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1、Improvement of ACC and Indirect Air Cooling直接空冷与间接空冷的技术改进,Beijing GEA Energietechnik Co.,Ltd.北京基伊埃能源技术有限公司,EGI Cooling SystemTrading(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.亿吉埃冷却系统贸易(北京)有限公司,GEA 集 团,GEA集团(Global Engineering Alliance,即:全球工程联盟)是一个在全球50多个国家成功运营的大型工程技术集团,总部位于德国波鸿市,在全球拥有超过2万名雇员,年营业收入超过50亿欧元。GEA集团将其技术广泛应用于能源、化学及

2、石化、食品、空气处理、造船以及医药和美容等行业。GEA集团股份公司在德国法兰克福上市,是MDAX指数成份股。GEA是空冷发电技术的发明者,自1920年代以来一直致力于电力冷却技术的开发、研究与工程应用,始终保持世界领先地位,并于1980年代进入中国,致力于中国能源工业所需的上述技术和产品的推广和应用。,GEA集团组织结构,直接空冷ACC,间接空冷,Innovation of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术最新进展,主讲人:彭 纯,Beijing GEA Energietechnik Co.,Ltd.北京基伊埃能源技术有限公司,北京基伊埃能源技术有限公司,德国GEA集团在华独资企业,拥有雄

3、厚的技术和管理能力,在中国全面从事发电冷却技术和产品(空冷凝汽系统、水冷塔系统及烟塔系统等)的设计、制造、成套、营销、项目执行和售后服务。,公司组织结构,公司在北京建有设计和项目管理中心,在廊坊和太原等地建有生产制造基地,并在上海设有分公司,在中国全面从事发电冷却技术和产品(空冷凝汽系统、水冷塔系统及烟塔系统等)的设计、制造、成套、营销、项目执行和售后服务。,公司产品范围,电站干式冷却系统空冷凝汽系统(ACC)湿式冷却系统自然通风冷却塔核电超大自然塔排烟式自然塔(烟塔合一)海水自然塔机械通风冷却塔 辅助通风自然塔组合冷却系统干湿混合式却塔干湿并行冷却系统(PAC),在全世界范围内正在运行的空冷

4、系统中,近700台套为GEA设计和建造;作为直接空冷凝汽发电技术的发明者,GEA公司已在全球范围内拥有共计45台套600MW等级以上直接空冷系统业绩,其中中国大陆地区28台套,并已有13台套完成性能验收;GEA公司是第一个在中国大陆地区拥有大型直接空冷凝气系统业绩的厂商,包括国家发改委确立的空冷发电示范项目国电大同发电有限公司2x600MW 发电工程;,GEA公司所发明的世界上第一套发电用直接空冷凝汽系统于1939年在德国鲁尔矿区投运,至今仍可运行,南非马廷巴电厂(6X665 MW)目前世界上最大容量的空冷电厂,空冷凝汽系统(ACC),Improvement of large ACCs超大型空

5、冷岛技术改进,Matimba ACC layout马廷巴电厂实拍(1991),What is recirculation?热风再循环现象,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,横向风倒灌,纵向风旋涡,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,At Matimba turbine trips were experienced during westerly winds(i.e.winds coming over the boiler+turbine hall t

6、owards the ACC.在马廷巴项目中,汽机跳闸发生在炉后来风的情况下After exhaustive CFD work on the Matimba ACC these problems could be ascribed to:根据经过大量CFD研究,马廷巴的问题原因可以归结如下:Fans stalling due to high crossflow velocities under the outer fans of units 1 to 6 ACC的外侧风机在下部横切风较大时,出现风机失速现象,从而导致风机出力下降。Poor breathing of the ACC due to

7、 small air inlet openings on the W side of the ACC(turbine hall side)ACC与汽机房相隔太近,影响了该侧进风。Recirculation of hot air during periods with W winds 炉后来风时存在热风再循环现象These problems with the Matimba ACC were alleviated by modifying some cladding at turbine hall and ACC thereby increasing air inlet to ACC通过在汽机房

8、外墙上开通风窗的措施,改善空冷岛进风状态,马廷巴电厂的上述问题得到一定程度的减轻。,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Medupi ACC vs Matimba ACC 米都比与马廷巴空冷岛参数对比,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,As a result of Eskoms experience with the Matimba ACC the Medupi ACC performance guarantees had to cover wind speeds between 0m/s and 9m/s and al

9、l wind directions.根据马廷巴项目的经验,米都比项目空冷岛性能保证需满足各风向上风速在0m/s 到 9m/s 的要求For the Medupi ACC four special features were incorporated to improve the ACCs thermal performance during windy conditions:米都比项目针对风力影响问题采取了如下技术措施:Feature 1:Gap between the turbine hall and the ACC增大空冷岛与汽机房间距Feature 2:The use of a wind

10、cross on ground level below the ACC在空冷岛内0米处设置十字交叉导风板Feature 3:Solid walkway around the outside of wind walls on deck level 步梯在平台上的部分设在挡风墙外Feature 4:Using fans with larger pressure margin选用大风压裕度风机,The effect of these proposed features were tested extensively using CFD investigations by GET and Aeroth

11、erm.大量数模试验的证明以上技术措施是有效的。,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Matimba PS ACC马廷巴空冷岛,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Medupi PS ACC米都比空冷岛,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Medupi ACC layout 米都比空冷岛布置图(数模分析),Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 1:gap between the turbine hall and the ACC(to im

12、prove breathing of ACC during operation with W wind)特点1:增大空冷岛与汽机房间距(改善炉后风占主导时的空冷岛进风情况),gap,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 2:The use of a windcross on ground level below the ACC(ensures good air flow though the complete ACC during non-W wind)特点2:在空冷岛内内0米处设置十字交叉的导风板(保证非炉后风时空冷岛进风状况),这种设计对无

13、风状态无负面影响,也易于实现。,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 3:solid walkway around the outside of windwalls(reduces recirculation for all wind directions)特点3:空冷平台以上部分的步道设在挡风墙外(减小各风向的热风再循环),Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 3(cont.):solid walkway around the outside of windwalls(reduces reci

14、rculation for all wind directions)特点3(续):空冷平台以上部分的步道设在挡风墙外(对减小各风向的热风再循环有一定的效果),Note effect of solid walkway in preventing recirculation步道对防止热风再循环的影响,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 4:34 ft 8-bladed low noise fan vs 34 ft 8-bladed standard fan特点4:低噪声风机(34ft的8叶片)与标准风机(34ft的8叶片)的比较,Standard

15、 fan(similar to Matimba fan)标准风机(类似于马廷巴采用风机)725mm chord length弦长725mm15%pressure margin15%风压裕度,Low noise fan(Medupi)低噪声风机(米都比采用)1250mm chord length(+72%)弦长1250mm(增大72%)86%pressure margin 86%风压裕度,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Feature 4(cont.):34 ft 8-bladed low noise fan vs 34 ft 8-bladed stand

16、ard fan特点4(续):用低噪音风机(34ft的8叶片),Note higher air outlet temperature indicating reduced airflow as a result of crossflow on leading fans 较高的风温表示首排风机受横切风影响导致该处冷却空气风量减少,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Inclined duct designY型排汽管道布置(倾斜式管道布置)专利设计,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Inclined duct designY型

17、排汽管道布置专利设计,专利技术 侵权必究,-State of the Art-传统的技术发展-Duct routing with angle 角管路布置,90,-GEA Innovation-GEA 的革新-Duct routing with soft angle 缓置,90,10-30,10-30,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Steam,Steam,Bad steam distribution较差的蒸汽配送High pressure loss 较高的压损“Past“过去,GEA PATENTGEA 专利,Results of computer an

18、imated steam flow simulation蒸汽流动的计算机动画仿真结果,“GEA Present Praxis“GEA专利实现”Optimal steam distribution最优的蒸汽配送Minimized pressure loss 压损减至最低,Improvement of steam flow蒸汽流动改善,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Easy and quick erection简易和快捷的安装,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Customer benefits during fabr

19、ication,shipping and erectionfor a 2x600MW GEA Air Cooled Condenser:以一个2600MW GEA 空冷凝汽系统为例,列举用户在制造、运输和安装方面所获得的效益:Figures below shall be used as reference only:下列数值仅供参考:Saving of duct material incl.erection labour 200ton 2,000,000 RMB 节省管材(包括人工)约200吨:Saving of platform steel structure 20ton 节省平台钢结构约

20、20 吨:170,000 RMB Saving of shipping cost 节省相应运输成本:60,000 RMB-Total cost saving for customer/用户方面总的成本节省:2,230,000 RMBEnd user benefits of GEAs ACC GEA 斜型管径设计的益处:Minimized pressure loss with optimum of steam distribution 在最优的蒸汽分布状态下取得最小的蒸汽压损 Reduced cost of Exhaust Steam Duct and shorter erection time

21、 排汽管道成本减少且安装工期缩短,Benefits of GEAs inclined duct routing GEA 斜型管径设计的益处,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,World-Wide/世界范围:Power Plant:Power output:Duct diameter:Country:Year of const.:电站:出力:管道直径:国家:建设年份:Amorebieta1x 800MW1x DN 8000Spain2003Altomonte1x 770MW1x DN 7000Italy2003Voghera1x 400MW1x DN 500

22、0Italy2003Candela1x 380MW1x DN 5200Italy2003Tynagh1x 400MW1x DN 5600Ireland2004Kogan Creek2x 500MW2x DN 6000Australia2005Aluar1x 300MW1x DN 5600Argentina2006Catalagzi1x 150MW1x DN 5000Turkey2006Medupi 6x 800MWSouth Africa在建Within China/中国国内:Power Plant:Power output:Duct diameter:Country:Year of cons

23、t.:电站:出力:管道直径:国家:建设年份:Tuoketuo III+IV4x 600MW2x DN 6000China2004/2006Taiyuan 22x 300MW2x DN 5500China2005Lingwu2x 600MW2x DN 6000China2005Jinjie I+II4x 600MW2x DN 6000China2005/2007Hancheng2x 600MW2x DN 6000China2006Baiyinhua2x 600MW2x DN 6000China2006,Reference List of GEAs patented duct routing de

24、signGEA 管路专利设计的已有业绩清单,Improvement of large ACCs超大型空冷岛技术改进,Conclusions 总结,ACCs experience a number of problems when operating in windy conditions.These problems are compounded on ACC with large decks,e.g.the ACCs serving multi-unit power stations.大风对空冷岛运行影响较大,尤其当空冷平台较大时(如多机组并排、超大容量机组等);As part of the

25、 Medupi ACC project,four different ACC design features to mitigate the effect of wind were identified and evaluated.米都比项目中,经过CFD验证和评估,通过采取四项技术措施,可以减轻大风的不利影响;If the Medupi ACC has been built with a layout similar to that of the Matimba ACC(i.e.without a large gap between turbine hall,without wind cro

26、ss,etc.)the Medupi ACC would have to have needed to be approximately 10%to 15%larger.如果米都比采用类似于马廷巴的方案(与汽机房间距小;没有交叉导风板等),则空冷岛将增大约10%15%.The inclined duct design reduces the exhaust duct pressure drop and safes material and labour costs.Y型排汽管道专利设计减小排汽管压阻、节省大管道用量、减少安装人工用量。,期待与您的合作,谢谢大家!,北京基伊埃能源技术有限公司电话:+86-10-65907049 传真:+86-10-65907048网址:www.get-,Improvement of Indirect Air Cooling间接空冷技术改进,主讲人:Zsolt Forray(Sales Manager),EGI Cooling SystemTrading(Beijing)Co.,Ltd.亿吉埃冷却系统贸易(北京)有限公司,


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