocal Delivery:Pitch,17,preezdelivery,“Upspeak”,Avoid“upspeak,”which imposes a

35、yes-no question inflection(pitch rising on last words)on a declarative sentence.,Erodes speaker credibility by making you sound tentativeParticularly deadening when repeated sentence(?)after sentence(?)after sentence(?)Lends an unsophisticated“Melrose Place”quality to your presenting,likeyknow?,Say

36、out loud,“Are you talking to me?”Now,imposing the same vocal inflection on each of the following sentences,say,“The results are quite promising.You will save$4MM in the first quarter alone.In the first year,you will save over$20MM.”If you did the exercise correctly,your“upspeak”would most likely con

37、vey the notion that you are not at all confident about the resultsand it sounds quite annoying,doesnt it?,Exercise:,18,preezdelivery,Vocal Delivery:Volume,Use volume as an interpretive tool to emphasize key words and ideasin general,loudness indicates an important idea and conveys certainty“Changing

38、 the price structure at this time is your greatest opportunity.”however,softness may also indicate importance“Unless you turn around revenues,what up until now has been your greatest asset louder will soon become your chief(pause)liability softer.”Use change in volume to indicate transitionsDont let

39、 sentences trail off in volumecommunicates lack of interest in completing your own thoughtleaves audiences free to finish your sentences for you-a risky enterpriseChoose volume limits appropriate to the room,audience size,and situationfor most business presentations,shouting and whispering stretch t

40、he bounds of standard presentation volume,Use your voice to support the presenter audience dialogue.Make it easy for the audience to hear and understand your presentation by appropriately varying volume to communicate the relative importance of elements in your presentation.,19,preezdelivery,Vocal D

41、elivery:Tone,Audiences react negatively to poor tonevoices that are dry,raspy,or harsh grind on the audiences ears(and nerves)on the other hand,audiences may also react negatively to voices that are so“pear-shaped,”resonant,and polished,they call attention to themselves and sound unnatural“Regional”

42、accents may also impede the presenter audience dialoguesome accents not native to the audiences region may be liabilitiesin the US,some audiences regard broad accents(e.g.,Hahvahd)as affectationsMisunderstanding and abuse of the vocal mechanism cause bad toneinsufficient breath controlnervousness ag

43、gravates shallow breathing and leads to gasping,panting,and short,choppy phrasingreplace shallow upper-chest breathing with lower-ribbed abdominal breathingtension in the mouth,throat,or jawisolate areas of tension and relax them to release the voice freely and naturallyfatiguea history of smoking a

44、nd excessive alcohol consumption,Develop a pleasant tone,or overall vocal quality,to promote audience attention and engagement.,20,preezdelivery,Vocal Delivery:“Tics”,Avoid vocal“tics”,which,like their neuromuscular counterparts,are involuntary,repetitive,and annoying.,Vocal Tic,Comments,“You knowyo

45、u know”,Well,if we know so much,why are you telling us?,“ahuhum”,Creates the impression that you are nervous,unprepared,and unconvinced by your own argument.,“okayokay”,A filler word,“okay”comes off as self-directed pep talk.,“et ceteraet cetera”“ek cetera”sic,Should be banned from presentations.Nam

46、ing the category,followed by examples(“such as x and y”),conveys greater precision.If you must say“et cetera”(“and the rest”),get it right.“Ek cetera”is meaningless.,“As you can see.”,Why not just show us,without the annoying introduction?,“Actually.actually”“Basicallybasically”,Actually,these are b

47、asically filler words and actually add no value.Really.,“andanda-a-a-nd”,Sentences strung together by“and”should each stand alone with a definite beginning and ending(pause).,21,preezdelivery,Agenda,Presenter audience dialogue:OverviewWord choiceVocal deliveryPhysical deliveryPersonal styleKey takea

48、ways,22,preezdelivery,Physical Delivery:Eye Contact,Communicate your“self”as competent,sympathetic,and candid through eye contactUse eye contact to convey your sense of being present to and for each audience membersustain real eye contactengage one person,one phrase or idea at a time(roughly for 3-5

49、 seconds)longer eye contact(5 seconds)makes the receiver uncomfortableeye contact for less than 2 seconds makes you appear fidgety and“shifty-eyed”maintain an unwavering listener focusthe screen,table,slides,walls,and ceiling make poor dialogue partnersnever begin to speak without first engaging eye

50、 contact monitor audience reactionVary focus from one person to another,but dont fall into predictable side-to-side sweep or circular patterns,Use disciplined eye contact to help your audience engage in the dialogue set up by the presentation structure.,23,preezdelivery,Physical Delivery:Gesture,Use


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