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1、Chapter Four Types of Essay Writing,Part Two Essay Writing,I.Expository Essay,II.Comparison and Contrast,III.Description,IV.Argument,V.Abstract,An essay is a piece of writing several paragraphs long instead of just one or two paragraphs.It is written about one topic,just as a paragraph is.However,th

2、e topic of an essay is too complex to discuss in one paragraph.Therefore,you must divide the topic into several paragraphs,one for each major point.Then you must tie all of the separate paragraphs together by adding an introduction and a conclusion.,I.Expository Essay,The most common type of essay w

3、riting is expository essay or exposition.The purpose of this writing is to inform or explain.he writer appeals to the readers understanding with provable facts and well-based information,and explains the material so that the reader will accept his point of view.Exposition is used to explain anything

4、 difficult to understand,for example,the explanation of a natural law,a scientific discovery,an invention,or a solution to a problem.,I.Expository Essay,An expository essay has three main parts:(1)An introductory paragraph(2)A body(at least one,but usually two or more paragraphs)(3)A concluding para

5、graph,I.Expository Essay,The introductory paragraph consists of two parts:a few general statements about your subject to attract your readers attention and a thesis statement to state the specific subdivisions of your topic and/or the“plan”of your paper.A thesis statement for an essay is just like a

6、 topic sentence for a paragraph:It names the specific topic and the controlling ideas or major subdivisions of the topic.,I.Expository Essay,The body consists of one or more paragraphs.Each paragraph develops a subdivision of your topic,so the number of paragraphs in the body will vary with the numb

7、er of subdivisions or subtopics.The body is the longest part of the essay and can contain as many paragraphs as necessary to support the controlling ideas of your thesis statement.You can organize the paragraphs in an essay just as you organize the ideas in a paragraph,by chronological order,logical

8、 division of ideas,comparison and contrast,etc.,I.Expository Essay,The conclusion in an essay,like the concluding sentence in a paragraph,is a summary or review of the main points discussed in the body.,I.Expository Essay,The only additional element in an essay is the linking expressions between the

9、 paragraphs of the body.These are just like transitions within a paragraph.You use transitions within a paragraph to connect the ideas between two sentences.Similarly,you use transitions between paragraphs to connect the ideas between them.,I.Expository Essay,Paragraph,Essay,I.Expository Essay,Topic

10、 SentenceA.SupportB.SupportC.SupportConcluding Sentence,I.Introduction,II.Body,III.Conclusion,General StatementThesis Statement,A.Topic Sentence 1.Support,B.Topic Sentence 1.Support,C.Topic Sentence 1.Support,Restatement or summary;final comment,1.The introductory paragraph,All writers(even professi

11、onals)complain that the most difficult part of writing is getting started.Getting started,or writing an introductory paragraph,can be easy if you remember that an introduction has four purposes:*It introduces the topic of the essay*It gives a general background of the topic*It often indicates the ov

12、erall“plan”of the essay*It should arouse the readers interest in the topic,I.Expository Essay,The introduction has two parts:General Statements A Thesis Statement,I.Expository Essay,Notice the two parts of the introductory paragraph in the following model.Any person who has lived in the twentieth ce

13、ntury has seen a lot of changes take place in almost all areas of human existence.Some people are excited by the challenges that these changes offer;others want to return to the simpler life-style of the past.The twentieth century has certain advantages such as higher standard of living for many,but

14、 it also has some disadvantages such as a polluted environment,the depersonalization of human relationships,and the weakening of spiritual values.,I.Expository Essay,1-1 General StatementThe first sentence in an introductory paragraph should be a very general statement about the subject.Its purpose

15、is to attract the readers attention and to give background information on the topic.Each subsequent sentence should become more specific than the previous one and finally lead into the thesis statement.Introduce the topic of the essay Give background information on the topic,I.Expository Essay,1-2 T

16、hesis StatementThe thesis statement is the most important sentence in the introduction.It states the specific topic and often lists the major subtopics that will be discussed in the body of the essay.Furthermore,it may indicate the method of organization such a chronological order or order of import

17、ance.,I.Expository Essay,1.States the main topic 2.Often lists the subdivisions of the topic or subtopics3.May indicate the method of organization of the entire paper4.Is usually the last sentence in the introductory paragraph,The thesis statement:,I.Expository Essay,Here are three examples of thesi

18、s statements with no subtopics mentioned:Being the oldest son has more disadvantages than advantages.Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people in the United States.The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects on cities.,I.Expository Essay,In the follo

19、wing thesis statement,the subtopics are named:The large movement of people from rural to urban areas has major effects on a citys ability to provide housing,employment,and adequate sanitation services.,I.Expository Essay,When listing two or more subtopics in a thesis statement,a colon(:)is often use

20、ful:Prejudice arises from three basic causes:childhood conditioning,ignorance,and fear.,I.Expository Essay,Correlative conjunctions(bothand,not onlybut also,neithernor,eitheror)are also useful in thesis statements listing two subtopics:Young people in my culture have less freedom than young people i

21、n the United States not only in their choice of life-style but also in their choice of careers.Children need both love and discipline to become responsible citizens.,I.Expository Essay,To sum up,an introductory paragraph is like a funnel:very wide at the top;increasingly narrow in the middle,and ver

22、y small at the neck or bottom.,I.Expository Essay,1.Read the following introductory paragraphs,each of which is in scrambled order.Rewrite each paragraph,beginning with the most general statement first.Then add each sentence in the correct order until the introduction becomes more specific.Write the

23、 thesis statement last.,I.Expository Essay,EXERCISES,Paragraph 1(1)If done properly,a handshake gives the impression of strength and honesty,and if done improperly,it conveys weakness and dishonesty.(2)In some cultures,people bow,and in others,they shake hands.(3)In English-speaking countries,shakin

24、g hands is the custom.(4)A proper handshake has four ingredients:pressure,pumps,eye contact,and verbal message.(5)The way people greet each other when they meet for the first time varies from culture to culture.(6)How one shakes hands sends an important message about ones character.,I.Expository Ess

25、ay,(1)However,in others,the nuclear family is the norm,with only the parents and young children sharing the same house.(2)People in different cultures all over the world have different system for family life.(3)In most cultures,people live in extended families,in which several generations share the

26、same house.(4)If this new system becomes widespread,it could have enormous effects on American society.(5)On the positive side,living together might reduce the divorce rate in the United States;on the negative side,it might lead to the eventual disintegration of the traditional family unit altogethe

27、r.(6)In the United States,some couples are experimenting with still another system of family life:living together without marriage.,I.Expository Essay,Paragraph 2:,I.Expository Essay,Paragraph 3(1)Although scientists have experimented with different methods of prediction,from observing animal behavi

28、or to measuring radio signals from quasars,no method has proven successful.(2)Earthquakes are the most destructive natural disasters known to humans,in terms of the millions of deaths and billions of dollars in property loss that they cause.(3)Despite these heavy losses,scientists are still unable t

29、o predict earthquakes.(4)This paper will review the history of the science of earthquake prediction,then discuss each of the prediction methods in more detail,and finally present data indicating the success-failure ratios of each method.,2.Study these thesis statements from two different essays on t

30、he topic of the status of women in Xanadu,an imaginary country.Which method of organization(chronological order or comparison and contrast)does each one indicate?,I.Expository Essay,(1)Beginning in World War II and continuing through the period of economic boom,the status of women in Xanadu has chan

31、ged remarkably.Method of organization:_(2)Although the status of women in Xanadu has improved remarkably in recent years,it is still very low when compared to the status of women in the countries of the industrial world.Method of organization:_,chronological order,Comparison and contrast,I.Expositor

32、y Essay,3.In each of the following two thesis statements,both the method of organization and the major subdivisions of the topic are indicated.Each subdivision will itself become the topic of a separate paragraph in the body of the essay.How many paragraphs will the body of each essay contain?Underl

33、ine the topics of each paragraph.,I.Expository Essay,The status of women in Xanadu has changed remarkably in recent years due to increased educational opportunities and changes in the countrys law.2.The status of women in Xanadu has improved remarkably in recent years in the areas of economic indepe

34、ndence,political rights,educational opportunities,and social status.,I.Expository Essay,4.Analyze the following thesis statements.Locate the main topic and the subtopics in each of the following thesis statements.Underline the words or punctuation marks that are used to introduce the subtopics.,I.Ex

35、pository Essay,(1)Capital punishment should be abolished not only because it deprives another person of life but also because it does not stop crime.(2)Women generally live longer than men for two main reasons:they tend to take better care of their health,and they have better resistance to stress.(3

36、)Drug and alcohol abuse among teenagers can be traced to the following causes:lack of parental supervision,lax enforcement of drug laws,and the social and psychological problems of teenagers themselves.,I.Expository Essay,(4)In choosing a major,a student has to consider various factors,such as perso

37、nal interest,job opportunities,and the availability of training institutions.(5)An architect should be both an artist and an engineer.(6)The purpose of this report is to analyze the influence of the Spanish language on American English.,I.Expository Essay,5.Complete the following thesis statements b

38、y adding subtopics to them.If you use correlative conjunctions,be sure your structures are parallel.(1)A computer is necessary for college students for three reasons:_.(2)International students have a difficult time taking notes in class due to _.,study,communication and entertainment,the poor abili

39、ties in listening and writing,I.Expository Essay,(3)Successful students have the following qualities:_.(4)A generation gap exists in my home because of_.(5)To survive a major disaster such as an earthquake requires_.,intelligence,hardworking,perseverance,sociability,and cooperation,tradition and soc

40、ial development,a clear mind,quick reaction and proper methods,I.Expository Essay,(6)Poverty creates negative consequences for society such as _.(7)My two sisters are as different as day and night not only in _.(8)Living in a city has certain advantages over living in the suburbs:_.,begging,stealing

41、,robbing and prostituting,appearance but also in nature,communication,transportation,education and entertainment,I.Expository Essay,2.The Essay Body Because an essay is longer and more complex than a paragraph,it is even more important to organize your thoughts and to plan the body of your essay bef

42、ore you begin to write.The best way to do this is to make an outline.The principles and techniques that you have learned for paragraph outlining can be applied to essays.The number/letter system for a formal outline is illustrated in the model outline that follows.,I.Expository Essay,Notice that sub

43、topics that form the body of the essay are indented to the right.As you move to the right,the ideas become more and more specific.Study the following model outline for an essay on modern technology.In this outline,the introduction contains only the thesis statement,and the conclusion is abbreviated.

44、The body of the essay,however,is developed in detail.,I.Expository Essay,Modern TechnologyIntroduction Thesis statement:The most recent significant discoveries to benefit humankind in modern times are in the fields of television and computer technology.,I.Expository Essay,II.Body A.A popular form of

45、 instant communication all over the world is television.1.Witnessing important events a.Destruction of Berlin Wall b.Launching of spacecraft 2.Long-distance medicine by two-way video a.Patient and doctor conferences b.Special equipment to monitor patient,I.Expository Essay,B.In the last few decades,

46、computer technology has made tremendous progress in the world of communication to benefit humankind.1.Long-distance communication 2.Information superhighway 3.Global computer networks 4.Electronic mail,I.Expository Essay,C.Technology has contributed enormously to advances in computer medicine,which

47、has benefited both doctors and patients.1.Rural doctors and medical information a.Less access in the past b.Immediate access today 2.Rural doctors and urban medical centers Use of computer to prescribe treatment,3.X-ray pictures of body parts a.Diagnoses of diseases and disorders b.Necessary treatme

48、nts4.Computer-aided diagnoses Example of woman with headaches III.Conclusion To conclude,scientific research and experiments have certainly opened the doors to faster,more easily accessible information worldwide on television and the computer.Many of these discoveries have changed our lives for the

49、better and have made the world closer.,I.Expository Essay,1.Prepare an outline of the essay“Culture,Logic,and Rhetoric”.Use the system of indenting,numbering,and lettering illustrated in the preceding model outline.Culture,Logic,and Rhetoric.Introduction Thesis statement:the rhetorical system of one

50、 language is neither better nor worse than the rhetorical system of another language,but it is different.,I.Expository Essay,EXERCISE,.Body A.English logic and English rhetoric,which are based on Anglo-European cultural patterns,are linear.1.A good English paragraph begins with a general statement o


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