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1、计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,1,IS5003 Seminar 6,IS Strategy&Planning,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,2,Story One,The CEO of an insurance company wonders why a key competitor seems so much more innovative and responsive to customer needs.“How do they manage to initiate,customize,and support such a variety o

2、f insurance products so quickly?”she asks.“We could not cope with the complex information processing that must be required!What are they doing differently with their people and technology?Our systems personnel are always bogged down with last years priorities”,Chan,MISQE,1,2,97-112.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多

3、媒体培训课件友情提供,3,Analysis,The competitor:has developed core competence in the application of IS to business needs.has developed the ability to respond to business conditions effectively(business intelligence+KM)has employees who can apply relevant knowledge efficiently&effectively.are focused on todays

4、taskshas identified information as a critical resourceensures that the IS fits and supports the businesshas,in consequence,a better Business-IS alignment,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,4,Story Two,A CIO wonders when he will be accepted at top management meetings.Although he has won a long,hard battle to

5、 be present at these meetings,to understand new business directions better,he senses that his presence is merely tolerated.His ideas have little clout.His colleagues acknowledge that IT is becoming increasingly important to business operations,but their thinking and behavior stifle innovation.,Chan,

6、MISQE,2,1,97-112.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,5,Analysis,The organisation itself barely recognises the importance of informationThe CIO is marginalised perhaps useful as someone important for operational support,but not strategic planning.The organisation is probably failing to align its overall busi

7、ness direction with its IS policies,skills,capabilities,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,6,Core Competence in IS,A core competence can be defined as business or IS knowledge/expertise required to create,design,develop&maintain an application of value to the organisation.Core competencies can be(Past)Curre

8、ntFuture,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,7,Competence Examples,Programming&application development skillsProject management skillsIntegrated knowledge of our business from both strategic and IS perspectivesIncluding KM and BI capabilityProduct design skillsThe ability to use IT/IS to create new products

9、so as to ensure firm competitiveness,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,8,Questions to Ask about IS,Is IS integral to your organisation,or peripheral?Does IS drive your organisations competitiveness?Is your IS mission-critical,or only supporting?Are significant resources devoted to IS,or just a few$here and

10、 there?Are IS people deeply engaged in many aspects of your business?What is/should be the future role of IS in your organisation?,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,9,Support,Strategic Impact of Planned Systems,Low,High,High,Low,StrategicImpact ofExistingSystems,Strategic Grid,McFarlan et al.,1983,计算机 经济学

11、网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,10,Strategic Grid,The Strategic Grid is a diagnostic tool to understand the role of IS in an organisation.An organisations position in the grid explains the needed level of top management involvement and the relationship between IS planning and organisational planning.If there are

12、 incompatibilities between existing systems and future needs,then this is a call to action.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,11,Strategic Grid,Support:IS Applications(ISAs)are useful in supporting organisational activities,but are not vital to critical operations,nor are they part of future strategic oper

13、ations.Factory:ISAs are vital to the succesful functioning of activities,but are not part of future strategic operations.,Davis&Olson,1984,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,12,Strategic Grid,Turnaround:The organisation has had Support-type operations,but is now planning for ISAs vital to the strategic succ

14、ess of the organisation.Strategic:ISAs are critical to the current and future competitive strategy.,Davis&Olson,1984,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,13,Strategic Grid-Companies,Where does CLP fit on the grid?Is IT essential,strategic,?How about CX?OOCL?HSBC?The HK Post Office?Traditionally almost zero IT

15、 support,but now responsible for eCerts,online trading,HK Govt?,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,14,What about Risks?,Risks are involved in different aspects of an IS/IT portfolio.The level of the risk depends on the importance of the IS/IT to the organisationRisks apply to software&applications,hardware,

16、networks,procedures,and people&culture.Each competence needs to be risk-assessed.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,15,The Consequences of Poor Business-IS Alignment?,Competencies are not developed,promoted or managed.Risks are poorly assessed(if at all).Business executives cannot clearly articulate their

17、IS needs and dont really understand what IS is for.IS people have limited business vision or knowledge.IS investments are expensive and yield low returns.We have 25 different(unintegrated)CRM systems!First rate ideas from first rate people are not developed appropriately(or at all).,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多

18、媒体培训课件友情提供,16,Then What is(IS)Alignment?,“the degree to which the IT mission,objectives and plans support and are supported by the business mission,objectives and plans”Reich&Benbasat,MISQ,24,1,p.82“fit”&“integration”among business strategy,IT strategy,business infrastructure,and IT infrastructure.H

19、enderson&Venkatraman,IBMSJ,32,1,4-16Effective IS management requires a both a balance and effective alignment across four domains.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,17,Henderson&Venkatramans Strategic Alignment Model,Adapted from Henderson&Venkatraman,1992,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,18,Problems and Possibi

20、lities,How can we align IS and the Business?How can we balance the different activities?By changing the outlookMaking$is not the only responsibility!There are other stakeholders to be considered as well.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,19,Who are the Multiple Stakeholders?,To be the supplier of choice by

21、 fulfilling service requirements and expectations of customers.To be the employer of choice by creating opportunity and providing fair reward for employees.To be an admired corporate citizen by respecting the interests of the community.To be the investment of choice by providing maximum long-term va

22、lue of equity for shareholders.To be the partner of choice by ensuring maximum mutual benefit for business partners.,s missions are,Martinsons,2005,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,20,The Balanced Scorecard,One way to go about this alignment,this balancing of activities and people,is to use the Balanced S

23、corecard(Kaplan&Norton,1996).The BSC was designed,in recognition of the limitations of financial accounting measures:They provide a narrow and incomplete picture of business performanceThey hinder the creation of future business valueThey are lagging not leading measures,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,2

24、1,Financial PerspectiveAre we meeting the expectations of shareholders?,Customer PerspectiveAre we delighting(or at least satisfying)our customers?,Internal Process PerspectiveAre we doing the right things?Are we doing things right?,Learning and Growth PerspectiveAre we prepared for the future?,Adap

25、ted from Kaplan&Norton(1992),Perspectives&Relationships in the Balanced Scorecard,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,22,Translating the Vision into Desired Outcomes,VISIONIntended Direction/Destination,Balanced ScorecardWhat do we want to achieve?,STRATEGYHow will we achieve“success”?,Strategic InitiativesW

26、hat do we need to do?,Personal InitiativesWhat do I need to do?,DESIRED OUTCOMESSatisfied ShareholdersDelighted CustomersEffective&Efficient ProcessesMotivated&Prepared Workforce,Martinsons,2005,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,23,From Desired Outcomes to Initiatives,Motivated&Prepared Workforce,Motivatio

27、n,Preparation,What initiatives will improve employee motivation?better prepare employees?but also what initiatives will create more efficient/effective processes?delight customers?,Martinsons,2005,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,24,MTR Corporate Strategy Map,Talent,Leadership,Manpower&Succession,Strategi

28、cAlignment,Partnering&Teamwork,Employee Satisfaction,Culture,Organisational Capability,Customer,Processes,Financial,Learning&Growth,MTR,2005,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,25,Southwest Airlines,Southwest uses a different balanced scorecard layout to achieve the same kind of planning objective.Note the d

29、etailed objectives,measures,targets,and initiatives.This is a general BSC not IS specific but note that IS will play a critical support role, data collection/analysis.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,26,Airline Scorecard Parameters,Objectives:What the strategy is trying to achieve,Targets,30 Minute

30、s90%,Targets:The level of performance or rate of improve-ment needed,Cycle time optimization,Initiatives:Key action programs required to achieve targets,Initiatives,Measures,On Ground TimeOn-Time Departure,Measures:How success or failure is monitored,Strategic Theme:Operating Efficiency,Profits and

31、RONA,Financial,Learning,Ground crew alignment,Lowest prices,Fewer planes,Customer,Internal,Fast ground turnaround,Strategy Map,On-time Service,Attract&Retain More Customers,Grow Revenues,Wagner,2003,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,27,%Ground crew trained%Ground crew stockholders,The Scorecard is a Progra

32、mme for Action,Objectives,Measures,#CustomersFAA On Time Arrival RatingMarket Survey,On Ground TimeOn-Time Departure,Strategic Theme:Operating Efficiency,Initiatives,Cycle time optimization,Ground crew trainingESOP,Customer loyalty programQuality management,Targets,30%CAGR20%CAGR5%CAGR,12%growthRank

33、ed#1Ranked#1,30 Minutes90%,yr.1 70%yr.3 90%yr.5 100%,ProfitabilityGrow RevenuesFewer planes,More Customers Flight is on-timeLowest prices,Fast ground turnaround,Ground crew alignment,Strategic Theme:Operations Excellence,Profits and RONA,Financial,Learning,Ground crew alignment,Fewer planes,Customer

34、,Internal,Fast ground turnaround,Strategy Map,Attract&Retain More Customers,Grow Revenues,Lowest prices,On-time Service,Wagner,2003,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,28,Balanced Scorecards with Traffic Lights!,The colour of the lights shows how good or healthy we are now.The colour of the arrows shows whic

35、h direction we are likely to be going.,Financials,http:/,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,29,“Struggling Airlines”,Financials,Customers,Process,Preparation,Adapted from Wagner,2004,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,30,Four Perspectives(for example),Profitability,+Revenues,Fewer Planes,Lower salaries?,More custom

36、ers,Flightson time?,Lowest Prices,Good food,Ground turnaround,Gate time,Taxi time,Runway queue time,Ground crew alignment,ATC/ParkingLiaison,Trainers,Hiring Policies,Financials,Customers,Processes,Learning,Adapted from Wagner,2004,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,31,IS dept is an internal service supplier

37、IS projects are carried out for end-users and the organisation Four Perspectives for ISbusiness valueinternal processes user orientationfuture readiness,What About a Balanced IS Scorecard?,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,32,Business Value PerspectiveAre we satisfying management?Are we adding value?,User

38、PerspectiveAre we delighting(or at least satisfying)our users?,Internal Process PerspectiveAre we doing the right things?Are we doing things right?,Future Readiness PerspectiveAre we ready for the emerging technologies&practices?,The Balanced IS Scorecard,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,33,Extension to t

39、he BSCinnovation and learning(future readiness)the specifics of monitoring and control(key measures)Measuring and evaluating business valueshort-term cost-benefit evaluationcost control,selling to third partieslong-term perspective(based on information economics)business value of IT project,strategi

40、c options and risksbusiness value of IT department/functional area,Measuring and Evaluating IS(1),计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,34,Measuring and evaluating user orientationmetrics for being the preferred supplier of applications and operationsmetrics for building and maintaining relationships with user

41、smetrics for satisfying end-user needs,Measuring and Evaluating IS(2),计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,35,Measuring and evaluating internal processesThe planning and prioritization of IS projectsThe development of new IT applicationsThe operation and maintenance of current IT applications Measuring and ev

42、aluating future readinessImproving the skill set of IS specialistsUpdating the applications portfolioPutting effort into researching emerging technologies,Measuring and Evaluating IS(3),计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,36,Develop awareness of the BSC/IS conceptCollect and analyse dataDefine company-specif

43、ic objectives&goalsDevelop preliminary BSC/ISSolicit stakeholder comments and feedbackReach a consensus on BSC/ISCommunicate both BSC/IS and its underlying rationale to all stakeholders,Building a Balanced IS Scorecard(1),计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,37,Three principles for BSCCause-and-effectPerforma

44、nce driversLinkage to financial measures Three criteria for BSC/IS metricsquantifiableeasy to understandcost-effective to measureOne over-riding concernEnsure that the BSC/IS is aligned with the corporate BSC,Building a Balanced IS Scorecard(2),计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,38,BSC for the IS Support Un

45、it of a Global Shipping Firm,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,39,Activity Questions for Slide 38,1.Suggest suitable internal process objectives,measures,targets and initiatives.2.Explain why the user perspective initiative may not result in the the intended objectives being achieved.3.How does the label“u

46、ser perspective”constrain the work that the IS support unit does?4.Why is it so critical that the IS support unit establish relationships between initiatives and objectives in its BSC?5.How should this BSC/IS be aligned with the corporate BSC?,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,40,Errors to Avoidfailure to

47、include specific long-term objectivesfailure to relate key measures to performance drivers by means of cause-and-effect relationshipsfailure to communicate the contents of,and rationale for the BSC/ISfailure to integrate the BSC/IS with a corporate BSCAll employees should be encouraged to use the BS

48、C to gain a holistic understanding of the organisation,Lessons 1,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,41,Lessons 2,Critical Success FactorsIdentify key cause-effect relationships,performance drivers and measuresThis is very hard for non-financial/quantifiable measuresMake measures simple and measurableVery ha

49、rd to collect reliable data,but IS can helpMaintain intra-organisational communicationLink BSC/IS to performance appraisal criteria for individual IS specialistsEnsure staff awareness of the BSC and its value.,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,42,Are the perspectives and measures necessary and sufficient?H

50、ow do cultural and institutional factors affect the BSC/IS?What are the experiences of your companies?,What Else?,计算机 经济学 网络信息传媒 多媒体培训课件友情提供,43,And Now,Time for you to create a BSC for the IS function of a company with which you are familiarUse the blank sheet available from the course web page and


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