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1、GRE阅读解题关键点介绍 解答GRE阅读理解题目的关键点是什么呢?很多考生在GRE阅读考试中不能很好的把握阅读考察的侧重点,以至于在阅读部分拿不到高分,那么GRE考试中阅读的关键点有哪些呢?下面就和大家分享GRE阅读解题3大关键点介绍,来欣赏一下吧。GRE阅读解题3大关键点介绍 把握要点顺利做难题GRE考试中,GRE阅读理解需要把握以下这3个关键点,这样才能算是读懂了一篇*,如果弄不懂这3个方面的内容,也无法选出答案。(1) 整体理解General Understanding:主要是解决两个问题:A. *主旨观点Main Idea or PointB. 逻辑论述展开Logical Develo

2、pment or Organization(2) 细节理解Specific Understanding:主要是解决两个问题:A. 特定细节信息Specific DetailsB. 逻辑细节信息Logical Details(细节中最为重要的东西,也是最需要我们在读*时思考和掌握的细节)(3) 内容评估Evaluating:主要是解决三个问题:A. 暗示推理ImplicationB. 信息应用Further applicationC. 论调态度Tone / attitude如何GRE考试中最害怕的文学评论类长阅读GREVerbal中最具杀伤力的题目是什么?绝大部分同学脑海中会浮现出三个字:长阅读

3、。长阅读以长达四五百字的篇幅,加上后面的四道题,对大部分同学来说是噩梦般的存在。一般课下同学们鼓起勇气读了一篇长*,经常效果就是,花了半小时终于读完做完题(而半小时其实是整个Verbal section 20道题的考试时间),然后发现能做对2道就谢天谢地了。而如果长*的题材是文学评论,天,那简直雪上加霜据统计,中国同学最害怕的*题材就是文学评论类(紧跟着的大概是天文和美国历史)。GRE填空题的基本特征有哪些基本特征01 题目数量一个Verbal的section中总量有20题,其中填空占到10道,其余的10道题目是Reading Comprehension(阅读理解)。02 题目形式Text C

4、ompletion中可以根据空格数量分成:单空题,双空题即三空题。其中单空题有五个选项,选择一个正确答案;双空题和三空题均是每空三个选项,选择一个正确答案。举例如下:单空题Early studies often concluded that the public was _ the propagandistic influence of mass communications, but one recent study indicates that, on the contrary, mass communications seldom produce marked changes in so

5、cial attitudes or actions.(A) unaware of(B) scornful of(C) susceptible to(D) unimpressed by(E) coping with(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第58页第3题)双空题The figure-skating pairs convincing victory last week was particularly (i)_ to their rivals who were in peak form and complained pri

6、vately about the judging. That the pair won when their rivals were (ii)_ too is also impressive.Blank(i) Blank(ii)(A) unsurprising (D) terrific(B) irksome (E) nervous(C) gratifying (F) inconsistent(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第58页第4题)三空题The companys efforts to improve safety we

7、re apparently (i)_, at least according to the companys own data, which showed that the (ii)_ incidents with the potential to cause a serious accident declined significantly. Nevertheless, independent analysts argue that those statistics are (iii)_. These analysts maintain that the company has consis

8、tently underestimated both the probability and the likely effects of accidents in the sensitive and poorly understood environment in which the company is operating.Blank(ii) Blank(ii) Blank(iii)(A) innovative (D) frequency of (G) deceptive(B) successful (E) impediments to (H) testable(C) frustrated

9、(F) attention to (I) consistent(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第59页第7题)Sentence Equivalence题目有一个空格,选项有留个,要求从其中选择出两个使句子语义最终一致,或者说选出两个广义同义的选项。举例如下:Parkins characterization of the movement as Neo-Scholastic is too _ to be accepted without further investigation.(A) cursory(B) detailed(C) perfunctory(D) biased(E) self-evident(F) complete(参见Official GRE VERBAL REASONING Practice Questions第86页第5题)英语阅读


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