Body Language.ppt

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《Body Language.ppt》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《Body Language.ppt(29页珍藏版)》请在三一办公上搜索。

1、Body Language,Facial ExpressionsGestureThe importance and the methods of improving it,Body language means that through various action of the body,you can achieve communication purposes instead of language.In the generalized range,body language concluded the facial expressions.In other words,narrowed

2、 meaning of body language only included the meaning of body and limbs.Talking about emotions expressd by physical,we naturally think of many idiomatic action.Such as clapping means excited,DuZu represent angry,rubbing hand says anxiety,head down and represent depressed,bay stretched out means helple

3、ss.when someone express himself by the body langeang,the others can read the mind of the author through the body language.,Squint(眯着眼)-dont agree,disgust,angry or doesnt appreciate it,Ambulate(走动)-temper or frustratedWhen you are upset or angry,you will walk here and there all the time.,Shake feet(抖

4、脚)-nervous The example is too much,just like facing the interview,you sit before the interviewer,and as casual,the one will shake his or her feet to release the tension.And there are so many kinds of body languages,A facial expression characterized by changing the eyes,eyebrows,and facial muscles to

5、 show a persons mood.Expression in ones eyes is the most important part of the facial expression.The second is the mouth muscles and brows.,Facial Expressions,Smile:half close the eyes and lift the lower eyelid,open mouth slightly,and be able to see the upper teeth.There are two or three wrinkles at

6、 the corners of the mouth.微笑:眼稍半闭拢,下睑吊起,口唇微开,能见上齿,口角微向上抬,嘴边有二、三条弯曲皱纹。,Sad:eyelid are dropping and eyes are downward,relax the mouth with lips slightly open,and the corner of the mouth is slightly downward.悲伤:眼睑下垂,眼向下望,上下唇放松,口裂微开,口角微向下。,Hatred:the head slightly lower and eyes are upward,retract the l

7、ips,there are wrinkles at the corners of the mouth.仇视:头稍低屈,眼有力向上望,上下唇用力收缩,口角现弯曲皱纹。,Envy:the head tilts slightly to one side,the eyes stare at one side and close the mouth tightly.嫉妒:头稍向侧方倾斜,眼向侧方有力偷看,口闭紧,Think:The head slightly lower.There are a few wrinkles at the forehead.Bent ones brows and the ey

8、es look downward to the bottom.Close the mouth tightly.思考:头稍低屈,额部出现轻度皱纹,眉皱紧,眼向前下方望,口闭紧.,Surprise:The head slightly upper,the eyebrows frown a little tight,and there are deep wrinkles between the forehead and mouth widely,which is slightly downward.惊愕:头稍上抬,眉略皱紧上昂,额部及眉间纵横纹加深,眼张开有力前望,口有力张开,口

9、角向下.,Sneer:the forehead has a few shallows,and the lower eyelid lifted,the brows raised.The eyes look side ways.The mouth open slightly and downwards.嘲笑:额部有浅的皱纹,眉头上升,下睑吊起,眼斜视对象,口微张开,口角向下。,Expect:The head up to side,the eyes look at one side,the lower eyelid lifted,the mouth ajar,the upper teeth can

10、be seen.期盼:头斜向上仰,眼向侧上方望,下睑吊起,口微开,可见上齿,Gesture is a particular language that you use the position of the palms and fingers to communicate with others.,Gesture,thumb up the appreciation of something;be grateful to somebody;be ready for something.,Common Gestures,Common Gestures,Scrape your chin with y

11、our forefinger以食指背刮下巴,有如刮胡子一般,这是法国人特有的手势,女性对不喜欢的追求者表示拒绝时常用。常可在咖啡厅见到法国美女一面微笑一面以手指刮下巴,非常迷人可爱,而追求者一见,也多会识趣的走开。这个动作原始意思就是令人厌烦的,因为在法语中剃刀与厌烦同义,所以巧妙的以剃刀表达了自己不喜欢之意。Translate this part into English,Common Gestures,V-gestureIt stems from England and means victory.,Common Gestures,OK-gesture1 No problems,ready

12、 2 fine 3 zero,disagee(south France),Basketball Gestures,Obstruction阻挡:akimbo 双手叉腰 knock hands打手:make your left hands 90 degrees and knock it with right handspush推人:push your hands back and forward,2-3 timeswalk走步:clench your hands,roll back and forward Get one point:stretch out forefinger,remains 1

13、-2 seconds Get two points:stretch out forefinger and middle finger Get three points:hold high your hands,stretch out thumb,forefinger and middle finger Invalid score:cross your hands across the chest,Traffic Gestures,1、stop停止信号Make your left hands135 degrees with your body,make you palm parallel wit

14、h the body 2、turn the left左转弯信号 make your right hands 90 degrees with your body,weave your left hands 3、turn the right右转弯信号 make your left hands 90 degrees with your body,weave your right hands4、slow the speed减速慢行信号stretch your left arm,make it 135 degrees,weave your right hands 5、pull over示意车辆靠边停车信

15、号make your left arm 135 degrees with the body,and make right arm 45 degrees,weave the right arm,The importance Of Body language,Enhancing your attraction Transmiting the information Improving your communication skills Seting up your first impression Affecting the mood,Enhancing your attraction,A goo

16、d posture and outstanding body language will help you win much more rude scholar and one graceful man,which one would you prefer for.,Transmiting the information,When participates in a interview,you possibly think that you are very self-confident,but your restless body language wil

17、l disclose you attention to your body language.It can earn you a chance and it can also make you lose one without conscious.,Inproving your communication skills,Improving your body language is an effective way to improve your communication skills.,Seting up your first impression,First im

18、pession is quite important.A good body language can earn you a good impression.,The metheds of improving body language,Do not hold both hands before chest or lift one leg on the other.Keep eye contacts with pople,but do not stare at them.Keep distances with each other,do not shut tightly the both fe

19、et and relax your shoulder to show your confident.Nod your head slightly to show your respect when others are expressing their opinions.Lean forward your body to express your interest when you are interested in others speech.,Do not touch your face from time to time because it will make you be more

20、nervous.Make sure the line of vision horizontally.Do not concentrate the vision in ground that will cause a feeling of distrust.Slow down you step to give yourself more time and space to think.Should not be uneasy whether sitting or standing Finally,you must certainly maintain the good manner all the time in your daily life.,Well done.Thax for your great effort.Your slides will be better if:Shorten your PPt into no more than 20 slidesa outline is expectedShorten the long sentences into simple ones or phrasesSpelling mistakes should be checkedThe quotes should have the references by Ye,Zhang,


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