Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice(PPT41).ppt

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《Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice(PPT41).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice(PPT41).ppt(41页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Unit 10 Giving Shopping Advice,Lead-in Background informationLanguage points,New words and expressionsCheck your understanding重点句型归纳补充练习,Menu,Shopping Mall,Supermarket,Department Store,Street Market,Background information,Shopping is one part of our daily life.We need to buy food,clothing,things for

2、 our homes and so on.In order to shop,we need different facilities.The following are some popular shopping places.A department store is one large shop which has many different floors,each department selling a different range of goods:clothes on one floor,furniture on another,electrical goods on stil

3、l another and so on.Supermarket mainly sell food and household goods.,They are large and owned by big companies.The prices there are cheap.You serve yourself and pay at a check-out till.A mall is a big shopping center.They are all sorts of shops in a big building.You can buy everything in it.The env

4、ironment of shopping there is very good,so you can always enjoy your trip there.A street market is a group of stalls selling different types of goods in the open air.The things sold in the street market are cheaper than in a department store.,Language points,1.Notes to passages1.Im thinking of buyin

5、g something for my friends.我正考虑给我的朋友们买点东西.thinking of buying介词of后的动词要用ing形式,语法上称为动名词,做介词的宾语e.g.She is afraid of going out alone.她害怕单独一个人出去e.g.He left the classroom without answering my question.他没有回答我的问题就离开了教室,They you can buy some Chinese silk products,such as embroidered handkerchiefs,tablecloth o

6、r blouses.你可以买一些中国丝绸制品,例如绣花手绢、桌布或女衬衫.such as可用来引出列举的项目(两个或两个以上),语法上称作同位语,suchas常译作“例如”e.gThere are many reference books,such as dictionaries and handbooks.有很多参考书,例如词典、手册之类的,such as有时也可译作“像这样的.”此时后面可引出一个项目.e.g.Avoid people such as John and Dick.躲开像约翰和迪克这样的人.Read books such as War and Peace.读一些像战争与和平这

7、样的书.3.Oh,you can buy it at the arts and crafts counters on the fourth floor.噢,你可以在四楼工艺品柜台那里买到它 on the fourth floor:在四楼这是美国英语的表达法而在英国英语里,它表示“在五楼”,New words and expressions,typical:a.representative or characteristic典型的,有代表性的e.g.This is a typical American food.这是典型的美国食品2.silk:n.material made from soft

8、thread from the cocoons of certain insects丝绸e.g.She is wearing a yellow silk blouse.她穿着一件黄色的丝绸衬衣3.embroidered:a.ornamented with needlework刺绣的 I like this embroidered blouse.我喜欢这件绣花衬衣,4.handkerchief:n.square piece of cotton,silk,linen,etc carried in the pocket or handbag,for blowing the nose into or

9、wiping the face手帕e.g.This is my favorite handkerchief which I bought in Hangzhou.这是我最喜欢的手帕我在杭州买的5.tablecloth:n.one spread on a table.桌布e.g.Yesterday I bought an attractive tablecloth.昨天我买了一块很好看的桌布6.blouse:n.outer garment from neck to waist,worn by women or girls女式衬衫e.g.The blouse is nice.But the pri

10、ce is so dear.这件衬衣很好看但是价格太贵了,silver:n.shining white precious metal used for coins,utensils,ornament,ect.银,银器e.g.He won two silver medals in the match.他在比赛中得了两块银牌.block:mass of buildings joined together街区e.g.The shop is three blocks away.过了三条马路就是商店。9.expensive:a.high-priced 昂贵的e.g.The book I bought l

11、ast week is very expensive.我上周买的那本书很贵。,10.price:n.sum of money for which something is sold or bought 价格e.g.These dresses are sold at fair prices.这些连衣裙价格公平。e.g.Whats the price of this sweater?这件毛衣多少钱?V.set a price on sth 给定价 给标价e.g.The goods here are already priced.这里的货物都标明了价目。priceless a:too valuabl

12、e to be priced 无价的,贵重的,11.reasonable:a.having ordinary common sense;able to reason;acting,done,in accordance with reason 合理的,公道的e.g.The prices there are quite reasonable.那的价格挺合理的。12.according to prep:in accordance with按照,依而定e.g.There will be a heavy rain tomorrow according to todays weather report.根

13、据今天的天气预报,明天又大雨。,13.economic:a.of economy 经济的e.g.There was a serious economic crisis in Southeast Asia several years ago.几年前东南亚出现了严重的经济危机。e.g.People all over the country are for the governments economic policies.全国人民拥护政府制定的各项经济政策。14.economy:n.control and management of the economy,goods,and other reso

14、urces of a community,society or household经济,理财e.g.In the long run,it is an economy to buy good quality goods.从长远观点来看,买质量好的物品还是好的,15.wealthy:a.having wealth;rich 富裕的,丰富的e.g.Mr.Brown was born into a wealthy family.布朗先生出生于一个富裕的家庭。His dream of being a wealthy man has come true.他想成为有钱人的愿望实现了。wealth:n.gre

15、at amount of property,riches富有,财富e.g.He wants to be a man of wealth.他想成为富人。,16.discount:n.amount of money which may be taken off the full price 折扣 e.g.We give 10discount for cash.如付现金,我们给10%的折扣。e.g.How much discount can you give me?17.thrift:n.care,economy,in the use of money or goods e.g.To practic

16、e thrift is a virtue.厉行节约是美德。e.g.I bought a pair of trousers at that thrift shop yesterday.我昨天在那家廉价商店买了一条裤子。,18.second-hand:a.already used by sb.else旧的,二手的There is a second-hand book store around the corner.拐角处有一家旧书店。ad.indirectly;to buy sth.through a second-hand store间接地,通过旧货店购买e.g.I got this infor

17、mation second-hand.我 间接地得知这个消息。Li Ming bought a bike second-hand yesterday李明昨天买了一辆旧自行车,19.furniture:n.all these movable things such as chairs,beds,etc needed in a house,room,office,etc 家具 e.g.That set of furniture is so nice.那套家具真漂亮。e.g.I like a feeling of space,so there is no unnecessary furniture-

18、just a bed,a sofa and a writing desk in my bedroom.20.household:a.domestic 家常的 e.g.Supermarket sell food and household goods.超市卖食品和家用商品。,21.various:a.different 各种各样的 e.g.She resigned her position as secretary for various reasons.由于种种原因,她辞去了秘书职务。e.g.The number of various shopping facilities is increa

19、sing all the time.各种各样的购物设施的数量一直在增加。variety:n.not being the same at all times 多种多样,Check your understanding,1.Are the following statements true(T)or false(F)?1.()Bill is not sure what to buy for his family.2.()Liu gives some shopping advice to Bill.3.()China is famous for her silk products.4.()The F

20、irst Department Store is not very large,so its easy to find the clothes counters there.,T,T,T,F,5.()Bill can buy the embroidered tablecloth at the arts and crafts counter on the second floor.6.()Bill likes the ideas to buy something typically Chinese.7.()The bookstore is far away from the First Depa

21、rtment Store.8.()Mr.Liu is a tour guide and Bill is his friend.,F,T,F,F,2.Answer the following questions according to the dialogues.,1.What does Bill ask Mr.Liu to do?To give shopping advice.2.What is Mr.Lius advice?To buy some Chinese silk products.3.Where is the bookstore Mr.Liu suggests?The book

22、store is at the corner of 8th and Silver Street,west of the First Department Store.4.Are the clothes counters on the first floor?No.Theyre on the second floor.,5.Where are the arts and crafts counters?They are on the second floor.6.Who is Mr.Liu?Mr.Liu is a travel guide of a travel agency.7.What typ

23、ical Chinese products is Bill going to buy?He is going to buy a silk blouse and an embroidered tablecloth.8.Does Bill like Mr.Lius advice?Yes.It seems like a good idea to Bill.,Learn to communicate,1.Complete the following dialogues by translating the Chinese into English.1.A:I want to buy something

24、 for my mother.你能给我一些建议吗?Could you give me some advice?B:Then you can buy a silk blouse for her.A:这个注意真不错!Thats a good idea!,2.A:我在考虑给我父亲买些中国纪念品Im thinking of buying some Chinese souvenirs for my father.Whats your suggestion?B:最好去工艺品商店买一套中国茶具The best idea is to go to the Arts and Crafts Store and bu

25、y a Chinese tea set there.A:Great!工艺品商店在哪里?Where is the Arts and Crafts Store?B:Its only a five-minute walk from here.,重点句型归纳,1.Asking for advice A.What to BuyI would like to buy something typically Chinese.What would be your advice?I have no idea what to buy for my daughter.Do you have any suggesti

26、ons?What about this white silk shirt with blue flower patterns on it?,B.Where to BuyThats a good idea!Where can I buy them?I would like to buy a silk blouse,but where are the clothes counters,please?I d love to go for a red jacket.Could you tell me where to buy it?,2.Giving advice,A.What to buy I th

27、ink this embroidered tablecloth will make a perfect gift for your sister.You can buy some Chinese tea for your father if he likes drinking tea.My advice is that you buy a silk blouse for your friend.The best idea is to buy something typically Chinese.,You had better buy a set of teaware for you frie

28、nd.I dont think this one is perfect.In my opinion,this China would be an ideal gift for your father.B.Where to BuyI suggest the First Department Store on Silver Street.You can buy it at the arts and crafts counters on the fourth floor.,补充练习,将下列各句译成英文:1.我想为我母亲的生日买件礼物。你有什么建议?(Asking for advice-what to

29、 buy,suggest)2.请问到哪儿去买旅行包?(Asking for advice,where to buy,travel bag)3.我认为丝绸手帕是送给玛丽的最理想的礼物。(Giving advice,where to buy,I think,),4.你最好到百货商店去买鞋,那里的价格很合理。(Giving advice,where to buy,reasonable)5.你找到那只钢笔了吗?(find)6.工艺品柜台在哪里?我想买一块刺绣桌布。(arts&crafts,embroidered)7.这辆车很贵。(expensive)8.许多人通常到减价商店去购物。(discount)

30、,9.我国经济的迅猛发展使中国越来越强大。(economic)10.我不喜欢这件家具。(furniture)11.我不知道这本书的价钱。(price)12.这是一本旧书。(second-hand),13.这件连衣裙你在哪儿买的,跳蚤市场还是在廉价商店?(thrift)14.他们能很好地完成各项战斗任务。(various)15.他梦想成为有钱人。(wealthy)16.他对数学很感兴趣。(be interested in)17.虽然这辆车是二手货,但车况依然挺好。(be in good condition)18.我买了很多便宜的东西。(on sale),译文:1.I want to buy a

31、gift for my mothers birthday.Do you have any suggestions?2.Could you please tell me where to buy a travel bag?3.I think the silk handkerchief is the ideal gift for Mary.4.You had better buy shoes in department store,because the prices there are reasonable.,5.Have you found the pen?6.Where is the art

32、s and crafts counter?I want to buy an embroidered tablecloth.7.This car is very expensive.8.Many people usually go shopping at the discount shops.9.The rapid development of our economy has made China stronger and stronger.,10.I dont like this piece of furniture.11.I dont know the price of this book.

33、12.This is a second-hand book.13.Where did you buy this dress,in the flea market or the thrift shop?14.They would fulfill the various fighting tasks well.15.He dreams of being a wealthy man.,16.He is very much interested in maths.17.Although the car is second-hand,it is still in good condition.18.I

34、bought a lot of things on sale.除课本总结的常用句型外,口语中还有一些常会出现的句型。如:1.Id love to go for a red jacket.Could you tell me where to buy it?2.How about that coat with big pockets?3.What do you think of that vase with flowers on it?4.You had better buy a set of teaware for your friend.5.I dont think this one is perfect.,Thank You for Your Attention!,


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