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1、,英语国际音标,音标的由来,No pain,no gain,一分耕耘,一分收获。,音标的家,简写,正规,只有两堵墙!,以天为棚,以草为席,音素和国际音标 1什么是音素:音素是语音的最小单位。2音素的分类:元音和辅音。3音素的个数:共48个,元音音素20个,辅 音音 素28个。4什么是音标:记录音素的符号叫做音标。5什么是国际音标:国际音标是由国际语音 协会规定的一套音标,用来 记录世界各主要语言的语音。7.开音节:a)辅音+元音+辅音+e:name,bike,home,due,plane,shine b)辅音+元音:he,go,hi,do,be,tree,three,hello8.闭音节:a)

2、辅音+元音+辅音:bad,bed,sit,hot,cup,let,mad,map b)元音+辅音:it,is,of,in,on,up,out,ant9.重读音节:单词中发音特别响亮的音节。,英语音标发音规则,a b c d e f G h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z,所有的单词有一个共同的特点:,单词都是由字母构成的,b c d f G h j k l m n p q r s t v w x z,26个字母去掉5个元音字母和1个半元音字母,还有20个辅音字母,3、15个发音不变化的辅音字母,4、5个发音有变化的辅音字母,先记5个变化的辅音字母,c,G

3、,q,x,s,月(c)如钩(G),求(q)你别(x)睡(s)。,怎么去记住各类字母?,ship wish bush/ip/wi/bu/,我们称这些象兄弟一样不分离的特别的“字母”叫“字母组合”!,例如:ph/f/ck/k/sh/ss/s/,观察出下面的单词中有什么特别的“字母”.,发音不变化的辅音字母的发音规律是什么呢?,zoo zip pub but wet/zu:/zip/pb/bt/wet/,b/b/d/d/f/f/h/h/k/k/l/l/m/m/n/n/p/p/t/t/w/w/z/z/r/r/v/v/,发音不变化的辅音字母在单词中出现时它们的发音规律如下:,发音不变化的辅音字母有15个

4、,这里只有 14个?,少了字母 j,1发音不变化的辅音字母在单词中出现时它们的发音是唯一的;,2发音不变化的辅音字母在单词中出现时,它们的发音所对应音标的写法和字母本身的写法是很相似的。,jet/det/jam/dm/jeep/d i:p/,发音不变化的辅音字母 j 的发音规律是?,1 字母 j 的发音也不变化,发/d/;2 字母 j 的发音所对应音标的写法和字母 j 是不一样的。,规则一:,例1:两个不同的子音字母在一起时;例2:两个相同的子音字母在一起时:例外:两个子音字母都发音,典型范例:write(r)rait know(n)nu sign(n)saindamn(m)dm bomb(m

5、)bm,两个子音字母在一起时,有时只发其中一个子音字母的音。,例外:lift ftaccept kshammer m,子音,子音,诅咒,铁锤,规则二:,例1:发第一个母音字母的基本音;例2:发第二个母音字母的基本音:,典型范例:aim eimboat but peoplepi:pl sea si:soul sul,两个母音字母在一起时,通常只发其中一个母音字母的基本音。,母音,母音,thief i:f great greit,规则三:,例如:下述单字中母音发长音:例外:有的单字中母音发短音:,典型范例:able eibleagle i:glpeople pi:pltitle taitlnobl

6、enubl,“单子音字母+le”结构前的母音通常发“长”的音。,单子音字母,le,母音,例外:possible i couple,贵族,鹰,规则四:,例1:a发长音;例2:e发长音;例3:i发长音;例4:o发长音;例5:u发长音;例外:其前的母音字母有时发“短”音:,典型范例:bake beikdene di:nbike baikcode kudassumesju:m,“单一子音字母(除r外)+e”结尾时,则其前的母音字母发“长”音。,例外:have safe,沙丘,编码;代号,假定,规则五:,例1:两个相同子音前的“母音音素”发“短”音;例2:两个不同子音前的“母音音素”发短音;例外:有时两

7、个子音前的“母音音素”发长音:,典型范例:carrykrikettleketlliftliftsoft sfttuck tk,两个子音前的“母音音素”发“短”音,子音,子音,母音,短音,例外:wild waild,包起,裹起,水壶,规则六:,例1:c+e时,c读作(s);例2:c+i时,c读作(s);例3:c+y时,c读作(s);例4:c读作(k)。,典型范例:cell selcite saitcycling saiklicap kpcat kt,字母c在字母e、i或y前,读作(s);否则读作(k)。,引用,引证,细胞;小牢房;电池,帽子,规则七:,例1:g+e时,g读作(d);例2:g+i时

8、,g读作(d);例3:g+y时,g读作(d);例4:g读作(g)的情况。,典型范例:ageeidgiganticdaigntikgypdipglassgl:sgogu,字母g在字母e、i或y前时,读作(d);否则读作(g)。,例外:getget,巨大的,庞大的,n.大学校工,骗,骗子,规则八:,例1:ti读作();例2:ci读作();例3:si读作();例外:有时读作其他音。,典型范例:actionknancienteinntofficialfilAsian einmissionmin,字母组合ti,si和ci不在单字的第一个音节时,读作()。,例外:suggestion sdestn,规则九

9、:,例1:s+k时,k浊化;例2:s+p时,p浊化;例3:s+t时,t浊化。,典型范例:skateskeitspiritspiritsportsp:tstain steinstreet stri:t,s后的轻子音要浊化。,污点;瑕疵,总结:字母 s 的发音规律为:,s 的发音,/s/:s在 词首;”ss”中;”s*”辅音组合中;,/z/:(重读)元音后(s后无辅);,s 的发音,单复数,人称单数,所有格,浊辅音后/z/,清辅音后/s/,元音后/z/,sad safe same sixglass kiss miss Swisskeeps books cookshugs sons loves re

10、ads yours,q的发音规律,quit quiz quick quite queenunique opaque Iraq,kwit,离开;放弃,kwiz,提问,询问,ju:ni:k,唯一的,peik,不透明的;无光泽的,,ir:k,kwik,kwait,kwi:n,总结:字母 q 的发音规律为:,qu 的发音,/kw/:qu在 词头、词中;,/k/:que和q在 词尾;,x的发音规律,exam exist exilenext box text fox fix,igzm,igzist,eksail,放逐,流放,nekst,b ks,tekst,f ks,fiks,字母 x 的发音规律,x 的

11、发音,x 在ex中出现,且后面接元音并重读时,发/gz/,x 在其他情况下发/ks/,“字母y”之所以叫“半元音”是因为:,1、它在单词中出现时,有时发“元音音素”音,故称为“元音字母”例如:by/bai/,2、它在单词中出现时,有时发“辅音音素”音,故称为“辅音字母”例如:yet/jet/,3、就是因为它在单词中的发音时元时辅,所以叫“半元音”,要想学习“字母y”的发音规律,首先就要明确判断y在单词中出现时时是元音还是辅音,请观察这几个单词,然后回答问题!,yet by pay/jet/bai/pei/,1、y 在元音字母的前面,它就是 辅音字母;,2、y 的前面是辅音字母,它就是 元音字母

12、;,3、y 的前面是元音字母,它和元音一起组成 双元音字母组合;,判断字母y的三条小规则:,y 的发音规律:,y 的发音,y 是辅音:/j/,y 是元音:等同字母 i,y 是双元音字母组合:ay oy uy,y 在词尾出现,除了几个常见开音节外,往往发/i/,hair air deer their cheer heir board/he/e/di/e/ti/e/b:d/,观察单词中红色部分的发音:,1、单词中的双元音字母组合后都接了字母r,故称为”双元音字母的r音链”;,dear bear learn source hour door poor/di/be/l:n/s:/au/d:/pu/,观

13、察单词中红色部分的发音:,Read this word:,单词的发音是由单个音连接而成,每个音就像链条一样一环一环的相连,所以我们给它们取了个名字叫“音链”,那音链和读单词有什么关系呢?,photography f t gr fi,f t gr fi,音链数目不同,导致重音位置不同,重音变元音发音跟着变,于是单词发音就不同,所以音链和读单词的关系是,音链是用来确定重音位置的,从而决定了多音节单词的读音。,让我们来把这两个单词做一个对比:,photography f t gr fif u t gra:fphotograph,它们只差一个字母y,但是发音却截然不同,你知道为什么吗?,Compare

14、:,Vowel 元音,-tion尾缀的发音规律,completion kmpli:n emotion imun contribution kntribju:n intonation,intunein attention tenn option pn instruction instrkn description diskripn,文2,action,election,option,eruption,conversation,completion,tuition,contribution,pollution,evolution,description,emotion,【记单词】,Vocabula

15、ry,理2,television 电视,tele,远,vis,看,-ion,名词,tele-vis-ion,通过电波由远处传来可供观看的图像,rest休息,re,反复,回来,st,站立和停,re-st,反复站在那,反复停在那,station车站,st,站立和停,ation,名词,st-ation,汽车需要停下来的地方,psychology,psy=sci,知道,cho,心,lo,说,gy,学,学说,psy-cho-logy,知道心的学说,心理学,representative,re,回来,pre,向前,sent,发出去、派出去,a隔开一下;,tive,人,re-pre-sent-a-tive,回

16、来-向前-派出去-的人,回来征求大家的意见后又被派出去替大家讲话的人,代表,predictor,pre,在之前,dict,说,or,人,在事情没有发生之前就说出结果的人,pre-dict-or,预言者,现,Word Formation构词法,构词法:,合成(Compounding),派生法(Derivation)【前缀/后缀】,转化法(Conversion)【词性转换】,Classify:pathway freedom darkest place frustration lock everyday riverside loneliest,合成词(有两个或更多的词合成一个词):,转化词(将一种词

17、性转化成另一种词性):,派生词(在词根上加上前、后缀构成另外一个词):,everyday pathway riverside,frustration darkest loneliest freedom,lock place,合成(Compounding),blackboard spaceship,half-understand,first-class man-made good-looking,sometimes beforehand,adj.最好的;第一流的;优秀的adv.最好地;第一流地;优秀地,加前缀:happy-_happy 加后缀:develop-develop_既加前缀又加后缀:e

18、mploy-_employ_,un,ment,un,ment,派生词(derivation),常见的否定前缀,许多单词带有否定前缀,如果能理解这些否定前缀的含义,使用和记忆单词是很有帮助的。否定前缀加在一个词的前面就完全改变或否定了这个词的原来意义。,表示时间和其他关系的前缀,表示人和物的名词后缀,抽象名词和集合名词的后缀,副词后缀,转化法(Conversion),taste,n.味道,v.尝起来,It has a good taste.,It taste very good.,record,n.记录,v.记录,He broke the record.,He lies to record so

19、mething while reading a book.,转化法例释,correct,correction,incorrect,independent,depend,dependable,disable,disability,impossible,possible,possibility,wrong,mistaken,mistake,misunderstand,understand,undergraduate,graduate,graduation,n.,反义,独立的,词根,adj.,残疾的,n.,不可能的,n.,反义,n.,误解,词根,大学生,词根,n.,近义,反义,Words Build

20、ing,correct,n.,反义,独立的,词根,adj.,残疾的,n.,不可能的,n.,反义,n.,误解,词根,大学生,词根,n.,近义,反义,Words Building,correct,correction,incorrect,independent,depend,dependable,disable,disability,impossible,possible,possibility,expression,education,wrong,mistaken,mistake,misunderstand,understand,underground,undergraduate,graduat


22、语V,+宾语O,+表语P,+状语Adv.,置于及物动词之后,修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,一般位于系动词(如be,become,get,look,grow,turn,seem等)之后,.的,地,+S+V+O,+S+V+O,+S+V+O,+S+V+O,为引导词that,which,what,where,when.,A Lebanese who had left the country for Syria during the conflict between Israel and Hizbollah,returns with her family following the ceasefir

23、e,at the Lebanon-Syria border in Magdel Anjar August 14,2006.,S+V,黎巴嫩人,叙利亚,冲突;战斗,黎巴嫩真主党,停火,停战,边,中国批评日本政府购买有争议岛屿 Beijing attacks deal to buy disputed Senkaku islands,Japans national government has sealed a deal to buy disputed islands in the East China Sea from their private Japanese owner,despite fi

24、erce objections from Beijing.,日本中央政府不顾中国方面的强烈反对,敲定了从日本私人所有者购买东海有争议岛屿的一笔交易。,盖章;决定,有争议的,凶猛的,A policeman removes a check point notice from the road to the village where bird flu patient were found in Zhongwei County,northwest Ningxia Autonomous Region,August 12,2006.Xinhua,Practice make perfect.,Dont b

25、e afraid to make mistake.,Master the knowledge.,Its very important to grasp the spirit of a foreign language in order to use it freely.,Do you believe the miracle(奇迹)will happen to you if you,72,Homework:Discussion,What do you think of college?What kind of college life did you expect to have before

26、you came here?What do you expect to learn at college,more book knowledge or more practical social experience?,Military training,Military training,迷彩服阅兵仪式 教官集结号消防演习,camouflage coat Military paradedrill master/drill instructor Assembly fire-drill,The orders,集合!列队立正!稍息!向右看-齐!向左看-齐!向前-看!报数!点名!,Fall in!O

27、n one rank(two ranks)!Attention!At ease!Right-dress!Left-dress!Eyes-front!Count off!Call the roll!,Squad,attention to orders!,Fall in squad line!,Fall in squad column!,Shun!,全班注意命 令!,成班横队集 合!,成班纵队集 合!,到!散开!靠拢!向左-转!向右-转!向后-转!右半转 左半转敬礼 蹲下!,Here!Extend!Close!Left-face(Left turn)!Right-face(Right turn)!

28、About-face(About turn)!Inclining at the halt Right inclineInclining at the halt Left inclineSaluteCrouch down!,齐步-走!踏步-走!跑步-走!便步-走!快步走!右转弯-走!左转弯-走!向前三步走!前进!立定!各就位,预备,跑!解散!,Forward-march(March off)!Mark time-march!Double(time)-march!At ease-march!Quick march!Right-wheel!Left-wheel!Three steps forward

29、 marchAdvance!Halt!Ready!Set!Go!Dismiss!,取(拿)枪!肩枪!枪放下!卧到!装子弹!退子弹!射击!,Take arms!Shoulder arms!Order arms!Down!Load!Unload!Fire!,元音音标学习,Lesson 1,元音i:i:学习,元音i:I:学习,i:发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea ee e:me be she he we evening ee:sweet bee sweep sheep see sleep three green ea:meat leaf sea pea teach eat clean根据发音规则,圈

30、出下列单词中元音字母组合发音相同的两个词。1.seat rain bean cat 2.gift feet teacher dog 3.pig star tree jeep 4.sweet sea fish the,i 发这个音的字母和字母组合i e y ey ay i:pig fish in fifteen six ship thin e:begin behind jacket basketball y:happy heavy busy lorry carry sunny lovely study thirsty twenty thirty windy rainy ey:monkey mon

31、ey ay:Sunday Saturday Friday 根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母发音不相同的单词。1.sofa sit kick lip 2.ink gift jam ship 3.hand picture big sister 4.hot lick pig jelly,:发这个音的字母和字母组合er ir ur ear or er:her serve term ir:bird girl skirt first dirty skirt shirt ur:nurse Thursday turtle purple curtain ear:early learn or:word work

32、world根据发音规则,圈出每组中元音字母组合发音相同的单词。1.thirty beer thirsty wheat 2.bank king her nurse 3.turtle bird rabbit knee 4.room run shirt term,发这个音的字母和字母组合ure er ar or a e ure:picture er:teacher brother dinner father sister ar:sugar or:doctor a:panda about above camera sofa China根据发音规则,找出发的2个单词写在后面的横线上。1.mother s

33、ofa road smile 2.sit father sister food 3.hair deer tiger China 4.sugar soon ear leader,音标i:i:练习1.找出下列没有相同发音的词。()hefeet bread green()pig is dog ship()thirtybird her food()shebig in money()sweetsfish teacher we()teachersisteraboutgirl()tigerfirstworkshirt()treebeancleanchin()fatherdoctorskirt china()

34、happyseasitpicture2.读音标写单词。bi:b:d si:swi:t bizi h:dkt sist li:f hi:3.连线。meat:thirsty i:driver animal i:,Lesson 2,音标:u:u学习,音标:u:u学习,:发这个音的字母和字母组合a aw al or oor a:water aw:draw strawberry al:ball wall or:horse corn fork or short oor:floor door根据发音规则,找出发:的1个单词写在后面的横线上。1.tall bird bread poor 2.idea chai

35、r sport hare 3.cake bear walk cup 4.drink short bag milk,发这个音的字母和字母组合o a o:fox coffee dog shop dog doctor long a:watch 根据发音规则,找出发:的2个单词写在后面的横线上。1.doctor teacher box clothes 2.cold zoo clock dog 3.love boss lot violin 4.watch beach fox girl,u:发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo ui o:do who whose oo:food moon too ui:fru

36、it juice u:ruler rude 根据发音规则,找出不发u:的单词。1.juice moon zoo panda 2.tooth broom eye spoon 3.head boot noodles pool 4.noon cool boot watch,u发这个音的字母和字母组合o oo u o:woman wolf oo:look good book foot wood u:bull bullet根据发音规则,选出与其它单词元音发音不相同的单词。1.mouth book look pull 2.push tape sugar foot 3.wood kind wolf bull

37、 4.bullet wood cook name,音标:u:u练习一抄写音标,一个抄写10遍,一边抄写一边读。u:u::::_ 二找出下列没有相同发音的词。()moonfood eat fruit()truebookwoodlook()foursmallwalk bird()gotclockshopshirt()busfootpush book()lostball long ox()rulerdog mooncake blue()bigship horse it,四.写出单词或音标。bru:m d:sit b:d fut wi:dg sist look do water good too fo

38、ot clock first work sister doctor sea五.将下列单词与正确的音标用线连起来。hotblu:footballhuk blueki:s hookfutb:l kissht,Lesson 3,音标a:e 练习,音标a:e 练习,a:发这个音的字母和字母组合a ar au ear a:grass glass class plant dance fast father last ar:car star arm March garden dark scarf au:laugh aunt ear:heart根据发音规则,圈出发a:的2个单词。1.arm lip docto

39、r card 2.cloud cart garden gate 3.ball scarf dark tiger 4.job lorry March park,发这个音的字母和字母组合o u oo ou o:son come colour love money u:sun nut jump gum bus brush supper us ou:touch cousin country根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。1.hear cup bed air 2.voice boy duck ant 3.vase corn bear gun 4.cute boy money her,发这个音的字母和字

40、母组合a a:dad cap cat bad apple bag flag hand rabbit ant black fat has stand rat map根据发音规则,找出每组中发的单词。1.rat bed face sport 2.hear cup fat pear 3.rice bat finger tree 4.sea young knife apple,e 发这个音的字母和字母组合e ea e:egg bell desk leg pet ten pen ea:bread head breakfast根据发音规则,找出每组中不发e的单词。1.cat well leg pen 2.

41、sweat map pet elephant 3.egg ten tall desk 4.bread head bed toy,音标a:e 练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。a::e:_二选出下列没有相同发音的词。()1.car arm food garden()2.true jump bus cut()3.bag short map flag()4.egg pen head small()5.got clock bell dog()6.rabbit book wood foot()7.rat bat apple ten()8.gun star duck moneg三.写出单词或音标。pa:st

42、ru:m swet sit ft gt cp sh:t bag car bus bread star head,四.选出下列每题中元音有几种读音,有一种读音的在()里画,有两种读音的画,有三种的画()1.hat fast cook last()2.jeep door sun gum()3.dad cap hand map()4.star car cut from()5.skirt sheep bird her 五.改变下列单词的一个字母,使它变成另一个单词 like_(交通工具)hat _(动物)lake _(食品)nice _(数字)hot _(用品)well _(用品),Lesson 4,

43、元音音标ei ai i au练习,音标ei ai i au练习,ei 发这个音的字母和字母组合a ai ay a:cake make name game snake gate lazy ai:rain train wait ay:day May play taday way 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发音不一样的单词。1.face wave sheep tail 2.grape plane name coat 3.time tape train snake 4.rain soap cake train,ai 发这个音的字母和字母组合i y ie uy i:kite bike nice tig

44、er write knife y:by cry fly my sky try why ie:tie pie uy:buy根据发音规则,找出每组中发ai的2个单词.1.rice good jam right 2.ship mine ice-cream mouse 3.cloud sit tie eye 4.write small tennis kite,i 发这个音的字母和字母组合oi oy oi:oil boil coin oy:boy toy根据发音规则,找出每组中发i的2个单词.1.soil hear soy cold 2.rabbit bed boy noise 3.walk voise

45、 boil word 4.tea enjoy toy milk,au 发这个音的字母和字母组合ou ow ou:house mouse mouth trousers ow:flower cow how now down根据发音规则,选出不发au的单词。1mouse cloud arm clown 2.teacher trousers cow mouth 3.town dance flower house 4.tower blouse now baby,音标ei ai i au练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。ei:ai:i:au:_ 二.选出下列没有发相同发音的词()1.cake egg rain

46、 May()2.kite cry broom fly()3.boy joy cat noise()4.blouse sun cow house()5.tower flower mouth arm三.读音标,将下列单词补充完整或写出字母,单 词的音标。klaud set kin kr:s c_ _ _d s_ _ c_ _n cr_ _s flg trein desk smail f_ _g tr_ _n d_ _ _ s_ _leAa Kk Ii Yy hi boy cow nowtoy bike house mycake face how nice,四.把下列单词下正确的音标连接起来 bow

47、 bau gate pai tray geit pie trei poison pizn五.看图、填空、标号h_t s_n e_ _s_ r r_l_ _ c_k_ m_ _th,Lesson 5,元音音标u i e u的练习,音标u i e u的练习,u 发这个音的字母和字母组合o oa ow o:nose rose poen over oa:boat coat soap goat ow:show window snow bowl 根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的2个单词。1coat goat tree river 2.make window knife road 3.your white r

48、ow coat 4.boat hen nose lamp,i 发这个音的字母和字母组合ear eer ear:ear hear tear eer:deer beer根据发音规则,圈出每组中发i的1个单词。1.bear beer fair tail 2.noodles pair near come 3.horse near tower air 4.ring king here three,e 发这个音的字母和字母组合air ear air:hair chair pair ear:pear bear wear根据发音规则,圈出每组中发e的1个单词。1.bear idea pineapple tai

49、l 2.noodles pair climb come 3.horse house tower air 4.ring king hare three,u 发这个音的字母和字母组合oor our ure oor:poor our:tour ure:sure pure根据发音规则,圈出每组中发u的1个单词。1.clear tourist pineapple tail 2.noodles pair climb fury 3.beard cure tower air 4.voice king pure engineer,音标u i e u的练习一抄写音标,一个抄写5遍。u:i:e:u:_ 二.选出下列

50、没有相同发音的词。()1.mouth coat goat window()2.dear beer cake teacher()3.pair boy air hare()4.poor tour Europe cry()5.boat bike side fly三.写出单词或音标。nuz said i kau pe pu bt wu:d go ear photo deer near nose hear五.把下列单词与音标用线连起来。ruz theater it rose skwe tour tu square pleisiz places,Practice,辅音爆破音:ptk bdg摩擦音:f v


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