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1、Media trainingABC Systems,Welcome,Media training ABC Systems,Introduction,Training outline,PR and media relationshipKey message development(with 2 exercises&evaluation)BreakThe media industry Bad pressLunchControlling the mediaRole reversal(exercise and evaluation)BreakTelephone&TV interview techniq

2、uesScenario-press conference(exercise and evaluation)Q&As and wrap-up,Why take media training?,In your role,you are likely to be interviewed by the media because:You have specific news to impart Typically you contact themYou are a known expert in your field Typically they contact youYou have been ca

3、lled on to make a statement-eg in a crisis Contact may be both waysThe common denominator is NEWS!,Media training ABC Systems,PR/media relations,What is PR?,Its all about“Reputation Management”.Control the publicsRespond to the publicsAchieve mutual beneficial relationships among all publics,PR:A Gr

4、aphic Definition,PR practitioner,Organisation,Publics,consequences,Communication,Communication,Media Relations,Crucial to PRIt may help,impede or even destroy your PRReflect,lead public opinions;influence decision-makers.Especially important in ChinaTight government control over the mediaPeople beli

5、eve what they see and read in the media,PR:a strategic role to play,Counsellor to senior management Influence decision-making An independent functionSpokesperson/gatekeeper/image-builderCrisis management,Good&Bad PR-case study,Microsoft:always the centre of public attentionVenus Plan-flare nationali

6、sm Co-operation with MII-win trust from government and local counterpartsMckinsey:a bad story that shouldnt have happened Never ever get close to the troubled waterBe careful with the media tricks,Media training ABC Systems,Key messagedevelopment,Key messages and soundbites,Before you meet the media

7、Ask yourself if you are the right personRead your corporate FAQsBrush up on your key messagesYou should have 3/4 to use at all timesThey should be positive and tailored to your audienceRemind yourself what to leave out,Key messages and soundbites,“One small step for a man,one giant leap for mankind”

8、Soundbites underscore key messagesUse the 5Cs-Make them Clear,Concise,Conversational,Catchy,ColourfulBe brief(10 seconds-30 words or less)Use them wherever possible,in interviews,presentations and quotes,Soundbites:good examples,Technology connecting peopleLets make things better!Just do it!We bring

9、 good things to lifeHow business becomes e-business,Key messages and soundbites,History,Competition,Technology,Market dynamics,Management team,Future trends,Social trends,Product/business,Key messages and soundbites,Market analyst/consultant,Financial analyst,Business/trade press,JournalistNews-prod

10、uct&technologyFeaturesPricingEvaluation copiesThird-party analysisMajor contracts/alliances,ConsultantIn-depth technical/company informationSenior managementStrategies/trendsEvaluate,interpret,AnalystFinancial statusManagement,product,distribution strategiesBusiness market trendsCompetitive profileC

11、EO,CFO,executive management,Key messages development for BEA-exercise,Directions to follow:Corporate positioning:What kind of company?Core competence of BEA technology/productsCore values of your company culture&management teamStrategy for China market,Media trainingABC Systems,Exercise,Media traini

12、ngABC Systems,The media industry,The power of the press,Media coverage can make or break people and companiesGood relationships with the media are crucial-they will be more sympathetic in a crisisEditorial is far more credible than advertising-and its free,How many newspapers in China?,A)1,000+B)500

13、+C)2,000+,Quiz 1,Chinese media,National and regional publications2,000+newspapers8,000+magazines3,000+TV stations1,700+radio stationsConcentrates in Beijing-80%national publications and most IT publicationsSmaller numbers in Shanghai,Guangzhou and ChengduTrends:convergence large publication groups,C

14、hinese media,Leading publications in Beijing北京青年报北京晚报北京日报北京晨报精品购物指南京华时报经济观察报北京娱乐信报,Leading publications in Shanghai新民晚报新闻报文汇报解放日报申江服务导报上海一周上海英文星报,Chinese media,Leading publications in Guangzhou广州日报羊城晚报南方日报南方周末南方都市报新快报信息时报粤港信息日报21世纪经济报导,Leading publications in Chengdu四川日报华西都市报成都商报成都日报成都晚报天府早报四川青年报,Ch

15、inese media,Most business publications have IT pages or IT supplementsPrefer press conference or interviews to simple press release distribution Highly competitive because of increasing numbersThe only way to survive:advertisement In favor of large enterprises,ABC Systems target publications,IT 计算机世

16、界中国计算机报每周电脑报网络世界互联网周刊计算机产品与流通软件世界电脑商情报计算机与网络信息系统工程微电脑世界,General/trade通信世界通信产业报人民邮电中国电子报金融时报中国财经报中国证券报科技日报经济日报信息产业报,Information management,Big differences among different types of mediaNewspaperMagazineRadioTVInternet/online,Information management,NewspaperTight deadlinesTiming issueSingle news angle

17、/topicsMagazineLonger publishing cycleIn-depth reporting and trends-focusedMore professional with rich data and related information,Information management,TV/radioTiming and news value-orientedVisual/audio effectsEmphasis interviewees tone of voice and appearanceSuccinct and pointedSmile and pause i

18、n answering longer and tough questionsPay attention to your points of view,posture and body language,Information management,Internet/onlineBroad sources of informationSpecial columnFast disseminationChat room,personal website.,Government policy,General issues.Lack of free pressHighly regulatedfront

19、pageoffice openingcomment on government policy,.ResultNews definition differs from the WestDo not walk on the line,Which publication is the biggest ad winner in IT industry?,A)China ComputerworldB)China InfoworldC)Popular Computer NewsD)eWeek,Quiz 2,The role of advertising,General issues.Compete for

20、 ad50%advertising revenue to CCW25%to CIW25%to the rest 60+Same fierce competition among other trade publications like telecom,finance and aviation,.ResultNo ad,no newsLack of courage to challenge large firms(advertisers),Chinese IT press,Have industry knowledgeFocus on technology,trends and marketF

21、ollow close to international standardIn-depth reportingLack of journalism experienceLove big namesRely on overseas news,Chinese business press,Technology-shyNot interested in too technical materials Emphasise investment to China Love big names(companies or celebrities)Prefer local news,Chinese repor

22、ter,General issues.Lack of initiative,being improved step by stepFollow technology trends from abroadLove#1s#1 in industry#1 in companyLow payNot interested in Asia,.ResultVendor provide newsMuch reliance on overseas copy Need to be fed with news angles Favor in large enterprises and shinning starsR

23、ed-package(travel allowance),Chinese IT reporter,General issues.Younger,energeticTechnology savvyLack of journalism trainingReporter jump boat frequentlyValue opportunity to see the world,.ResultDifficult to build friendship Reporter loyal to companies that pay for overseas visit,Maximising coverage

24、,Produce good storiesMeet publications needs and follow technology trendsAvoid overseas wins,awardsLook for a local news angleLeverage press conferenceEstablish and maintain good media relationship Executives not good judgesSeek specialist advice,Others things to watch out,All information give ways

25、to political eventsEarly deadline:1-2 weeks for weekly,2 months for monthlyLong holiday season during Chinese New Year-close for 2-4 weeks,Media trainingABC Systems,How to avoidbad press,Why companies attract bad press,Most bad press stems from a crisisExxon Valdez-largest oil spill in US watersMana

26、gement did not communicate clearly,appeared unconcernedChallenger disasterNASA refused to talk to reporters for 5 hrs;in the vacuum reporters found contradictory“sources”,Bad press,Bad press can:Cost your company millions in lost businessIrretrievably damage its/your reputationCost you your job,How

27、to avoid bad press,Employ damage limitation proceduresKeep abreast of the newsKeep in touch with the mediaAnswer them quickly and efficientlyYour reputation may depend on it,How to avoid bad press,Are you the correct spokesperson?Do not speak to the media if you are notDo not speculateDo not provide

28、 information“in confidence”Avoid nervous or furtive body languageDont fall for the“silent”technique,How to avoid bad press,Ask for the questions in advanceFax them back to avoid misquotesDont try to answer questions if you dont know the answerNever say“No comment”-it implies guilt,Crisis communicati

29、ons,Planning makes perfectPrepare a contingency planAnticipate sources of troubleConsider your responsesPrepare bottom-drawer statementsAdmit mistakes and do not lieAssign one spokesmanSpeak frankly and honestly,provide exhaustive detail on measures being taken,Turn a crisis into good PR,Johnson&Joh

30、nson-“polluted capsule”quick response to the media/consumers in an honest wayRegain reputation as well as market share,Media trainingABC Systems,Controlling the media,Different situation,Fact-to-face interviewsPrint-more time,easier to controlTV-short,get messages across quicklyTelephone interviewsS

31、hort but can be disconcertingPress conferencesMore people,harder to control,The interview relationship,Your objectives are differentHe wants a good storyYou want to“sell”your company/productBe friendly but not too familiarResponsive,cautiousBe open and honestAim for a mutually rewarding exchange,The

32、 interviewers role,Journalist is neutralDont mistake scepticism for hostilityLooking for a story angleInterest in you and your company is limitedDont assume the reporter is well preparedBe ready to help,Goal is to create a positive impressionStick to the factsUse figures and examplesStructure respon

33、sesAvoid technical jargonDont get sidetrackedDont give a sales pitchDont make inflated claims,The interviewees role,Preparing for an interview,Prepare wellAssemble available informationFamiliarise yourself with itCheck on questions to expectHand over background materialHold the interview in your off

34、icePsychological advantage,Interviewee techniques,Ask for questions in advanceBut dont insistFaxed answers can reduce being misquotedPrepare your messages in advanceAt the outset,agree on topics to cover“Were here to talk about.”Then stick to themYou dont have to answer every questionSay“Ill get bac

35、k to you on that”,Interviewee techniques,Take the initiativeMake an introductory statementFollow up on questions you cant answerTry to get information before reporter leavesFax or send information ASAPBe relaxed but alertNever say things“Off the record”All journalists are newsmen at heartBe prepared

36、 to fend off difficult questions,Interviewee techniques,Bridging“Thats an interesting question but if I could just reiterate what I said earlier.“However.“The real issue is.“Or another way to look at it is.”“Let me put that into perspective.”“However,our research shows.”Thats one way to look at it.”

37、“What most of our clients find.“,Interviewee techniques,Flagging“The main point to remember is.“The most important thing we have talked about is.“Nod and emphasise with body languageCompound questions“There have been 50 fatalities in the past month.What is the transport dept going to do about safety

38、?”Decouple and answer separately,Interviewee techniques,Dont let a reporter put words in your mouth Q.“So what you are saying is that the programme is a failure.”A.“Im saying that while some things have gone wrong,overall we are pleased with results”,Interviewee techniques,Coping with“silence”Silenc

39、e is uncomfortableReporters use this to trick you into further commentParticularly in phone and TV interviewsThe reporter is the one who has to keepthe interview goingStop when you have answered the question,What NOT to Say,Anything against company policyNothing negative about your companyNothing ab

40、out your competitorsLittle about customersNothing outside agreed topicNo unsupported statementsNever“No comment”No lies,Interviewer techniques,Fake hostility/charmTelephone trickssilence/noisesInviting agreement“Im sure you agree that.“Awkward questionsAsk them to rephraseNothing is“off the record”,

41、Concluding the interview,45-60 minutes should be enoughInterviewer will end it when he has enough informationInterviewee can end it if you have said all you wish to sayAsk if the journalist has enoughMention another appointmentA closed notepad/tape recorder switched off doesnt mean the interview is

42、over,Media trainingABC Systems,ExerciseRole reversal,Media trainingABC Systems,Telephone&televisioninterview techniques,Telephone interviews,UnexpectedUse delaying tacticsSay you are in a meeting/on another callDont be pressured by“deadlines”Persuade journalists to come for face-to-face,but dont ins

43、ist if he/she resistsGet the reporters details and ask for questions Call back asap with prepared answers or fax/email back answers,Telephone interviews,ArrangedSpeak clearly,preciselyIf unclear of question,ask journalist to repeat or clarifyWatch out for the“silent”techniqueDont be put off by stran

44、ge noises,Television interviews,Live-to-airGet it right-what you say is what goes outLive-to-tapeRecorded“live”for playback laterPrerecordedQuestions can be rephrasedMistakes can be corrected“Noddies”and cutaways,Television tips,Be preparedQuestions may change on-the-flyRehearse key messagesMaster s

45、oundbites-these are criticalAverage in a news story is 7 secondsAsk what the first question will beUse facial expressions,nods to reinforce the validity of your messageYes and No-too short,but dont ramble,Television tips,Try to remember:Openness:“I am happy to talk to you”Concern:“I really care”Auth

46、ority:“I know what I am talking aboutTry to deliver your messages with:Energy,enthusiasm,animation,Dressing for television,Dress simply and elegantlyViewers will be distracted by:gaudy jewellery,frilly,fussy clothing,wild,colourful patternsNo stripes-they cause strobingChoose pastels,white,grey or b

47、lackTV can add 10lbs to your frame-dark is goodSit on jacket tail to avoid bunchingEnsure ties are comfortableSocks-long and darker than trousers,Dressing for television,HairKeep off the face-can cast shadowsDont play or fiddle with it-shows nervousnessMakeupUse powder to flatten shiny spotsTake it

48、with you-dont be embarrassed!,Body language for television,Maintain eye contactOtherwise you look shifty or unsureSit forwardDont lean back or put your hands behind your head-you appear arrogant or cavalierBe relaxedThe more stiff you are,the more anxious you look,with something to hideSmile appropr

49、iately,use gestures to show energy and animation,Media trainingABC Systems,Pressconferences,Press conferences,Do you really need one?Visiting overseas executivesComplex subjects requiring demoSenior executives presentKeep it simpleEnd with a Q&A sessionBut dont expect too muchMini-interviews after m

50、ain event,Presentation technique,Do not present topics with which you are uncomfortableeg if the presentation is technical,make sure that you have the right background to give itKeep presentations short and to the pointDo not use acronyms and arcane language unless you explainKeep visual aids clean


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