《Longing for a New Welfare System(PPT40).ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Longing for a New Welfare System(PPT40).ppt(40页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。
1、Longing for a New Welfare System,Unit 3,Stage 1:Warming-up Activities,Stage 2:Reading-Centred Activities,Stage 3:After-Reading Activities,Stage 4:Listening-and-Speaking Practice,Warming-up Activities,Group work Questions for thought and discussionBackground information Enriching your vocabularyCompa
2、ring the following words,Group work,Go over the preview,the pre-reading questions and the title of the text before listening to the summary of the story and anticipate what we are going to read.,Questions for thought and discussion,Listen to a short passage carefully and then answer the following qu
3、estions.,Background information,social welfare:Public assistance programs,commonly called“welfare”,provide cash or in-kind benefits for particular categories of the financially needy.The U.S.welfare system operates on both the federal and state levels.The federal welfare program is known as Social S
4、ecurity that provides benefits or assistance for child care,disability,food and medical.The state welfare programs,on the other hand,provide assistance to both individuals and local communities with state schooling and social insurance.U.S.welfare programs grew significantly in the decades following
5、 World War II,but increases in welfare costs during the 1960s and 1970s brought into question the extent and quality of public assistance.,In the early 1980s the Reagan Administration reduced welfare expenditures and suggested turning responsibility for welfare funding over to the states.The cuts in
6、 federal funding that took effect during the Reagan Administration did in fact effectively place the responsibility for maintaining funding levels on the states and,in some cases,on the larger cities.The result has been a widening of the already existing disparities in social services spending betwe
7、en states,and between cities and regions within a state.Social welfare is an integrated part of a countrys social policy.The website offers definitions of such concepts as welfare and welfare state and discussions on welfare systems of other countries(in addition to the U.S.).,Enriching your vocabul
8、ary,Read the sentences carefully and guess the meaning of the italicized term in each sentence according to the context and your own experiences.,He finds it hard to live on his state pension.He wont be able to draw/receive his pension until hes 65.I pay a higher rent/more rent than the other tenant
9、s because my room is bigger.The old lady rented us her spare room for$50 a week.,抚恤金,养老金,租金,出租,Against his fathers advice,Peter opted for business.I dont think that politician can drum up much support with all his speeches.Manufacturers are offering big discounts to drum up business.Jane plays drums
10、 in a local rock band.,选择,得到,招徕生意,打鼓,There were a few sticky moments during the meeting.His hands were sticky with jam.Its very sticky in New York in August.The government is trying to keep a low profile on this issue.There are a growing number of women in high-profile positions.The actor is photogr
11、aphed in profile,smoking a cigarette.,僵局,粘糊糊的,闷热,姿态,引人注目的,从侧面,Being unemployed entitles you to free medical treatment.She read a poem entitled“The Apple Tree”.Compensation of injured workers has cost the company a lot.She received$50,000 in compensation for a lost eye.,使你有权,题目为,补偿,补偿,a man of libera
12、l viewsa liberal donationTheres a gun in practically every American home.Practically,this book is more difficult than that one.Detectives have finally tracked down the killer.,开明的,慷慨的,almost;nearly,实际上,侦探们,The walls were pasted with pictures of movie stars.When I put wallpaper up I got paste all ove
13、r my hands and clothes.I paid the bill and he gave me a receipt.Please sign this form to acknowledge receipt of the money.,贴满,浆糊,收据,收到,They received a large donation to the school.Theres an insect crawling down your sleeve.The traffic was crawling along at ten kilometers per hour.Have you got a bit
14、of cord that I can tie this parcel up with?,捐款,爬,缓慢向前移动,绳子,He needed four strong screws for fixing the cupboard to the wall.He screwed the handle to the door.His brakes failed on a slippery road.I hereby certify that the above information is true and accurate.,螺丝钉,用螺丝钉固定,刹车,证明,Bids for building the
15、bridge were invited from big firms throughout the country.Her bid for re-election was unsuccessful.An anonymous letter alerted police to the possibility of a terrorist attack at the airport.You must be alert to possible dangers.,出价,投标,an attempt to obtain sth.,使警觉,警惕,Two helicopters have already bee
16、n shot down.She has long been a champion of free speech.She is the world champion for the third year in succession.The car leaked oil all over the drive.Air leaked out of the balloon.He leaked the names to the press.,直升机,拥护者,冠军,漏,漏,渗,泄漏,Three US state governors have put themselves forward as preside
17、ntial candidates.There wasnt enough evidence to convict him.Faced with the evidence,he had to confess.They were charged with taking money under the table.They had been deeply involved in the crimes.,州长,证明有罪,面对,私下,深深地卷入,Deep down(inside you),I know you love me really.Your brother is making a fool of
18、you.He knew better than to talk back to his father.Our car broke down on the freeway.,在你心底里,愚弄,顶嘴,抛锚,News soon got around that he had resigned.There seems to be an electrical problem.Ill get someone to look into it.How do you account for this sudden disappearance of all the money?Weve built up good
19、relationships with our clients.,传开,检查,解释,建立,Hes amazingly cheerful considering all hes had to go through.Some novels quite readily lend themselves to adaptation as plays;others do not.The jury convicted the accused man of theft.Compare:accuse somebody of,charge somebody with,经历,适合,宣判有罪,Vocabulary Co
20、mparing,crude raw uncooked caseworker social workerhip tail buttocks waist thigh limb leg knee spine rib marrow spinal cord vocal cordsappliance equipment facilities instrument apparatus device,maid servant attendant waiter helperroast bake roastoven stove furnace senator representativethrive bloom
21、boom flourish mushroom prosper,Homework,Learn the new words and expressions of the text by heart.Go over the text and try to get the main idea of the text.Analyze the structure of the text.,Reading-Centred Activities,1.Global Reading Task Reading Skills:Text structure analysis:,Reading skills:Unders
22、tanding figurative language Similes:Directly comparing one thing to another by using the words as or like.Metaphors:Comparisons are only implied,without using as,like and the like.Personification:Comparing non-human things to humans.,Some tips for you to recognize figurative ways of saying things:Ma
23、ke sure that you are aware that the writer is making a comparison.Keep clearly in your mind just what is being compared to what.Dont lose the basic point by getting confused about the comparison and forgetting what the writer is explaining in the first place.Look for such words as like and as,which
24、often introduce comparison.Try to figure out why the writer has made the comparison.,Text structure analysis:The passages can be broadly divided into three parts:How people behave under the present welfare system What the problems are with it What should be required of the new system.,Divide the tex
25、t into 3 parts according to the main idea given:Part 1:focusing on how the people concerned behave under the present welfare system.Part 2:dealing with the problems of the present welfare system:Part 3:dealing with what should be done with the present welfare system.,Para 1 to 3,Para 4 to 14,Para 15
26、 to 17,General images of welfare clients and welfare caseworkers under the present system:Welfare clients are always _ more money out of _ _.(para.1)But there are welfare clients who choose to _ of complete honesty,telling welfare caseworkers _.(para.2),cheating,the present,welfare system,live a lif
27、e,how much they make,Welfare clients have to bow to _respectfully,and the latter feel they _it.Welfare caseworkers,under the present welfare system,become_.(para.3),caseworkers,deserve,detectives,2.Problems with the present welfare system:welfare caseworkers,like _,trying to find anything _,welfare
28、clients difficulties in _,the embarrassing situation for welfare clients when trying to _ and lastly the problem of the welfare system and_.,detectives,unreported,obtaining help,make money,the legal system,Welfare caseworkers like detectives trying to convict _ of cheating.(paras 4-8)how extremely d
29、ifficult it is for welfare clients to have their _.(paras 9-12),welfare clients,wheelchairs repaired,the welfare clients embarrassing situation of being questioned to _when making money out of their own _.(para.13)the law does not encourage clients to _ and make a _away from welfare.(para.14),accoun
30、t for every penny,abilities,work part time,gradual shift,What should be done with the present welfare system:welfare clients should have lawyers to _.(para.15)the welfare system should help those who want to earn part or all of _.(para.16),protect their rights,their own livings,A new system is sugge
31、sted to encourage welfare clients to _ without feeling _,a new system that does not seek to _ welfare clients of _.(para.17),develop their talents,convict,cheating,guilty or fearful,Reading-Centred Activities,2.Detailed Reading Task Language pointsSimulated writingSummary of the text,After-Reading Activities,Vocabulary Exercises Translating and Writing,Listening and speaking activities,Talking about the topic or retelling the text Listening and speaking practice in XP center,