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1、2023/2/3,1,管理科学与工程 专业英语,刘枬重庆交通大学管理学院,2023/2/3,2,何谓专业英语?,隶属于科技英语,是自然科学和工程技术方面的科学著作、论文、教科书、科技报告和学术讲演中所使用的英语;以表达科技概念、专业理论为主要目的,是结合特定专业的科技英语,有很强的专业性,与专业知识配合密切;英译应为English for Professional/Specific/Specialized Purpose,而不是Professional English。,2023/2/3,3,Chinglish,2023/2/3,4,课程目的何在?,掌握专业英语术语,提高阅读和翻译专业英语文献



4、06年版工程管理专业英语,王竹芳,北京大学出版社2006年版国际工程管理实用英语口语,张水波、刘英,中国建筑工业出版社 2008年版高等学校工程管理系列经典教材国际工程合同管理(双语),韦嘉,中国建筑工业出版社2010年版,2023/2/3,9,研究资源,研究资源(论文数据库等)http:/in Construction)http:/Construction and Architectural Management)http:/Management and Economics)Ingentaconnect、swetswise、scopus等国内的万方、知网、维普等Open Access Jou

5、rnals&Resources(ITCon.org、http:/,2023/2/3,10,Purpose of this Programme,to equip you with the understanding,skills and techniques to enable you to carry out your postgraduate researchto give you a broad understanding of research approaches and methods,which will enable you to read and understand a wi

6、de range of research papers and articles,in order to enhance your research competence and to enable you to pursue future research activitiesto give you the opportunity to develop a range of generic and transferable skills relevant to your wider professional and academic developmentto provide opportu

7、nities for you to discuss ideas and methods and to network with fellow studentsto support you in completing your research in a timely way,2023/2/3,11,What is Research,Research can be defined as the search for knowledge,or as any systematic investigation,with an open mind,to establish novel facts,sol

8、ve new or existing problems,prove new ideas,or develop new theories,usually using a scientific method.,2023/2/3,12,Choosing a Topic from where?,First of all,the topic must be in your study area.It would be quite difficult for a researcher in one scientific field to undertake a research study involvi

9、ng a topic in an entirely different scientific field.,Area,Field,Aspect,Topic,A discipline,e.g.marketing,A component of the area or a sub-discipline,e.g.international marketing,A more specialized aspect of the field,e.g.export strategy,penetrating a new market,An identified issue or problem within t

10、he aspect,e.g.how to export a particular type of goods into China,2023/2/3,13,Choosing a Topic is that interesting?,A researchers basic curiosity about an observed phenomenon typically provides sufficient motivation for choosing a research topic.Your topic must interest you this is essential as you

11、will be spending a long time on it,so you need to keep up your motivation!Make sure that your supervisor is interested in your topic they will spend a lot of time on it too(You can also ask them to come up with some ideas).You are doing something of interest to the research community.,2023/2/3,14,Ch

12、oosing a Topic-is that feasible?,Will there be sufficient data and will you be able to gain access to it?If you want to conduct a survey,interview key people,or set up an workshop,will this be possible,or will you gain cooperation with your subject?Will you be able to complete the topic in the time

13、available?Draw up a research plan,with a schedule and objectives,and see if you can meet your deadline Do you have,or will you be able to acquire or gain assistance with,the necessary technical skills?e.g.statistical,programming Will you be well covered financially for costs,tuition and living expen

14、ses,e.g.the cost of carrying out a survey,travelling to visit companies etc?What are the risks that the project will be impossible to complete?,2023/2/3,15,Choosing a Topic-facts,Unlike PhD,a postgraduate research project is to gain basic research skills and dont require to be original or contributi

15、on to knowledgeLiterature is very important in the initial selection of the topic.This should be an extensive reading rather than a formal literature review,which will happen at an early stage of the researchA PG research topic is usually selected from a list provided by your supervisor,or from a co

16、nsultancy jobYou should have several optional topicsYou can normally complete in the time frame,2023/2/3,16,Preparing a Research Proposal whats for?,Research proposal is a document which finally establishes the need for the study and confirms that the student has or can have the skills or other requ

17、ired resourcesThe research proposal serves as a quality and reality check:it helps confirm that you have a genuine research competence and that you can undertake the research in appropriate wayThe research proposal also clarifies expectations and acts as a record for all concerned of the research to

18、 be carried out,2023/2/3,17,Preparing a Research Proposal contents?,You need to read your universitys regulations,or talk to your supervisor,to find the requirements of proposalNormally,a proposal should contain:What are you going to do in your research?Who else has done research like this,and what

19、did they do?How are you going to do this research?Why will this research be important to the academic community?Size can be from a concise one-page outline to a comprehensive report,2023/2/3,18,Literature Review what is literature review?,Literature review is essential to any kind of researchA liter

20、ature review is a description of the literature relevant to a particular field or topic.It is a“report of primary scholarship”and“an interpretation and synthesis of published works”It gives an overview of what has been said,who the key writers are,what questions are being asked.As such,it is not in

21、itself primary research,but rather it reports on other findings Literature review should never be just a list,or accumulation of other research.You have to criticize them,look at the relationships between the views,or draw out themes,2023/2/3,19,Literature Review role of literature review,literature

22、 review is carried out to gain an insight into the theoretical background of the topic To show awareness of the present state of knowledge of a particular field To identify the gap in the research and to provide a foundation for your research.It should help you define a research question,and show ho

23、w answering the question will contribute to knowledge-creating a research space for your workTo demonstrate your scholarly ability to identify relevant information and to outline existing knowledgeOngoing literature review is to keep in pace with the new development and achievement of related resear

24、ch works,2023/2/3,20,Literature Review Sources,Sources include published journal papers,conference proceedings,books,working papers,reports,theses,internal documents,presentations,press releases and etc library catalogues,databases(e.g.SCI,EI),media releases,research publications,colleagues and etc.

25、Literature evaluationAuthority:is the author identified?Publisher?Content:is it supportive to yours?Primary or secondary?Timeliness:when is it published?Is it still valid?Accuracy:is it peer-reviewed?What methods are adopted?Objectivity:is it biased?Is it a fact or opinion or debate?Online resources

26、,e.g.Wiki,discussion forum,mailing-list,2023/2/3,21,Literature Review Writing,Only complete your review when your thesis is nearly finishedRead the literature reviews in other theses:structure,useful references Examine how literature reviews are undertaken in journal articles,although these are gene

27、rally much shorter Your words should be objective,balanced and dispassionate Follow the requirement for reference system/styleHarvard system:In main body:Hurley(1998),in reference:Hurley,M.A.(1998)Features and Functions Overload.Information Management&Computer Security,6(4),160-161.Numbered system:I

28、n main body:Hurley 33,in reference:33 M.A.Hurley,Features and Functions Overload,Information Management&Computer Security,vol.6,pp.160-161,1998 Use software(e.g.EndNote)to manage your references,2023/2/3,22,Literature Review EndNote,EndNote is a software developed by Thomson Reuters,for managing you

29、r reference library It can store and organize numerous references and other files It can create instant bibliographies in word processing softwareIt helps you to modify your reference style at your willingness,2023/2/3,23,How to read a research paper?,Reading research paper is partly a matter of exp

30、erience and skill,and partly learning the specific vocabulary of a fieldIt is not reading a novel,so its not linear.You can skip some points and go where you are really interested in.You are required to read them because:1.journal papers are current;2.you can get cutting edge ideas and techniques to

31、 your own research;3.one day soon you could be writing papers too.,2023/2/3,24,Organization of a paper,IMRAD and plusIntroduction:introduces the problem(s)addressed in the paperMethods:how the work was performedResults:conclusions of the paperAnd Discussion:summary of the contributions,philosophical

32、 discussions,future research,etc.PlusTitle:what is the paper about?Author list:who did the work?where are they from?(do remember them as they may become your colleagues or bosses)Author list convention:alphabetical or ranked(note:first and corresponding)Abstract:brief outline of the results presente

33、d in the paperAcknowledgements,declarations,referencesTables and figuresDifferent journals may have different formatLength,font,paragraph,spacing,column,etc Reference style,2023/2/3,25,How to read a research paper?,Dont panic,follow the step:Skimming:Skim the paper quickly,noting basics like heading

34、s,figures and the like.This takes just a few minutes.Youre not trying to understand it yet,but just to get an overview Vocabulary:Go through the paper word by word and line by line,underlining or highlighting every word and phrase you dont understand.Comprehension:Try to deal with all the words and

35、phrases;go back and read the whole paper,section by section,for comprehension.In the Introduction,note how the context is setIn the Methods,try to get a clear picture of what was done at each step In Results,look carefully at the figures and tables,as they are the heart of most papers The Discussion

36、 contains the conclusions that the author would like to draw from the dataReflection and criticism:After you understand the article and can summarize it,then you can return to broader questions and draw your own conclusions,2023/2/3,26,Questions when reading a research paper?,IntroductionWhat is the

37、 overall purpose of the research?How does the research fit into the context of its field?Is it,for example,attempting to settle a controversy?show the validity of a new technique?open up a new field of inquiry?Do you agree with the authors rationale for studying the question in this way?MethodsWere

38、the measurements appropriate for the questions the researcher was approachingOften,researchers need to use indicators because they cannot measure something directly-for example,using babies birthweight to indicate nutritional status.Were the measures in this research clearly related to the variables

39、 in which the researchers(or you)were interested.If human subjects were studied,do they fairly represent the populations under study,2023/2/3,27,Questions when reading a research paper?,ResultsWhat is the one major findingWere enough of the data presented so that you feel you can judge for yourself

40、how the experiment turned out?Did you see patterns or trends in the data that the author did not mention?Were there problems that were not addressedConclusionDo you agree with the conclusions drawn from the data?Are these conclusions over-generalized or appropriately careful.Are there other factors

41、that could have influenced,or accounted for,the resultsWhat further experiments would you think of,to continue the research or to answer remaining questions,2023/2/3,28,Formulating Aims and Objectives What?,What are Aims&Objectives?Research aims and objectives are synonymous in dictionaries In resea

42、rch terms,the word objective is sometimes used to mean more detailed aims The aim is what you want to achieve,and the objective describes how you are going to achieve that aimIt is not uncommon to have more than one objective to satisfy your research aim,2023/2/3,29,Formulating Aims and Objectives S

43、ample,Research AimTo improve the lives of people in London who are long term homeless Objectives To provide information and advice on housing and resettlement To provide training on core job skills and job search skills To offer supported work placements To support people in applying for jobs To fac

44、ilitate a support group for people,2023/2/3,30,Research Methodology-“Nesting”,Philosophy=assumptionApproach=processing method Technique=specific analytical technique From pre-understanding to understanding,insight and excecution,2023/2/3,31,Research Methodology Philosophy,based on a belief that a un

45、iversal truth is waiting to be discovered by detached,neutral and objective researchers,Positivism,contends that the reality can be understood only through the subjective interpretation of reality,is suitable if there are testable hypotheses,quantified variables,are able to draw inferences about a p

46、opulation,Criticism,Interpretivism,SurveyExperiment,Literature review,used to understand and interpret daily occurrences and social structures as well as the meanings of a certain phenomenon,Documentation,is the judgment of the merits and faults of the work or actions of an individual or group by an

47、other,2023/2/3,32,Research Methodology Approaches,Research approach is defined as the path of conscious scientific reasoning.It connects the philosophy and techniques.It is consisted of a number of methods,including:Laboratory experiment,Field experiment,Survey,Case study,Forecasting/future research

48、,Simulation/game/role playing,Action research,and etc.Not all of the available approaches are suitable for any kind of research;on the other hand,not a single research will adopt all available approaches the selection of appropriate research approaches is constrained by some variables,such as resear

49、chs nature,available resources and researchers ability,2023/2/3,33,Research Methodology Selection of Approaches,Laboratory experimentIt permits the researchers to identify precise relationships between chosen variables via a designed laboratory situation to make generalised statements applicable to

50、real-life situation,by using quantitative analytical techniques.It can study a small number of variables on a well controlled and intensive environment.But the extent is limited due to oversimplification and isolation of laboratory situation from the real world.,2023/2/3,34,Research Methodology Sele


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