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1、,格莱美奖简介 Grammy Music Awards(GRAMMY AWARDS)is an annual music awards event held by The National Academy kdmi of Recording Arts&Sciencein United States.Grammy Awards is hailed as“the music industry Oscar sk”.,格莱美音乐大奖(GRAMMY AWARDS)是美国国家录音与科学学会(The National Academy of Recording Arts Science)举行的一个年度大型音乐

2、评奖活动。格莱美奖被誉为“音乐界奥斯卡”。,“Grammy”is the variation homonym hmnim of“Gramophone”(留声机).,It has 50 years history so far.Its Music Awards trophy trufi was shaped as an old-fashioned phonograph.,“格莱美”是英文Gramophone(留声机)的变异谐音。它迄今已有50多年历史,其奖杯形状如一架老式的留声机。,In 1957,Los Angeles,a group of musicians and record compa

3、ny executives advocated the establishment of a institution of the art and science of music products,and through this organization to encourage talented musicians,singers and music producers behind the staff.Thus was born the National Academy of Recording Arts and Sciences Institute(referred to as th

4、e Recording Academy)and named Grammy Music Awards.,1957年,美国洛杉矶一批音乐人和唱片公司管理人员倡议成立一个代表音乐制品艺术和科学的机构,并通过这个机构鼓励有才华的音乐家、歌手及幕后音乐制作人员。美国国家录音艺术与科学学会(简称录音学会)及名为格莱美的音乐奖因此诞生。,英国最具突破艺人(British Breakthrough Act)Ben howard最佳英国女歌手(British Female)Emeli Sande英国最佳乐队(British Group)Mumford&Sons英国最佳现场音乐人(British Live Act

5、)Coldplay最佳英国男歌手(British Male)Ben Howard全球艺人大奖(Global Success)One Direction最佳英国单曲(British Single)AdeleSkyfall最佳英国制作人(British Producer)Paul Epworth国际最佳女艺人(International Female)Lana Del Rey国际最佳组合(International Group)The Black Keys国际最佳男艺人(International Male)Frank Ocean英国最佳专辑(British Album)Emeli SandeOu

6、r Version of Events杰出贡献奖(Special Prize)War Child乐评人选择奖(Critics Choice)Tom Odell3,Grammy of this year,Adele was no doubt a victory,by virtue of the album,21 and single Rolling In The Deep”,she hit six nominations.She won six trophies including the Best Album,Best Producer,Best Single,Best Pop Album,B

7、est Pop Artist and Best Short Film the MV,successfully reached Grand Slam.,Adele(阿黛尔)无悬念大获全胜,凭借专辑21和单曲Rolling In The Deep六项提名全部命中。分别拿下了“最佳专辑”、“最佳制作”、“最佳单曲”、“最佳流行专辑”、“最佳流行歌手”、“最佳短片MV”六座奖杯,顺利达成“全满贯”。,This is the host of 2013 Gammy LL Cool!,February 10,2013,Taylor Swift performed on the awards ceremony

8、 at the 55th Grammy Awards in Los Angeles.,2013年2月10日,泰勒斯威夫特(Taylor Swift)在洛杉矶第55届格莱美奖颁奖典礼上表演。,DJ Al Walser who was nominated as the”Best Dance Recording Award“saluted to the photographers with a spacesuit while the singer Olga Levitt stoped to see him.,获得最佳舞曲录制奖提名的DJ阿尔瓦尔泽(Al Walser)穿着航天服向摄影记者敬礼,歌手奥

9、嘉列维特(Olga Levit)驻足观看。,Singer Gotve won the“best pop duet“and the“Performance Award”with his girlfriend Kimbra,he also won the“Best Alternative Music Album Award”.,歌手戈季耶与女歌手金布拉获得最佳流行对唱/组合表演奖,还拿下了最佳另类音乐专辑奖。,格莱美传奇人物 Grammy legend 迈克尔杰克逊 Michael Jackson,迈克尔杰克逊 迈克尔杰克逊分别在22届、26届、27届、28届、32届、35届、52届获得14次格莱

10、美音乐大奖,迈克尔杰克逊在1983年格莱美一举夺得8项格莱美奖。这是历史单届个人得奖最多的。Michael Jackson won Grammy Awards 14 times in the 22nd,26th,27th,28th,35th and 52nd session.Michael Jackson won eight Grammy Awards at the 1983 Grammy.This is the most personal history of a single session of winning.,22岁的迈克尔杰克逊收获了个人的第一座格莱美奖,Chinese and G

11、rammy,华人与格莱美,萧亚轩 Elva:第53界格莱美奖,萧亚轩应奥斯卡影帝及 格莱美得主吉米福克斯之邀走上红毯,Elva was invited by the Oscar winner and Grammy winner Jimmy Fox onto the red carpet on the 53th Grammy Awards.,张靓颖:第53界格莱美奖,张靓颖再度携手喜多郎走上红毯,这是华人歌手唯一一位连续两年亮相格莱美。,Jane Zhang:Jane Zhang walked together with Kitaro again onto the red carpet at the 53rd Grammy Awards.This is the only Chinese singer who showed up for consecutive years in the Grammy.,The Grammy Awards,Thank you!,


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