实用商务英语写作教程 Unit12 Advertisements(广告) .ppt

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1、Practical English Writing ForBusiness Course,Unit Twelve Advertisements(广告),指导:董晓波制作:曾 辉,Unit 12:Advertisements,General Introduction,Sample Reading,Useful Expressions,Writing Practice,What Are Advertisements?,广告是由特定的商品经营者或者服务提供者以承担费用的方式通过一定传播媒介对商品、服务或观念等信息的直接或间接的非人员介绍及推广。,Back,Types of Advertisement

2、s,广告可以划分为两大基本类别:商业广告和非商业广告。商业广告以盈利为目的,通过宣传以促进销售;非商业广告即慈善机构、宗教、民间或政治团体等非营利性组织发布的公告及启事等。本书主要论述商务英语写作,因此着重商业广告,对于后者在此恕不涉及,下文所指广告均为商业广告。,Back,广告还可分为分类广告(Classified Advertisement)和醒目排印广告(Display Advertisement)。前者一般采用分行式广告(Line Advertisement),即所有信息按照同样的字体逐行排列,没有特殊的版面设计;该类广告通常位于报刊中缝或末尾处,文字简洁,常常只有几行,且多使用短句、

3、缩略词;内容多为求职、招聘、求租、出租等。而后者是报刊杂志中较重要的一类,使用多种字体,字体也根据需要大小不同,而且可能配有插图或辅以各种色彩,本章重点在于醒目排印广告,但仅着重于广告构成本身,而非配图或色彩等。,Back,Principles of Advertisements,广告设计制作要遵循一定的原则,广告应真实可信,有充分的证据,不得做虚假宣传,或隐瞒事实,以至误导消费者;即广告内容不应对竞争对手及相似产品或服务作错误的、误导性的描述;广告不应作虚假的价格声明,尽量不对所宣传对象作减价宣传,以免使减价成为将消费者导向其他产品或服务的诱饵;最后,广告中应避免出现粗俗或低级趣味的描述、配

4、图及暗示。,Back,Characteristics of Advertisements,广告的特点极为鲜明,由于受到各方面的限制,尤其是篇幅空间、发布时间等的影响,广告应尽可能的简练(Brief),常用简单的口语化词汇及简单句;同时,为了吸引潜在的不同消费群体,广告往往具有相当的创新性(Creative),亲和力(Affable)、说服性强(Persuasive),Back,How Is an Advertisement Laid Out?,Back,标题(Headline),标题是广告中最重要的组成部分之一,也最容易引起人们的注意。“好的标题,等于广告成功了一半”。清晰(Clarity)和


6、dy),正文是广告的主体部分,是对广告主题的详述,可以根据不同的宣传对象采用不同的叙述方式,如直陈式、叙述式、对话式、独白式等。直陈式直接对宣传对象进行各方面的具体描述,尤其适合于工业产品,而较少运用于日常消费品。叙述式是以讲述故事的方式进行宣传。对话式采用让人物对话的方法来宣传对象,能够加强内容的可信度。独白式采用相近的方法,但是以广告人物自己的话来宣传。,Back,不论采用何种方式,正文通常由如下四个部分构成 1,引言(Lead-in Paragraph)引言衔接正文主体与标题,使消费者对广告的兴趣转化为对宣传对象的兴趣。某些短小的广告也常常终止于引言部分。2,内部段落(Interior

7、Paragraphs)内部段落是正文的中心部分,它要通过较为详尽的描述使宣传对象清晰明了,具有戏剧性、说明力,能够给消费者深刻印象,从而引起消费者的兴趣,Back,3,收尾(Trial Close)收尾部分通常是宣传对象的订购信息,能够令消费者一目了然。4,结束语(Close)广告的结束语往往分为两种,一种直接建议消费者进一步咨询详细情况或者购买宣传对象,而另一种则以间接的方式暗示消费者购买宣传对象。,Back,附文(Supplementary Items),在广告的最后,往往要加入一些附属部分,这些部分是对广告内容的进一步补充说明。附文部分包括公司商标(Trademark)、公司标识(Log

8、otype)、权威机构的认证标记(Seals)、公司地址及电话等(Address,Telephone&Fax Number,Accounts Number,etc.),以增强广告所宣传对象的可信度,具有重要的推销作用。,Back,Sample 1 下面是一则对某品牌的传真机所进行的直叙式的广告,通过对该传真机的用途及使用方法的直接描述,显示出其特点。,CAN YOUR TELEPHONE READ AND WRITE?OURS CAN!Ordinary telephones can only talk.Now theres a telephone that can read and write

9、,too!Qwip Systems Showntell Phone-the educated telephone.This incredible telephone,in addition to being used for incoming and outing calls,also sends and receives letters!It can take almost anything you put on paper and send a copy of it-words,pictures and all cross-town or cross-country in four min

10、utes flat.(Finally making it possible for you to deliver all those urgent things people wanted yesterday.)Showntell is simple to install.,Back,Just plug it into a telephone jack and an electrical outlet and its ready to go.And anybody who can push a button can operate it.Why should your company be e

11、quipped with educated telephones?Because ordinary phones can only give you the message verbally.While a Showntell Phone puts it in writing.And anybody in business can tell you,thats quite a difference.QWIP SYSTEMS SHOWNTELL PHONE(THE THELEPHONE THAT CAN READ AND WRITE),Back,您的电话会读写吗?我们的会!普通电话只能用来讲话。


13、点是完全不一样的。,incredible:难以置信的;in addition to:除之外;flat:一律的;deliver:发送;jack:插口;electrical outlet:电源插座;,Back,Sample 2下面是一则关于缝纫机的独白式广告,通过一位著名设计师口述自己的故事,说明了该缝纫机的优点所在,并大大增强了广告的可信度。,“My Sears Kenmore Sewing Machine has 9different stretch stitches-imagine!”-says famous designer Bonnie Cashin“My mother was dres

14、smaker and before I could write I could sew,says Bonnie Cashin,the lady who so greatly influenced American fashion with the poncho-all those leathers and suedes-the boot.All Bonnie Cashin-all firsts!,Back,“I collect fabrics from all over the world.Im always experimenting-with knits-leathers-suedes.A

15、nd my Kenmore handles anything I feed it and so easily!“My new Kenmore not only zigzag,it has 9 stretch stitches.Imagine,9!Everything from a straight to an overcast-what a help with knits and jerseys!As for leather and thick layers of materials-wait till you see the control and power this Kenmore gi

16、ves you at slow speed.“Sewing relaxes me.But I do want a sewing machine to have as many automatic features as possible.My Kenmore has a truly automatic buttonhole stitcher,for example.Even an automatic monogrammer.“Now,tell me,why pay more for a sewing machine when you can get one like this Kenmore

17、at Sears?”Sears Kenmore Sewing Machine,For women who want the best even if it does cost less.,Back,“我的Sears Kenmore缝纫机有9种弹织法-想想吧!”“我母亲是位裁缝,在我会写字之前,我就已经会干缝纫活了。”伯尼-卡茜如是说。她制作的穗饰披巾对美国时尚产生了巨大影响-那些皮料和小山羊皮-还有靴子。这些都是伯尼-卡茜首先制作的!“我从世界各地收集织物,经常用编织皮料、小山羊皮作试验。而且我的Kenmore缝纫机能够轻松自如地处理所有的活儿。”“我的新Kenmore缝纫机不但能够成之字形编

18、织,而且有9种弹织法。想想看,9种!从直线到锁边,一切都可缝纫-这对编织和平针编织是多大的帮助啊!至于皮料和厚料子,只需等着看这种Kenmore以慢速能带给你什么。”“缝纫令我放松。但我确实想要一种自动功能越多越好的缝纫机。比如我的Kenmore缝纫机就有一个全自动的纽孔穿线器。甚至还有一个织交织字母装置。”“现在,既然在Sears您能买到象Kenmore这样的缝纫机,您为什么还要为一台别的缝纫机花更多钱吗?”Sears Kenmore缝纫机,专为想要最好的女性准备,即使它的价格更低。,stitch:针法;poncho:穗饰披巾;suede:小山羊皮;knit:编织;zigzag:将做成之字形

19、;overcast:锁边;,Back,Sample 3下面是一则招聘广告,招聘多部门的多个职位,要求简单明了,重点突出,一看即知。,Coats PRC Ltd.Coats Lorileux of the Total Group in France is one of the largest ink producers in the world and to cope with the companys expansion plan,we invite application for the following positions:PRODUCTION MANAGER Male,aged 32-

20、43;At least 5 years production supervisory and management experience in chemical manufacture field;LABORATORY TECHINICIANS Diploma holder in Chemistry;Some lab experience in printing ink or paint industry is preferred;ACCOUNTING MANAGER At least 4 years experience in auditing,taxation,financial repo

21、rting and other accounting function;Good computer skill and familiar with banding transactions;,Back,ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT At least 3 years working experience;Possess a pleasant personality and positive work attitude and be willing and able to work diligently without supervision;Ideally below 30

22、years of age and good character;PURCHASING CLERK Male,aged 25-28;2 or 3 years experience in purchasing chemical material or consumable material;Initiative;Willing to work under pressure and traveling;Knowledge of Import and Export procedure;An excellent employment package is offered.Write,with full

23、CV,send to Mr.J.Dive,Personnel manager,Box 3129 Paris.,Back,Coats中国有限公司法国Total集团下属的Coats Lorileux公司是世界最大的墨水生产商之一。为与公司的发展计划相适应,我们希望招聘下列职位:生产经理 男,32-43岁;在化工生产领域有至少5年生产监督管理经验;实验室技术员 拥有化学专业学位;在印刷墨水及工业方面有相关经验者优先;会计经理 在审计、税收、财政报告及其它会计方面有至少4年工作经验;良好的电脑运用能力,熟悉处理会议记录;执行助理 拥有至少3年工作经验;品性优良,工作态度积极,能在无监督情况下努力积极工

24、作;30岁以下及气质佳者尤佳;采购员 男,25-28岁;有2-3年的化学品及消费品采购经验;积极主动;愿意在压力下工作及旅行;拥有进出口程序的相关知识;应提供完整的应聘信息。来信请注明完整通讯地址,寄往人事部J.Dive先生,3129信箱,巴黎。,Back,Sample 4:下面是一家快递公司的广告,通过一系列的重复,使得主题鲜明,令人对该公司过目难忘。,From Andorra to Aruba.From Cameroon to Costa Rica.From Hong Kong to Holland.From Kenya to Kuwait.From Malaysia to Martini

25、que.From Turkey to Thailand.One By One.To earn your trust,not just your business.This has always been the aim of UPS.It takes a commitment to service.But more,it means giving you the practical worldwide network your business needs demand being a partner who does business where you do business which

26、is why UPS now offers express delivery of parcels and documents to cover 180 countries and territories.Worldwide.The task may be as simple as getting your shipment from A to B,but at UPS we never forget that trust is earned by doing it right.Every single time.To every single place.United Parcel Serv

27、iceAs sure as taking it there yourself,Back,从安道尔到阿鲁巴。从喀麦隆到哥斯达黎加。从香港到荷兰。从肯尼亚到科威特。从马来西亚到马提尼克。从土耳其到泰国。一个接一个。赢得您的依赖,而不仅仅是生意。这就是UPS永远追求的目标。我们对我们的服务作出承诺。但更重要的,是为您提供您所需要的世界范围的实用网络,能够在任何您做生意的地方成为您可以依赖的伙伴。这就是UPS目前提供的可在180个国家和地区内进行包裹及邮件快递的业务。全世界均可投送。这项工作也许和将您的货物从甲地运到乙地一样简单。但是对于我们UPS而言,我们永远铭记信任是通过正确的作为而取得的。任何时

28、间,送往任何地点。联合货运服务公司就如同您亲自送达目的地,Back,Common Expressionsa complete range of specificationsa great variety of styles a wide selection of colors&stylesadopt advanced technology aesthetic appearanceagreeable to tastearomatic flavoras effectively as a fairy doesattractive and durableavailable in various des

29、igns and specifications for your selection be awarded a gold medalbe awarded super-quality certificate be distinguished for,规格齐全 款式多样花色繁多采用先进工艺式样美观味道适口香味浓郁功效神奇美观耐用备有各种款式现货,任您挑选荣获金奖荣获优质产品证书以著称,Back,be highly praised and appreciated by consuming public be specially designed for beautiful and charmingb

30、eautiful in color bright and translucent in appearance by scientific processcan be repeatedly remouldedcarefully-selected materials Catalogues will be sent upon request.choice material clear out annoyance and quench thirst comfortable and easycomfortable feel complete in specificationscomplete range

31、 of articles convenient in usecool in summer and warm in winter,深受国内外消费者欢迎好评专为而设计华丽臻美色泽鲜艳外观光泽透明科学精制可多次翻新用料精选备有详细目录,惠索即寄。选料讲究涤烦去渴舒适惬意手感舒适规格齐全品种齐全使用方便冬暖夏凉,Back,courteous service crease-resistancedelicacies loved by all dependable performance distinctive for its traditional propertiesdramatic resultsdr

32、ip-dry durable in use easy to handleeasy to maintain and repair elegant and graceful elegant shapeenjoy high reputation at home and abroadEnquiries are cordially welcome.excellent qualityexcellent serviceexquisite workman ship extremely efficient in preserving heat,服务周到防皱众所喜爱品尝之佳品性能可靠具有传统风味特色效果卓著快干经

33、久耐用操作简便维修简易典雅大方外型大方誉满中外竭诚欢迎客房惠顾。品质优良服务优良做工讲究耐热性强,Back,famous throughout the world fast color fine craftsmanshipfirm in structuregood heat preservation good taste guaranteed quality and quantityhandsome appearanceharmonious in color have a long historical standing help digest high quality materials h

34、igh resilience high safety highly polished ideal gift for occasions impressive colorInquiries are welcome.,全球闻名永不褪色做工精细结构坚固保温性好味道纯正保质保量造型美观色彩协调历史悠久帮助消化选料讲究富有弹性安全性强光洁度高节日送礼之佳品色彩眩目效果极佳欢迎洽谈订购。,Back,invigorate health effectivelyjade white latest technology long and rich experience long historylong perfo

35、rmance life long standing reputationlustrous and softluxuriant design make you feel at ease and energetic matching in colormild and mellow miraculous functionsmoderate cost neither too hard,nor too softNew varieties are introduced one after another non-ironing novel design,促进体质洁白如玉最新工艺历史悠久,经验丰富历史悠久经

36、久耐用久负盛名光洁柔和设计豪华安心益气色彩协调入口和醇功能奇妙价格适中软硬适中新品迭出免烫款式新颖,Back,offer you best convenience Orders are welcome.outstanding featurespleasant in after-tastepossessing Chinese flavorsprofessional designprolong life punctual timingquality and quantity assured rank first among similar productsrepeatedly admiredrep

37、utable all over the worldrich experiencerich in poetic and pictorial splendorselected materialsshrink-proof skilful manufacture soft and light,为您提供最大的方便欢迎惠订。特点突出回味无穷具有中国风味专业设计延年益寿走时准确保质保量居同类产品之冠备受称赞享誉全球经验丰富富于诗情画意用料上乘防缩制作精巧轻柔松软,Back,sufficient suppliessuitable for the old and young superior in qualit

38、yterrific craftsmanshiptimely delivery guaranteed unequal in performanceunique style up-to-date style warm and windproof waterproof,shock-resistant and antimagneticwin warm praises from customersFrequently Used Adjectives big,bright,clean,crisp,delicious,easy,extra,fine,free,fresh,full,good/better/b

39、est,great,new,real,rich,safe,special,sure.,货源充足老少皆宜质地考究技艺精湛交货及时性能超群风格独特款式新颖保暖防风防水、防震,防磁深受顾客欢迎。,Back,I.Look at the advertisements below and decide how they can be improved.Then REWRITE them in your own words.A new way to buy a new ESCORT car built in a new way.It still has four tires and the steering

40、 wheel in on the left.Other than that,everything else has changed for the 90s.You can have stronger,thicker hair in just 7 days.This is guaranteed.While healthier,shinier hair doesnt happen overnight,and it could take as long as 14 days.,Back,II.Decide types of products(in the brackets)the following

41、 advertisements are for.If necessary,one can be used more than once.(beauty,camera,car,cigarette,dress,drink,food,jewelry,medicine,mobile phone,PC,shoe,TV,vacuum,water,wine)1.Over 200 Years of Careful Breeding Produced This Champion2.Refreshment 16 Million times a Day3.Your Kid Just Spent 9 Months T

42、otally Naked.Isnt It About Time You Got Him Something Fun To Wear?4.The Taste of Success 5.To feel more beautiful,slip into something smoother.,Back,6.Its tracer,the new small sedan from mercury.7.VOLVIC from the Clairvic spring8.Choose Your Glasses Carefully9.When you see Dirt,see Red.10.The power

43、of purity11.Youve tried just about everything for your hay fever Now try your doctor.12.Do it the hard way,or do it the Sharp way.13.If you feet could dream!This is what theyd dream about!14.As easy to look at as it is to use.15.Tradition has a new taste.,Back,16.Proof that we dont cut corners.17.It

44、 handles the road as easily as it handles Mother Nature.18.Dry scalp?It needs moisture more than medicine.19.Workout without wearout.20.Spreadsome,Tastesome,Snacksome21.Safety,Security and Simplicity,All Wrapped Up In One.22.Yesterdays look,tomorrows heirloom.23.A price as thin as the monitor:$99.24

45、.Feel&Look Young Again with Born Again DHEA Crme.25.A Better School System for Your Kids.,Back,III.Draft advertisements according to the notes given.以分类广告的形式写一则招聘广告。招聘对象:两名具有文秘及组织才能的职员,主要工作是向经理汇报情况,负责办公室的日常运作;涉外营销人员三名,男性,精通英语,有5年以上营销经验,需经常出差。,Back,以醒目排印广告的形式写一则招聘广告。Intertek Testing Services公司要招聘多个职位

46、:注册项目工程师,大学本科毕业以上,专业为电子、电器、机械、冷藏,三年以上电子及相关工作经验,有在国际检测机构工作经验者优先,良好的人际交流能力及团队精神,成熟自立;客户部职员,学士学位以上,英语或外贸专业,精通英语听、说、读、写,三年以上相关经验;助理注册工程师,电子、电器或机械专业大学毕业,良好人际关系及团队精神,诚实好学,责任感强。所有三个职位均需良好的英语及电脑水平,并随附上中英文简介、学业证明、相关证明、身份证复印件,及近照一张。来信寄往:上海浦东新区山西路201号ETL SEMKO人力资源部,邮编200120.,Back,IV.Translate the following adv

47、ertisements from Chinese into English or from English to Chinese.(1)珠江大酒店 精美日本菜肴 舒适的氛围 优美的音乐 如您想在本市寻觅日式精制菜肴,为何不到珠江大酒店这个既使人赏心悦目,而又可以品尝可口菜肴的地方来聚一聚呢?遵义南路888号 电话:7364621,Back,(2)To Rent No.768 East Nanking Road.Downtown Street Formerly occupied by Li Hua Bedclothes Co.:Consisting of a five-storey brick

48、building covering about 20 acres.Ground floor with a large clothing store.Large two-storied godown with vault and a garage at the back.,Back,Dwelling house consists of ten large rooms with bath-room,etc.,which may be let separately in whole or in part.Water,electricity and gas laid on.Also very suit

49、able for offices.Apply to Shanghai Garments Imp./Exp.Corp.Add.East Zhong Shan Road 1 Post Code:200001,Back,(3)Chrysler Setting The StandardWherever We Go Since 1925,the Chrysler Corporation has been setting the standard for automotive excellence in the United States.Today,we are doing the same in ov

50、er 100 countries worldwide.,Back,The home for all-new product development is the Chrysler Technology Center,one of the worlds most technologically advanced vehicle research centers.It is here that platform teams of experience designers,engineers,and manufacturing experts work together to create vehi


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