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1、Competency Based Interviewing行为能力面试技巧,Phase One,1,Domestics 培训安排,Fire Regulations 防火条例Food 食品Free Time 休息时间Fact File 文件夹页Fahrenheit 室内温度Fumes 排风/空调Facilities 设施设备Fun 趣味性Phones 电话,2,Ice Breaker 破冰游戏,TRUE OR FALSE?真的还是假的?Everyone think of 3 interesting facts about yourself or your life每人回忆有关自己本人或自己生活的

2、三件有趣的事情 2 of them are to be true and 1 of them false!其中两件是真的,一件是假的3 minutes to think 给大家三分钟的思考时间Ask you to tell the group the 3 facts,and we will try and guess which one is false 请将这三件事讲给其他人听,大家来一起试着猜猜看哪一件是假的。Lets go!请开始吧!,3+,Programme课 程 安 排,The Importance of the Selection Process 甄选过程的重要性The Struc

3、ture-Preparation&Contact 结构准备&接触The Structure-Control&Close 结构 掌握&结束The Theory of Behavioural Interviewing行为能力面试的理论,The Decision Process 决定过程Skills Practice preparation 技巧练习的准备Skills Practices 技巧练习,5,Programme Objectives 课程目标,By the end of the Programme you will be able to在本课程结束时,你将能够:-State the imp

4、ortance of the Selection Process 陈述甄选过程的重要性Identify the stages of a selection interview 识别甄选面试的阶段Explain the theory and give examples of Behavioural Interviewing 解释理论并给出行为面试的例子State the legal implications associated with recruitment 阐述与招聘相联系的法律关联Complete appropriate preparation prior to conducting a

5、 Competency Based interview 在进行行为能力面试之前完成充分准备Demonstrate the techniques involved in selecting the right person for a position 演示为合适职位甄选恰当人选所包括的技巧Conduct a Competency Based Interview to the standard of the company 按照公司标准进行行为能力面试,4,THE IMPORTANCE OF THE SELECTION PROCESS甄选过程的重要性 Session 1第一部分,6+,The I

6、mportance of the Selection Process甄选过程的重要性,Objectives 课程目标By the end of this session you will be able to本章节结束时,你将能够:-Define the terms“Recruitment”and“Selection Interviewing”定义”招聘”与”甄选面试”两个术语List the benefits of selecting“the right person”for a given job列举为某一工作甄选恰当人选的好处List the essential characterist

7、ics of“the right person”and explain why these are so necessary 列举恰当人选的基本特征并解释其必要性Explain what is meant by the term“fit”解释“合适”这一术语的意义,6,Attracting the Right Candidate 吸引恰当的候选人,The person who is“right”will match the technical skill level,the competencies required to do the job and fit into the team.恰当

8、的人选要符合技能水平、工作所需能力及融入团队的要求We are not looking for the best of a bad bunch!我们不是要在瘸子里面挑将军,7,“A conversation with a purpose”有目的的谈话“A two way communication:not an inquisition,third degree nor an examination under pressure”“一种双向的交流:并非审讯、讯问,也不是压力下的考试”,Definition of an Interview 面试的定义,8,In 2 Groups 分成两组 Disc

9、uss&estimate the cost of hiring a band a supervisor for a department in your hotel,until they are confident.Consider all costs!讨论&估计为本酒店招聘一名部门主管的成本,直到基本确认。请考虑所有的花费!Assume the salary a basic salary of$.per month,therefore$.per year 假定其基本月薪是X X,年薪是X X 10 minutes in groups 每组有十分钟的时间,Exercise 2 练习二,8.2,

10、“The personal attributes and modes of behaviour that individuals need to display in order to be effective in their jobs”为了使得工作更有效,个体需要表现出来的个人特性和行为模式,Behavioural Competencies 行为能力,9,Competencies Framework 能力框架,10,Competencies Framework 能力框架,10,Competency Guide Corporate Bands 1 6 and General Managers

11、 Hotel Band 1,Competency GuideHotel Executive Teams&Department Heads Hotel Bands 2-4,12,Competency Guide Corporate Band 7 and Hotel Supervisor Hotel Band 7,13,Competency Guide Corporate Band 8 and Hotel Employee Hotel Bands 8,14,Hire as is,dont expect change and then anyimprovement is a bonus!(Just

12、like marriage)招聘同婚姻的道理是一样的,不要期望对方有显著变化;如果有任何提高,就算是额外收获!,15,Recruitment Equation招聘因素,(COMPETENCE+FIT)x INVESTMENT=GROWTH(能力 合适)X 投资 增值(C+F)x I=G(10+10)x 4=80(10+10)x 10=200 Training,Development,Performance Review,Coaching,Feedback etc.培训,发展,表现评估,指导,反馈等,(C+F)x I=G,16,THE STRUCTURE OF THE INTERVIEW面 试

13、结 构Preparation&Contact准备与接触Control&Close掌握与结束Session 2第二部分,17+,Objectives 课程目标By the end of this session delegates will be able to 本章节结束时,学员能够:,State the structure of the interview process 阐述面试过程的结构Explain the required preparation prior to conducting an interview 解释进行面试之前需要作的准备工作Explain how to ensur

14、e a successful contact stage解释如何确保一个成功接触的过程Explain what areas need to be covered during the control stage and why these are important解释在掌握阶段需要包含的内容以及其重要性Explain how to close an interview effectively 解释如何有效地结束一次面试,17,1.Preparation before the Interview面试前的准备,Read Job Description and Employee Specifica

15、tion 阅读岗位职责与员工职位要求 Familiarise with competency definitions and indicators 熟悉能力的定义和指标 Read C.V.or application form 阅读简历或职位申请表 Form an agenda of the main points to be covered and plan questions制定包括了要点的议程并计划问题 If appropriate,meet with personnel if they have screened 如果合适,与已经面试过候选人的同事先进行沟通 Ensure suffic

16、ient time for the interview,free from interruptions 确保有足够的面试时间,而且避免有干扰 Organise a quiet place and plan seating arrangements 安排一个安静的场所并确定座位安排,18.1,The Application Form 职位申请表,How long has the applicant been in each job?申请者在之前每份工作的在职时间是多久?Does the job history show a steady progression?之前的工作是否有稳定的进展?Wha

17、t are the reasons for leaving the previous jobs?离开前一份工作的原因是什么?What are the progression of leaving salaries?离职时工资的进展情况?Personal details-age,mobility,domestics,marital status 个人信息年龄,联系方式,家庭,婚姻状况 What hobbies do they have?-gregarious or loner 有哪些个人爱好?社交型或独处型 Is every section completed?是否所有内容均填写完整?,FDDF

18、BDT,19,The Contact Stage接触阶段,Dont leave them waiting 不要让他们长时间等待 Welcome them warmly-Smile&shake hands 热情欢迎微笑并握手 Introduce yourself-Offer tea or coffee 自我介绍提供茶水或咖啡 Sit in a reasonably relaxed manner yourself 让自己在轻松自然的状态下落座 Avoid physical barriers 避免两人之间有障碍物Explain the format of the interview 解释面试的形式

19、Explain that you will be taking notes 解释自己会进行记录 Establish a rapport using neutral questions 用中性问题建立融洽的气氛,70%/30%,20,KEY AREAS FOR QUESTIONS 问题领域,Employment 工作经历 Education 教育背景 Plans for future 未来规划 Hobbies 兴趣爱好 Domestic Circumstances 家庭环境,22,BEWARE OF HALOS&HORNS 小心不要落入天使光环陷阱或恶魔尖角陷阱,23,TYPES OF QUES

20、TIONS TO AVOID应当避免的问题类型,Closed 封闭式问题 Leading 引导性问题 Multiple 多重问题 Hypothetical 假设性问题 Confusing 迷惑性问题 Agreement Seeking 寻求一致性问题,24,LISTENING EFFECTIVELY 有效的倾听,Ears for Hearing耳朵用来听,Minds for Listening!大脑用来倾听,24.2,LISTENING PROCESS 倾听过程,25,LISTENING PROCESS倾听过程,LISTEN倾听,EVALUATE琢磨,LISTEN倾听,LISTEN倾听,PLA

21、NREPLY盘算如何回答,RE-HEARSEREPLY演练回答,LISTEN倾听,26,CLOSING THE INTERVIEW 结束面试,Give the candidate the opportunity to ask questions 给候选人提问的机会 Check that they are still interested 确定他们仍然充满兴趣 Let them know the next stage is 让他们知道下一步将要进行什么 Thank them for coming 感谢他们前来面试 Be careful to leave a good impression 注意要

22、留下一个好的印象 Walk him/her out 送他/她出门,26.2,THE THEORY OF BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWING行为面试的理论Session 3第三部分,27+,THE THEORY OF BEHAVIOURAL INTERVIEWING 行为面试的理论,Objectives 课程目标By the end of this session you will be able to 本章节结束时,你将能够:Explain the theory behind Behavioural Interviewing 解释行为面试所包含的理论 Explain how to

23、 read the“Monitor”解释如何了解“防备心理控制器”Give examples of suitable questions to use in each area for discussion 举出每个部分所用到的合适的问题例子以供讨论。,27,Behavioural Interviewing行为面试,Behavioural Interviewing means.行为面试包括 Gathering relevant information in predetermined areas 为预定的领域收集相关信息 Getting the applicant to talk about

24、themselves 请面试者谈谈他/她们自己 Collecting details of actual past performance 收集面试者真实的以往工作表现,28,The Inertia Model惯性模式,29,Two Types of Memory 两种记忆模式,30,Semantic Vs Episodic 语义式与情节式,What do you think of your present job?你认为你目前的工作怎么样?What was your worst moment at.?你最糟糕的时候是在?Why do you want to work for us?你为什么想

25、为我们工作?Where were you when you decided to apply to us?当你决定到我们这里申请工作时,你在哪里?How would you handle a guest complaint?你怎样处理客人投诉?What happened the last time you had to deal with a serious guest complaint?你上一次处理客人强烈投诉是什么情形?How do you feel about moving to XXX?来到XXX你感觉如何?What happened the last time you had to

26、 move to take a new job?你上一次为换新工作而不得不搬家的情形是怎么样的?Do you think you fit in with this department?你认为你适合这个部门么?What stands out from your first week in your present department?你在目前的部门第一周都发生了什么事?,30.2,Memory Storage记忆储存,31,Memory Storage记忆储存,32,Properties of an Episode 情节式的特征,Time 时间-When?何时Place 地点-Where?在

27、哪里?People 人物-Names?姓名Sequence 过程-Beginning/Middle/End开始/发展/结束Behaviour行为-What did YOU do?你做了什么?Consequences结果-What did YOU do next?你接下来做了什么?,33,Probing for Situations,Behaviour and Outcomes对情形、行为和结果的探查,SBO,Probe探查,Realm of Past Experiences过去的 经验领域,34,Properties of an Episode 情节式的特性,Time 时间-When?何时?P

28、lace 地点-Where?在哪里?People人物-Names?姓名?,SITUATION 情形,35,Situation 情形The context in which the incident took place 事件发生的前后联系How&why it occurred 如何发生的,为什么会发生Probes 探查Describe a situation when.描述一个情形当What led up to the situation?是什么导致了这种情形?Who was involved?涉及的人?What was the problem?问题是什么?,36,Properties of

29、an Episode 情节式的特性,Sequence过程-Beginning/Middle/End开始/发展/结束Behaviour行为-What did YOU do?你做了什么?,BEHAVIOUR行为,37,Behaviour行为 The steps undertaken to address the situation 描述情形所采取的步骤Probes探查What strategies did you use to achieve your goal?为了达到目标,你使用了什么策略?Why did you decide on that course of action?你为什么决定用那

30、种举措?Were there any obstacles?有什么困难吗?What were you thinking/feeling?你在想什么?感受到了什么?,38,Properties of an Episode情节式的特性,Consequences结果-What did YOU do next?接下来你做什么?,OUTCOME 结果,39,Outcome 结果 The outcome of the action 行为结果What happened as the result 结果发生了什么事Probes 探查 What was the outcome?What happened?结果是什

31、么?发生了什么事?What would you do differently next time?下次你会有什么不同的做法?,40,S.B.O.情形行为结果,What was the situation?当时的情形是?When did this happentell me more?是什么时候发生的?请再告诉我一些?Who was there?有谁在那里?What happened next?接下来发生了什么事?What exactly did you do?你具体做了什么?What did you do next?接下来你做了什么?What was the outcome of your e

32、fforts?你努力的结果是什么?What impact did this have?事后的影响是什么?,41,The Monitor防备心理控制器,SEMANTIC e.g.“how do you feel about?”语义式的例子“你对感受如何”,What is an acceptable answer?可以接受的回答是什么?,Eyes flick down-monitor ON 目光下移 产生防备心理,Acceptable answer to please.给出可以接受的回答,EPISODIC e.g.“What did you do when.?”情节式的例子“当时候你在做什么?”,

33、What did happen to me then?然后我做了什么?,Eyes flick up-monitor OFF 目光上移 放下防备心理,Details of relevant episode.相关情景细节,Question asked.提出问题,Interviewee thinks 面试者思考,Interviewee reacts 面试者反应,Interviewee answers 面试者回答,42,Competency Drive for Results能力成效驱动,Tell me about an occasion when you have felt under pressu

34、re at work to achieve a particular goal?告诉我你为某个特定目标而感觉在压力下工作的一个情形Describe the situation?描述该情形.Where were you?当时你在哪里?Who was involved?所涉及的人都有谁?What happened exactly?具体发生了什么事?How did you react?你的反应是什么?What were the consequences?结果怎样?,43,THE DECISION PROCESS决定过程Session 4第四部分,46,Quote 引用名言,“In an ideali

35、sed world,our aim would be all persons in jobs perfectly suited to them and society.This aim assumes that each person should use his abilities,temperament and motivation in the best possible way for him;it also assumes that society will make the best possible use of its total manpower resources”“在一个

36、理想的世界里,我们的目标是让所有人都有一份合适自己和社会的工作。此目标假设每个人都要把自己的能力、气质和士气发挥到极至;另一方面,也假设社会能够最大程度地利用其全部的劳动力资源.”Marvin Dunnette(1967),47,Repent at leisure!则不达!,Recruit in haste.欲速,Remember 请记住,48,The Decision Process 决定过程,Objectives课程目标By the end of this session you will be able to 本章节结束时,你将能够:-Explain how to complete an

37、 Interview Assessment Form 解释如何完成面试评估表List the alternative actions you can take as a result of the interview 列举你可选择的面试后的行动State when and how references should be sought 阐述何时及如何进行资历调查,49,Interview Assessment Form面试评估表,Handout,50,Alternative Actions Following the Interview 面试后的行动选择,Shortlist the appli

38、cant 筛选出合适人选名单 Ask the applicant for a second interview 复试 Reject the applicant 回绝不合格者 Refer the applicant to another department/hotel 建议候选人到另外部门/酒店 Offer 提供职位 Hold for another position 保留其作为其他职位的候选人,51,Four Questions to Consider 需要考虑的四个问题,Has the applicant the talents needed to be successful?申请人是否具备达到成功所需要的才能?Will the applicant fit into the team and style of the department?申请人是否符合团队和部门的要求?Where some of the technical skills are missing,can the applicant be trained?申请人缺少哪些工作技能,是否有被培训发展的潜力?Is the right applicant interested?合适的申请人是否对职位感兴趣?,?,52,


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