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1、Unit 2,Jobs and Responsibilities,The Second Period,Learning Objectives,After completing this lesson,students should be able to:describe positions or departments in a company;describe jobs and responsibilities;express likes and dislikes about jobs.,U2,Unit 2 Contents,U2,Part I Warm-up,Chinese version

2、s of jobs and positions:Key:,U2,president/chairman董事会主席/总裁2)CEO(Chief Executive Officer)/Managing Director首席执行官3)COO(Chief Operations Officer)首席运营官4)sales manager销售经理5)Personnel p:snel manager人事部经理/人力资源主管6)Finance fainns director财务经理,Part I Warm-up,U2,7)marketing manager营销经理/主管8)office manager办公室经理/

3、主任9)production manager生产部经理10)catering ketr supervisor餐饮主管11)Receptionist rsepnst 接待员12)air hostess/steward stjud 空中小姐/乘务员13)Electrician ilektrin 电工,Part I Warm-up,U2,14)general manager总经理15)Typist taipist 打字员16)Accountant kauntnt 会计17)Architect:kitekt 建筑师18)Cashier ki 出纳员19)Auditor:dit 审计员20)sales

4、representative销售代表21)PR consultant knsltnt 公关顾问22)Bartender b:tend 酒吧服务员,Part I Warm-up,Professional:electrician,accountant,architect,cashier,auditor,sales representative,PR consultant Service:air hostess/steward,bartenderAdministrative:president/chairman,CEO/Managing Director,COO,sales manager,pers

5、onnel manager,finance director,marketing manager,office manager,production manager,catering supervisor,general manager Clerical:receptionist,typist,U2,2.Classifying the jobs:Key:,Part II Listening and Speaking,Task 1 How is your job?,U2,I havent seen you for years the Research and Development Depart

6、ment the cosmetics company,Vocabulary,Part II Listening and Speaking,Task 1 How is your job?,U2,I havent seen you for years what do you do now Im in the Research and Development Department 4)I knew youd do something very challenging and creative 5)I sometimes stay in the office after work to deal wi

7、th unfinished tasks 6)I am still the accountant of that cosmetics company,1.Listen to the conversation and fill in the blanks.Key:,The Second Session,Teaching purposes:After completing this session,Ss should be able to:Describe jobs and responsibilities;Describe their position and responsibilities i

8、n a companyDescribe a companys organization;Express likes and dislikes about jobs,Job Descriptions and Titles,Chairman/Chairlady/Chairperson董事长、董事会主席 Person who presides over meetings of the Board.The Board comprises both internal and external high-level senior executives who have final and(over-rid

9、ing绝对的)authority on all business matters of the company.CEO首席执行官 Chief Executive Officer,responsible for(developing and implementing制定和实施)the vision of the company公司的愿景 and its business goals.,Revision:,CFO首席财务官 Chief Financial Officer,responsible for managing all financial matters.Reports to the CE

10、OCMO首席营销官 Chief Marketing Officer,responsible for driving marketing and sales activities.Reports to the CEO.President Can be an overlapping(双重)title and synonymous with Chairman and CEO.Highest level or rank within many companies.,Sales Manager,Work with a team of salespeople to secure both new and

11、old business and to deepen existing business relationships;Monitor,encourage,advises and direct sales activities of individual sales staff in order to achieve revenue 收益targetDefine and plan the different steps of a project,and allocate responsibilities within the overall project framework to achiev

12、e timely and cost-effective project completion.,Financial Director,Be responsible for all accounting,financial and taxation税收 mattersHelp different departments with annual budgeting and spending projections.Arrange for internal and external audits审计;ensure checks and balances on spendingControl and

13、safeguard company assets set资产,develop levels of authority for expense review and approval.,HR Manager,Support the business head in setting strategy,direction and objectives with regard to personnel;Be responsible for hiring appropriate personnelIdentify,interpret and apply key performance indicator

14、s and monitor business managers use of such indicatorsReviews and evaluate proposals for job regrading,training,promotion,transfer,and salary progression with respect to business needs and internal relativity.,Channel Sales Manager 渠道销售经理Job ResponsibilitiesPlan Oversea travelling is required.,Part

15、II Listening and Speaking,Task 2 Describing jobs,U2,resource allocation lkein(资源分配)budget requirements(预算经费)creating(组建)and managing the R&D teamsExecution eksikju:n执行Recruiting rikru:t rikru:t 招聘motivatingcompetent kmpitnt motivated staff of employees 激励员工,Vocabulary,Research and development,9)sele

16、cting,developing and managing选择,开发和管理 10)cost-effective 有成本效益的;划算的 11)on time 12)of good quality上等的,优质的13)human and material resources 14)training needs培训需求 15)continuous improvement 持续发展,U2,Task 2 Describing jobs,personnel management developing markets planning execution sales targets team performa

17、nce customer base customer satisfaction,Listen and fill in the blanks.Key:,U2,Part II Listening and Speaking,Task 2 Describing jobs,U2,be in charge ofbe responsible forV-ing,What are the key words in describing your job?,Part language focus,Video 1 Introducing titles and responsibilities,U2,the Admi

18、nistration Departmentthe Neighborhood Service DepartmentMarketing Department and the Sales Departmentrave about speak of the devilclientreport directly to youmanagement accounts(管理会计)financial accounts(财务会计)data processing,Vocabulary,Part IV Viewing and Speaking,Video 1 Introducing titles and respon

19、sibilities,Watch the video and match the names with their responsibilities.Key:,U2,Viewing,Part IV Viewing and Speaking,2.Watch the video again and fill in the blanks in the chart.Key:,U2,The third period,Teaching goals:After completing this period,students should be able to:Know types of Business o

20、rganizationsexpress likes and dislikes about jobs.,Types of Business organizations,乡镇企业 Township enterprise国有企业 State-owned enterprise私营企业 Privately-owned enterprise独资企业 Solely/wholly owned enterprise外资企业 Foreign capital enterprise,Video 2 Do you like your job?Pre-viewing,中外合资企业 Sino-foreign joint v

21、enture跨国公司 Multinational/international/transnational corporation/company集团公司 Group company有限公司 Limited company母公司 Parent company,子公司 Subsidiary/affiliate company控股公司 Holding company上市公司 Listed/quoted company实业公司 Industrial corporation咨询公司 Consultancy/consulting company,1.Read the chart and match the

22、 organizations with their descriptions.Key:,U2,Pre-viewing,CAFEBGD,U2,Part IV Viewing and Speaking,Video 2 Do you like your job?,U2,wholly全部地 funded American companya self-employed entrepreneur ntrprn:自己雇佣的企业主 a Sino-Japanese joint-venture enterprisea sales assistantexport sales eksp:t seilz an adve

23、rtising executive广告主管 a real job-hopperPMC Textile Plant PMC纺织厂(Production Material Control)Line Supervisor生产线主管 The salary and benefits are OK.purchase stock 收购股票 working hours,Vocabulary,它被我们俗称为“跳蚤”,是指一个人频繁地变换工作,通常在每家公司工作时间不超过两年,频繁地跳动。,Differentiate difrenieit,Pre-viewing,Video 2 Do you like your

24、job?,1.Watch the video and write each persons job under the picture.Key:,Viewing,U2,Jerome,Robin,Collin,Frank,Janet,2.Watch the video again and note down each persons likes and dislikes about the job.Key:,U2,Speaking activity,U2,Make up a conversation to describe your dream job to your partner.In your description there should be the title,the responsibilities of the job,and the reasons why you like it.,作文号为:249836,Thank You!,


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