Bain 岗位职责 How to be a Great Consultant.ppt

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1、bc,How to be aGreat Consultant,March 1998,Copyright 1998 Bain&Company,Inc.,Developer:Alex WouterseReviewers:Tony Ecock Steven Tallman John Clarke,2,Great Consultant,Key success factorsThe function of expectations in predicting consultant successManaging expectations for new consultantsEvolving expec

2、tations for experienced consultantsKey takeaways,Agenda,3,Great Consultant,Great consultants base their success on characteristics that extend well beyond analytical thinking.,Baseline analytical expertise,but alsoExcellent interpersonal skills and knowledge of people managementfacilitationmotivatin

3、g othersconflict managementFrank self-awareness of strengths and weaknessesReceptiveness to feedback from a variety of sourcesAbility and willingness to act on feedbacktrainingexperimentationpracticeDesire to succeed as a consultant,Five Key Characteristics,4,Great Consultant,Key success factorsThe

4、function of expectations in predicting consultant successManaging expectations for new consultantsEvolving expectations for experienced consultantsKey takeaways,Agenda,5,Great Consultant,What people expect of you will depend on their needs and perspective.,If in doubt,ask about the expectations of t

5、he people you work with.,Expectations and Differing Perspectives,6,Great Consultant,Bain VPs on what it takes to be a successful consultant.,“Few consultants have the total package when they arrive.The best consultants leverage either extraordinary analytical or client skills and then develop the re

6、st over time.”,“Paradoxically,team skills are not a way that consultants distinguish themselves.Almost everyone we hire has excellent team skills based on where and how we recruit.”,“Over time,there is no substitute for the ability to quickly crack a tough business problem/analysis and design/execut

7、e an efficient path for gathering the data to back it up.This is what we do day in and day out.It creates client success stories and smooth team operations.”,Successful Consultants:Bain VPs Perspectives,7,Great Consultant,1.2.5 台湾地区的认证要求,台湾“标准检验局”(BSMI)为了岛内电子、电机产品的电磁辐射干扰,于1995年5月公布商品电磁兼容性管理办法并于1996年

8、7月正式公告自1997年1月1日起管制复印机等产品的电磁兼容性能之后陆续管制信息周边产品、家电与广播音响产品。而“标准检验局”也依据CISPR与IEC的EMC标准,逐渐修订岛内相应标准CNS,例如CNS13438就是信息类产品的标准。岛内申请厂商其产品符合了EMC要求后,便可以依检验单位提供的产品电磁兼容型式试验报告正本一份(含外观及内部结构照片)并加附下列资料:中文使用手册及规格,登录号码(ID)标示位置及式样说明,电路方框图,对策元件及干扰源一览表。再填具申请书后,向所在地检验机构申请,由检验机构核发检磁号码证书。,8,Great Consultant,1.2.4 新西兰与澳大利亚的认证要

9、求,新西兰与澳大利亚的电磁兼容管理主要是依据1992年公告的无线电波法(Radio Communication Act)。该法于1996年1月1日生效,并于1997年1月1日起强制实施。对信息技术设备产品需符合AS/NZS 3548电磁辐射干扰规定。澳洲在EMC方面管制的架构与欧盟CE-Marking大致雷同,均采用自我认证的方式。依产品标准执行且通过测试后,签署一自我宣告书(DOC)即可。所不同的是宣告书必须由澳洲境内的进口商、供货商或制造商签署宣告。另澳洲政府还要求每一澳洲本地的供货商或进口商必须向其执行单位ACA(Australian Communications Authority)登

10、录。按规定做成C-Tick标记,贴于产品适当位置。,9,Great Consultant,“Unsuccessful consultants.,are arrogant and unreceptive to feedback.They stop three-quarters of the way through the analysis because they are confident its right and dont convince skeptical clients to change.”,do not become expert in the functional or ind

11、ustry area they are working in.The clients question their value-added-often from their first interaction.”,do not get out in front of their managers.They are executing another persons to dos rather than designing their own path.They dont live up to,let alone exceed,expectations.Their lifestyle is to

12、tally reactive.And their morale is understandably low.”,treat the Bain job as an extension of school.Like courses and professors,cases and team leaders are good or bad.Case work is an assignment,not a personal mission.Also,they think in terms of us/them rather than joining the team and pulling for t

13、he joint cause.As a result,they do not add as much value as they think they do,or theyre capable of,and they are tiresome to manage.”,Unsuccessful Consultants:Bain VPs Perspectives,10,Great Consultant,Key success factorsThe function of expectations in predicting consultant successManaging expectatio

14、ns for new consultantsEvolving expectations for experienced consultantsKey takeaways,Agenda,11,Great Consultant,When you start working,you hear different things about Bain and what others expect of you.,“You sign up.Then,they tell you what you are really up to.”“Get on a good case.Work for a good ma

15、nager/mentor.”“If you are not involved in recruiting,thats a bad sign.”“The first year you will probably do spreadsheets,spreadsheets,spreadsheets.”“A great analyst can get away with lousy team scores.”“Make a good impression on the VPs you are working with.Thats all that counts.”,This module aims t

16、o tell you what you really can expect and what is expected of you.,Start-Up Expectations,12,Great Consultant,Consultant expectations and roles are grounded in the Bain mission.,Bain&Companys mission is to help our clients create such high levels of economic value that together we set new standards o

17、f excellence in our respective industries.This mission demands,Mission Statement,We believe that accomplishing our mission will redefine the management consulting business,and will provide new levels of rewards for our clients and for our organization.,The Bain vision of the most productive client r

18、elationship and single-minded dedication to achieving it with each clientThe Bain community of extraordinary teamsThe Bain approach to creating value,based on a sharp competitive and customer focus,the most effective analytic techniques,and our process for collaboration with the client,Mission and E

19、xpectations,13,Great Consultant,The Bain vision of client relationships is realized by delivering results,not reports.Your role as a consultant is a function of Bains vision for each client relationship.,Relationship to Client,Value Added Results,“Fee-for-service Adviser”(Billing hours of advice),“D

20、edicated Partner”(Selling profits at a discount),“Profit Participator”(Buying profits at a bargain),“Empowered Entrepreneur”(Taking full ownership position),Consultant role:,Independent and objectiveIndustry expertsServe a client for a fee,Strong alignment with dedication to clients destinyExperts o

21、n the clients industry and key strategic challengesLong-term relationshipsValue-sharing whenever possible,Controlling role towards client managementExclusivity,no conflict of interestFocus on results,Active dedication to success by full risk sharingEntrepreneurial role based on experience in“results

22、 through strategy”,Client Relationships and Consultant Role,14,Great Consultant,The Bain mission and vision can be translated into concrete expectations for a new consultant.Your ultimate success will rest upon your ability to meet these expectations.,What will make youa great consultant at Bain?,Va

23、lue Addition,Client Relationships,Communication,ExtraordinaryTeams,Expectations are integrated into a business system(recruiting,training,professional development,performance management)Expectations are linked with market positioning and Bain brand(“results through strategy”),Success Factors and Exp

24、ectations,15,Great Consultant,What do we expect from you as a new consultant in the area of value addition?,Identify the action/answer that willlead to client value,Pyramid the problem,Plan the work,Execute the work,Interpretthe analysis,Identify key issues of workstream,Help to formulate specific h

25、ypotheseslogicalmutually exclusive/collectively exhaustive(MECE),Develop blank slidesDesign analysis to complete the slidesDesign templates to gather dataIdentify checkpointsDevelop a timeline,Gather representative,primary data in the most efficient wayPerform zero defect analysisAvoid crunches,Real

26、ity checkAnticipate client reactionDeliver expected results,Baseline:,Oversee interdependencies with whole caseHelp structure the“big picture”,Create a completely MECE pyramid of the clients problemmotivate the client to take action,orprove the answerGet to the heart of the matter quickly,Build up r

27、ealistic HIT-based planning and Answer-First consistently,Master most complex analytical toolkitCoach other team members,Develop breakthrough insights and significant tangible results on your specific module,Distinguishing:,Expectations:Value Addition,16,Great Consultant,What do we expect from you a

28、s a new consultant in the area of client relationships?,Evaluate clientneeds,Manage clientsituation,Buildrelationship,Generateimpact,Sensitive to client needs,constraints,and culture,Conduct professional and controlled interactionsAlways run well-prepared meetings,Viewed as expert by client,Work wit

29、h client on relevant issuesHelp to support change in individual interactions,Baseline:,Cultivate acute awareness of others attitudes and values,Follow up all client commitments,Build personal relationship based on outstanding expertise and empathy with client,Turnaround client team members into real

30、 change agents and“Bain friends”,Distinguishing:,Expectations:Client Relationships,17,Great Consultant,What do we expect from you as a new consultant in the area of communication?,Interact parallelwith client,Develop apresentation,Present,Ensure consensus,follow up,and action,Leave a trail,Adopt a c

31、andid and precise communication style,Help to create a well-structured,logical presentationGenerate flawless,succinct“Bain standard”slides,Rehearse sufficientlyPrewire assigned client employeesPresent own work with flawless execution,Note key client questions and observations in meetings and present

32、ations,Provide back-upFile,Baseline:,Use communication to convince and motivate clients to take desired action,Independently prepare a“crisp”presentationcompelling storylinehigh impact slides,Be proficient and convincing in larger,formal presentations,Guarantee achievement of desired results,Make ex

33、cellent BRAVA and practice area contributions,Distinguishing:,Expectations:Communication,18,Great Consultant,What do we expect from you as a new consultant in the area of extraordinary teams?,Self,Team,Office,Be receptive to feedbackSustain commitment to Bain,Be a true team player 100%of timeContrib

34、ute positively to morale,Manager(upward),Be reliableBe supportive,Act as an accepted and responsible member of office communityDemonstrate professional behavior to all administrative staff,Systematically solicit and use feedback from others to improve own performance,Successfully motivate and integr

35、ate other new consultants into team,Leverage managers time and value added,Manage proactive contribution to overall office moraleNetworkEarn respectEngage in informal office activities,Baseline:,Distinguishing:,Expectations:Extraordinary Teams,19,Great Consultant,According to VPs,successful consulta

36、nts do not ignore the basics.,You can never overdo prewiresSend faxes well in advance of teleconferencesnumber your pagesOnly produce slides after the story or executive summary is writtenin the best presentations,taglines correspond to the executive summary verbatimproducing slides and then trying

37、to make a story out of them is the single greatest cause of yield loss at BainCreate fewer,better slidesreduce rework-create“client ready”slides for the first timeuse graphics technology to leverage your work,not expand ituse fewer words,bigger textDevelop a bias for fact-based slides-avoid stopligh

38、t charts or subjective word slideslabel appropriatelyinclude sourcesRehearse presentations sufficiently to make adequate eye contact with the audiencedont read slides to people who can read slides for themselvesslides support the story and are no substitute for real-time commentaryStart with the end

39、 in mindif the end product is a board presentation,blank out a board presentation-dont try to start with a management level presentation and convert it,Tips from VPs,20,Great Consultant,Key success factorsThe function of expectations in predicting consultant successManaging expectations for new cons

40、ultantsEvolving expectations for experienced consultantsKey takeaways,Agenda,21,Great Consultant,Expectations evolve for an experienced consultant.Great consultants are“caseteam leaders and managers-in-training.”,Evolving Expectations,22,Great Consultant,State-of-the-art problem-solving know-how and

41、 client process skills,Over time in a consultants career,basic values remain the same but differ in emphasis.,Junior consulting staff,Senior consulting staff,Time Allocation,Analysis/problem-solving,Caseteam/clientmanagement,Sales/marketing,Know-how creationand experience sharing,Role:,Key success f

42、actors:,Top analyst/problem solver,Change agent,Leadership in effecting change(process skills),“Performance Partner”for top management,Sales/marketing,product development,Role Development,23,Great Consultant,Expectations about your role will increase in line with your broadening skill levels.,Value

43、addition,Client relationships,Communication,Extraordinaryteams,Focus on assigned workstreamBecome expert in certain tools,functions,tasksFocus on big pictureGather and share expertise in major relevant business/industry issues,Establish relationship with specific client team membersBecome a respecte

44、d project team memberEstablish long-term relationships with key client decision makersEarn personal respect beyond mere project/business issues,Communicate proactively and professionallyCreate well-prepared parts of presentationsUse communication skills consciously and systematically to motivate oth

45、ers to take actionCreate and supervise the creation of complete presentations that convince the client,Be a great team playerEngage in informal office activitiesHelp others to integrate smoothly into the teamActively contribute to office/firm development-manage a major activity(recruiting,training,e

46、tc.),Junior,Senior,Expectation and Skill Development,24,Great Consultant,No matter what path you may eventually take,there is significant overlap between Bain and career key success factors.,Bain,Career,Build a personal track record of value addition,Bullets on your resume,Develop a list of team mem

47、bers and clients who like and respect you,Personal network,Bain&Beyond,25,Great Consultant,Key success factorsThe function of expectations in predicting consultant successManaging expectations for new consultantsEvolving expectations for experienced consultantsKey takeaways,Agenda,26,Great Consultan

48、t,Great consultants.,execute on more than good analysisdevelop excellent interpersonal and people management skillsself-assess for areas of potential growthuse feedback to achieve full potential,proactively manage caseteam work,managers,and clients,are aware of career milestones and their shifting r

49、oles,and actively manage transitions,capitalize on opportunities to go beyond baseline performance to achieve distinguishing results in value addition,client relationships,communication,and extraordinary teams,integrate caseteam work and firm asset-building into personal and professional aspirations,Takeaways,


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