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1、,Unit 7How much are these pants?,contents analysis 教材分析 students analysis学情分析 aim analysis 目标 points and difficulties analysis重难点分析 teaching method analysis 教法分析 teaching tools and blackboard design 教具及板书 teaching procedures analysis教学过程分析,教材分析 本课选自人教版新课标英语七年级上册的七单元。本课涉及的主要内容是如何问答物品价钱以及如何描述物品的颜色大小等特

2、征,与学生的日常生活息息相关,学习本课,有助于让英语融入学生的生活交际一点一滴,让学生能够在生活中也感受到英语的存在。可以让学生逐步感受到英语与中文的区别,并爱上英语的学习。,学情分析 经过前几个单元的学习,学生已经有了一定的英语语言基础,能够听懂一些简单的对话,并且能够应用已学过的单词,句型自行编制对话,进行英语交流。介于之前学生已经对英语学习有了兴趣,在本课的学习中,教师可以比较轻松地进行教学活动。,教学目标 知识目标:学生能够掌握how much?句型,对颜色等形容词能够熟记。能够听懂关于这些问题的听力材料。技能目标:通过本课的学习,学生可以熟练应用how much 句型进行对话,并能够

3、很好地用学过的形容词把想要描述的物品明确表达出来。情感目标:希望学生在学完本课知识后,能够对英语产生更大的兴趣,能够在生活中应用英语,增强英语学习的动力,并能够一直保持下去。,重难点分析 重点:how much be+subject?句型 表颜色的形容词(black,white,red,green,blue,yellow)难点:购物用语(how much is it?here you are.I will take it.What color do you want?等?,教法分析 reflecting:在课程导入与课程结束时将结合上一单元以及这一课的学习进行导入与巩固。task-based

4、teaching method:在本课的讲说过程中,我将设计多个任务有学生完成,让学生自主参与到学习过程中来。,教具及板书 教具:一些食物,衣物的简笔画卡片(苹果。梨,橘子,葡萄,香蕉,鱼,猪肉,蔬菜,袜子,裙子,裤子)板书:黑板左半部分为本课主要单词及用法,中间部分为重点句型难点等,右半部分主要为辅助型用途,用于写一些学生不懂得单词,或画一些简笔画等。,teaching procedures 课程讲解 Step1 Lead-in(5mins)拿出准备好的卡片,让学生识别,并说出表示该物品的单词,拼写出来。e.g.T:hello,everybody,last time we have lear

5、nt something about food and clothing,do you still remember the words we have learned?(show the cards to students)并问道whats this in English?Ss:Its an apple.T:can you spell it?Ss:A-P-P-L-E.所有卡片展示完后,教师问:where can we buy all these things?导出supermarket.将学生引导到物品的价格与特征等主题上。,设计理念:对前一课进行复习,让学生能够回忆起之前学习过的知识,同时

6、一步一步将学生带入新要学习的内容。这样能够让学生在不知不觉中就被带到新单元。step2 Interaction(5mins)after the introduction of the supermarket,let the students discuss the following questions:1.what else can you find in the supermarket?2.when you want to buy something,which aspect of the products you pay most attention to?the teacher sho

7、uld write down the objects that the students said in this step.This can be used later in step4.设计理念:激起学生的兴趣,并为之后的环节打下基础。让学生自我想象在一个supermarket里,将他们带入到那个情景中。,Step 3 learn the new words(10mins)本课主要单词为一些表颜色的形容词,因此,在这一步中我将采取歌曲教授法学习新单词(the color song)设计理念:传统的单词学习可能使学生在一开始可能就不喜欢英语学习,通过歌曲,既可以让学生学的有趣,也能很好的让他

8、们在课堂上就记住这些新单词。,Step 4 learn the new sentence structure(10mins)In this step we will learn the new sentence structure.I will let the students use the object they have mentioned in the step 2 to make free conversation.e.g.A:Lucy,is this your new skirt?B:yes,my mother bought it for me last week.A:oh,it

9、is very beautiful.how much is it?B:its very cheap.only$15.设计理念:让学生在交际中熟练应用新学习的句型,能够增加他们的主动性,让他们更加积极地加入班级活动中来,并培养他们的合作意识与能力。,Step 5 role play(8mins)one student act as the salesgirl or sales boy,another act as the customer.A:hello.What can I do for you?B:I want to buy a dress.A:how about this one.its

10、yellow and its not very expensive.B:I dont like yellow.I like green.How much is the green one?A:Its 设计理念:通过情景制造让学生身临其境,在真实情景中巩固所学的单词和句型。,Step 6 Homework(2mins)pair work:when the student go back home,ask their parents the price of the objects in their homes and describe them in English.Every one must describe one object in the next class.设计理念:利用学生家中的实物,让他们在家中也能感受到英语的存在,发现生活中的英语,反复巩固一天学到的知识。,Thank you for listening,


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